How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 147 My approach is a bit extreme

Chapter 147 My approach is a bit extreme
Early the next morning, the door of the mansion was opened again.

Zhu Huanan strode into the vestibule, the black knife on his waist creaked, and he couldn't help yawning.

"This damn Baiqiu City, it takes a whole night to get home."


He suddenly noticed that the wooden door of the main hall was broken, and walked quickly into the hall.

Fortunately, there was nothing serious in the hall, Chen Xiangling was sitting at the table, while Murong Jingyan was leaning on a reclining chair with an old god, beckoning:

"Brother, you are back."

Zhu Huan'an frowned, glanced at Chen Xiangling and asked, "Why is she still here?"

Hearing this, Chen Xiangling was immediately displeased, and said:

"What's wrong with Miss Ben! What do you mean it's still here?"

Ignoring Chen Xiangling, Zhu Huan'an stared at the broken window lattice again, from which he could see a pool of blood under the courtyard wall in the distance.

"What happened last night?"

Murong Jingyan didn't answer in a hurry, but sat up from the reclining chair and explained:

"It's a long story."

"Brother, how is your investigation going?"

Zhu Huan'an shook his head, and leaned against the porch pillar, his orange hair looked golden in the morning sun.

"The owners of the surrounding shops kept secrets, all they said was that Senior Brother Li had offended a big shot."

"I grabbed two questions and they were all nonsense. I couldn't tell the truth, so I probably didn't know."

"Where are you?"

Murong Jingyan couldn't help trembling when she thought of what happened to Zhaoyu Temple, if she hadn't gone late, she might have already had another herself in the prison.

"It's impossible to bribe Zhaoyu Temple to be lenient, but the judge promised me."

"You can go in and visit the prison, and listen to what Brother Li has to say."

Zhu Huan'an nodded, and Dang even prepared to move: "Then let's go."

"and many more!"

Murong Jingyan quickly raised her hand, coughed lightly and said, "Brother, there is one more thing before that."

"Aren't you curious about who caused the destruction in this temple?"


"Flower picking."

Zhu Huan'an narrowed his eyes and asked, "The Flower Picking Sect?"


"The Flower Picking Sect took the initiative to trouble me, so I wanted to deal with them first."

Hearing this, Zhu Huan'an shook his head almost without thinking: "Forget it."

"Looking at the situation, you should have the upper hand and teach them a lesson."

"Since he's fine, don't waste your energy. Go and see how Li Sanyun is doing right now, save him if you can, or go back to the sect and report the truth."

"Let's go."

"and many more!"

Murong Jingyan spoke again, since she agreed to Chen Xiangling, she had to get things done first.

"The Flower Picking Sect stole her things, I want to help her get them back!"

Zhu Huan'an looked at Chen Xiangling following Murong Jingyan's gesture, and let out a sigh of relief: "What did you lose?"

"I lost a cloth bag, and"

Chen Xiangling hesitated for a moment, but still gritted his teeth and said: "And my daughter's clothes, these flower pickers even steal the bellyband, I will definitely show them!"


"Let's go."

After hearing this, Zhu Huan'an directly raised his chin at Murong Jingyan, as if he was not interested.

"and also!"

Chen Xiangling suddenly raised his hand and pointed at Murong Jingyan: "Ayan's was stolen last night too!"

"Right, Yan!"

"Ah?" Murong Jingyan was caught off guard and subconsciously asked:

"What have I been stolen from me?"

"Xianyi, your underwear was also stolen, right?"

Murong Jingyan opened her mouth slightly, and when she saw Zhu Huan'an looking over, she took a deep breath, raised her eyebrows and said in a low voice, "All right."

"I was stolen too."

"So senior brother, we must bring the murderer to justice and give Bai Qiu a bright future!"

Zhu Huan'an froze on the spot holding the black knife, his brows were furrowed tightly at this moment, and asked:




Zhu Huan'an came to the broken window lattice, stroked the window paper and said, "Then it must be recovered."

"Do you have any idea?"

Murong Jingyan chuckled and called the other two together.

"The momentum of our entry into the city is not small. I'm afraid we will be targeted by the Flower Picking Sect at that time."

"They knew that my senior brother and I were going out, so they came in to steal. That means there must be a secret sentry at the door, operating at night."

"We will guard the Quartet tonight, and we will definitely find clues."


Several people stayed up all night, and after resting during the day, the three of them left the mansion together at dusk.

