How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 152 Just sell the idiot like this?

Chapter 152 Just sell the idiot like this?

The voice next to her ears was distinct and soft, but it made Murong Jingyan's hairs stand on end!
"Ah You"

This feeling was like being caught cheating, Murong Jingyan immediately withdrew her hand, looked up and saw that white silk was tightly attached to her, very close at hand.

With a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, Murong Jingyan said softly:

"Are you...talking to me?"

There was a smile on the corner of the white-haired woman's mouth. Unlike this white sound, her mouth was bright red and looked extraordinarily coquettish.

"if not"

"Could it be possible to talk to the apprentice behind?"

Hearing this, Zhu Huan'an frowned.
Looking left and right, he found that there was no fourth person here, so Zhu Huan'an pointed to himself in confusion and murmured:

"Am I a disciple?"

Don't you always follow the method taught by your junior sister?
Murong Jingyan stood up, coughed lightly and said, "That."

"Miss Su, what did you ask just now?"

Hearing this, Shen Su moved closer, the tip of her nose was almost touching Murong Jingyan's cheek.

"I ask you"

"But what kind of spice is applied, why is it so sweet?"

Being stuck so close, Murong Jingyan couldn't help but blush a little, and both hands were hanging in the air as if surrendering, and she was at a loss for a while.

Through Shen Su's hair, he caught a glimpse of Zhu Huan'an's eyes, staring at the white-haired woman's waist.


"Not painted."

Murong Jingyan's hand sticks out again, and now it's closer, and the waist card is within reach.

Taking a closer look at the tight fit of the woman's white silk, Murong Jingyan's hand immediately moved a little faster, and she went straight to grab the waist card.


It was too late to say it, but Shen Su's hand grasped Murong Jingyan's wrist in an instant as if with a spirituality.

Then he lifted it to the tip of his nose and sniffed.

"It's really not greasy, huh. Is it the fragrance of crabapple flowers?"

At this moment, the sound of horseshoes suddenly came from outside the Tianhe Waterside Pavilion, Murong Jingyan looked back and her face changed. People outside the Waterside Pavilion were all wearing official uniforms, which was not the standard of the guards of the City Lord's Mansion.

It's the people from Zhaoyu Temple!
Murong Jingyan quickly gave Zhu Huan'an a look, and Zhu Huan'an got up and walked over understandingly.

"Since Miss Su is not interested in this servant, let's chat with you two."

Shen Su didn't reply, as if she was too lazy to answer, Zhu Huan'an went a step further and walked past the two of them.

Taking advantage of the situation, Murong Jingyan also grabbed Shen Su's hand, and said with a smile:
"Miss Su, my name is Ayan."

"Since you and I are destined, why not have a drink?"

Shen Su nodded slightly in agreement, but Murong Jingyan didn't hesitate any longer, and leaned on Shen Su the moment Shen Su turned around, and the other hand grabbed her waist badge without a trace.


Sneezing as if, Murong Jingyan yanked off the waist badge, then flung it back, was caught by Zhu Huan'an firmly, stuffed it into his arms, turned around and walked away in one go.

Seeing Shen Su looking over, Murong Jingyan pretended to rub her nose, and said softly:

"Miss Su, it's cold by the river."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Shen Su's face was expressionless, she was not annoyed when she saw Murong Jing's face on her body, but showed a slight smile:
"It's okay, Yan."

Murong Jingyan swallowed, feeling guilty for some reason, but now is not the time to pick up girls, so she has to get out quickly.
"Miss Su, I'm going to add another dress, just wait for me a moment!"


Zhu Huan'an got the waist card and walked back to the original position. At this moment, he also heard something, and leaned on the pillar to look.

Outside the Tianhe Water Pavilion, the two guards were guarding the entrance, one on the left and the other on the right, and one of them said dissatisfiedly:

"Last night, the city lord's mansion mobilized people to come here to take people, and the world was turned upside down."

"The officials are fighting so much today, when did we have so many fugitives in Baiqiu City?"

The leader of Zhaoyu Temple took a half step forward, raised his hand and showed a portrait: "Stop talking nonsense."

"These two are inside!?"

The two guards were slightly taken aback when they saw the portrait, and looked at each other.

The Keqing of Zhaoyu Temple suddenly showed a sneer, put away the scroll, and waved: "Go in!"

"Search for me!"

Just when Zhu Huan'an was watching with enthusiasm, someone suddenly patted his shoulder.


When Zhu Huan'an turned around, it turned out that Murong Jingyan had already escaped.

"Junior Sister, look, it's bustling outside again, it seems that Zhaoyu Temple is arresting people."

Murong Jingyan naturally also noticed that the people from Zhaoyu Temple had entered, and immediately said to Zhu Huan'an:

"Brother, quickly give me the token you just stole!"

Zhu Huan'an took out the token and handed it to Murong Jingyan, and asked suspiciously, "What happened?"

After receiving the token, Murong Jingyan grasped Zhu Huan'an's wrist and said:

"It's too late to explain."

"Brother, stay still, your junior sister Candle Day will take care of it for you first!"

Seeing Murong Jingyan's anxious tone, Zhu Huan'an didn't ask any further questions, and watched Murong Jingyan run towards the waterside terrace.

"Brother, you have worked hard for a few days, wait for me!"

After saying that, Murong Jingyan jumped down and jumped directly into the Queqiao River.

At this moment, Zhu Huan'an finally understood something, and immediately stepped forward a few steps, opening his mouth to say something.

But the sound of weapons vibrating has already been heard.

More than a dozen Zhao prison masters rushed out from the corridor, and surrounded Zhu Huan'an in two breaths, while the guest Qing walked up slowly, took out the portraits and compared them carefully.

"That's right, that's the kid."

He retracted the portrait and grinned: "There is also a woman wearing a mask."

Zhu Huan'an's face was indifferent, and he never expected to eat melons on his own head.

"Are you from Zhao prison?"

"That's right." Ke Qing said, her tone changed slightly milder:
"Where is that Princess Yunli at this time?"

Zhu Huan'an subconsciously touched his waist, but felt lonely, so he could only sigh inwardly.

"Dare to ask, what are we guilty of?"

The Keqing of Zhaoyu Temple chuckled, but did not answer this question, and several scouts also returned to their positions at this moment.

"My lord, Tianhe Waterside Pavilion did not find a woman wearing a mask."

"Trash!" Ke Qing frowned and said sharply:
"She just took off the mask, let me check the origin of the women here one by one, and find her!"

He turned to look at Zhu Huan'an in front of him, waved his sleeves and said:
"Bring this guy back to Zhao Prison first!"

In the Queqiao River, Murong Jingyan was swimming towards the opposite bank.

The river was foggy, and no one noticed the scene in the river, but Murong Jingyan could clearly hear the exclamation of the woman who was brought by the arrest from Zhaoyu Temple behind her.

Da da da,

The water was misty, a little yellow duck leisurely stepped on the water, and swam past Murong Jingyan's forehead.

With a look of disgust in his eyes:
"You kid runs fast, so you just sold out the stupid guy?"

Murong Jingyan let out a breath and continued to swim towards the opposite bank. The cold water in the river made her fair cheeks even paler.

"What do you know."

(End of this chapter)

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