How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 161 This is a capital crime

Chapter 161 This is a capital crime

The cold light of the big sword suddenly lit up the hall!
Hong Chen was obviously taken aback by the sound, and slightly loosened Murong Jingyan's hand.

Murong Jingyan took this opportunity to kick him away and broke free from the "devil's claws".

Frowning slightly, Murong Jingyan looked at her calf.

It was only for a moment that bloodstains ooze from the trouser legs, this is due to Hong Chen's weak body and deliberately restraining himself.

Shen Fengchen also noticed it. He didn't say a word, but looked back at the two Fulong division masters who heard the sound.

With a glance, the two of them immediately understood and looked at Hong Chen, who was sitting on the ground in the hall, his face changing from green to white.

The Sixth Young Master wants us to take the blame again...

Shen Fengchen dragged his sword to Murong Jingyan's side, while the two men were gearing up, walking towards Hong Chen one from the left and the other from the right.

Sensing the shadow approaching, Hong Chen reluctantly looked up and raised a hand.

He was caught off guard just now, he happened to be kicked in the stomach by Murong Jingyan's kick, and now he is using all the strength in his whole body to gather in one place, he dare not say a word.

I'm afraid there will be a leak.


Hearing the sound of ringing bells next to her, Murong Jingyan was startled and slowly turned her head to look at Shen Fengchen.

At this time, Shen Fengchen glanced at Hong Chen not far away, and the kindness on the wine table just now was gone.

"Even my friend Shen Fengchen dares to touch me. If I can give you face to share the table and drink with you today, I will make you lose all face!"

Murong Jingyan was taken aback when she heard the words.

Does Shen Fengchen really regard me as one of his own?

"That, Mr. Shen?"

"You... why are you here?"

Shen Feng and Shen Wenyan withdrew their eyes, turned to look at Murong Jingyan and said, frowning:
"Murong Jingyan, don't you have anything to say to me?"

Seeing the confusion in Murong Jingyan's eyes behind the mask, Shen Fengchen reminded:

"What do you want to do, dare to rob the prison?"

"It's a capital crime."

Murong Jingyan took half a step back after hearing this. How could Shen Fengchen be so sure that he was the one who robbed the prison?

So that's it. He just went to dinner with Hong Chen. The two of them must have talked about something, but looking at this scene... this person surnamed Shen probably didn't betray me.

Seeing Murong Jingyan retreating, Shen Fengchen put the big sword in his hand behind his back, and said lightly:

"Who is that person?"

Murong Jingyan used his mind power to establish contact with the little yellow duck. Although the Ming Xing Seal was not ready yet, it could still be done by forcefully activating it.

Who is that person...

Whenever Shen Fengchen wanted to meddle in other people's business, he would leave immediately and never stay longer.

However, Shen Fengshen is close at hand, and the two masters of the Fulong Division beside him dare to attack Hong Chen, they must also be stained with holy words...

You may not be able to escape unscathed.

"Young Master Feng Shen can't be slanderous."

"Didn't I come out with you? I've told you the whole story. Lord Hong did steal my clothes."

Just when the two were probing, there was a muffled sound from the side, and then a figure turned into a black light and flew out of the hall, before disappearing in the blink of an eye.

The two Fulong Division masters took a few steps back at this moment, waving their sleeves and raising their hands to cover their noses with shocked expressions on their faces, and then looked back at Shen Fengchen.

"My lord, are you still chasing me?"

Shen Fengshen looked intently, with a strange look on his face, shook his head and said:

"No need."

"You...why did you beat Master Hong's internal filth out?"

Speaking of this, his serious face relaxed a little, he waved his hand to signal the two to back off, and then turned his back to Murong Jingyan and spoke quietly.

"Don't be nervous."

"If Shen had raised an army to investigate, he would have captured you long ago, and I don't need such small feats."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan was a little relieved, after all, the two of them still had a covenant, so it was reasonable for Shen Fengchen not to use this to control himself.

"That Mr. Shen came here and rescued me, this is..."

Shen Fengchen opened his mouth slightly, but he hesitated to speak. "You and I, we advance and retreat together at the Sword Asking Meeting, right?"

"You and I will advance and retreat together in the Wenjian Club, okay?"

Hearing what Shen Fengchen said, Murong Jingyan nodded.

"I don't need to say much about who I am, but I don't know much about you."

Shen Feng said seriously:

"You have acted treacherously several times, and now you even dare to rob the prison. If you don't understand you anymore, teach me how to be at ease."

"Who are you? What else is the purpose of going to Zhao Prison besides getting this broken bowl?"

Murong Jingyan looked at Shen Fengchen suspiciously, and said:

"Do you really want to hear it?"

Shen Feng and Shen Wenyan's heart skipped a beat, but the surface was still the same:

"Go ahead."

At this moment, on the ninth floor of Zhaoyu Temple, in a certain Senluo hall, a man wearing a white scarf was sitting cross-legged.

Ning Yin, the Minister of Punishment, was carefully reading a secret report in his hand, his face so gloomy that he was about to shed tears.

"Sure enough."

"It's a pity that after thousands of calculations, I didn't expect such a mistake. This secret report is one step late."

He closed the secret report, raised his hand, and a fold flew out, sinking into the darkness.

"Secret envoy, go back and report to the city lord."

"Yin asked to take action in person, and I am afraid that there will be Jinlun evil people again."

When the darkness was silent, Ning Yin sighed and got up slowly.

"Prison robbery..."

"Why did you rob the person who shouldn't be saved?"

Baiqiu City, in a clean Zen temple somewhere to the west.

Cigarettes curled up, and a line of red clothes stood under the eaves.

He hugged the black knife with both hands, and his golden eyes looked through the gaps in the eaves at the figures that occasionally flashed by in the sky.

Not far away, Chen Xiangling also sat on the wooden platform with his chin in his hands, bored.

"Brother Zhu."

"Do you think Ayan can find it here?"

Zhu Huanan let out a breath and shook his head.

After they escaped from Zhao Prison, Li Sanyun, who was originally in a coma, suddenly regained consciousness and briefly regained consciousness.

After learning Zhu Huanan's identity, he was very excited, but when he was excited, he immediately reminded Dao Zhaoyu that he would never give up, and he would be captured in a short time after escaping like this.

After saying that, Li Sanyun passed out again.

Fortunately, the old magic stick who escaped with him came up with a plan. He said that there is a giant Buddha in the Chenghuang Temple in the west of the city, which can isolate spiritual consciousness and is a perfect hiding place.

Zhu Huan'an was still dubious at first, but seeing the people above him coming and going and refusing to come down, he had to believe it.

For the time being, I really can only stay here.

Just when the two of them were at a loss what to do, the old magician suddenly hurried from the inner courtyard and said with a joyful expression:

"Hero, the person you saved has woken up!"


Upon hearing this, Zhu Huan'an immediately put down the knife and walked over quickly.

"You stay here. If someone from Zhaoji Temple comes to find you, don't worry about me and leave on your own."

His steps were fast and his eyes were filled with sadness.

Now that Junior Sister's life or death is uncertain, once he understands Li Sanyun's situation clearly, he has to go find her immediately...

Looking at Zhu Huan'an's back, Chen Xiangling rolled up a strand of long hair with his fingers, looked at the old magic stick and said:

"Okay, I have some ability."

"I can really treat people."

The old magic stick chuckled, but looked at the direction Zhu Huanan left without looking back.

"That is, this is the ability to eat."

 How to say the words of a heart that is tightly attached to each other~

(End of this chapter)

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