How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 159 What is their relationship! ?

Chapter 159 What is their relationship! ?

In the calm sky of Baiqiu City, people's shadows passed by from time to time, and the strong wind howled, causing the people to look up.

The defenders in the city also whispered, probably guessing what happened.

"I heard that in Zhaoyu Temple, a prisoner escaped today!"

"Is there such a thing?"

"If you want me to say that those guys from the Ministry of Punishment are used to being idle, I'm afraid they will be severely investigated now!"

On the city lord's mansion, a figure holding a flute stood tall and looked towards the direction of Zhaoyu Temple.

He held a seal in his hand, and the ink was still wet.

"Ning Yin, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, is so impatient and asked me to search and arrest the whole city. It seems that there is something wrong with Zhao Prison."

"What did he do?"

Behind a nearby pear tree, a black shadow appeared like a ghost, and the sound fluctuated from far to near.

"It was the young master of Duotian Tower who disguised himself as the daughter of the golden cat. He should have used strange poisoned wine to distract the lower-level jailers of the Qingming Prison and successfully rescued Li Sanyun."

"Besides, the young master of Duotianlou didn't escape after the incident was completed. Instead, he took a risk and opened Hong Chen's secret room. I just don't know if he got what he wanted."

"Oh?" City Lord Bai Qiu smiled and nodded.

"How did he get into Hong Chen's secret room? This cat is cautious by nature, how can it not even recognize his own daughter?"

The black shadow swayed, and the tone was faint:
"He is taking advantage of the sixth young master of the Shen family, Shen Fengchen."

"Shen Feng took the initiative to order Hong Chen to take him in for a tour, but when he came out, there was one more him."

The voice in the black shadow is calm, but it seems to see everything about Murong Jingyan under his eyes, knowing everything and being everywhere.

Clapping Xiao in his hand, City Lord Bai Qiu let out a hiss, and a gleam of brilliance appeared in those vicissitudes of life that did not match their appearance.


"Shen Fengchen, this young man, seems to be open-minded and informal, but in fact he has deep scheming and rebellious bones. If he wants to use it for nothing, he will only suffer backlash."

"Although I don't know how this young master made him willing to help, but since he has done it, I only look at the result."

The lower lip touched the flute, and the melodious sound of the flute suddenly echoed in the city lord's mansion
"This is the person I should support."


In the restaurant, Hong Chen asked the jailer who was close at hand: "You said Yuan'er returned, how do you say that?"

The jailer seemed to be three minutes sober, but just as he was organizing his words to answer, there were rustling footsteps on the stairs.

The visitor's blue robe was fluttering, and it was Shen Fengchen who arrived.

The two masters of the Fulong Division consciously stopped at the escalator, only Shen Suwu kept up, because she couldn't see Shen Fengchen's frown when he looked back.

"Master Hong, have you been waiting for a long time?"

Shen Fengchen sat down, and Hong Chen couldn't continue questioning, so he had to send the jailer away first and prepare to ask questions later.


"Mr. Shen, please sit down quickly, I just waited for an extra hour and a half."

Shen Feng smiled noncommittally.

After staying in Zhao Prison for two full days, especially after discussing with the ninth-floor condemned prisoner, he was even more depressed. Who knew that he ran into Murong Jingyan again by mistake.

Shen Feng, who firmly believed that this was fate, swept away the gloom at this moment, and he was in a good mood.

He didn't have the appetite to eat, but he didn't refuse the delicious dishes on the table. After taking a bite of the drunk catfish, he couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

But Hong Chen on the opposite side obviously couldn't laugh, because the strong man of Zhaoyu Temple in the city was almost gliding past the eaves. As a guest of Zhaoyu, he naturally felt a little restless.

Especially the diners in the restaurant also came to the stands, chattering about something.
Zhao prison was robbed?

When the two were picking up chopsticks, Shen Fengchen also noticed Hong Chen's silence, and asked with a smile:
"Master Hong invited me."

"Is it really just for eating, without saying anything?"

Hong Chen woke up from a dream and was about to get up and pour wine when two masters suddenly flew in from outside the building, both dressed in Zhaoyu Temple.