Murong Jingyan walked into the dark alley on the side of the main entrance alone, and after distracting Zhu Huan'an and Chen Xiangling to go to the other two directions, she was finally able to activate her ability.

Just looking left and right, Murong Jingyan didn't see anyone in the alley, so she said immediately:

"The turbid world does not become a fairy"

Accompanied by a secret creeping sound, a voice sounded in the gradually dark alley:
"...Take people, take the country, and take the sky."

"Little Lord."

Murong Jingyan was surprised, because she could only vaguely feel something in the darkness, but if she looked closely, it was another phantom of the setting sun.

This is the master of Baiqiu City's sub-helm?
"Did you bring what I wanted?"



Accompanied by a sound of hesitation, the two bodies rolled out from the shadow on the wall and landed at Murong Jingyan's feet.

"This is the person from the Flower Picking Sect who is watching nearby. The city lord asked the young master to ask the young lord."

"Do you want to eradicate the Flower Picking Sect?"

Murong Jingyan squatted down slowly, the two people in front of her, who looked like ordinary vendors, had passed out at this moment, their hands and feet were bound tightly.

Showing a smile, Murong Jingyan raised her hand:
"No need."

"Although this Flower Picking Sect is not a cult, it is hidden in the marketplace, and it will take a lot of effort to eradicate it."

"This young master is only chasing one thing, so he doesn't bother with the Dharma protectors. These two are enough."

The black shadow hummed, and returned to the darkness once again.


in the mansion.

"Ayan, why are you so powerful!"

"These villains of the Flower Picking Sect were found for you in no time!"

Chen Xiangling looked at the two gagged rags on the ground, and the squirming vendors, holding Murong Jingyan's hand with stars shining in his eyes.

Murong Jingyan smiled, and pushed her hand away without a trace, why did Chen Xiangling become more and more enthusiastic.

I still like the way you were quiet at first.

On the other side, Zhu Huan'an also squatted down, raised his head and said:

"You caught it right, didn't you?"

Murong Jingyan chuckled, she may have caught the wrong person, but the person Bai Qiu is looking for is certainly not wrong.

For such a small favor, if you ask yourself, he still has to help.

"It's not wrong, let's start the trial."

Chen Xiangling suddenly became excited, she geared up and said, "I finally caught you, you cowardly thieves."

"How should I torture you?"

Zhu Huan'an reached out and took off the rags of the two of them, and there were countless howls in the hall.


"Who are you all!! I still have to go home and make pancakes!!"

Chen Xiangling immediately raised his foot, and kept stepping on the two of them:
"I let you pretend, let you pretend!!!"

"Tell me quickly, where did you steal my aunt's things!!"

"Who ordered you to do this!"

Murong Jingyan squinted her eyes, and saw a short and wretched man kept wailing, crying about his wrongdoing, while another burly man kept his mouth tightly shut the whole time, not saying a word.

Chen Xiangling stomped on it with his foot, and whipped him with a whip. After tossing for a long time, he didn't find out why.

When Chen Xiangling was about to take off her socks to cover their mouths, Murong Jingyan finally raised her hand to stop her.

"Okay, stop rewarding them."

"Brother, you should come."

Zhu Huan'an nodded when he heard the words, and said with a sneer, "Okay."

Then he drew out his black knife, and the wretched man's voice was choked up, and he closed his mouth like the big man beside him.

Following Zhu Huanan's wrist shaking, golden flames rose from the black knife. He placed the black knife on the necks of the two, and said coldly:
"I count to three."

"If you don't tell me, just taste the sharpness of my tempered blade."


After the words fell, the burly man opened his eyes and glared at the wretched man beside him, his eyes full of threats.

The wretched man's heart suddenly turned cold. He seemed to be ready to meet something, and immediately closed his eyes, his body trembling uncontrollably.




"Wait a minute!!"

Murong Jingyan raised her hand in time to stop Zhu Huan'an's black knife.

Because if he didn't make a move again, his senior brother would definitely take his sword down and take their lives.

"I'll come, brother."

Nodding slightly to Zhu Huan'an, Murong Jingyan decided to go out in person.

His eyes fixed on the burly man who had always been a tough guy. Judging from their appearance, this man should have a higher status and know more.

"Brother, Xiangling, you guys go out."

"My approach is a bit extreme."

Curiosity appeared in Chen Xiangling's eyes, while Zhu Huan'an got up on his knees and walked out of the hall first.

He had a natural belief in what his junior sister said.

 The number of words recently updated is not very high, sorry everyone, I will make it up as soon as I have time!

(End of this chapter)

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