How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 162: Run away without even shouting! ?

Chapter 162: Run away without shouting! ?

In the backyard of the Zen temple, there is a side room somewhere.

There was a person lying on the straw mat. This person was leaning against the wall. He looked weak, but his face was not sickly pale but red.

It was caused by being exposed to torture in Zhao Prison and suffering from the scorching sun on his face.

Hearing the sound of the wooden door being pushed open, the middle-aged man turned his head to look, moved his shoulder blades, and squeezed out a smile from the corners of his dry mouth:

Zhu Huanan stepped into the door, and the corner of his red clothes rippled against the wind outside the door.

His complexion was hidden in the backlight, and his eyebrows and expressions could not be seen clearly.

"Senior Brother Li, your old wounds are not healed"

"Still don't act rashly."

Li Sanyun nodded, and lay down back to his original position, holding a cup of hot water in his hand and said with emotion:

"Although I have been away from home all year round, I have always heard that there is a proud man in the sect. It is really better to see once than to hear a hundred times."

"Huan'an, I didn't expect the sect to send you to rescue me."

Zhu Huan'an just hummed and slowly walked to the bed.

Looking around, he pulled a chair casually, sat on the head of the bed, and raised one long leg.

Turning his head to look at Zhu Huan'an next to him, Li Sanyun's eyes showed a bit of relief.

"I didn't expect that the first disciple of my abandoned sword villa, so heroic, courageous and courageous, could save people in Zhao Prison."

Hearing this, Zhu Huan'an just lowered his eyebrows, smiled slightly and shook his head.

"It's just someone else, Brother Li."

"The reason for rescuing you this time is because the Zongmen thought that you were in charge of the spiritual grass all the year round, and Yu Zong has meritorious service."

"Besides, the suzerain and the second elder also want to know why you were arrested."

After the words fell, Li Sanyun's eyes dimmed, he put down the water glass in his hand and frowned.

"do not know."

Zhu Huan'an clasped his hands together, hissed and said, "I don't know?"

Li Sanyun nodded.

"It happened suddenly."

"People from Zhaoyu Temple suddenly copied my Sanyun Merchant Guild, and imprisoned me without any explanation."

Zhu Huanan's face was slightly condensed, and he raised his hand to touch his chin:

"The people of Zhaoyu Temple did not rely on legal principles, and let senior brother suffer such torture?"

Li Sanyun sighed, hesitated for a moment and then said:
"Brother, the reason why I can get along well in Baiqiu City is because I know how to communicate secretly, and I have contacts with many corrupt officials in the city."

"But after Ning Yin, the Minister of Punishment, took office, he almost wiped out those people in the past few years."

"I'm afraid it's not the case. They're starting to attack people like us."

Zhu Huan'an smiled when he heard this, and stood up holding his black knife.

"It turned out to be like this, that's okay."

"The task that Master gave me is to try to rescue you and find out the whole story. Now that I have accomplished two things, it can be considered a successful completion."

"Next, Senior Brother Li needs to take care of himself."

With that said, Zhu Huanan was about to leave, but was stopped by Li Sanyun in a hurry.

"Huan'an, where are we now??"

Zhu Huanan stopped, tilted his head and said, "Still in Baiqiu City, this place is called Moruo Zen Temple."

"With the Great Buddha of Ruins standing in the town, it will be safe for a while to isolate the consciousness."

“Still in Baiqiu City”

Li Sanyun chanted silently, then looked at Zhu Huan'an and said, "Huan'an, don't you want to leave this temple right now?"

"We just escaped. The city is probably full of spies from Zhaoyu Temple. It might be too dangerous for you to go out like this."

Zhu Huanan let out a breath, glanced at Li Sanyun, then walked away without stopping.

"Senior Brother Li, take care of yourself."

After saying that, Zhu Huan'an raised his feet and left the room. Two monks from the Zen temple came face to face. Zhu Huan'an took advantage of the situation and clasped his hands together, bowing to each other and greeting them.

After the monk left, Zhu Huan'an put his hand on the knife. This scene happened to be seen clearly by Chen Xiangling who followed.

"Brother Zhu, do you actually know the ways of these bald donkeys?"