It's just that they are different from those low-level jailers. They have silver feathers on their shoulders, which symbolizes the strength of the internal guards of the Ministry of Punishment, at least the Sixth Level of Tianfeng.

"The four north gates, where is the guard Xu Dayong at noon today?"

One of them fell to the ground and drank loudly. After the words fell, the building was silent. Only the drunk jailer's feet softened and he stood up tremblingly.

"You are Xu Dayong?"

After getting a nod in response, the questioning inner guard grinned and said coldly:
"Today, apart from the members of our temple and the prisoners, the only ones entering and exiting Zhao Prison are you, two people with unknown origins from the four north gates."

"Follow me back to trial!"

Xu Dayong's face turned pale, he was completely awake from the wine, and he said silently:
"unknown origins.?"

"Impossible, she is not."

He turned his head to look at Hong Chen not far away, and immediately shouted:

"That is Mrs. Hong's daughter Leng Yuan, who is holding the Zhaoju Token and was ordered by Mrs. Hong to interrogate people. How can it be that the origin is unknown??"

After hearing this, I raised my glass and watched Hong Chen's complexion change slightly. However, the two inner guards noticed that Hong Chen was also here after leaving the prison, and they hurriedly bowed and said:
"I've seen Master Hong before."

Hong Chen got up with a gloomy face, and sternly reprimanded:

"Yuan'er is currently being grounded at the Abandoned Sword Villa in Zhongzhou. A few days ago, the elders of the Abandoned Sword Villa sent a letter to inform me."

"How could it be that she has returned to Zhao Prison, and when did the officer give her the token!"

Xu Dayong's heart was ashamed and he collapsed to the ground.

Just when the two inner guards were about to take him away, Hong Chen suddenly frowned and stepped forward to stop them.

"I would like to ask you, which prisoner in Zhao Prison was kidnapped, and who are the prisoners on death row below?"

One of the inner guards looked left and right, came to the table and cupped his fists, and responded in a low voice: "My lord, I am not a low-level death row prisoner."

"The incident happened on the first floor of Qingming Prison, and there are two fugitives."

"One is the businessman Li Sanyun who was arrested by Shangshu Ning a few days ago."

"There is another person. I don't know why I was arrested, but I heard that the prisoner has orange hair like fire."

After the voice of the inner guard fell, Hong Chen showed a puzzled expression, and it was Xu Dayong who made the atonement and rushed forward: "I know why the orange-haired man was arrested."

After speaking, he whispered something in Hong Chen's ear, and Hong Chen's eyes froze immediately.

He never expected that the robbing of Zhao Prison would have something to do with him. It was he who ordered those who attacked the Caihua Sect to be detained in Zhao Prison, but he didn't expect that someone would come to rob the prison and it would be fine.

Everyone didn't notice that Shen Feng, who was tasting wine silently, frowned, and slowly put down his wine glass.

Orange hair?

"Shen should have seen this person before."

Suddenly hearing Shen Fengshen open his mouth, the inner guard immediately cast a questioning look, while Hong Chen hurriedly introduced:

"This is the sixth young master from the left, Shen Fengchen."

Shen Feng raised his head, looked ahead, and recalled:

"Is that man tall, with a strange appearance, and there should be a black long knife around his waist?"

The inner guard immediately bowed and said, "Sixth Young Master's words are absolutely true."

"That man is similar in stature to you, Young Master. It is true that I heard that he looks extraordinary, and the woman who rescued him used a black knife to cut off the Eastern Sea God's Lock."

The corner of Shen Fengchen's mouth curled up, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

It seemed that things suddenly became interesting.

Just like when he saw Murong Jingyan for the first time, he had a strange illusion, as if he could forgive anything this stranger in front of him did.

And when he looked at the orange-haired man in red on the street, he also had a strange feeling.

An unstoppable killing intent.

That kind of killing intent is very special, it is not killing for the sake of killing, but having to kill is like a cold light in the throat, if you don't take action, it will lead to disaster.

The reason why he didn't do anything was because Shen Fengchen wasn't afraid of the so-called tiger breeding, he didn't bother killing geniuses to pave the way forward.

