Chapter 158
can not go out?
The corner of Murong Jingyan's mouth twitched, she left the Nine Springs Stone near Zhao Prison, are you afraid that she won't be able to get out?

At the moment Murong Jingyan doesn't bother to pay attention to Shen Fengchen, since this guy wants to stay, then let him stay and leave him alone
Sensing Shen Fengshen staring at her from behind, Murong Jingyan let out a sigh of relief, but began to rummage on the table in a leisurely manner.

"Tsk tsk, clothes, my clothes."


"It was here."

After catching a glimpse of a wooden sign that said [Feng Nan Inn, Tianyan 19th Year], Murong Jingyan smiled.

It's the late spring of Tianyan's 19th year, Chen Xiangling said that her clothes were stolen in Feng Nan's inn, and it must be this one.

Murong Jingyan stretched out her hand, picked up the pink clothes, turned around and shook it deliberately:

"Master Shen, I found it!"

Seeing this, Shen Fengchen immediately turned his head, coughed lightly and said, "Cough."

"Now that you've found it, let's go."

Murong Jingyan smiled when she heard the words, put the obscene clothes into the iron plate of the abandoned sword, stepped forward and said: "If Mr. Shen is in a hurry, you can actually leave first."

"As for me, there is one more thing I want to get."

As Murong Jingyan passed by, Shen Fengchen opened and closed his eyes and said without looking back:
"You want to take his stuff too?"

Murong Jingyan nodded, squatted in front of the bookshelf and rummaged up and down, stretched out her hand to push aside some strange-shaped objects, brushed the hair on her forehead and said casually:


"Is it possible that he is only allowed to steal from me and not allowed to take his?"

Shen Fengchen nodded slightly, as if he felt that his words were reasonable, especially when he turned his head and saw Murong Jingyan squatting on the ground with serious eyes searching.

"What else are you looking for, I will help you."

Murong Jingyan was surprised when she heard the words, she turned her head to look at Shen Fengchen who was walking, and smiled:

"It's all right."

"I'll do it myself, and I'll find it right away."

Hearing these words, Shen Fengchen didn't intend to continue helping, he leaned on the bookcase beside him, looked at Murong Jingyan's back, his face was lost in thought.

Murong Jingyan squinted her eyes, counted lines at a glance, and soon reached the last few rows of bookcases.

Finally, his gaze changed and he stared at the top of a bookshelf somewhere.

What is placed here is a transparent ice box, and the phantom in it can be vaguely seen through the ice.

It looks like a bowl.

A hand suddenly grabbed the ice box and gently took it off.

"Is this what you're looking for?" Shen Feng looked down at the ice box with a puzzled look, and he naturally saw that there was a bowl inside.

Murong Jingyan hurriedly snatched the ice box away, then looked up.

The wooden board on which the ice box was placed also had a line of small words written on it, but it happened that the bookcase was in a state of disrepair and was somewhat decayed, and could only barely read the year and month.

"Tianyan five years."

Tianyan is the title of the Holy Majesty today.

Emperor Shoudi, the first emperor of Dayan, was buried in the conquest battle with the old enemy Wanlun Kingdom, but it was not the prince at that time who carried the fate of the country, but King Yan who was the vanguard and general of the army at that time, and returned with his coffin.

With King Yan's decree to depose the prince and ascend the throne, Dayan will not fall into turmoil.

Shang Rong said that this bowl was lost in the fifth year of Tianyan, so it should be right
Murong Jingyan raised her hand to break the thin ice layer and was stunned.

I thought that the bowl that Shang Rong missed was a gorgeous and exquisite utensil, but after taking it and looking at it, it's... It's not even as good as the bowls from street vendors!
The rim of the bowl was bumped, and the luster was dull, like a bronze ware, but the texture was a little worse, it was dark.

"What do you want this bowl for?"

"Could it be that your seniors once lost it?"

