How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 164 The Giant Buddha in Ruins

Chapter 164 The Giant Buddha in Ruins
Moro Zen Temple.

The wooden door in the backyard was slightly opened, and a frail figure slowly walked out.

Li Sanyun covered his mouth and coughed twice, then raised his head and looked at the beautiful night sky, his eyes seemed to be sighing with emotion for the rest of his life.

"I didn't expect that I could still walk out of the prison alive."

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked towards the temple unsteadily.

A monk sweeping the floor in the corridor nodded to him, and Li Sanyun subconsciously clapped his hands in response.


Li Sanyun coughed, walked forward with a smile.

"I wonder if Master has seen the two young men and an old man who was traveling with them."

The monk pondered for a moment, then shook his head and continued waving the broom:

"Those two little friends have left our temple. As for the old man mentioned by the donor, the poor monk has never seen him."

Hearing this, Li Sanyun hummed, his eyes revealing his thoughts.

Then he clasped his hands together to thank the monk again, and continued walking towards the depths of the temple.

"Moruo Zen Temple. Is it the one in the west of the city?"

Li Sanyun muttered silently, and an inexplicable smile appeared on his lips as he thought of something.

"Since the sky will not kill me, then I can't just sit and wait for death..."

Soon, Li Sanyun walked unhurriedly to a dark hall.

The Moruo Temple used to be very popular, but hundreds of years ago in Baiqiu West City, many people died due to a great epidemic, so it became the most deserted part of Baiqiu City.

Especially since the Moruo Zen Temple is close to the source of the epidemic outbreak, it is naturally even more depressed and lonely.

Pushing open the door of the palace, Li Sanyun shook away the dust in front of his eyes and raised his head to look at the large gray-brown Buddha in the palace with its sympathetic eyes.

"Ruins soil."

Li Sanyun walked to one side, looking at the giant Buddha in front of him, and nodded constantly.

"The ruins soil is a relic of the Immortal Family and contains great power. However, it is a waste of resources to be used by these people to build Buddhas."

"Speaking of which, these guys leave this Mo Luo Temple."

Stopping, Li Sanyun looked aside.

"The troops will come later, it's time for the Yanbing."

His words were light and airy, as if he were talking about something innocuous.

Li Sanyun turned around and walked towards the Xutu Buddha, his steps staggering but firm.

He looked around, suddenly grabbed the smoke burner on the incense stand, and poured it into his mouth without hesitation.

As he chewed in his throat, gray powder overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and a white worm in the ashes also rolled down and was caught by him.

The white insect cried like a baby. Li Sanyun touched it lovingly and then threw it towards the Buddha's body.

He kneaded the secret with one hand, and within a moment, traces of black mist floated out from the Buddha's body and were absorbed by the white insects.

A layer of wave that cannot be seen emanates from the giant Buddha, covering the entire Moruo Zen Temple.

"In this way, we should be able to delay it for a while."

After saying that, Li Sanyun waved his sleeves, and a forearm-long wolf-hair pen appeared out of thin air in his hand.

As he drew out his pen, the wisps of black mist immediately turned into ink, which guided it around the tip of the pen, drawing a strange formation on the ground.

Putting away the wolf hair, Li Sanyun smiled and sat cross-legged.

"With the power of the immortals and demons of the Holy Ruins Giant Buddha, even if it is insignificant, it is enough to fight against the Tiangang Formation."

Sitting at the foot of the giant Buddha, Li Sanyun watched the black mist being drawn out by the white insects and slowly filling the formation under his feet. He finally let out a slow breath and his eyes became serious.

"In Zhongzhou and Yuanzhou over the years, all the talents I have observed have been tracked and listed. Even though I have handed over all the information, even if those Yan soldiers really find out something, the worst they can do is die."

"But I didn't expect that."

"This Zhu Huanan is really capable of rescuing me."

Li Sanyun showed a smile and said to himself: "This point also needs to be written down."

