How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 154 Brother Didn't Suffer, Did He?

Chapter 154 Brother Didn't Suffer, Did He?
Zhaoyu Temple was built underground, and its interior was mostly made of Shengxu graystone. It was indestructible and could absorb the power of immortals and demons. Its layout has hardly changed for thousands of years.

But the dungeon is dead, but the people are alive. With the multiple reconstructions above Zhao Prison, there are more and more entrances and exits on the ground, and now it is divided into four places, east, west, north, south, respectively.

At noon, when a certain entrance and exit in the north was changing defenses, only a few soldiers were stationed here.


A soldier wiped the sweat off his forehead and reminded the people around him: "Someone is coming."

Immediately several soldiers stood solemnly, and as the two figures got closer, they saw through the heat wave that these two were actually 'young girls'.

No, this should be for the master and servant, because the maidservant at the back is holding an umbrella for the lady in front to shield from the scorching sun.

The soldiers on guard came forward and sternly reprimanded:
"This is Zhaoyu Temple, a forbidden place for the imperial court, where idlers and others should stop!"

This seriousness made Chen Xiangling's heart skip a beat. Although her many years of rebellion made her calm when things happened, it was the first time she did such a thing as a prison robbery. If she was found out, she would really have to ask her father to come forward to save her.

But when she saw the back in front of her, she immediately felt ashamed.

I saw that Murong Jingyan not only walked lightly and slowly, but even shook her neck leisurely, and Chen Xiangling had to trot while holding an umbrella to barely keep up.

As if aware of Chen Xiangling's nervousness, Murong Jingyan turned her head slightly, with a ray of comfort from the corner of her eyes, and said softly:
"Don't be afraid, it's what I said."

Chen Xiangling immediately felt much more at ease when she heard the words, and continued to pretend to be a maid.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone in Zhao Prison, the two stopped slowly, Murong Jing's face was covered with a light veil, and she casually raised her hand behind her.

Chen Xiangling immediately took out the Zhaoju token knowingly, and put it in Murong Jingyan's palm.

After receiving the token, Murong Jingyan didn't rush to show it, but raised her hand to stroke it slightly, then said casually:

"It is said that."

"The person arrested in the prison last night is related to the Flower Picking Sect."

These soldiers were obviously stunned, but the eyes of the guards were better, and they saw the extraordinaryness of Murong Jingyan.

After all, someone who is not a member of Zhaoyu Temple, but can have a token of Zhaoyu Temple, can he have a small background?
At that moment, his heart moved slightly, and he immediately restrained his official aura, and said in a flat voice:
"I don't know what the girl wants."

Murong Jingyan glanced at him, and the purple seal appeared secretly, which made the guard who sealed the three gates inexplicably awed, as if his suspicion just now had come true.

This woman's identity must be unusual!
"Let me ask you, yes, or no?"

The guard was hesitant to speak, and he gave a questioning look back, and then someone stepped forward and said in a low voice:
"Last night, the superiors did send someone to the Tianhe Waterside Pavilion. I heard that a man was arrested. It seems that he kidnapped a member of the Flower Picking Sect and sent him to the judge of my Zhaoyu Temple."

Hearing this, the guard immediately understood what was going on, and said with his hands clasped: "There is indeed such a thing."

When Murong Jingyan heard this, her brows stood on end, she waved her sleeves and said:

"Picking flowers is a very important matter. Miss Ben wants to see who has the guts to sue someone."

Hearing this, several soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, and the guard asked cautiously:
"I don't know girl, but who is it?"

"The higher-ups have issued a decree, even if you have this token, you are not allowed to visit the prison for the time being, or else."

Murong Jingyan took a deep breath and raised her head slightly. Chen Xiangling behind her immediately took half a step forward, and said coldly:
"Where did your eyes go? You can't even recognize Miss Hong Yuan when she arrives!?"

Hong Yuan?

The faces of these people suddenly changed slightly, Hong Yuan was the only daughter of Lord Jinmao, and no one in Zhaoyu Temple knew it.

Only then did the guard catch a glimpse of Murong Jingyan's hair, the bun style is indeed Miss Yuan's favorite, especially the hairpin.
"Miss, you are not at Qijian Villa"

In the middle of talking, he suddenly saw an iron plate of Abandoned Sword Villa hanging on Murong Jingyan's waist.

Murong Jingyan walked forward with a calm tone:

"I went down the mountain to practice. I passed through Yuanzhou a few days ago, so I wanted to come back and have a look."

"I heard from my father that in the past two days, someone has done something to the Flower Picking Sect, and they are going to kidnap someone and sue him. It is inconvenient for him to leave the customs, so let me take a look."

The guard showed a look of sudden realization.

In this way, it makes sense.

Baiqiu City is governed by the imperial court, and the laws are strict, and all three religions and nine streams can only hide in the dark.

Only the Flower Picking Sect is extremely domineering, and the truth of it is also tacitly understood in Zhaoyu Temple, no one will be idle and panic to do something to these stealing mice.

