How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 156 I thought it was suitable for you

Chapter 156 I thought it suited you very well

The ninth floor of the dungeon, Chiyou's purgatory.

The fire that swallowed the sky and covered the sun surged in the dojo, even if the semi-sage stood under it, it would be like a small drop in the flame hell, which would be engulfed by the endless fire at any time and turned into fly ash.

And the unkempt figure loomed in the blazing fire. This was the first time he had lost his composure since he was imprisoned here.

The iron chains between the Red Dragon Columns were stirring, just like the ups and downs of mood.

"Senior, why is this necessary?"

Shen Feng raised his head, and said calmly:
"I came here today to find out the truth. If there is anyone in the world who is willing to tell me, it is you."

After the words fell, the voice in Chi You's purgatory formation smiled wildly, as if he had heard some big joke.

"the truth?"

"What did Shen Hu do these years? With the smell of the Shen family on your body, don't you know?"


The voice in the flame suddenly lowered, and was suddenly mixed with a few traces of ridicule:

"You want to know the relationship between the dog emperor and you?"

Shen Feng and Shen Wenyan's eyes froze, he sat up straight, and solemnly nodded his head against the firelight.

"Senior, please speak clearly."

The increasingly wild firelight illuminated Shen Fengshen's brows, and mocking laughter came from his ears, as he quietly listened to the words of the mysterious prisoner in the formation.


"For the sake of you waiting for a day, this deity will be merciful"

"Let me tell you."


At the same time, there are eight floors underground.


A secret door somewhere was opened, and Murong Jingyan walked out quietly.

After poking his head to make sure no one was there, he walked quickly against the wall.

Until walking under a night pearl, Murong Jingyan took out a pair of embroidered handkerchiefs from her sleeve, and looked intently through the dim light on the wall.

There is a simple map drawn on this embroidered handkerchief, which is the structure of the eight underground floors.


"The secret room is in this area, so there should be no mistake."

On his shoulder, the little yellow duck was also looking at the embroidered handkerchief with his head, and suddenly asked: "The guards in the depths of Zhao Prison should all have advanced cultivation levels."

"Aren't you afraid of being discovered?"

Murong Jingyan raised her eyebrows, and took out another object from her bosom, it was half a twig, emitting a faint light in this dark dungeon.

Shaking the wooden branch, Murong Jingyan put away her handkerchief and continued walking in one direction.

"This is called a Shenmu branch, and it came from Yandu Mansion."

"Chen Xiangling said that this thing can shield the consciousness, it seems to be true, otherwise we would have been discovered before we got down to the eighth floor."

On the eighth floor of the dungeon, there were no row upon row of cages like the one above, but rather spacious roads. Murong Jingyan walked for a long time before finally seeing a place of detention.

It is said to be a place of detention, but it is actually a square piece of blue ice that is taller than the palace.

It was so far away that Murong Jingyan could feel the biting cold. Fortunately, the only way to pass was not through there, otherwise Murong Jingyan considered that he might be cold to death.

And there is a figure in the mysterious ice, the reason why it can be seen clearly is because the figure exudes a strong black mist.

These fogs are weird and visible to the naked eye, but fortunately they are completely sealed by the mysterious ice and cannot be exported.

Touching her shoulder, Murong Jingyan opened her mouth and spit out a mouthful of white mist. Just as she was about to turn around and leave, she felt a gaze locked on her, and then a strange voice sounded faintly:

"good doll"

"Come forward and let the old man take a look"

Murong Jingyan suddenly felt chills standing on end, immediately rubbed oil on her soles and ran away.

"Wang Wang!"

The little yellow duck fell down unexpectedly, and quickly followed Murong Jingyan's heels into the dark corridor.

After half a stick of incense, a white feather on the mysterious ice slowly fell, and when it touched it, it flickered like smoke, and turned into a man wearing a white scarf.

The man's face was soft and stern, he stepped out of the air, and landed to the point where he was at eye level with the phantom in the ice
"Master Taoist Demon Controller, did you have something to say just now?"

His tone was as soft as a woman's, yet calm yet awe-inspiring.


The Phantom in the Ice didn't answer, until the man in white scarf was expressionless, waving the folding fan in his hand and about to open his hands to trace back, the voice sounded again:
"The old man wants to say"

"I'm actually the court's internal response, Mr. Ning, you have arrested the wrong person."

Hearing this, the man in the white scarf snorted coldly, and clapped his hands on the black ice, and the devilish energy in the ice immediately swelled and evaporated, and the demon-controlling Taoist let out bursts of wailing, accompanied by a strange shrill laugh.

"If you talk nonsense next time, I don't need to save your life any more."

"Think it over and speak again."

