How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 160 Let her go!

Chapter 160 Let her go!
After Hong Chen thought clearly, he stopped hesitating, and he took a step forward and came to the front of the main hall.

A few days ago, the front of the palace gate was damaged by Murong Jingyan's spirit-leading silk. Hong Chen looked in through the stubble, and suddenly his eyes narrowed slightly.

"is her?"

In the room, Murong Jingyan had already returned to bed at light speed and put on her mask. After noticing Hong Chen's gaze, she simply sat down on the bed.

Damn it... I left a Jiuquan stone outside the city as a way out, but I have used it twice today, and I need to wait for a while before I can use it.

This Hong Chen came too fast.

Murong Jingyan calmed down and decided to take another step. If he had to, he had to bring out Baiqiu city lord to suppress him. Even if he wanted to come to Yuanzhou Dharma Protector, he would not dare not protect himself.

Walking into the house, Hong Chen's eyes were gloomy, he was not in a hurry to speak, but looked at the furnishings of the hall.

"Why are the doors and windows of your temple all broken?"

To Murong Jingyan's surprise, Hong Chen's first words were actually concerned about the hall.

"This is what everyone in the Caihua Sect is doing. Lord Hong, why are you here?" Murong Jingyan said calmly.

When Hong Chen heard the words Caihuajiao, he immediately understood a lot of things. The orange-haired swordsman was arrested by the Caihuajiao, and he was ordered to be sent to Zhao Prison. Could it be because of this?

At that moment, he was even more certain that the person in front of him had something to do with the prison robbery.


Just saying the three words Caihuajiao, is it because I am afraid that I will not be able to think of it?Or is there a...

Hong Chen was suspicious by nature, but now he became cautious.

He went straight forward, immediately made Murong Jingyan's heart tighten, and stood up from the bed.

It's not that he's afraid of Hong Chen, but that the black bowl he stole is placed on the table in a grandiose manner!

"You are not the maidservant of the sixth son, are you?"

Hong Chen grinned, keenly aware of something.

Seeing that Murong Jingyan didn't reply, Hong Chen considered her acquiescing, but even if this girl is not Shen's maidservant, she probably has something to do with the sixth son.

So he continued on his own, "I don't need you to tell me your identity."

"You only have to do two things, and I will pretend that I don't know about this and let you go."

While talking, Hong Chen had already walked to the table, and he put his hands on the table, this action immediately made Murong Jingyan secretly swallow her saliva.

"Master Hong, it doesn't matter."

Hong Chen nodded in satisfaction, and suddenly glanced at the table.

Murong Jingyan's heart suddenly rose again, directly to her throat.


"Master Shangshu may severely punish this case. I don't know about the prison robbery, and you don't know about the Caihua Cult. You only know about Li Sanyun. Do you understand what I mean?"

Murong Jingyan nodded, this Hong Chen seemed to want to get rid of his ties, if he and his gang were arrested, it was only to save Li Sanyun.

"Don't worry, Master Hong. There is no such thing as Hong Yuan. It's all a false accusation."

Hong Chen chuckled when he heard the words: "It's refreshing to talk to smart people."

"The second thing..."

He suddenly lifted the jug on the table, and naturally aimed the spout at the black bowl.

As the wine splashed out, the tension in Murong Jingyan's eyes turned into shock and even confusion, ah...

Hong Chen put down the wine bottle, picked up the black bowl, looked at Murong Jingyan, and sneered:
"The second thing is, you have to return the things you stole to me."

Murong Jing was dumbfounded, watching Hong Chen shaking the wine in the bowl, momentarily at a loss for words, and even wanted to remind him.

Could it be that Hong Chen... has stolen so many things that he doesn't even know what he lost?
Seeing Hong Chen swaying the drink, Murong Jingyan touched her nose guiltily, but only touched the cold mask.

Good guy, is he afraid that the duck feces will not be shaken evenly... By the way, although the stuff is colorless and odorless, the effect may be even more explosive after dilution.

"Um, Lord Hong."

Murong Jingyan spoke, her eyes fixed on Hong Chen's actions.

"Why didn't I understand your second matter?"

Hong Chen grinned coldly when he heard the words, shook his head, and drank the wine in the bowl.

Just when he was about to speak, he suddenly frowned, and then took another sip.

What kind of wine is this? It has a unique flavor.

Putting down the black bowl, Hong Chen put one hand behind his back: "Don't pretend, my imprint will dissipate from here, could it be that you will be wronged?"