I heard that someone abolished the flower-picking sect and found it in Zhaoyu Temple, so of course it is.
"Miss Yuan means that Master Hong Chen asked you to come here to interrogate him?"

"if not?"

Murong Jingyan asked back, rolled his eyes and said: "Otherwise, in this scorching heat, could I have come here to enjoy the cool?"

"Don't dare."

The guard raised his hand: "This way please"


The dungeon was dark and damp, Murong Jingyan walked down slowly, walking ahead without looking sideways.

The guard couldn't enter Zhao Prison, so he specially summoned a jailer to lead the two of them. Murong Jingyan found that the guards here were different, they all wore a collar around their necks, shining with light.

But soon, Murong Jingyan guessed the function of this circle.

Because this prison is really oppressive, as soon as Murong Jingyanfang walked down the stone steps, he saw countless iron prisons on both sides of the dark corridor, and the detainees inside were all shackled and bound, and they all looked lifeless.

Those should be the so-called iron chains that can suppress cultivation, but even without these shackles, Murong Jingyan still felt that her qi and blood flowed slowly, and if she used Taoism, her power would be greatly reduced.

But the jailers didn't have these reactions, presumably the collars around their necks were working.

With this circle in place, the jailers are far more powerful than the prisoners in this prison.

The jailer who led the way had doubts hidden in his eyes. This time, the city lord's mansion issued a strict order and dared to let people in. However, he heard that Miss Yuan, the daughter of Lord Jinmao, was there in person, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

"Miss Yuan, that person has been imprisoned in Qingming Prison, shall I guide you?"

Murong Jingyan waved her hands and said, "It's okay."

"Qingming prison? I know the way."

Murong Jingyan had already memorized the Zhao Prison Map given by City Lord Baiqiu, so he knew where he was for the time being.

The Qingming Prison should be the basement floor. It seems that Zhu Huan'an has not been arrested yet, but is only temporarily detained.

Seeing that Murong Jingyan was taking the right route, the guards behind him also let go of their vigilance, after all, if the city lord asks someone to come in, he will definitely be beheaded.

And there are really not many women who are so familiar with Zhao prison, and this person should be Miss Hong Yuan.

"Miss, Master Hong Chen is retreating, and he specially asked you to interrogate that guy?"

Murong Jingyan nodded when she heard that, City Lord Baiqiu once said that Hong Chen hadn't left the customs for ten years, and the Flower Picking Sect only emerged in recent years, presumably it appeared to satisfy his peculiar hobby.

Moreover, in the past ten years, he must not have been the only one to target the Caihua Cult. Hong Chen most likely arrested people just to silence them, and it was impossible to break the interrogation immediately every time.

"What did that guy say?" Murong Jingyan asked.

The jailer shook his head and replied, "The man was arrested last night, and there is no time for trial in the future."

"However, it's almost time."

"When is the time?" Without waiting for Murong Jingyan to be puzzled, there was a sudden humming sound from Zhaoyu Temple, like the sound of silk being torn, piercing the eardrums.

Murong Jingyan frowned slightly, and in Zhao Prison there was the sound of iron chains twitching constantly.

Murong Jingyan glanced over, and found that the prisoners who were lying or lying around had reacted at this moment, whether they were female prisoners or big men, their eyes showed fear, and they began to look around.

Turning a bend and going down a step, almost reached the boundary of Qingming Prison, Murong Jingyan understood what the jailer meant.

On both sides of the corridor, the guards who were originally stationed began to open the cells one by one. They were expressionless, holding bloody iron bars and riding whips in their hands, and began to interrogate the prisoners one by one.

The screams echoed in the corridor, endlessly, closing your eyes was like hell on earth.

Not to mention Chen Xiangling, even Murong Jingyan's heart trembled, and she hurriedly asked:
"Is this how you interrogate?"

The jailer who led the way immediately turned around, clasped his fists and said, "It's so loud that Miss is quiet."

"On the basement floor, most of the detainees are people who are waiting for crimes. They are either unwilling to plead guilty, or they are accomplices who refuse to confess their accomplices and hide evidence."

"Recently, there is not enough manpower, so we have to interrogate like this. Please forgive me, miss."

Murong Jingyan took a deep breath, hurriedly waved and said:

"Which cell is that person locked in, take me there quickly."

Under the guidance of the jailer, Murong Jingyan was soon brought to the depths of the corridor, and the orange-red hair was seen from a distance, and a jailer happened to enter him
next to the cell.

The bald head was standing against the corner of the wall at the moment. Although he was skinny, he still shouted fiercely:

"I've said everything I need to say, even the bandit leader, what do you guys want me to say!!?"

The only response to him was the jailer's iron whip and icy voice.

"Five years ago, you intercepted and killed caravans and mutilated civilian women. There were five people and you only confessed to three. Where is the other one!?"

Zhu Huan'an looked at the cell next to him and the screams of the entire Qingming Prison, and couldn't help but frowned.