In terms of talent, he stands confidently on the top of Dayan. If he is really a talent, I will give you time to grow until you can't see him in the distance.

When the day when his premonition comes true, he will take that person's life.

"Why did you arrest this person?"

Hong Chen immediately changed the topic when he heard the words. He didn't want the secret that he was the leader of the flower-picking leader to spread in the public, but he just said a few words, and suddenly a falcon flew into the building.

The letter falcon landed on Hong Chen's arm, and Hong Chen took out the letter under the falcon's wings and glanced at Shen Fengchen.

Shen Fengshen was calm and composed, and asked back:
"What's the matter, Master Hong?"

Hong Chen coughed, and there was clearly a line written in the letter:

【My lord, your secret room has been stolen, it is a mess, and some items may be lost】

Hong Chen's complexion was not good, he left early, and the only one left in the secret room was the sixth son of the Shen family.

After waving his hands to let the two guards of Zhaoyu Temple take them back to meet their errands, Hong Chen sternly told Xu Dayong not to talk nonsense, and then watched the three of them leave nervously.

After all, Ning Shangshu clearly distinguishes rewards and punishments, and Zhao prison's failure to say that it is too big will damage the royal family's face. If he is involved, he may not even give the emperor's face.

After everyone left, Hong Chen sat down, looked at Shen Fengchen with a distressed face, and said tentatively:

"Sixth Young Master, someone came to report that my secret room was stolen."

"Oh?" Shen Feng sneered, he leaned on the wine table with one hand, raised his wine glass and took a sip, showing his flair.

"Lord Hong thinks I'll covet your obscene clothes?"

As soon as these words came out, Hong Chen immediately waved his hands and said no, no, no, while Shen Su, who was sitting silently beside him, turned his head with a slight surprise in his tone:

"Shen Fengchen, what strange thoughts do you have about Hong Chen's obscene clothes?"

Shen Feng's head was covered with black lines when he heard the words, he glared at Shen Su and said:
"Shut up if you don't know!"

"If Xiangguo hadn't sent you here, sometimes I really want to chop you with a sword."

Shen Su immediately shook his head and sighed, which made Shen Fengchen even more sullen, so he took a deep breath to calm his emotions.

Seeing this, Hong Chen on the opposite side thought in his heart, this Shen Fengchen really had no reason to touch his little collection, could there be other people?
He secretly kneaded his hands under the table, and soon a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

Sure enough, there is a ray of imprint left by him in Baiqiu City, someone really dares to break ground on Tai Sui's head! ?
After confirming that it was really not Shen Fengchen, Hong Chen hurriedly got up and said:

"Mr. Shen, excuse me, I have already figured out the thief's location, so I will hurry to arrest him."

Shen Feng tilted his head to look, his heart moved, and he thought of Murong Jingyan.

Heh, this person surnamed Hong is really meticulous and thoughtful, actually left marks on those objects?
Murong Jingyan probably didn't know yet. Or maybe he didn't have enough time to remove the mark.

Forget it, help her one more time.

"Master Hong, why are you so urgent?"

"It's not too late to drink a few cups with me first, that person won't be able to escape in Baiqiu City even if he wants to."

Hong Chen shook his head and explained:

"Sixth Young Master doesn't know something."

"Today there was another prison robbery and my secret room was stolen. It must be the same gang of gangsters. I'm afraid they are coming for the lower officials."

"Wouldn't I have solved the prison robbery case if I went to catch her? It's not too late. I'm sorry to go first."

Having said that, Hong Chen rose into the sky, turned into a ray of black light, circled in the sky for a circle, and shot away in one direction.

In the restaurant, Shen Feng sat upright with a serious expression on his face.

Hong Chen's words seemed casual, but they suddenly woke him up.

"That's right."

Lightly tapping the table with his fingers, Shen Feng closed his eyes.

"Not everyone can enter the eighth floor of Zhao Prison, and it happens to happen on the same day as the robbery."

"There is also a fake Hong Chen's daughter."

