How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 146 Frozen Beauty

Chapter 146 Frozen Beauty

Chen Xiangling murmured, the light in his eyes gradually brightened.

At this moment, she seemed to understand what she wanted, it was this kind of incomprehensible feeling!

"Ayan, how did you do it?"

Chen Xiangling sat down, looked at the "woman" in front of him who was not much different from him, and asked urgently.

Murong Jingyan didn't answer, but put her left leg on her right leg, looked sideways and said in a slight tone:
"Miss Chen, what about our business?"

"make a deal!"

Chen Xiangling leaned over: "Help me deal with the Flower Picking Sect and recover the cloth bag."

"I'll tell you the man's name!"

Murong Jingyan smiled when she heard the words, and the two hit it off immediately.

Speaking of being able to make friends with Chen Xiangling, it is also a good deal.

After all, whether it is the Abandoned Sword Villa or the Nine Provinces League, they are all afraid of being involved with the Shen family. Although they have some overlap with Shen Fengchen, it is better to avoid suspicion.

And Yandu Mansion also plays an important role in the court, and it may not be impossible in the future.
"Ayan, although this flower-picking sect is just stealthy and unrefined, it is still in the dark."

"How do you plan to deal with them?" Chen Xiangling asked.


Murong Jingyan touched her chin and smiled: "I have my own way."


Baiqiu City Lord's Mansion.


The spears of the defenders in front of the mansion vibrated and made a clanging sound. The leading general stepped forward half a step, raised his hand and said:


Accompanied by the sound of neat horseshoes, the Shen family's chariots and horses stopped in front, one Fulong Division master turned around and opened the door curtain, while the other opened the mouth and said:

"Sixth son of the Shen family, come to visit City Lord Baiqiu!"

The guard frowned slightly, and replied loudly:

"Does the sixth son have an invitation from the city lord?"

The car body creaked, a figure walked out of the carriage, Shen Feng raised his head and looked at the City Lord's Mansion that towered into the stars in front of him, with some emotion in his eyes.

Such a majestic pavilion, even he would have to sigh for its ingenuity.

Then he looked at the defenders and asked:
"Is the city lord here?"

The defending general shook his head, clasped his fists and said in a respectful voice: "Report to the sixth son, I don't know."

"I have something to ask to see the city lord, can you report it for me?"


The general looked at the two people in Fulong Division, and there was some thought in his eyes. Your Excellency has always drawn a clear line with Fulong Division, but he also ordered not to oppose the Shen family.

Just when the general turned around and called the messenger, another person slowly got off the carriage behind Shen Feng.

Hearing the movement, Shen Fengchen just tilted his head slightly, and said coldly:

"What are you doing down here?"

Following the appearance of this person, the streets and alleys were in an uproar.

Whether it was the defenders of the City Lord's Mansion, or the nearby people eagerly watching the excitement, or even the Shen family's own blue-coated heavenly soldiers, they couldn't help but look sideways.

It's just because of the strange appearance of the woman.

The woman's white hair is blowing snow, her white clothes look loose, and the rapier she wears around her waist looks like winter white bamboo. The dark streets and alleys seem a little colder because of it.
It is a pity that her appearance fell into the world just like a ray of snowflakes.

Bai Ling Tangmu
She is blind.

Even so, she still couldn't hide her original beauty.

"Shen Feng Shen."

"You shouldn't be here."

She spoke, her tone was as cold as her face.

With a cold snort, Shen Fengchen slightly turned sideways, and said in a cold tone:
"Shen Su."

"Don't forget your identity."

The white-clothed female swordsman named Shen Su didn't answer the words, nor did she get angry at what Shen Feng said, but just stood motionless on the carriage, like a piece of unmelted ice sculpture.

Fortunately, at this time, the starlight descended from the sky above the city lord's mansion, and it was the supernatural power of the city lord Bai Qiu.

Only then did Shen Fengchen look away and close his eyes.

But just when the star was about to fall to the ground, it split into two, wrapping Shen Su at the same time, and the two of them turned into shooting stars and flew to the top floor of the City Lord's Mansion.

When the light dissipated, City Master Bai Qiu sat upright under the shade of the pear tree, looked at the two Shen family children in front of him, and said with a smile:
"Master Fengchen, come to Baiqiu City, why are you looking for me?"

Shen Feng looked at Shen Su in white beside him, but because City Lord Bai Qiu was in front of him, he didn't say much, he just frowned and said:

"You stay here."

Then he stepped forward alone, cupped his hands and said: "Feng Chen came here today because he wanted to ask your lord to confirm something."

"sit down."

City Lord Bai Qiu did not refuse, but raised his sleeves and pointed to the futon in front of him.

"Aren't the girls over there sitting differently?"

Shen Feng sat down naturally, glanced at Shen Su who was not far behind, shook his head and said:

"This woman is a slain soldier in my mansion, you don't need to pay attention to it."

City Lord Bai Qiu smiled, and as he tapped his fingers in front of him, two porcelain cups appeared, and the cups were filled with fine wine out of thin air.

He raised his glass and sipped lightly, glanced casually at the woman in white who was waiting in the distance.

"That's it."

"Then let's talk about it."


After a stick of incense, two starlights floated away from the city lord's mansion, while the city lord Baiqiu was still drinking on the spot, his eyes revealing a look of thought.

"The Shen family, there is such a person?"


"Then the official should help him."

Just as City Lord Bai Qiu was pouring wine alone, a voice came from the darkness: "My lord."

"Have you agreed with Zhaoyu Temple?"

City Lord Bai Qiu swung his wine glass without looking back.

"It's been clear, but there's one more thing"

"The young master of Duotianlou has sent a letter."


Under the city lord's mansion, Shen Feng and Shen landed first, and two Fulong Division masters immediately came to greet him.

Waving his sleeves to dismiss them, Shen Feng turned around and walked towards another place where the starlight dissipated, and Shen Su also happened to land slowly.

"Bring it."

Shen Feng opened his mouth, his tone was unquestionable.

He looked at a token on Shen Su's waist, the shape of that token was exactly the access token of Zhaoyu Temple.

Shen Su tilted his head slightly, and said calmly:

"City Lord Baiqiu also gave you the Token of Prison, why do you need this token from me?"

"Just bring it." Shen Fengchen spoke again without explaining.

The female swordsman in white raised her head. Although she couldn't see it, a sharp aura still locked onto the man in front of her.

"Shen Feng Shen."

"Since the man gave it to me, it is mine. You can't snatch it if it wasn't ordered by the foster father."

Shen Feng and Shen Wenyan narrowed their eyes, looked at the woman in white in front of him, grinned and said:

"Shen Su, I haven't seen you in two years."

"You have changed."

Withdrawing his gaze, Shen Feng knew that the character of the woman in front of him was no different from his father's, and he had no interest in fighting fiercely with this guy.

With the token of Zhaoyu in hand, I still need to hurry up.

"Shen Feng Shen."

Shen Feng, who was about to turn around and leave, paused and turned his head impatiently.

"What is the fragrance on your body? It smells very good."

Shen Fengchen was taken aback for a moment, then his face returned to calm, he glanced at the gorgeous rouge on his waist,

Glancing at the white clothes, Shen Feng sneered and walked away.

"It's rouge."

"But thinking about someone like you, I'm afraid I won't be able to use it in this life."

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(End of this chapter)

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