At this moment, the man in white scarf suddenly withdrew his palm, and said without looking back:
"Hong Chen, what are you doing here?"

Near the ice, a figure in a brown robe came forward, with a hooked nose, slanted eyes, and a sinister face with respect and fear at the moment:

"Return to Master Shangshu."

"The next official leaves the customs and welcomes one person."

Ning Yin, the Minister of Punishment, tilted his head slightly and revealed a sharp gaze, which made Hong Chen dare not raise his head at all.

"I heard that you have been in seclusion for many years to recuperate. It seems..."

"The news is still very well-informed?"

Hong Chen felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, his knees were so weak that he fell to the ground. At that moment, he had no choice but to tell the truth:

"I don't dare, I just can't stop collecting information for a moment. I heard that the sixth son of the Shen family has come to Baiqiu City."

"Since it's related to the Shen family, the lower officials must understand the whole story and tell the Holy One."

He murmured in his heart, even though he was a celebrity in front of the emperor, a semi-holy master, according to his seniority in the Dayan Academy, he should be the uncle of the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment in front of him.

But the first level of the official rank crushes people, let alone this one who is separated by several ranks.

"Ha ha."

Ning Yin turned around noncommittally, and said with his hands behind his back:
"Hong Chen, although you are His Majesty's person, you must not let things go too far, and officials do not exceed the law."

"That's all."

After saying that, Hong Chen felt his body relax. When he looked up, he saw a white feather slowly falling in the air. After seeing Ning Yin leave, he patted his sleeves and let out a long breath.

Oh shit
Why is it such an unlucky thing that as soon as I get out of seclusion, I encounter Master Shangshu interrogating people in person? Isn’t this Taoist priest known for being tough-tongued? Isn’t he enlightened today?

Since he couldn't figure it out, Hong Chen simply didn't want to continue thinking about it. He has more important things to do now.

"I heard that Chen Feng sank to the ninth floor underground. Who is he going to see?"


"That's it."

Murong Jingyan didn't know what happened behind her, but following the trot all the way, she arrived at the place she wanted to come in advance.

In front of him was an ordinary low wall, carved with murals and totems, if he hadn't learned the details from City Lord Bai Qiu, Murong Jingyan would never have noticed that behind this wall was the secret room of the golden cat Hong Chen.


After some groping, Murong Jingyan didn't find any gaps, this was somewhat different from what City Lord Bai Qiu said, he clearly said that there were windows in this secret room.

"It's broken, if there is no window, how can you throw the Jiuquan Stone into it."

Murong Jingyan was stunned immediately, she had already come, it would be a pity to leave now.

Not daring to use his Qi, blood and Taoist skills here, Murong Jingyan simply picked off the luminous pearls on both sides of the road and started to look for any traps or holes against the wall.

Just when Murong Jingyan was concentrating on finding a flaw, she didn't know that a certain stone door quietly opened around the corner.

A figure emerged from behind the door, wearing a blue robe and carrying a big sword. It was Shen Fengchen.

Stepping out of the stone door and listening to the sound of the stone door closing behind him, Shen Fengchen did not take another step, but just looked at the blue bricks on the ground silently.

His eyes kept flickering, and he suddenly pulled out the big sword behind his back, inserted it into the floor tile in front of him, and made a loud noise.

The pain and tyranny in the eyes are constantly changing, and I don't know how long it has passed.
It ended in a sigh.

"Tai Sui XingXiu, who slaughtered countless people in the previous life, bears the cause and effect of the sea of ​​blood, and suffers disasters and kills the common people?"

He laughed at himself and muttered silently:
"This life is doomed to be miserable, lonely and lonely, with a miserable end?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

A look of firmness appeared in Shen Fengchen's eyes, and then he closed his eyes.

"I do not believe"

"When I was born, the Qilin equaled the sky, and the majestic mist rose. This is a sign of auspiciousness. Why do you say Tai Sui!"

"I am alone? Then I want to prove to the blind Zhuoxingsi and to these remnants of Xishan that no matter where I am, Shen Fengchen, I can control my own destiny!!!"

clap clap clap~

Shen Fengchen's ears moved slightly, and he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Who is applauding?

Quickly opening his eyes, Shen Fengchen turned slightly and saw a figure quietly leaning out half of his body from the corner not far in front of him.

The two white palms clapped together gently, as if encouraging.


"As expected of Mr. Shen, he is so courageous and courageous!"

Shen Fengchen narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the mask, but in the dim light, he felt it was familiar but could not recall it.

Seeing this, Murong Jingyan smiled slightly, stretched out her hand to take off the mask, and raised her hand to beckon.

Only then did Shen Fengchen realize something, he stepped back two steps, looked at the face in front of him that repeatedly appeared in the dream, and for the first time in his life, his cheeks were a little red.