Shen Fengchen also came over, and he naturally caught a glimpse of the words Tianyan five years. Murong Jingyan was probably only a few years old at that time, so he naturally thought of something.

Murong Jingyan didn't deny or nod, she just slapped the bowl to her waist.

But the bowl was not collected into the token, on the contrary, it was caught off guard and fell to the ground, Murong Jingyan was startled and bent down to pick it up.

Fortunately, this bowl was only stained with ash and mud on the ground, making it look dirtier.

"Strange, it can't be stored in the storage space?"

Shen Fengchen also noticed this, he looked at the bowl and pondered: "Generally high-grade magical artifacts, but it is very difficult for anyone who recognizes the master to store them in the magical artifacts."

"Could it be that your bowl has some extraordinary origin?"

In this case, Murong Jingyan had no choice but to hold it in her hand, looked up at Shen Fengchen, and slowly took half a step back.

"Master Shen, thank you very much for today."

"The kindness that brought me into the secret room will be repaid by Jingyan at the sword-question meeting in the future, then you and I will meet again by fate."

After finishing speaking, Murong Jingyan raised her hand and shook her five fingers, the Jiuquan Stone in her hand emitted a dazzling light.
A door of light and shadow slowly emerged, Murong Jingyan turned around and walked in.
call out!
But before Murong Jingyan could step in, the crack of light and shadow was distorted and disappeared like lightning.


Murong Jingyan froze in place immediately, then waved her hand and moved it in the air.

No, it's my door.

What about my big portal? ?

"Boy, I told you that the depths of this dungeon are shielded by the material of the Holy Ruins, and the distance of your meditation seal has also been infinitely shortened."

The little yellow duck's voice sounded again, with a hint of teasing.

"What?" Murong Jingyan was immediately awkward in place, especially when she felt the gaze behind her, she closed her eyes.

Taking a deep breath and turning around, seeing Shen Feng calmly mocking, Murong Jingyan hurried forward and said:


"Having said that, but we seem to be very destined, we should chat for a while."

"Then what, didn't the young master say that there is a way to leave, let's go quickly~"

Shen Feng shook his neck, but spit out two words.


"Ah?" Murong Jingyan narrowed her eyes, no?

What's the meaning.

Did you develop feelings in this cold and damp dark room?

Shen Feng took half a step forward, raised his finger and pointed to the bowl in Murong Jingyan's hand.

"Your object is too conspicuous."

"Besides, whenever Hong Chen's things leave this secret room, he will naturally feel it. If he sends jailers to search halfway when we go up, where should you hide?"

"This." Murong Jingyan's eyes flashed when she heard this.

Now that the Mingxing seal is unreliable, and Leng Yuan's hairpin tokens have been given to Chen Xiangling, the only way to get out is to stay with Shen Fengchen and continue pretending to be his maidservant.

With a wave of Shen Feng's belief, he suddenly felt the willingness to make things difficult, sighed and said:
"I brought you in out of kindness, and I don't mind taking you out."


"Shen doesn't want to cause trouble for nothing. You can either put this bowl down, or find a way to get out by yourself."

Seeing Murong Jingyan standing on the spot with the bowl in his arms, his eyes dodging, Shen Fengchen suddenly evoked a smile.

"It seems that you are reluctant to part with this bowl."

"Ms. Shen is leaving first. I think you are smart and will be able to figure out a way."

As soon as he turned around, a quick voice came from behind Shen Fengchen:
"Hey, wait!"

Murong Jingyan took a few steps forward and came to Shen Fengchen. She pursed her lips and said, "I have a solution. I can take the bowl out without being suspected easily."


Shen Fengchen raised his eyebrows. He didn't care at all whether there would be a jailer search. As long as he wanted to, what could he do if he took Hong Chen openly?
He was just waiting for the beauty in front of him to ask him for help.

But I didn't expect that Murong Jingyan not only didn't ask for help, but actually thought of a way?

