Chapter 148

After the two left, the hall suddenly returned to tranquility.

All that remains is the rustle of boots.

As if they sensed something was wrong, the big man and the thin monkey on the ground also struggled to straighten their upper bodies.

They were also monks of Tianfeng Level [-], but their dantian Qihai has been destroyed by others, leaving only their physiques locked in the ground. Unless a sage repairs them, they will never be able to return to Tianfeng's cultivation base.

The big man raised his head with fear in his eyes, but he still sneered and said:

"If you want to kill or cut, you can do whatever you want!"

"But want to ask something out of my mouth today? Don't think about it!"

In his line of sight, the strange man got closer and closer, and the eerie ghost mask looked even more eerie under the firelight, as if he was smiling.

Ha ha ha ha

Murong Jingyan came closer, kicked the skinny monkey aside first, and looked down at the big man in front of him.

"I know."

"You should be the little leader of the Flower Picking Sect."

While speaking, Murong Jingyan paced around the big man with a faint tone:

"You are not afraid of the pain of flesh and blood, and you can withstand the moment of life and death, but you have some backbone."

"Shut up!"

The big man felt flustered, because he accidentally caught a glimpse of the eyes behind the mask, and suddenly a fear made him restless, and he couldn't help shouting:
"Since you know the identity of the master, you don't need to ask again."

"You either report to the official and see what the official says!"

Murong Jingyan narrowed her eyes slightly.

Then he shook his head thoughtfully: "Report to the official?"

"It's hard to catch them, how can I be willing to report to the officials like this?"

I saw the strange man in front of him squatting down, staring straight at him, the big man looked away guiltily, but was pulled back by a hand.

The thin monkey not far away swallowed secretly, sweating for his boss.

"You have backbone, I like it."

"But you're dishonest, and I don't like it very much."

Murong Jingyan approached, exhaled like blue and said: "Why don't you do this."

"As long as you tell me where you stole the girl's things just now, and who instructed you to do this, I will let you go."


"You will be rewarded"

"You!" The big man was about to speak, but the masked man slowly took off his mask.

He was stunned, because what caught his eyes was a flawless beauty.

The neck is like the neck of a goose, and it is as pure as a fairy.

However, those long and narrow red phoenix eyes seemed to be dizzy with autumn waves, and a purple light quietly emerged, and the light parting of the red lips made him feel itchy:

"Tell me."

"Just say it and you'll be comfortable."

Murong Jingyan put a finger on the big man's chin, and the eyes of the thin monkey in the distance stared straight.

In this world, is there such a beautiful woman?

Damn, why not interrogate Lao Tzu!

The man's eyes gradually became slack, and his dark cheeks turned red, as if he subconsciously said:


"Her cloth bag was sent to Tianhe Waterside Pavilion."

The corner of Murong Jingyan's mouth twitched into a smile, and she got closer, and the scent of fragrance made the big man even more distracted.

"very good."

"Except for the cloth bag, what about others?"

The big man swallowed his saliva. Although he has a tough personality, the people who joined the Flower Picking Sect are all the same. Just like the skinny monkey next to him, he was already crawling in the dark anxiously, wishing to answer for him.

Looking at the face in front of him, the big man continued to say stupidly:

"Her daughter's clothes?"


"They were all sent to the leader"

Murong Jingyan frowned slightly, the leader?

"That's right. Then who is your leader and where is he?"

Just when the big man was about to speak, his eyes suddenly changed, and he turned his head and said:

"The Dao is in the sky, I must never say it."

"Ask something else, I can tell you anything else, me."

Before he finished speaking, he opened his mouth slightly, because the beautiful person in front of him had already got up, and his face returned to indifference.

You already know almost what you want, so there is no point in asking any more.

"come in."

Murong Jingyan turned back and shouted, the wooden door was opened immediately, Chen Xiangling stepped over the lintel first, and Zhu Huan'an walked in leisurely.

"Ayan, have you asked everything clearly?"

Nodding her head, Murong Jingyan patted her clothes: "Almost."

"Your cloth bag was sent to a place called Tianhe Waterside Pavilion, as for your clothes"

"It was given to the leader of the Flower Picking Sect."

Chen Xiangling suddenly became anxious: "Where is this leader, I will definitely beat him into a pig's head!"

Murong Jingyan shook her head:
"I'm afraid I can't ask, but this little flower-picking sect actually wants to swear an oath."

At this moment, Zhu Huan'an stepped forward and looked at the side with puzzled eyes:

"What's up with this guy?"

The three of them turned their heads to look, and saw a thin monkey crawling not far away, suddenly raised his head, his eyes were full of flattery: "Beauty, beauty, why don't you ask me!"

"If you want to ask anything, I promise to tell you everything!"

Murong Jingyan raised her eyebrows, waved her sleeves casually:
"it is good."

"Let's beat it first and then we'll talk."

Hearing the heart-piercing screams behind him, Murong Jingyan pulled Chen Xiangling to the side, and handed the Spring King Token to her.

"It's not guaranteed that the Riverside Pavilion will be the headquarters of the Flower Picking Sect that day. If you go alone, you will probably return without success, and instead startle the snake."

"Take this token and go to the City Lord's Mansion, and I can mobilize some defenders to encircle and suppress it for you."

Chen Xiangling took the token with a grateful expression.

"How about my clothes?"

Murong Jingyan looked away and said softly: "Don't worry."

"Go and get back your storage cloth bag first, I will check it for you, and do my best to help you find out who is behind the scenes."

Chen Xiangling showed a worried expression when he heard the words: "Ayan, thank you for your hard work."

"If it's too dangerous, then there's no need for it."

"It's enough to get back the cloth bag."

Murong Jingyan turned her head and revealed a slight smile:
"It's okay, just wait until the matter is settled, and don't forget what you promised me."

"That name."

Chen Xiangling took a deep breath and nodded solemnly:


Outside the hall, Murong Jingyan looked at the back of Chen Xiangling walking away, and let out a breath slowly.

flower picking.
Footsteps sounded behind him, Zhu Huan'an clapped his hands and walked closer, just in time to see Chen Xiangling's disappearing back.

"she left?"

With a hum, Murong Jingyan turned around in shock, and looked past Zhu Huan'an into the hall.

"I wipe?"

"Who's that pig's head inside?"

Zhu Huan'an shook his sandbag-like fist when he heard the words, grinned and said:
"Didn't you tell me to beat him up?"

Murong Jingyan hissed, her senior brother was really merciless, but these little thieves deserved it.

"Senior Brother, we will go to Zhaoyu Temple tomorrow morning to find Senior Brother Li."

"it is good."


Zhu Huanan asked suspiciously: "You got your obscene clothes back?"


The corner of Murong Jingyan's mouth twitched slightly, why did the senior brother remember this incident clearly.

"rest assured."

"I have asked Chen Xiangling to dispatch some defenders to retrieve her lost property, and those who help me will also get it back."

"Start early tomorrow morning, let's rest early today."

 Welcome new friends~
(End of this chapter)

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