How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 155 It's Right

Chapter 155 It's Right


With the sound of chains falling to the ground, Murong Jingyan pushed open the wooden door and walked into the prison cautiously.

Putting the key to her waist, Murong Jingyan put her hand on the black knife handle and smiled:
"Senior brother, I'm sorry. If it hadn't been like this, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to get into this prison."

Zhu Huan'an snorted noncommittally when he heard the words, but raised his hands to reveal his shackles:

"I'll settle accounts with you later, give me the knife first."

"This is the ruins of the East China Sea's trapped fairy lock, which makes the power of my blood stagnate, and it becomes extremely unbearable in just one day."

Murong Jingyan nodded, and raised the black knife at her waist: "Fortunately, I was smart enough to take away your candle day."

"Otherwise, if this knife is taken away by Zhaoyu Temple, it will really be folded here."

"Ahem, I will help senior brother unlock the chain."

Seeing Murong Jingyan draw his saber in a gesture, Zhu Huan'an hesitated to speak, and smiled intriguingly.

The origin of Zhu Day is unpredictable, but he is an immortal soldier who recognizes his master very much. In the whole world, he is the only one who can pull it out. Even if he is as strong as Master Mie Yuan, it is almost impossible to pull out the sword without authorization.

Sure enough, as a clanging sound came from her wrist, Murong Jingyan frowned.

Zhu Huan'an grinned, shook his head and said:

"Junior Sister, give me this knife, it's up to you"

Clang! !
Accompanied by a sharp unsheathing sound, the Zhaoyu Temple suddenly went on and off, and almost all the prisoners felt a sharp pain in the corners of their eyes, and subconsciously closed their eyes.

Only Zhu Huan'an's eyes were wide open, staring at the flat and sharp blade.


"It turns out the knife was held backwards!"

Murong Jingyan was holding the knife with one hand at the moment, and waved it casually in front of her eyes: "Oh, what a heavy knife."

"Senior brother, aren't you really tired of holding it on weekdays?"

Turning her head to look, Murong Jingyan noticed Zhu Huan'an's expression of seeing a ghost.


"Ah?" Zhu Huan'an shook his head, rubbed his eyes and said:
"Huh? You just pulled it out like that?"

Murong Jingyan held the scabbard in one hand and the black knife in the other, and said with a smile:
"Otherwise, brother, did you say something just now, by...?"

Closing his eyes and thinking deeply, Zhu Huanan said to himself: "No, it's nothing."

"Okay, then I'll help senior brother break the chain!"

While speaking, Murong Jingyan raised the long saber, and Zhu Huan'an temporarily suppressed the confusion in his heart, and raised his arms again:
"Come on then."

I saw Murong Jingyan put the knife firmly on the chain and gestured, then he narrowed his eyes, slowly raised the long knife, and...
Let it go slowly.

After comparing positions again, Murong Jingyan raised her long knife again, narrowed her eyes and took a deep breath
Zhu Huan'an raised his head to look at the sharp edge of candle day above his head, and Murong Jingyan's narrowed eyes like myopic eyes, a drop of cold sweat could not help but flow out of his forehead.


He quickly stepped forward, grabbed the black knife from Murong Jingyan's hand, and thrust it into the crack of the bricks under his feet.

Zhu Zhou could even cut off the Eastern Sea God's Lock, not to mention his own body, he really didn't dare to bet his life on such an ordinary knife at the age of 25.

Looking at the bewildered Murong Jingyan, Zhu Huan'an said in a deep voice:

"I will do it myself."

I saw his arms open, and the chains rattled.

With a sudden thrust forward, the iron chains that locked his arms were immediately released, like ice bricks meeting a hot steel knife.

After unsealing his hands, Zhu Huan'an grabbed the black knife, cut off all the shackles on his wrists and feet with two bangs, and then put the knife back into its sheath, all in one go.

There were also footsteps outside the door.

Chen Xiangling ran to the cell and smiled when she saw Zhu Huan'an escaped smoothly, but then raised her hand beside her mouth to remind him:
"Ayan, those jailers really ran away."

"We need to hurry up."

Murong Jingyan nodded, turned around and looked at Zhu Huan'an: "Brother, did you find out?"


Zhu Huan'an was clenching his fists, feeling the power of the blood returning to his body, and nodded upon hearing this:

"Senior Brother Li Sanyun is in our Qingming prison, but it's complicated here, which cell is it in?"

He glanced aside and asked, "He knows."

The three of them looked at the cell on the left, where a haggard old man was looking at him with his mouth slightly open. It seemed that this was the first time he had seen such an open prison robbery.


Zhu Zhou split the shackles with a knife, and the two immediately walked into the old man's cell, leaving Chen Xiangling to watch outside the cell.

Zhu Huan'an squatted down, leaned in front of the old man and said in a low voice:
"Take us to find that Li Sanyun. According to the agreement, I will try my best to take you away."

The old man swallowed, looked at Zhu Huan'an and then at Murong Jingyan, finally shook his head and said:

"Forget it, young man."