But soon Murong Jingyan's operation made Shen Fengchen's eyes stare straight, his neck leaned forward slightly, and he was severely shocked.

Murong Jingyan pulled her chest slightly, and then put the bowl on her chest, not to mention the round bottom of the bowl, it didn't seem to be inconsistent.

Wiping his eyes, Shen Feng narrowed his eyes and said:

"You, do you want to"

Murong Jingyan grinned: "How about it, is it natural?"

After rubbing the bottom of the bowl, Murong Jingyan frowned slightly: "Tsk, it's just too hard."

"But it's okay, no one will touch it after all."

Shen Fengchen swallowed his saliva in a rare way, looking at Dayi's chest, he subconsciously blurted out:

"Here, I should have to install another one, right?"

Noticing that Murong Jingyan turned his head to look at him, Shen Fengshen quickly said seriously:

"Shen never meant to offend you."

But to his surprise, Murong Jingyan didn't feel sullen, but instead stretched out a finger and nodded slyly:

"And a similarly big one!"

After Murong Jingyan finished speaking, she turned around and continued to search. There are not many bowls here, but there are still some, just need to compare and search carefully.

The sound of bowls, cups and bells ringing in the secret room echoed in his ears, but Shen Fengchen seemed to be frozen in place.

For a long time, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, with a mockery in it.

what happened
In the distant past, he was also curious about what kind of woman he would like in the future, presumably she should be a virtuous and decent person who is familiar with each other.

Unexpectedly, today I would be attracted to a woman with a mysterious origin, just because of her beauty?
Do not.
It is God's will to meet several times, and it should be the opportunity given to me by God.

The ominous fable of Xingsi lingered in Shen Fengshen's heart like a shackle all the year round, but when he turned his head to look at Murong Jingyan, who was rummaging through boxes and boxes, he suddenly felt a long-lost mood of relief.

That's right, they were wrong. My Shen Fengchen's true destiny has appeared, and this is God's will.

Everything should be reversed.

Thinking of this, Shen Fengshen moved his footsteps, came to the nearby bookcase, and began to search seriously.


Murong Jingyan noticed it, raised her head and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Find another for you."

Shen Feng and Shenzheng were holding a bowl in each of their left and right hands, put it down after comparing each other, and picked up the other patiently, Murong Jingyan didn't say anything when she saw this, and hurriedly searched for it.

Grabbing a porcelain bowl, Shen Fengchen felt that it was about the same size and glanced at Murong Jingyan's chest inadvertently.

Hmm. From this point of view, there are indeed some.
Should it be young?

But it doesn't matter, I can go and hire some wandering warlocks in the future, no
It's better for me to do this kind of thing myself. Let's go to Taixue University. There are many miraculous doctors there and we can naturally find good remedies. After all, no matter how hard it is, the child can't suffer.

Holding the porcelain bowl and passing it over, Shen Feng said in a low voice:
"This should be about the same."

After Murong Jingyan took the porcelain bowl for the comparison, she immediately beamed with joy.

"That's right, it has to be Mr. Shen, and he'll be hit as soon as he makes a move!"

Shen Feng nodded his head, he was agitated when he heard flattery for more than [-] years, but at this moment it was extremely beneficial.


Outside Zhaoyu Temple.

It was almost dusk when the two walked out.

From the sixth floor onwards, jailers came out one after another, especially when the Qingming prison on the first floor found that the criminal had escaped, the entire Zhao prison was full of jailers who were hunting for them, and even Shen Fengchen was interrogated several times.

But fortunately, everything was safe and sound, and he walked out.

Shen Fengchen raised his head and glanced at the several figures flying across the sky, they were invisible strong men in Zhao Prison, and they were called urgently to search for the fugitives.

"There are so many wonders in this world. Someone actually robbed Zhao Yu?"

"Heh, even though it's only the first level, it's enough to see that there are not a few people with ulterior motives and daring actions."

