How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 149 I don't hold grudges

Chapter 149 I don't hold grudges

The next day, there are three poles in the sun.

An old horse snorted heavily, and pulled a rickety broken carriage to the no-man's land of Baiqiu East City.

"My lords, Zhaoyu Temple has arrived."

As the coachman finished speaking, the curtain was suddenly opened, and two figures, one purple and one red, stepped out of the carriage.

Murong Jingyan was slightly startled because the carriage stopped right behind a gorgeous chariot.

This chariot is of gorgeous texture, the whole body is painted with blue paint, shining in the sun is beyond words, and it is pulled by two rather miraculous horses, the cards are fully displayed.

Looking away, looking at the abrupt hall not far away, Murong Jingyan threw back a few ounces of silver casually, and said:

"Wait here."

The coachman took the broken silver and laughed, and immediately patted his chest and said: "My lord, don't worry!"

"But the two prisoners in the car, won't your lord take them away?"

"Don't ask too much."

Murong Jingyan lifted her foot and left, while Zhu Huan'an followed behind her at a leisurely pace.


Zhu Huanan opened his mouth with doubts in his eyes:

"We came to visit the prison, why did we bring those two traitors who picked flowers to teach us?"

"Since you brought it, why don't you hand it over?"

Murong Jingyan shook her head, just stretched out a finger: "Senior brother."

"Trust me."

Nodding his head, Zhu Huan'an didn't ask any further questions, and the two soon came to the main hall outside Zhaoyu Temple.

Before walking in, one could hear the sound of the judges from the Ministry of Criminal Justice slapping the case, and the terrified cries of people being carried out.

Murong Jingyan pulled Zhu Huan'an and waited silently beside him, watching the fat judge decide the case.

A poet clasped his fists and said:

"My lord, Cui has something to ask."

"Please, please, please, where are you from?"

"My lord may have forgotten the white jade king crane that Cui gave me the month before last, but my lord accepted it at that time."

"Ah! It's Poet Cui, that's unfortunate."

"It's not a good time recently, so let's come another day."

After the poet left, the last actor hurried forward: "My lord, do you still remember my little girl, I have come here three times this month?"


The fat judge narrowed his eyes and asked, "Then you did it the first two times?"

The opera singer raised her sleeves and said, "My little girl sent beautiful noodles and pastries from my hometown, please let me meet my husband."


"Then I don't remember."

The judge waved his sleeves and picked up a cup of tea:

"It's okay, I don't hold grudges."

"Come on, take her down."

After the actress was dragged away, there was finally no one in front of the case. Murong Jingyan took a deep breath, stood on tiptoe and whispered something to Zhu Huan'an behind her, and hurried forward.

"Lord Judge!"

The fat judge had just taken a breath and had not yet drank from the tea cup. When he heard someone shouting, he immediately turned his head in displeasure:
"Who is it again?"

Murong Jingyan raised her hands in a bow: "It's me, sir, do you still remember?"

Seeing the judge squinting his eyes, Murong Jingyan said with a smile, the purple light of the lust seal under the mask flickered, just looking at the judge:
"That day, I will distribute the stage pills to all the adults in Zhaoyu Temple."

"Oh! It's you!" The judge immediately slapped the table and smiled:

"It turns out that Princess Yunli is here."

After taking a sip of tea, the judge smiled and asked:

"The princess's mask is still so unique, what's the reason for coming here this time?"

Murong Jingyan froze immediately, but she still had to remind her.


"Tell me about this."

The judge put down his teacup, showing a troubled expression: "This matter, I have agreed to you."

"But you have also heard that the rumors have been very tight recently, and this official is notoriously clean and self-conscious, so naturally he can't make things easier for others."

Murong Jingyan fell into silence.

It seems that this fat man is going to backtrack, is he not giving enough?

No. Probably not.

The judge Youlu Yinjiaji should have a good impression of himself, and with what he said to others just now, could it be that Zhaoyu Temple is really doing something clean and honest?
"If that's the case, that Yunli won't embarrass your lord Judge." Murong Jingyan lowered his arms, and slightly nodded to Zhu Huan'an beside him.

Zhu Huanan Anxin led the Shenhui to retreat and soon walked out of the hall.

The fat judge immediately smiled when he heard Murong Jingyan say this, and pointed out a fat finger:
"I know Princess Yunli is considerate enough."

"Well, how about you come here a few more times during these days, and I'll let you know when the boss is a little more relaxed?"

Murong Jingyan sneered in her heart, this fat man probably wants to give him more gifts.

"Yunli came here this time, and it is true that he has brought some things, which he wants to dedicate to your lord."

"Oh?" The judge's smile grew wider and he leaned forward and said:

"What is it?"

"Let me hold my eyes."

Murong Jingyan turned around, and within a short while, Zhu Huan'an brought up the two unconscious guys who had been beaten and tied up, and threw them on the ground.


"Who are these two guys?"