"After all, Zhu Huan'an is the subject of my most focused observation over the years."


At this point, Li Sanyun's eyes showed confusion: "Now save me."

"Why did you leave me alone? Maybe he discovered my identity?"

Seeing that the Dou Anti-Tiangang Formation under his feet had passed less than half, Li Sanyun finally smiled and shook his head.

"No, him leaving like this shows that he didn't recognize my identity."

"If it turns out that he is caught leaving me alone, I will definitely reveal his identity. Since he dares to do this, he will definitely regard me as his senior brother and feel that I will not betray him."

Touching his chin, Li Sanyun continued to activate the formation under his feet, and the white insects behind him also made a harsh buzzing sound.


"Even if I am really caught, I will not betray him."

"After all, such suitable food must be left for that adult's Gu insects to enjoy."

Having said this, Li Sanyun stopped talking. The white insect Gu behind him was sucking the black energy from the Buddha's body, feeding it back to the formation at Li Sanyun's feet.


In front of Morro Temple.

The blue chariot stopped slowly, and Shen Fengchen raised his hand to lift the curtain. Before he could get out of the carriage, a figure emerged from under his arms and jumped down.


Shen Fengchen turned his head to look at the two Fulong Division masters and shook his head.

The two of them nodded, and then in tacit agreement, they spread their spiritual consciousness to explore the Zen temple, but unexpectedly found that their spiritual consciousness was blocked here.

"My lord, there is something weird about this Zen temple. If I can't get into it with my spiritual sense, I might as well."

Shen Fengchen tapped his toes and waved his hand in refusal without looking back.

"If you can let your spiritual sense penetrate, will the people of Zhaoyu Temple still look for it like a group of headless chickens?"

"Don't worry. If you are in danger, I will send a signal to invite you in."

After saying that, he raised his feet and chased Murong Jingyan.

However, when Shen Fengchen followed him into the Zen temple, he stopped because Murong Jingyan was standing there.

"You ran out of the carriage in such a hurry, why did you stop moving after entering this door?"

Walking forward, Shen Fengshen noticed that Murong Jingyan was raising her slender palm, carefully looking at the red ring, her narrow and charming eyes were full of puzzlement.

"what happened."

"But after I didn't look at it for a while, it showed that senior brother is not in this Zen temple."

Although he couldn't hear what Murong Jingyan was saying clearly, he couldn't bear his curiosity, so Shen Fengchen also leaned over to look at the red ring.

"You tell me."

"What exactly is this?"

Putting away her hand, Murong Jingyan smiled: "Mr. Shen, I think you'd better not ask any more questions."

"You'll know if what I said is true or false when you go in."

As she said that, Murong Jingyan looked at the old man who had arrived belatedly. At this moment, the old man's face had been beaten into a pig's head, and he looked submissive.

He never imagined that he would run out to join the government, only to end up falling into a trap and plunge into a gangster's den.

No wonder some of these guys dare to rob the prison. It turns out that they are backed by people from the Fulong Division. I am really blind.
With the old man leading the way, Murong Jingyan felt relieved.

Although I don’t know why senior brother is not here, according to the old man’s report, the others should have been here not long ago. As long as senior brother Sanyun is here, it will be fine.

Shen Feng nodded noncommittally and followed.

"If you really followed the orders of Abandoned Sword Villa to save your fellow disciples, I will not believe you until I see your fellow disciples, but I will pretend that I don't know about it."

Although he said this, Chen Fengchen's heart could not help but beat a little, which made him frown.

Why do you feel like this?

Thinking of this, Chen Fengchen took a deep breath, raised his head and chest, and raised his head by half an inch, which made Murong Jingyan look at him in surprise.

Damn, humiliate me for being short, don't you?
Soon the two of them walked to the backyard under the leadership of the old man, and a monk sweeping the floor happened to walk in front of them.

 Continuing, the clock will be updated approximately

(End of this chapter)

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