Chapter 157

"suit me?"

The dungeon is deep and dark, filled with cold mist.

In front of the carved wall, Murong Jingyan was holding the golden sparrow in her hand, her eyes could not help showing surprise and doubt.

This, this kid is probably trying to send me off.
Shen Fengchen nodded slightly, seeing that Murong Jingyan did not show any surprise, after a little thought, he patiently explained:

"I've seen quite a few treasures, even though this rouge is a random one in the market"

"But the canary finch, flying south, means returning to the sky without restraint."

"And its color and carving are both excellent, and its fragrance is unique. It should be a treasure handmade by everyone. As the saying goes, a good horse deserves a good saddle, and I think the same is true for people."

Listening to Shen Fengshen's explanation, Murong Jingyan smiled coyly, then took the rouge close and gently sniffed it.

Hmm. It smells really good.

But having said that
I'm not a woman, how can I use rouge! ?

Shen Fengchen seemed to be aware of Murong Jingyan's embarrassment, and asked with a slight frown:

"You don't like it?"

This inquiry made Murong Jingyan come back to her senses, she nodded quickly and said, "I like it."

"This is indeed a good rouge."

"Then I'll give it to you."

"Ah?" Murong Jingyan hesitated for a moment.

In the past, if someone offered a gift, then naturally there was no reason to refuse it, the worst would be to return her favor like Shang Rong.

But this rouge has no effect on him, Murong Jingyan really can't figure out whether Shen Fengchen has any other plans.

So Murong Jingyan asked tentatively:

"Mr. Shen, this rouge sounds valuable."

"Why don't you give it to someone else?"

Hearing this, Shen Fengshen's face changed, and he immediately changed his tone and said: "At this moment, you are begging me to do something."

"If you tell you to keep it, you can keep it. Why are there so many polite things?"

Seeing that Shen Fengchen was suddenly serious, Murong Jingyan didn't dare to touch the mold, so she quickly held the rouge in her palm, nodded quickly and said:


"Then thank you, Mr. Shen."

Seeing that Murong Jingyan accepted the rouge, Shen Feng's expression also returned to normal.

As if he felt that he had just sternly said, Shen Fengchen turned his body slightly and took a deep breath to calm down.

No way
My temper is sometimes irritable, and I don't care about others, but if I use it to deal with the future.
He turned away from the corner of his eye, and saw Murong Jingyan who was standing there with her head buried in the same place, playing with the rouge box, and felt ashamed.

No, because of love, I should be more patient.

"Murong Jingyan."

Shen Fengshen opened his mouth, and asked in a soft tone: "You said you want me to go and have a look at Hong Chen's secret room, but I'm not familiar with him."

"Although it's not difficult to meet him, what should I say to get him to take me in."

Hearing Shen Fengchen's initiative to speak, Murong Jingyan immediately became interested, casually hung the rouge on her waist, and hurried forward.

"It's easy!"

"Young Master Shen just do what I say, and he will naturally take you in."

Shen Fengchen nodded, and suddenly the scent of Murong Jingyan's hair came from the tip of his nose, which made him subconsciously smile.

This woman. Even if I was murdered just now, she can still act as if nothing happened. This kind of heart is the best Taoist partner for me.

It's just that I still know very little about her and can't be impatient.

After listening to Murong Jingyan's advice, Shen Feng pursed his lips, stroked his chin and asked:
"Do you have to say that?"

Murong Jingyan patted the wall behind her, nodded and said, "For a person like Hong Chen, what he hopes most is to be like-minded."

"So, that's right."

"Of course, I'm not saying that Mr. Shen is such a person, he's just acting on occasion!" Murong Jingyan added rigorously.

Shen Fengchen crossed his arms and agreed after thinking for a moment.


"Alright, then I'll go find him."

After the words were finished, suddenly there was the sound of rustling footsteps at the end of the corridor, causing the two of them to turn their heads to look.

A hearty voice came over first.

"Master Shen!"

"So you are here. The officials thought you were on the ninth floor underground, but they searched for it for a long time."

The voice came from far away and came to the two of them almost as soon as the words fell. The person who came had a cold face, was wearing a brown robe, and had a big aquiline nose.

Shen Feng turned his head, and saw that Murong Jingyan had already put on the mask, and was standing obediently behind him.

At this time, Murong Jingyan lowered her head and lowered her eyes, she recognized Hong Chen the moment she saw him, after all, she had seen Hong Chen's face in Baiqiu City Lord.

Why did this guy come out on his own initiative?
Seeing that Shen Feng was silent, Hong Chen bowed his hands and said:

"My subordinate Hong Chen, I have met the sixth son."

"Huh?" Shen Fengshen was suddenly a little surprised.

"You are Hong Chen?"