"It's you!?"

"Why are you in this prison!?"

Murong Jingyan hurriedly made a shh gesture, only then did the sudden loud noise startle him, and looking around to find out that it was Shen Fengchen was considered a blessing in misfortune.

But this guy is also very strange. Who is a good person who comes to the depths of Zhao Prison and talks about giving himself chicken blood?

Does he have any relatives locked up here?
Shen Fengchen took out his sword and put it back on his body, took two steps forward and asked with a frown:

"Murong Jingyan."

"Did you come to Zhao Prison to see that person?"

"That person?" Murong Jingyan narrowed her eyes when she heard this and came half a step closer:

"Could it be that person you said?"

Shen Fengchen was slightly taken aback, is this playing a charade?
"But how did you get in? As far as I know, monks are not welcome in Yuanzhou Baiqiu City. Or are you saying that you are a nobleman of the imperial court?"

Seeing that there was no fraud, Murong Jingyan hissed and shook his head:
"I came here looking for something"

"As for the rest of Mr. Shen, don't ask. Since I can come here, I must be a good citizen."

Shen Fengchen turned his head and saw that there was no jailer following Murong Jingyan, so he didn't ask any questions at the moment.

"What are you looking for, you need to come to the depths of Zhao Prison?"

Murong Jingyan blinked, looked at the upright young man from the Shen family in front of her, and suddenly had a plan.

"Mr. Shen, something."

"Is such that."

After a while, the two leaned side by side in front of the mural wall.


Hearing somewhere, Shen Fengchen suddenly tilted his head and asked in a low voice:
"Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course." Murong Jingyan's eyes were dim, and the long hair on her forehead covered her eye sockets.

"Which nun would joke about her innocence" (wiping away tears)

Shen Fengchen took a deep breath, folded his arms around his chest and said coldly: "I know that Dayan has a lot of dog officials."

"But I didn't expect that there would be such a picky and weird guy."

"Why did he steal his daughter's dirty clothes!?"

Under the hair, Murong Jingyan's eyes were cunning and observational. Looking at Shen Fengchen's expression through the gap at the ends of her hair, she suddenly became happy.

This guy's reputation isn't very good, but he's still kind of righteous, and it was the same thing last time.

Hu Yaoqu always put a cuckold on me, and he believed it when he said it.

"How about this."

Shen Feng raised his head, leaning his head against the mural behind him, thought for a moment and said:
"Hong Chen is the imperial golden cat, so even our Fulong Division has no jurisdiction over it."

"But if I personally come forward to order, I think he still has to give me face and return all your clothes."

Murong Jingyan was shocked and quickly shook her head.

Don't say that I didn't lose any clothes at all, even if some of my trousers were stolen, it doesn't matter, the key is what Shangrong lost, that's the most important thing.

"No, no, Mr. Shen doesn't need to order to force him."

"After all, you are officials in the same dynasty, so it's not appropriate to ruin the harmony. I just want Mr. Shen to speak and let Hong Chen take you into the secret room for a tour."

"Then, take me with you"

As she said that, Murong Jingyan turned her hands, and a shiny stone appeared in her white and rosy palm.

"This thing again?"

Shen Feng raised his eyebrows, and took the Jiuquan Stone.

He had already helped once when he left Yandu Mansion last time, so he naturally knew the magical power of this stone.

Holding Jiuquan Stone backhanded, he agreed to the request, and he turned his head to look at Murong Jingyan with a hopeful face, showing a smile.


"What's the price?"

Murong Jingyan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately coughed.

This kid is really not as pure and kind as he thought. He almost thought he was just picking up a bargain.

But this Shen Feng Shen has a prominent family background, money, and skills, so what benefit can he give him?
Before Murong Jingyan could speak, Shen Fengchen said on his own: "Hiss, we made an appointment last time."

"When competing for the potential dragon list, you helped me reach the top."

"Well, this time, um, I have it."

I saw his hand reaching his waist and started to grope, Murong Jingyan's eyes followed his hand nervously.

Shen Fengchen took out something, which made Murong Jingyan's eyes clearer for a moment, and she was relieved when she saw that it wasn't something weird.

"This is Rouge?"

Murong Jingyan stepped forward, and when she saw the object clearly, she was a little confused.

"Well, a nice rouge."

Chen Fengchen lowered his head and looked at Murong Jingyan, showing a meaningful smile.

Lonely and widowed, ending in misery?
No, I will change the fate of this so-called final conclusion now!

"It's called a canary sparrow, I thought"

"suitable for you."

 In the past two days, I am working on modifying the beginning chapters and optimizing some bridge sections, which may delay some time, and the update will be later, sorry!

  By the way, school should be starting soon for book friends~
(End of this chapter)

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