Seeing that Hong Chen had really drank the duck poop wine, Murong Jingyan's eyes suddenly became intriguing, and she immediately straightened her waist.

"Master Hong."

"I've never been afraid of the slanting shadow since I was a child, but my lord tells me what you lost."

Hong Chen was taken aback for a moment, obviously he was asked.

It was urgent and he didn't go back to the secret room to investigate. Now that the mark has dissipated, he can only... search his body.

"Stop being clever."

"Since you are not Mr. Shen's person, then hand over your things to me, otherwise I will take you to the city lord's palace!"

"Ha ha…"

Hong Chen took a step forward, exuding a semi-holy pressure, which made Murong Jingyan feel physically and mentally heavy and had difficulty breathing.

"This can be regarded as making up for one's mistakes. With the decision of the city lord, the prison escape has nothing to do with this official, but should be rewarded."

"Forget it... I have seen a lot of stubborn guys like you."

"I will search it myself!"

As he said this, Hong Chen was about to take action, but at this moment his expression changed and he suddenly stopped.

The semi-holy coercion in the hall also receded like a tide.

Gollum! !

what's the situation…

Quickly touching his stomach, Hong Chen only felt that an unprecedented powerful force was brewing there, like a volcano that was about to erupt at any time.

"Master Hong?"

Murong Jingyan spoke at the right time, and after knowing that the crystallization was working, she said teasingly:

"Did you not eat, or did you eat too well?"


Hong Chen was furious immediately when he heard the words, but the pain in his abdomen made him unable to restrain himself from squatting down immediately. If he didn't maintain this arched posture, his reputation would be ruined in an instant.

"Master Hong, if you are really fine, then I will leave first."

As she said that, Murong Jingyan was about to walk past Hong Chen.

If the crystals enter the body, even Daoist Mie Yuan has to expel them immediately, otherwise the qi and blood will be imprisoned, and there will be big problems if they are forced to stay in the body. Hong Chen is no exception.

When she came to the table, Murong Jingyan spilled a layer of thin wine from the black bowl, looked at the bottom of the bowl which had been cleaned and nodded slightly, and she had to thank Lord Jinmao in front of her just for this.

"Little thief, let's go!"

But what Murong Jingyan didn't expect was that Hong Chen, who was squatting next to him, stretched out a hand unwillingly. He didn't dare to use Taoism, so he just grabbed Murong Jingyan's calf.


"Master Hong, do you want to die together!?"

Murong Jingyan hurriedly raised her foot to break free, but Hong Chen's semi-sacred body was so strong that Murong Jingyan couldn't help crying out in pain in just a moment.

"Master Hong doesn't let go, don't blame me for being rude!"

While speaking, Murong Jingyan raised her hand, a light in the palm of her hand bloomed, while Hong Chen raised his eyes and looked disdainful.

"Tianfeng Yiguan also wants to hurt this official?"

"As long as you dare to use Taoism, you will attack the imperial court official, and this official will make you die!"

One sentence made Murong Jingyan hesitate, but even though Hong Chen was sweating coldly and almost couldn't hold it back, he didn't know why he had to ask for his things back.

Even he didn't know what he had lost.

I saw his hand grabbing up Murong Jingyan's slender calf, muttering:

"Isn't it enough to give the things to the officer?"

"I promise not to pursue you!"

Murong Jingyan was also in a hurry, she carried Hong Chen with the bowl and walked out, scattered her hands with a light and shouted: "Master Hong, stop making trouble, let go!"

"You're really not afraid of suffocating yourself!"

Just as the two of you were pulling me, another burst of wind came from outside the hall, and it fell straight to the front of the hall.

Shen Fengchen compared his eyes to the two Fulong Division masters, then walked forward alone.

He slowed down before going up the steps, lost in thought.

"If Murong Jingyan is really the one who robbed the prison, I'm afraid it's not right for me to stop Hong Chen from enforcing the law..."

Forget it, let's see the situation first.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a sound coming from the hall, and immediately stepped up the steps.

Following the creaking sound of the wooden door being pushed and pulled, Shen Fengshen pushed the door with one hand, and slowly stepped inside.

? ?
When he saw the scene in the hall, Shen Feng was stunned, his pupils flashed suddenly.

The big sword was unsheathed, and the sound of Shen Fengshen's anger resounded through the courtyard, even the two Fulong Division masters outside were startled.

"Hong Chen!"

"Let her go!!"

(End of this chapter)

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