Hearing Chen Xiangling's words, Zhu Huan'an just glanced at her, raised his eyebrows and said:
"Bald donkey?"

"Although Buddhism is not prosperous in Dayan, it is very popular in some places. If you dare to call someone a bald donkey there, I'm afraid... tsk."

Chen Xiangling walked slowly, looked at the backs of the two monks walking away, and scoffed, "I'm not afraid."

"These monks have more rules than my father. They make me annoyed just by looking at them. Come and punish me if you can."

Seeing Chen Xiangling's tone, Zhu Huan'an didn't bother to explain anymore, but just followed her gaze, which became deeper and deeper.

"Yes. No matter how many rules there are, they can never change a person's nature."

"But it can also make people more willing to do good deeds."


At this moment, Zhu Huan'an thought of something, suddenly looked at Chen Xiangling and asked:

"Where's the old man I brought out?"


Chen Xiangling reacted, cocked his head and said, "He said he came over to see if the person in the room was awake. Didn't you see him?"


Zhu Huan'an shook his head when he heard the words, and looked at Chen Xiangling: "You go, it will be too late if you don't go."


Chen Xiangling waved his hand: "No, no, I must wait for Ayan to come back."

"From now on, Miss Ben plans to hang out with her!"

Zhu Huan'an asked suspiciously, "Are you following her?"

He laughed dumbfoundedly, held the knife and said:
"Although my junior sister is a bit alert, how can he be able to recruit followers? Besides"

"who the hell are you??"

Seeing what Zhu Huan'an said, Chen Xiangling immediately became unwilling.

"I'm afraid to scare you to death if I tell you who I am, and Ayan is not only a little bit smart, but she is"

Suddenly thinking of the great oath he had sworn in front of Murong Jingyan, Chen Xiangling hesitated and had to tactfully say:

"She is a peerless beauty with both beauty and wisdom. No matter how unworthy I am of following you, I am willing to be her as a maid!"

These words made Zhu Huan'an even more confused. He didn't bother to think about it and raised the black knife with a clang.

"I don't care what you think."

"But now you, you'd better leave this ruined temple quickly."

Seeing Chen Xiangling's confused face: "Why are you leaving?"

"Ayan hasn't come back yet."

Zhu Huan'an let out a long sigh, seemingly speechless.

He turned around and left. When he came to the courtyard wall, he seemed to have a conscience and tilted his head slightly:

"Let me ask you, that guy is also a fugitive, and the city is full of masters in Zhaoyu Temple outside, why would he dare to escape from this temple while Li Sanyun and I are chatting?"

Chen Xiangling also realized something was wrong.

"Yeah, this temple is obviously safer, why did he leave?"

Zhu Huan'an raised the tip of the knife, wishing he could hit her on the head, only then did he know how smart his junior sister was, so why did he need to remind her like this.

"Jie Tian Prison, it hasn't existed in a thousand years. This guy is just a minor accomplice. If the officers and soldiers are brought in to arrest us, his crimes will be nothing."

"Why do you have to worry about us here, fearing that you will be punished even more?"

Only then did Chen Xiangling react.

"You mean, he went outside to sue the officials?"

"We saved him, but he wanted to bite us back??"

Zhu Huan'an stopped explaining and jumped up and left the temple.

Chen Xiangling also ran to the wall. Although she was the daughter of Jiedushi, if she was really caught in the robbery of Zhao Prison, I am afraid that even if her father could save herself, it would be even more difficult for her to be in the court.
Stepping up to the wall in two steps, Chen Xiangling changed her appearance. After all, she always imitated Leng Yuan's appearance when she was in prison.

With her long hair loose, she muttered:

"It's all my fault that this guy surnamed Zhu couldn't see that the old man was a white-eyed wolf and insisted on bringing him out to cause trouble."

"and also."

Chen Xiangling looked back into the Zen temple, and suddenly remembered something.

"That Senior Brother Li, who went through so much trouble to rescue him and ran away without even shouting!?"

 Thank you all for your monthly votes. Thank you very much and touched!

  Continue to ing in the next chapter, post in the early morning
(End of this chapter)

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