How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 151 My Sister Watches Jiang Alone

Chapter 151 My Sister Watches Jiang Alone

The moonlight is blurred, and the misty waves on the Magpie Bridge River.

But in Tianhe Waterside Pavilion, Murong Jingyan was behind Zhu Huan'an, making moves.

"Junior Sister, what are you doing?"

"Help the senior brother make a shape."

Murong Jingyan stroked Zhu Huan'an's thick orange hair with both hands, and with a hair tie in her mouth, she tilted her head and smiled:
"Brother, you are used to disheveled hair, such wildness can only attract the same sex."

"Female cultivator wants to come, I prefer more elegant and clean."

While speaking, Murong Jingyan had already smoothed out her hair, tied it firmly with a headband, and then took care of her temples before she nodded in satisfaction.

"Brother, how do you see it?"

Zhu Huan'an was taken aback for a moment, a bronze mirror stretched out in front of him at some point.

In the mirror, there is a sharp and masculine face.

After the hair was tied up, the chiseled cheeks and broad chin were even more visible. The eye sockets were deep and the bridge of the nose was high. With the golden eyes, there was an exotic feeling.

The corner of Zhu Huan'an's mouth smiled, his orange hair was tied into a bun at the moment, although it was a little less domineering, but it was much more noble.

"Does the nun like this?"

Looking back, I saw Murong Jingyan put the bronze mirror back into her bosom, nodded and said:
"Naturally, senior brother believes in me."

Looking at the senior brother in front of her, Murong Jingyan couldn't help but sigh with emotion, isn't this the avatar figure from the previous life, handsome in appearance, tall in stature, so handsome that there is no dead end.

Why didn't I wear it on Brother Zhu.


Murong Jingyan stepped forward, quietly opened Zhu Huan'an's cardigan, and said with a smile:
"Not bad, Shen Yun is restrained, yet masculine. I don't believe any woman would be interested in you."

Zhu Huanan exhaled lightly from the tip of his nose, shook his neck noncommittally, frowned and said:
"My knife?"

"Oh, the knife." Murong Jingyan picked up Zhu Huan'an's black knife, raised it and said:
"Senior brother, I will keep the candle for you first, do you trust me?"

Zhu Huan'an waved his sleeves, as if he didn't feel suitable for not having a saber in his hand, but he still nodded and said:

"it is good."

Just when Zhu Huan'an was about to step forward, he suddenly stopped and turned back with some worry:
"Are you sure she will chat with me?"

Murong Jingyan stepped forward upon hearing the words, wondering if Senior Brother Zhu was a bit socially fearful, looking for an excuse here?
Under Zhu Huan'an's watchful eyes, Murong Jingyan raised her white palm and put it on the back of his neck, and gently swayed it left and right.

"It's handsome!"

Murong Jingyan's eyes were bent into crescents, and she said affirmatively:
"Use my quotes."

"As long as she's a woman, there's no reason why she shouldn't toast with you and have a chat. Senior brother, don't be too happy to forget about business!"

Only then did Zhu Huan'an feel relieved, and without further words, he walked in the direction of the white-haired woman.

But Murong Jingyan took a breath and sat back slowly.

Next, wait for the two of them to finish drinking, and then work together inside and outside to quietly pick off the token.
The river wind rustles gently, and the lonely shadow of the cold river.

Shen Su still held the cup of warm tea in his hand, but it had already become quite cold.

She is like a quiet pine, just listening to the wind so quietly, although everything is ignored, it still does not prevent her from feeling the Jiang Tao at the end of spring.

This is her habit since childhood, Ting Tao.

I only sigh that time has passed and the people who accompanied her to listen to the waves have long since disappeared, and she has also become a blind general, with no idea where to go.

Thinking of this, Shen Su's hand holding the teacup slightly exerted force, representing her depressed mood at the moment.


Suddenly, a whistle behind her interrupted her thoughts.

Zhu Huan'an had already walked in, his orange tail swaying at the back of his head, holding a cup of warm tea in his hand, imitating Murong Jingyan's method and showing a confident smile.

Staring closely at the back of the white-haired girl, he remembered Murong Jingyan's instructions, and sat down directly beside her generously, looking at the river as well.

"younger sister."

"Watching Jiang alone?"

After taking a sip of tea, Zhu Huan'an felt the woman next to him 'look' at her, and immediately smiled knowingly.

Putting down the teacup, Zhu Huan'an let out a breath, and turned his head in a deep and sexy voice:
"Since the world is reduced to people, and the moonlight is short, it is not as good as you."

He was stunned.


Da da da,

Murong Jingyan, who was tasting tea, felt a burst of hurried footsteps, and as soon as she looked up, she saw Zhu Huan'an sitting in front of her.


"Why did you come back so soon?"

Zhu Huan'an's head was full of black lines, he raised the flagon and took a sip, and said in a deep voice:
"She is blind."

"Ah?" Murong Jing was taken aback, while Zhu Huan'an gestured in front of his eyes:
"Her eyes are blind."

What did Murong Jingyan realize now, blind man?

As soon as he patted the table, Murong Jingyan probed and said: "It's better to be blind, just take it!"

Hearing this, Zhu Huan'an was slightly taken aback, hey, don't say
It seems that this is the truth.

"Go, brother, let's go together."

"It's still the same, you talk to her, I took the opportunity to take it away from the token."

Just doing what they said, the two made a comeback again, Zhu Huan'an once again sat on Shen Su's left, while Murong Jingyan followed quietly and sat on her right.

Murong Jingyan looked out of the corner of her eye, the white-haired woman was really covered with a layer of white silk, she couldn't see anything.

such a beautiful face
Second only to me.

Zhu Huan'an cleared his throat, knowing that the woman next to him could not see, so he stopped posing, and said bluntly:
"Girl, but alone?"

Shen Su was still facing the river, holding the cup of herbal tea in her hand, suddenly she spoke in a flat tone, and asked back:

"who are you?"

Zhu Huan'an smiled, since he is willing to answer, that's fine.

Making eye contact with Murong Jingyan, he continued: "People who pass through Baiqiu."

"Where did the girl come from, and why is she watching the moon here alone?"

Murong Jingyan was just about to reach out to try to grab the token, but Shen Su who was beside him suddenly spoke again, with a slightly raised voice, which made him withdraw his hand in shock:

"I am famous."

"I don't know Su, what about you?"

Zhu Huan'an raised his eyebrows: "Good name."

"Miss Su wants to know my background?"

When Murong Jingyan saw that the two were chatting, she stretched out her hand again and pointed towards the token.

close at hand~
Shen Su sighed, put down the cup of herbal tea slowly, and said quietly: "Your body smells so good, it's a kind of..."

“Floral fragrance that I like very much”

Zhu Huan'an was taken aback, raised his sleeves and sniffed, "Oh?"

"Miss Su has a really sharp nose, I haven't even smelled it myself."

At this moment, Murong Jingyan leaned over and squatted down, grabbing the token with all her attention, and hooked it with another fingertip, the corners of her mouth couldn't stop raising.

Although some bully the blind, but
Sorry, I'm the villain.

But at this moment, the face entwined with Bai Ling suddenly lowered its head, and instantly moved closer to Murong Jingyan's cheek!

The thin lips parted slightly, and pressed against Murong Jingyan's ear and asked:

"The girl is obviously by my side."

"Why... haven't you replied to me?"

 It was delayed today, I promised to add more delays yesterday, let’s make up a 4K chapter

(End of this chapter)

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