"Could it be that Murong Jingyan is really the one who robbed the prison today? Doesn't that mean that she and the orange-haired man are in the same group?"

Shen Fengchen's face was a bit ugly, he raised a glass of wine and put it to his lips, but he couldn't swallow it for a long time.

"What is their relationship?"

At this moment, Shen Fengchen suddenly glanced at Shen Su next to him. He had already felt that something was wrong with Shen Su, and then he suddenly understood why.

"Where's your Zhaoyu Token?"

Shen Su was groping on the table at this time, finally found the chopsticks, poked them in the palm of his hand, and replied casually after hearing the words:

"What?" Shen Feng frowned and sneered in disbelief.

"What do you mean being stolen?"

Shen Su's chopsticks tapped on the table, and the bang bang made Shen Feng's heart even more agitated, and he directly picked up a roast chicken and patted it in front of her.

"Say, who stole it?"

Shen Su lowered his head and smelled the roast chicken, showing a slight smile:
"A very fragrant woman."

"The fragrance of crabapple flowers."

Shen Fengshen immediately stood up, his eyes narrowed slightly, at this moment he was almost sure that Murong Jingyan was the person who robbed the prison, and he even guessed the ins and outs.

Turning around, Shen Feng greeted the two Fulong Division masters with a blank expression, and said in a deep voice:

"Take me after the golden cat."

"I lost my track, I'm asking you guys."


in the mansion.

The black bowl that couldn't fit into the storage space was placed on the table at this moment.

And Murong Jingyan casually threw the mask on the bed, lay down on the recliner beside the window sill, stretched out her hand and yawned.

Looking at the sunset glow outside the window, Murong Jingyan showed a heavy expression.

"Senior brother and the others haven't come back, but looking at the battle in the sky, they probably haven't been caught either."

"Could it be that Li Sanyun woke up halfway, and something changed."

"Just wait here for them to contact me..."

Thinking of the black bowl, Murong Jingyan turned her head and her beautiful eyes widened.

"what are you doing!!"

Quickly got up and came to the table, Murong Jingyan pulled out the little yellow duck that was still squatting, and as the duck's wings fluttered, Murong Jingyan became even more angry.

"Damn! Why do you pull anywhere!"

The little yellow duck was caught in the palm of his hand and struggled, and immediately shouted dissatisfied: "Just this bowl, I feel wronged to use this bowl as my latrine."

"Besides, yesterday you still begged for my crystallization with sweet words."

"Today, I will turn my face and deny the duck!"

Murong Jingyan looked down and suddenly showed a look of disgust.

"Smelly duck, do you have a bad stomach recently, and the crystals are thin."

Throwing the little yellow duck aside, Murong Jingyan was going to find something to wipe the bowl, after all, this was a treasure to be brought back to Shang Rong.

The little yellow duck still looked unconvinced, but it rolled its eyes and stepped forward two steps:
"It's a lie that I just took a shit, but it's true that I helped you."

"Huh?" Murong Jingyan turned her head, with a look of disbelief.

The little yellow duck raised his head and said proudly: "There is a superficial mark of a saint in this bowl. Although it has not been maintained for many years and is very weak, it is still easy to find you in Baiqiu City."

"I have discovered it a long time ago. How about I cover it with a piece of shit for you now?"

what! ?

Only then did Murong Jingyan come to her senses, why didn't she say this earlier! ! ?
At this moment, there was a sound of breaking wind outside the eaves, and a figure fell steadily into the courtyard.

Murong Jingyan immediately leaned against the wall, looked sideways and took a deep breath, secretly feeling bad.

The person coming was none other than Hong Chen himself.

Hong Chen looked around vigorously, he had formed a party for many years, and there was a hint of caution in his eyes.

"This house. If I remember correctly."

"Is it a private house under the name of the city lord?"

Taking a breath, Hong Chen raised his feet and walked towards the hall in front of him. Just now, his mark suddenly lost its sense, but at least he found it.

"No matter who it is, catch it first."

 Mossy, mossy!
  I will go to Hong Kong for a few days tomorrow, so I have been saving articles these days just to keep updating, Shaorui Shaorui babies (worship)
(End of this chapter)

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