"Now that my legs are broken, I really don't have the energy to run away again. If I'm caught again this time, I'm afraid I'm really dead."

"Don't hurt me either, Li Sanyun is here in the Qingming Prison, you can always find it if you spend more time."

Seeing this, Murong Jingyan shook her head at Zhu Huan'an.

Although the magic beast crystals had an immediate effect, they had no effect once they were discharged, leaving them no time to search slowly.

Zhu Huan'an lifted up the old man's shirt and said in a deep voice:
"Old man, didn't you brag to me that you will die on the way out of prison?"

"You are not jailbroken"

"How did you die on the way to escape from prison!?"

Not only the old man, but also Murong Jingyan was stunned.

With a light cough, she patted Zhu Huan'an on the shoulder, and Murong Jingyan gave me a look like "Come on."

"Old man."

Murong Jingyan opened her mouth and took out a few taels of silver ingots from her arms.

After glancing up at the old man, he put his hands into his arms, raised his chin and said:

"Let's go?"



Before the words finished, the old man had already stood up. Zhu Huanan stared at the two straight thin legs in front of him for a moment, then narrowed his eyes.

Why isn't this old boy lame?
After helping the old man cut off the chain, the old man immediately raised his hand as a sign of please and walked out

"Two, oh no, three young heroes, quickly follow me."

"Mr. Li Sanyun is right in front, hey, be careful and slow down on the steps, come with me."

Zhu Huan'an and Chen Xiangling couldn't help but look at each other. One of them was deep in the palace compound, the other had been practicing since childhood. At this moment, they both admired Murong Jingyan's ability to see through human nature.

Just when several people were about to leave, the bald head in the next cell suddenly grabbed the iron railing and shouted:
"Take me!"

"Take me one too!!"

He hurriedly shouted: "I also know where Li Sanyun is!"

Seeing that a few people didn't turn their heads back, the bald head suddenly shouted hoarsely:
"Come on!"

"Someone is going to jailbreak!!!"

Just as he shouted a few words, the door of the cell was kicked open, and his sight was only wide enough for a big foot to step on his face.

Boom! ! !Boom! ! !

After just a few breaths, Zhu Huan'an put his feet away, looked at the bald head covered in blood on the ground, his teeth burst into pieces, and said with a sneer:

"Let you talk too much?"

"I don't kill you, it's for you to enjoy yourself here."

Murong Jingyan outside the prison originally wanted to persuade Zhu Huan'an not to waste time, but she quickly shut her mouth when she saw this scene, since as long as she can remember, this seems to be the first time that the senior brother got really angry.

very scary.
Under the leadership of the old man, several people quickly moved to a special cell.

Compared with other cells, this cell has an extra layer of iron cages, tied with thick chains, and even has a skylight on the top, through which scorching heat waves pour in.

The whole Qingming Prison is cold and humid, only here where the cold and heat meet, people can't stay for a quarter of an hour.

But the detainee was chained by five iron chains, one of which strangled his neck tightly and forced him to look up at the sky.

The scorching sun above his head burned his face, his face turned red, and he was already unconscious.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Huan'an immediately swung his saber. Fortunately, the origin of the candle day was unpredictable, and the iron chains made of the remnants of the trapped fairy locks were completely vulnerable, and the restraint was quickly released.

Zhu Huan'an stepped forward to rescue Li Sanyun, while Murong Jingyan gave Chen Xiangling a look, and Chen Xiangling immediately took out the prepared clothes.

"Here are the clothes of the jailer of Zhaoyu Temple, please change quickly."

"Also, Xiangling"

After speaking, Murong Jingyan began to take off her skirt.

Zhu Huan'an, who was about to take Li Sanyun off and put it on his shoulder, saw this scene, and immediately turned around and scolded in a low voice:
"Junior Sister, what are you doing!"

It was another old voice that reminded him: "Young man, why are you so ashamed?"

Zhu Huan'an, realizing that the old man was still there, turned his head sharply, only to see that Murong Jingyan had changed into purple clothes, even took off her veil, and replaced it with her own strange mask.


Unexpectedly, there is actually a layer of clothing under the skirt of junior sister Luo.
Murong Jingyan casually took off her hairpin, and the black hair poured down, which made the old man next to her look crazy even through the mask.

Passing the hairpin to Chen Xiangling, Murong Jingyan exhorted:

"Xiang Ling, you and I have almost the same body shape. If you put on this skirt, your hair is tied with a hairpin, and the prison order is added, I believe no one will be able to tell."

"And you."

Murong Jingyan distributed the jailer's clothes to the others, and when she walked up to Zhu Huan'an, she said in a low voice:
"Brother, you change into the jailer's clothes, and walk through the fourth corridor of the west gate. Xiangling knows the place."

"I've inquired about it and it's been abandoned for a long time. You can't trap you in those iron chains, and you have Xiang Ling pretending to be Senior Sister Leng Yuan. Even if you leave Zhao Prison, you won't be afraid of someone stopping you."

"I left a good carriage there, as long as you go back to my mansion, you will be safe."