The fat judge rested his hands on the table, his expression became puzzled, and he looked at Murong Jingyan.

Murong Jingyan smiled, turned around and hugged the judge:

"My lord, do you know that there is a gang in Baiqiu City who is doing evil and stealing chickens and dogs?"

The judge chuckled: "The princess's words are wrong."

"Baiqiu City has my Ministry of Criminal Affairs in charge, so it's safest. How come there's such a gang talk?"

Murong Jingyan circled around the two people on the ground for half a circle, and looked at the judge above again.

"My lord, have you ever heard of the Flower Picking Sect?"


As soon as these words came out, Murong Jingyan clearly noticed a slight change in the eyes of the judge above, but the surface was still very calm.

"Never heard of it."


Murong Jingyan immediately told what Caihuajiao did, and finally sighed:

"These villains have ruined Bai Qiu's reputation, and the people behind the scenes are even more powerful."

"As for the name, it's inconvenient for the princess to say it here. If your lord takes these two thieves down, I believe that with Zhao prison's ability, they can be interrogated in a short time."

"It can be considered that the princess has done a good thing for Bai Qiu."

Hearing this, the judge waved his hands, and immediately the two men on the ground were taken down by soldiers, and then he looked at Murong Jingyan with a smile.

"It seems that the princess knows a lot."

"This flower-picking religion. In fact, I have heard of it for a long time, but I always feel that it is not a matter of climate, so I will definitely write a letter to the Baiqiu government office after this time, and send people to clean it up."

"As the princess said, this is a good thing. If something is judged, the court will naturally reward it. I don't know where it will be sent?"

Murong Jingyan smiled, cupped her hands and said, "Then send it to Tianhe Waterside Pavilion."

The judge nodded and said with a meaningful smile:

"Very good."

Walking out of Zhaoyu Temple, Murong Jingyan walked quickly, and Zhu Huanan followed him like a shadow.

"Junior Sister, did that fat man hack our ceremony?"

Murong Jingyan walked with her head buried, and casually replied:
"No, it should be something happened. It is inconvenient for him to give us the back door."

Zhu Huan'an raised his eyebrows and let out a sigh of relief: "If you don't see senior brother Li, then this trip will be in vain."

"No, there is still a chance."

Murong Jingyan raised her head and said comfortingly, because Zhao Prison still had to be entered.

I also plan to go to Hong Chen's secret room to retrieve the treasure dropped by Qin Sheng Shang Rong, maybe there are still treasures there.

Zhu Huan'an looked down, and said with a smile: "Now the judge's way is not going to work, could it be that he forced his way?"

Murong Jingyan sighed, and couldn't help but feel overwhelmed.

In fact, invisibly, I have already prepared all the foreshadowing, everything is ready, and now there is one thing missing, that is...

At this moment, Murong Jingyan, who was walking quickly, suddenly stopped, and Zhu Huan'an, who was behind her, also stopped quickly, if it wasn't for the toe that almost hit her.

"Why did you stop?"

Murong Jingyan turned her head and patted Zhu Huan'an on the shoulder, pointing in a direction:
"Our chance has come."

Following Murong Jingyan's slender fingers, he saw that there was a change in the two-horse chariot in front of his own carriage.

In front of the Hua chariot, there is a figure standing behind.

That back is snow-like, with long hair like snow, white robe like frost, and even the saber around his waist is spotless, even dazzling in the sun.

In this situation, the thing around her waist is even more eye-catching.

That is one.
Murong Jingyan squinted at the brown token, and was sure that it was the token that City Lord Baiqiu had shown, allowing him to enter and exit Zhaoyu Temple.

At this moment, beside the carriage.

"Miss, do you still have to wait for the son?"

Shen Su was standing beside the road, and only slowly raised her head when she heard the soldier driving the carriage speak.

She looks extremely beautiful, but it's a pity that Bai Ling is blind.

Ever since Shen Feng entered Zhao Prison overnight, she had been waiting all night until now.


"Let's go."

In the end, she decided to leave first.

The soldier immediately laid out the sedan chair for him, and Shen Su stepped up naturally, as if he could see it.

Seeing the white-haired woman getting into the sedan chair, Murong Jingyan quickly grabbed Zhu Huan'an's sleeve.

"Quick, don't let her go."

Inexplicably, Zhu Huan'an was dragged by Murong Jingyan to run, and got into the carriage when he came, and the carriage seemed empty after the two obtrusive guys disappeared.

Raising the curtain of the car abruptly, Murong Jingyan patted the groom on the shoulder and shouted:

"Quick, follow the carriage in front!"

After the words fell, there was a sound of horseshoe neighing.

Under Murong Jingyan's watchful eye, the Hua chariot was pulled up by the two horses, and disappeared at the end of the street in just two blinks.

The billowing dust caused the groom and his old horse to sneez almost simultaneously. The groom rubbed his eyes and asked:


"What did you just say?"

 It's still early today, and a chapter should be added~
(End of this chapter)

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