Chapter 150

Outside Zhaoyu Temple, the Hua chariot billowed with smoke and dust, which could not be seen in the distance.

Murong Jingyan's face froze, she immediately pulled Zhu Huan'an to jump out of the car, and chased in that direction for two steps.

"Junior Sister, what are you?"

Hearing Zhu Huan'an's question, Murong Jingyan immediately turned her head and said:

"Brother, did you notice that woman's waist badge?"

"That is the token that can freely enter and exit Zhaoyu Temple. If we can find a way to get it, we can go to Zhaoyu to meet Senior Brother Li."

Zhu Huan'an nodded, and after understanding what Murong Jingyan meant, he took a step forward: "I see."

"Well, she can't escape."

While speaking, Zhu Huan'an's eyes turned golden, as if a little flame was beating, and there were many things in his vision that ordinary people couldn't see.

"Come with me."

Zhu Huan'an moved a little bit, and rushed towards one direction, and Murong Jingyan followed behind with Xiaguang steps.

Seeing Zhu Huan'an's stern expression and his moving appearance, Murong Jingyan couldn't help feeling that her senior brother was really unpredictable, and she couldn't keep up with his footsteps when she used Taoism.

They are both at the same level of heavenly seal, with the appearance of immortals and demons
In a life-to-death confrontation with senior brother, what are the chances of winning?
Just as he was thinking, Zhu Huan'an suddenly jumped down from the eaves and landed in front of a stable.

"The woman's chariot is too fast."

"Let's chase after him on horseback."

Two yellow-maned horses jumped out of the fence and galloped down the wide streets of Baiqiu City. Zhu Huan'an kept changing directions, his eyes always bright.

Several hours later, the yellow-maned horse finally stopped in one place.

Murong Jingyan got off the horse, rubbed her sore buttocks, and looked up with doubts on her face.

This turned out to be a water pavilion.

It is next to the only inland river in Baiqiu City, the Queqiao River in Xicheng.

The waterside pavilions are surrounded by fences, but they are not as noisy as the brothels and alleys. On the contrary, there are fiery trees and silver flowers, and Le Nu leaning on the railings, attracting people to linger and stop.

In the hollowed-out stand above, there are many literati dressed in splendid brocade and well-spoken, reciting poems and arguing with each other. There are also many high-ranking officials and ladies from Baiqiu City here in pairs, drinking tea and admiring the moon.

"Tianhe Waterside Pavilion, it's a pity that Liu didn't bring enough money for Baiqiu this time, otherwise he should go in and taste the beauty tea and the Huadiao fish."

"Ham, it's very expensive here, let's go to the brothel to have a look, the quality is cheap."

"Hey, let's go!"

Ears moved slightly, Murong Jingyan looked surprised, and learned from passers-by that this is actually Tianhe Waterside Pavilion.

What a coincidence.

Zhu Huan'an stepped forward, raised his chin and looked at one place.

There, there was a Chinese chariot leaning next to it, and two fine horses were eating food and grass leisurely.

"It's here."

Murong Jingyan nodded, and walked in with Zhu Huan'an.

Although the Tianhe Waterside Pavilion is located in a busy city, it is extremely elegant. In the entrance porch, besides the beautiful maids welcoming the guests, there are also two steady guards standing on the left and right.

Seeing the two of them approaching, one of the guards with a hulking back took a step sideways and stopped in front of them.

He looked at Zhu Huan'an, who was topless in a cardigan, and said in a deep voice:

"We are disheveled here, and we will not entertain you."

Murong Jingyan was taken aback when she heard the words, and Zhu Huan'an looked down at her clothes inexplicably: "It's just a wine shop."

"There are still such rules?"

The doorman still looked indifferent: "I'm sorry."

"But the rules of the Tianhe Water Pavilion are like this."

Zhu Huan'an sneered, "No wonder there aren't many people here."

"Since when is it considered noble to wear a robe and hat?"

Seeing this scene, Murong Jingyan stepped forward: "It's alright senior brother, it's not like we don't exist."

While speaking, Murong Jingyan took out Leng Yuan's cloak and asked Zhu Huan'an to put it on.

"Is this all right?"

The guard nodded, and then moved half of his body away. Seeing this, Zhu Huan'an pulled the fur coat and strode in.

The water pavilion is dim, except for the faint candlelight, it is illuminated by the thin light reflected by the Queqiao River.

Murong Jingyan looked left and right, surprised at the decoration here.

The winding corridors not only have the ingenuity of small bridges and flowing water, but also give people a majestic feeling.

Who would have thought that this elegant place would be the stronghold of the sordid Flower Picking Sect.

Speaking of which, Xiangling should have already been here.

Although the water pavilion was quiet, the two still walked for a long time before they finally found the white-haired woman.

I saw the woman sitting alone in front of a tea table, facing the Queqiao River, the river wind blew her white hair, and her white robe fluttered, making her feel like a fairy
It actually made Murong Jingyan look fascinated.


It was Zhu Huan'an's reminder that made Murong Jingyan turn around. Murong Jingyan looked at the woman's back, and quickly pulled Zhu Huan'an to sit on the table in front of her.

"Brother, it's up to you next."

"rely on me?"

Zhu Huan'an looked puzzled, while Murong Jingyan looked seriously and stretched out a finger: "That's right."

"We don't know the identity of the woman, and it is not appropriate to forcefully marry Hao Duo in Baiqiu City, so we need senior brother to use the most unsolvable trick among the 36 tricks."

"Beautiful man!"

"." Zhu Huanan frowned, he had never heard of 36 tricks, let alone a beauty trick.

And Murong Jingyan put her arms around the table and continued to talk:

"Senior brother, look at the deep and quiet waterside pavilion. She comes here to drink tea alone, which shows her loneliness."

"At this moment, we need a soulmate and a good relationship"

Seeing no one around, Murong Jingyan took off her mask, revealing a look of worship.

"And senior brother is like Zhilan Yushu."

"If you taste tea and enjoy the moon with her, she will definitely be interested and have a good chat, otherwise, wouldn't this beautiful day be in vain?"

"At this time, senior brother, you can do it!"

Murong Jingyan made a gesture of assurance, raised her eyebrows and said, "Take off the token quietly and hand it to me who is passing by."

After Murong Jingyan finished speaking, Zhu Huan'an actually smiled, but still shook his head.

"I'm afraid this plan is inappropriate."

"I'm not good at communicating with women."

Hearing that Murong Jingyan's eyes were gloomy, she turned her head and covered half of her face with her hand:
"So, it turns out that Jingyan made things difficult for senior brother?"

"Well, it's a pity that senior brother Sanyun is afraid, I'm afraid... he can only live and die in Zhao Prison."

"My poor Sanyun senior brother."

Seeing Murong Jingyan's appearance, Zhu Huan'an was thoughtful, and finally took a sip of the spirits from his waist, wiped his mouth and said:

"Okay, but whether it succeeds or not, I can't guarantee it."

Murong Jingyan suddenly showed a sly smile, and Zhu Huan'an put the wine pot back in place, and immediately got up to look for the white-haired woman.

"Hey, wait!!"

Murong Jingyan quickly stretched out her hand to hold him, and seeing Zhu Huan'an turned around in confusion, she said with a smile:
"Brother, if you just go over like this, I'm afraid you will scare people."

"Junior Sister is here to give you an order and teach you what to say to make a girl happy."

(End of this chapter)

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