Looking at the situation, could it be that his grand disciple of Abandoned Sword Villa is going to be tortured in this Zhao Prison?
Will Junior Sister really come?
The bald man next door held his hair in his hands and let out a scream, shouting constantly: "How dare I say that after that man is an official in the court."

"I told you, do you dare to check!"

The jailer sneered, and waved the whip in his hand towards him: "Still talking hard?"

"I'm afraid you haven't tasted enough of the power of my Zhaoyu Temple. I will be a living Yama today."


At this moment, someone grabbed his wrist, and the jailer turned around suspiciously and found that it was a strange woman.

The 'woman' wore a veil, and her eyes were picturesque, but with a cold glow.

"You don't even have the strength to beat someone, so how dare you call yourself a living Yama?"

After the words fell, the iron whip in his hand was pulled away.

Murong Jingyan took two steps forward, without any explanation, he raised the iron whip and swung it towards him, hitting his head with the whip, immediately the bald head was covered with blood, and crawled on the ground in the dark.

The jailer opened his mouth wide, just in time to see the leading guard standing outside the cell winking at him, and pulled him out.

"The one inside is Lord Hong Chen's daughter!"

The jailer who had his whip taken away was startled, and then looked at the woman in the cell who was waving the long whip, and suddenly saw it as normal.

"It turns out to be Master Hong's daughter, no wonder... so powerful."


The jailer leading the way turned into a commentator at this moment, and narrated in the dubbing of the bald head's screams. Chen Xiangling, who had been listening, also realized that the time was right, and conjured up a long-prepared wine case.

While the two were not paying attention, she took out a few crystals, crushed them, and quietly sprinkled them into the wine glass.

Then he stepped forward and said:
"My lords, Zhao Prison is humid and cold. My lady is sympathetic to everyone who works hard in the prison, and specially prepared some fine wine from Zhongzhou to reward everyone."

The two jailers were taken aback for a moment, then waved their hands and said:
"If you can't make it, you can't drink alcohol during the job."

Chen Xiangling smiled slightly, and said softly: "Don't worry, with Miss here, no one will make things difficult for you."

"Just have a drink."

The two looked at each other with a knowing smile on their lips.

"Then, it's better to obey than to be respectful."

They wanted to thank Murong Jingyan, but when they saw the bald Murong Jingyan chasing around in the prison, they just took the wine glass and sipped it in relief.

"Hey, this is called professionalism."

"I told you earlier~ Ms. Yuan has the potential to inherit the mantle of adults at a glance."

Chen Xiangling saw them drinking the wine, smiled and said: "Then I'll go and give some to the other adults as well."

With that said, she walked to another cell in Qingming Prison, and brought drinks to the rest of the jailers.

Murong Jingyan split the bald-headed shirt with a whip, and shouted:
"Speak or not!"

"I said, I said it, I said it!!!"


Murong Jingyan seemed to be whipping, but in fact his eyes were fixed on the door of the cell. He grinned when he saw the two guards drinking the wine, and then he was offended in a short while.
"Don't tell me!"

Regardless of whether the bald head recruited or not, Murong Jingyan continued to beat, execution is just a process, who wants you to tell the truth.

The bald man was anxious and angry, while Zhu Huan'an looked at him through the iron railing and smiled.

How could he fail to see that this 'woman' in front of him was his good junior sister.

Seeing Zhu Huan'an's eyes, Murong Jingyan looked over inadvertently, and raised her eyebrows as if to say senior brother, don't be afraid, I'll come.


The two guards outside the door were watching Xing Qi, and suddenly their faces turned bitter, and Murong Jingyan also put down his whip at the right time, and walked out of the cell, stroking his sweaty long hair.

"This bald head is about to die, and the next guy will be handed over to me."

The leading jailer nodded hurriedly. With such a small movement, he felt like something was going to explode, so he quickly said:
"The little one led the way here, so I'll take my leave first."

"If Miss needs anything, just talk to them!"

After he finished speaking, he quickly walked away with his legs crossed, and the next jailer also turned pale, took a deep breath and said:
"Miss executes the sentence, we naturally put a hundred hearts at ease!"

"Here is the key to the Qingming Prison, so I'm going to trouble you, the younger ones are in a hurry!"

Murong Jingyan watched the two guards leave, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.
Shaking the heavy key in his hand, Murong Jingyan turned around and closed the iron fence to prevent the bald head from running out, then whistled and came to Zhu Huan'an's cell.

"Yo, big brother~"

"You didn't suffer, did you?"

At this moment, Zhu Huan'an was cross-legged on the thatched grass, looking up and tsk-tsk.

"Oh, thanks to your blessing, I was locked up here."

"Fortunately, you came in time, otherwise I will probably suffer a lot."

Junior sister?

The bald man lying on the ground in the next cell had red eyes, looking weak.


The sound of Murong Jingyan unlocking the lock was heard in his ears, and Zhu Huan'an also stood up leisurely at this moment, and glanced over:

"I told you earlier that someone would come to my rescue."

 I am going to post the 4K+ chapter today, but it should be a few minutes later

(End of this chapter)

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