Zhu Huanan frowned upon hearing this: "Where are you going?"

Murong Jingyan took half a step back and said:
"That...I still have some things to do. Brother Sanyun's life is at stake right now, brother, let's go."

"If you delay any longer, those jailers should be back."

Zhu Huan'an still wanted to ask, but Chen Xiangling stepped forward. She thought that Murong Jingyan was just going to help her get back the obscene clothes, so she immediately said:


"It's too dangerous, forget it!"

Murong Jingyan patted her hand and urged: "Let's go."

"It's too late. If I want to leave, no one can stop me. Don't worry!"

After Murong Jingyan finished speaking, she turned and left, Zhu Huan'an didn't bother to ask questions at the moment, and helped Li Sanyun change into the jailer's clothes.

As soon as the old man rolled his eyes, he immediately changed them. Only Chen Xiangling looked at Murong Jingyan's back, feeling guilty in his heart.

Ayan really did what she said.

At this moment, Murong Jingyan walked quickly towards the depths of the prison, her steps were very fast, and the little yellow duck also got out in good time.

"Boy, are you going to use the Mingxing seal to escape?"

Murong Jingyan nodded, and scanned the surroundings alertly, and soon came to a gray wall at a corner.

After some groping, the gray wall suddenly shifted, revealing a secret passage.

This secret passage is narrow and long without torches, with Murong Jingyan snapping his fingers, a whirling red crabapple flower floats in, immediately reflecting the boundless stone steps, leading straight to the depths of the ground.

"Sure enough. It's the right time."

Walking into the secret passage, the corner of Murong Jingyan's mouth twitched into a smile: "The map of Zhao Prison given to me by City Lord Baiqiu is so detailed that even this abandoned secret passage has recorded hundreds of them."

"If you say that he can't control Zhao Prison, no ghost will believe it!"

With this map in hand, Murong Jingyan is confident that she can go directly to the golden cat's treasure room without alarming the jailer.

"Now that Shang Rong is determined to accept me as his disciple, if I can find what she has been thinking about so much in exchange for that wish, I can really pull this Qin Sheng into the Duotian Tower."

"With this relationship, this is my first confidant in the building, and he is also an extremely strong person."

Murong Jingyan's eyes were firm.

Murong Jingyan is very clear about her way.

In this world, talent is by no means the most important thing. Even if you have the strongest talent, it doesn't matter. If you don't grow up, you will be weak. The most important thing is.
It is power, power, and people!
If you are born into the royal family, or you are a person like Shen Fengchen, if you have a solid backing, you can fully display your talents and do whatever you want.

On the other hand, although Abandoned Sword Villa is not weak, Master Mieyuan is one of the most powerful men in Dayan, but he is alone. Therefore, although he has the genius of both immortals and demons, he still has to hide his own weakness, which shows how cruel the world is.

The reason why Murong Jingyan took a fancy to Duotianlou was because her own blood was here, so it was inextricably linked.

That is, he agrees with the strategy of the master of seizing the sky. The more people he can use, the more he can strategize and win a decisive victory thousands of miles away.

Who says Gou Dao is not Dao?
The way to control people, the most important thing is people, Murong Jingyan urgently needs a trustworthy strong man to protect her.

"Boy, don't blame me for not reminding you."

The little yellow duck sniffed lightly at the tip of its nose: "Based on your cultivation, the distance to Jiuquan Stone is relatively limited at present, and the fluctuations of those holy ruins become stronger as you go deeper into this prison, I'm afraid."

"Not that smart."


at the same time.

Zhao Prison, the ninth floor of the North District.

There is no prison here, but a wide Taoist platform, under which there are eighteen red pillars.

Every giant pillar has a scarlet dragon entrenched, with fierce eyes and a height of hundreds of feet.

These giant pillars hooked up a domineering formation, the chains criss-crossed in the void, and the deep red heat wave swept across, as if to swallow everything here.

And in the billowing red flames, there was a figure sitting cross-legged quietly.

This person was dressed in rags, and his long hair, which had not been trimmed for an unknown period of time, covered his face, only the silver crown on his forehead was still shining in the firelight.

Ha ha
He spoke suddenly, his voice was as hoarse as cracking silk, and with this sneer, the eighteen red dragon pillars suddenly rioted, and the turbulent red flames made people unable to see clearly the figures inside.

But that person's voice was so clear, cold as if he wanted to freeze the boundless red flame.

"You poor. Sad. Little bastard."

"What are you doing here!"

As soon as the words fell, a wave of fluctuations surged from the formation. If it wasn't for a red pillar that erupted to defend the formation, the person sitting outside would have been wiped out.

Shen Fengchen raised his head and looked at the Chi You Purgatory Formation in front of him, his expression was calm.

"Since seniors call me that, it seems that I am here on the right trip."

 I was on my way back at high speed today, and I almost said it was on the way.
  Everyone must pay attention to safety when driving. Fortunately, there is no danger. I took half a day off today to go back to my mother’s hometown to meet grandma and grandpa. The 4K owed will be postponed for another day, babies
  Sorry sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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