After Shen Feng sneered, he suddenly turned his head and said:

"Murong Jingyan, don't always take risks and put yourself in danger just because you know some strange skills."

At this moment, Murong Jingyan also looked up at the strong men from Zhao prison who were coming and going in the sky, and couldn't help but sweat for Zhu Huan'an and the others.

say what
What is bold and reckless, this is called daring to be the first.
"That's right, Mr. Shen."

Murong Jingyan weighed the bowl in her hand, and looked back at the Zhaohe Realm that had disappeared without a trace.

"It's been so far, why are you still following me?"

Shen Fengchen was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he had followed him far away.

Then he coughed lightly and said, "Oh."

"I was going to ask you, then Hong Chen hosted a banquet, if you have nothing to do, why don't you go with me?"


Murong Jingyan immediately turned her head and shook the bowl in her hand with a puzzled look: "I'll go, why don't I catch him?"


"What am I going to do, continue to stand behind you as a maidservant?"

Speaking of this, Murong Jingyan suddenly realized something, and her face regained her composure:
"I understand."

"Young Master Shen helped me today, but now you have thought about what you want in return?"

Shen Fengchen smiled, shook his head and said, "I don't need anything in return."

"If you come, you don't need to be a maid, you just need to"

At this point, Shen Fengshen caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eyes, his expression froze, and his smile also retracted.

"It doesn't matter, if you have anything to do, go ahead."

There was something strange in Murong Jingyan's eyes. Why did this Shen surname always feel strange when meeting this time, and it became more and more unpredictable.

Sure enough, what the senior brother and the master said is correct, you should stay away from the Shen family.

After the two said goodbye, Shen Fengchen walked towards the corner of the street, where there was a figure standing silently.

The white hair is more snowy, the clothes are flawless, and the eyes are haunted by a pair of white silk, it is Shen Su.

"What are you doing here?"

Shen Fengchen stopped, looked down sideways, and spoke in a bad tone.

Shen Su was about to respond, but the tip of her nose moved slightly first, and she tilted her head slightly.

"Where's that rouge on you, huh?"

As if smelling something, Shen Su raised his head, as if to 'look' at Shen Fengchen.

"You have an inexplicable scent of crabapple on your body, have you gone to Tianhe Waterside Pavilion?

"What Tianhe Water Pavilion, don't appear in front of me if you have nothing to do!" Shen Feng immediately waved his sleeves and left after hearing this.

When he heard the rustling footsteps behind him, Shen Fengchen couldn't help turning around and scolded in a low voice:
"What are you following me for?"

"I'm ordered to follow you, and find the Patriarch if I have something to do."

Taking a deep breath, Shen Fengchen clenched his fist tightly and then released it, and finally lifted his feet and walked towards somewhere in the city.



Somewhere in the city, Hong Chen was sitting in a restaurant, and in front of him were countless good wines and dishes, all of which were the most famous food in Baiqiu City.

He sat upright, looked at Caixia outside the building and murmured:

"Why is this Sixth Young Master still here? Besides, the sky is full of patrols from Zhaoyu Temple."

"What happened?"

At this moment, a jailer from Zhaoyu Temple who happened to be eating in a restaurant recognized Hong Chen, immediately stepped forward and clasped his fists, saying:
"I've met Lord Hong!"

"My lord is hosting a banquet here too?"

Hong Chen looked at him coldly and ignored him, and just waved his sleeves to dismiss him.

The jailer didn't dare to bother, but he didn't know if he was too drunk, so he couldn't help laughing and said before leaving:

"Miss Yuan is back today. She is really different from before."

"Congratulations, Mr. Hong!"

Hearing this, Hong Chen's eyes changed slightly, and he turned his head to look at the jailer.

With a slight grasp of the hand under the table, Volley pulled it to him.

"you say."

"Yu'er is back?"

 Family members recommend tickets, monthly tickets
(End of this chapter)

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