Hong Chen raised his head and smiled: "Exactly, it seems that the Sixth Young Master has heard of my name."

"Although the lower officials work for the Holy Majesty, they have been ordered by the Xiangguo many times, and they are old acquaintances with the Shen family."

"If it wasn't for the untimely report, the next official would have to leave the customs early! It is for the sixth son to clean up the dust."

Shen Feng smiled noncommittally. The words of a person like Hong Chen could only be half believed, so he asked unhurriedly:

"You came after me specifically."

"Are you going to find out my purpose on behalf of the emperor or Xiangguo?"

Hong Chen quickly waved his hands, bowed again and said, "Don't dare, the sixth son came to Zhao Prison, and then went to that Chi You Purgatory."

"Thinking about it, I definitely don't want Xiangguo to know about it!"

Shen Feng and Shen Wenyan narrowed their eyes slightly, and said lightly: "You threaten me?"

"Don't dare, dare not!"

"Xiaguan means that this matter, Xiaguan will definitely keep his mouth shut, and please rest assured, Sixth Young Master."

Hong Chen put on a serious expression, cupped his fists and said:

"Young Master Shen looks like a unicorn. I think next year when the Qianlong rankings are announced, it will be the day when the Young Master will rule the world. Naturally, I want to do my best for you, Young Master Shen."

This is Hong Chen's innermost thoughts. He has both sides and knows that the current situation in the court is complicated, and the one who can break the situation best right now is...
The next Qianlong list.

Known as the most prosperous luck in ten thousand years.

Zhu Xingsi said that those who won the list this time will be expected to become immortals, go against the sky, and break the pattern that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Hong Chen thinks that he is not very talented, and his ability to live up to now depends on his own insight. He never believes that everything remains the same.

If Shen Fengchen is unreliable, then he can sell this secret to the emperor at any time, and he can advance and retreat freely.


Hong Chen still wanted to continue to flatter, but when he saw the figure wearing a strange mask standing behind Shen Fengchen, he still asked to be on the safe side:
"Sixth Young Master, don't you know who this is?"

Shen Feng Shen heard the words, turned sideways to look at Murong Jingyan.

"Is she?"

Turning his eyes, Shen Feng straightened up and introduced: "She is mine."

"I met Master Hong."

Murong Jingyan took the initiative to take a step forward to relieve the siege, leaned forward and said, "I am the servant girl in front of the sixth son."


Hong Chen stroked his long beard, and said with a smile: "Sixth Young Master, you really have a good mood, and even came to the depths of my Zhao Prison with a personal maid."

Shen Feng came back to his senses, and smiled calmly.

"so what."

Seemingly feeling that the words were coming to an end, Hong Chen looked around and said at the right time, "Sixth Young Master, this Zhao Prison is cold and damp, it's not a place to talk."

"Why don't you go to Baiqiu City for a stroll?"

"This Baiqiu is not much better than the imperial city. Please ask the lower officials to take care of you. If there is anything that can help you, please tell me in detail."

Shen Fengchen nodded without rejecting, and raised his feet forward.

But before Hong Chen could smile and follow, Shen Fengchen, who had only taken two steps, stopped.


He spoke suddenly, as if he suddenly thought of something.

"Lord Su Wenhong, you have a secret room and collect countless treasures from all over the world. Even the Lord of Baiqiu City specifically mentioned this in front of me."

"Since you're all here, why don't Master Hong let me have long-term eyes?"

When this topic was suddenly mentioned, Hong Chen's expression suddenly became a little embarrassed, and he glanced at the carved wall beside him without trace.

He has met the city lord?

That's right, the city lord once went to my secret room, but how could the city lord tell Shen Fengchen all this.

"Sixth son."

"Of course this is not a problem, it's just that I have been in seclusion for too long, and there are many secret rooms that have not been taken care of, and many things have not been tidied up in time."

Before he finished speaking, a hand was raised suddenly, interrupting his words.

Shen Fengchen turned his head and showed a meaningful smile.

"Master Hong."

"What I want is not to clean up."

Hong Chen was stunned when he heard the words, and he narrowed his eyes immediately after he reacted, and also showed an inexplicable smile, and asked back: "Sixth son?"

"You want to see the untied one?"


Looking at each other with a smile, Hong Chen raised his hand and gestured to the side: "Then it's better to obey orders than to be respectful. My secret room is far away in the sky, and it's right in front of you."


He looked at Murong Jingyan at the side, showing a troubled expression.

"Also ask the sixth son's maid to stay away."

Shen Fengchen smiled understandingly, turned around and patted Murong Jingyan's shoulder gently:

"Jingyan, you go back first."


Murong Jingyan hurriedly leaned back again, her eyes behind the mask were quietly sizing up Hong Chen who was about to activate the mechanism.

"Then Jing Yan will go back first and wait for the sixth son."


After two sticks of incense, Murong Jingyan sat in a hidden secret passage on the seventh floor somewhere, tapping the sacred tree branches in her hands in boredom.

"Almost, they should be done shopping."

Sitting up, Murong Jingyan looked through the cracks in the bricks and tiles, and saw a figure appearing in the corridor, flashing past.

Although I couldn't see clearly, there was almost no one in the bottom few floors. They were all meditating in closed rooms that could not be seen. This figure must be Hong Chen!

"very good."

A smile appeared on Murong Jingyan's lips, and she agreed with Shen Fengchen not to use more than one stick of incense, and just left the Jiuquan Stone while wandering around.

It's insurance to stay some extra time.

"Hong Chen is gone, so it's time for me to act."

Murong Jingyan stretched out her hand to make a tactic, and as white light and shadow appeared in the void behind her, a crack quietly emerged, and Murong Jingyan slipped in without hesitation.

After landing firmly on the ground, Murong Jingyan immediately stood up and looked around alertly.

This secret room is not too small, it is as gloomy as the prison outside, but the wall is stained with unextinguished oil lamps.

Murong Jingyan sniffed the oil with the tip of her nose and concluded that it should be the grease of some kind of monster. It was similar to the oil lamp in the main hall of Qijian Villa. It gave off a faint fragrance and burned for a long time. It was not poisonous gas.

The oil lamps illuminate row after row of nanmu bookcases, but instead of books, the cabinets are filled with the same rare treasures.

In the other half of the secret room, there are many jade tables, with a rough luster.

Those stacked on the tables are also some women's underwear, some of which are even very messy.

"This Hong Chen is really perverted."

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with it."

Murong Jingyan smiled slightly, now that Hong Chen is not here, she can search with confidence.

First, when she walked to the jade table, Murong Jingyan frowned suddenly, picked up a pair of white stockings and said with emotion:
"This guy"

"He is truly the wolf of the world of cultivation."

Throwing down the socks, Murong Jingyan took a closer look and found that most of these clothes still had dates written on them, and many even had their names.

"It seems that the person from the Flower Picking Sect brought it for him. He really did his best."

The little yellow duck's heart suddenly sounded, reminding:

"Looking at it like this, I'm afraid this guy is not just a flower-picking thief. This Hong Chen probably has practiced some evil skills."

"The evil cultivator I was helping each other before was also like this. He broke the seal of heaven and became a semi-saint by relying on some crooked methods. This guy's skills are probably similar, but they are not so vicious."

"But generally there is no big chance, and the semi-saint is the top for them."

Murong Jingyan was surprised, so it was like this.


Murong Jingyan took two steps, took a closer look, and then picked up a piece of clothing.


"Could this be the ominous omen in the legend?"

Hanging in front of her eyes was a pair of bowl-shaped clothes, the corner of Murong Jingyan's mouth twitched, she really didn't expect Dayan to have such an invention, it seems that the world cannot be measured by the ancient times of the previous life.

After gesturing in front of her chest, Murong Jingyan pursed her lips, showing an affirmative expression.

"Seeing the details, the owner of this clothes must be extraordinary."

After saying that, Murong Jingyan was about to put it down, and turned around to look for Shang Rong's things first.

"Found the obscene clothes you lost?"

At this moment, a sudden inquiry from the secret room made him stiffen, and he suddenly looked back. Murong Jingyan's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Shen, Shen Fengshen?"

"Why are you still here!?"

It was Shen Fengchen who appeared behind him. He was walking slowly, playing with the objects beside him, and said casually:
"I asked Hong Chen to go up to hold a banquet first, and I want to stay here and have a look."

"What? Did I delay you?"

He looked at the clothes in Murong Jingyan's hand, after a moment of stupefaction, he coughed lightly and looked aside:
"This is in your hand."

"Probably not yours."

Only then did Murong Jingyan come to her senses, she quickly threw the things in her hand aside, turned her back with a cloudy expression on her face.

What's going on? Why can't this guy leave?
Shen Fengchen was leaning against a bookcase, folding his hands as usual, and tilted his head to look at Murong Jingyan.

The pair of dragon eyebrows were flat, with a peaceful smile in his eyes, and he said:

"I'm lying to you. This secret room is easy to get in and difficult to get out of. Hong Chen told me how to leave. I'm afraid you won't know it then and will be trapped here."

"It's okay, just keep looking."

"When I don't exist."

 Japan discharges nuclear sewage!

  It's a bit uncomfortable to think that you won't be able to eat sushi and sashimi, but when you think of so many shop owners suffering even more, you suddenly feel better
(End of this chapter)

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