How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 165 I Didn't Hear Anything

Chapter 165 I Didn't Hear Anything

In the backyard of Mo Luo Temple, the sweeping monk couldn't help showing a surprised expression when he saw outsiders visiting the temple so late.

Then he put down the broom, clasped his hands and nodded.

When Shen Fengchen saw this, he nodded in response, while Murong Jingyan followed his example and clasped her hands in return.

Unexpectedly, there is a Buddhist temple in Baiqiu City?
The old man rolled his eyes listlessly. The bald donkey of Moruo Temple had been relying on alms everywhere to maintain his incense for many years, otherwise he would have been taken back by the city lord's palace.

In the eyes of the people in the city, there is no difference between the bald donkeys in Mo Luo Temple and the beggars on the street.

"Master, are there any outsiders who come to stay here for the past two days?"

Murong Jingyan came closer, suddenly glanced at the old man not far away, and asked.

The monk picked up the broom and replied with a smile, "Go back to the benefactor."

"There was, but it's gone, but"

Hearing this, the old man next to him jumped out quickly and stood between the two of them. He was afraid that he would be accused of lying about military information, so he raised his hand and said:

"I've only been gone for less than an hour. If they don't stay here, where else can they go??"

Murong Jingyan kicked the old man away and smiled politely.

"Master, you continue to talk."

The monk looked at the side room in the backyard that was opened behind him, and replied:

"However, there is still one wounded person. The benefactor just came out not long ago, so he probably hasn't left our temple yet."

"It seems to be going to the main hall."

When Murong Jingyan heard this, her heart moved, the injured person.
That person should be Senior Brother Li Sanyun, so not only Senior Brother is gone, but Xiang Ling is also running away?

Why didn't they take Senior Brother Sanyun with them?

With a lot of doubts, Murong Jingyan decided to find Li Sanyun first, maybe he would know the whereabouts of the senior brother and the others.

The three continued to walk towards the depths of the temple, looking at the back of the old man, Murong Jingyan suddenly realized something was wrong while walking, and turned around to look back.

Shen Fengchen was seen with a serious expression on his face, looking straight ahead, his clothes and robes moving without saying a word.

".Master Shen?"

"Master Shen!"

Seeing Shen Fengchen frowning, Murong Jingyan deliberately slowed down and walked side by side, raised his head and said, "Why are you walking so straight?"

Shen Feng breathed out the tip of his nose, did not answer this question, but said softly:
"lead the way."

Murong Jingyan felt bored and walked faster.

When you see Senior Brother Li Sanyun and explain clearly, let's send this guy named Shen away.

Soon, several people arrived in front of the main hall, and when they opened the door in front of them, they saw the once-popular Shengxu Buddha.

It's just that when this giant Buddha was built, a mysterious power cast a spell to eliminate the evil nature in it.

The old man rubbing his waist said in a low voice:

"It's here."

Murong Jingyan nodded, and walked forward, but when she was about to open the door, a hand clamped her wrist.


Murong Jingyan turned her head and was about to say something, but saw Shen Fengchen narrowing his eyes and slowly letting go of Murong Jingyan's wrist.

"Murong Jingyan."

He spoke, his tone flat.

"Are you sure the person inside is your fellow senior?"

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan retracted her wrist and asked doubtfully: "What worries does Mr. Shen have?"

Shen Fengchen stood up again with his hands behind his hands, raised his chin and said:

"Go on."

As Murong Jingyan pushed open the wooden door, the light of the stars and the moon behind him immediately poured into the hall, he entered the hall with the moonlight, and saw the figure sitting in front of the incense stand at a glance.

It's definitely Li Sanyun!

"Brother Li, are you okay?"

But just as Murong Jingyan was overjoyed, she almost instantly noticed something was wrong after taking two steps into the palace.

Senior Brother Li in front of him must be seriously injured, why is he sitting here, and what is going on with the formation under his feet?
The little yellow duck's head also poked out half of his sleeves, using his telepathy to remind Murong Jingyan.

"This person is extracting the immortal and demonic energy from the Holy Ruins."

"What do you mean?"

"I just used a secret method to extract the blood of the immortals and demons in the Holy Ruins and use it for other purposes."

"Is it an evil skill?"

"That can't be said"

The little yellow duck's words made Murong Jingyan unable to tell the situation for a moment, but out of instinct, he felt that something was not right with Senior Brother Li in front of him.

Li Sanyun also had the same idea as Murong Jingyan.Seeing that the Dou Anti Tiangang Formation under his feet was about to take shape, he frowned and stared at the uninvited guest in front of him.

Aren't Zhu Huanan and the others gone? Why are there still people coming? They don't look like Yan Bing.

She called me Senior Brother Li?

"This girl, who are you?"

After hearing Li Sanyun's response, Murong Jingyan quickly spoke, but resolutely did not take another step forward.

"Senior brother, my name is Murong Jingyan."

"The rescue of Senior Brother this time was done with Senior Brother Zhu on the orders of the Sect Master and the Second Elder. Did Senior Brother Zhu tell you?"

After hearing Murong Jingyan's words, Li Sanyun finally remembered that Zhu Huanan had indeed said that there was someone else, the woman in front of him?
So brave and beautiful?
One more person to note.

"It turns out to be Jingyan."

Li Sanyun didn't smile, and before the few people came in, he also felt it, and hurriedly restrained the natal white mound Gu behind him, preventing it from continuing to extract the black mist.

However, there is still one tenth left to fight against Tiangang, and these people need to be sent away quickly.

"Jingyan, it's not comfortable for Senior Brother to leave first, it's not as good as you guys."

Before Li Sanyun could finish speaking, Murong Jingyan had already taken half a step back, tilted her head slightly and said:
"Mr. Shen, you've seen it, right? I'm not lying to you. This is Senior Brother Li Sanyun whom I told you about."

"What's that? Let's leave quickly and don't disturb Senior Brother Sanyun from resting."

Although his words were calm, something bad had already arisen in Murong Jingyan's heart. He had just briefly tested the lust seal during the chat. If he really had rescued his serious senior brother, he would have stood up to greet him long ago.

But Li Sanyun wanted to drive him away, and he was definitely not on his side!

According to the master, this Li Sanyun has the strength of at least the fifth level of Tianfeng. Even if he is tortured to this point in Zhao Prison, he is not something he can deal with.

Not to mention that he is so weird, could he have saved a disaster?

It's better to go out quickly and find the two Fulong divisions at the gate of the temple to restrain him.

But just when Murong Jingyan was about to turn around and leave, she bumped into a wall behind her. She looked up and saw Shen Fengchen standing with his hands behind his back, his figure even more majestic under the moonlight.

A trace of cold sweat flowed from Murong Jingyan's forehead.

This guy.
Why do you pretend to be a master regardless of the timing?
"Mr. Shen, Senior Brother Sanyun still needs to rest, but let's talk about it later, shall we?"

While Murong Jingyan was speaking, she turned her back to Li Sanyun and gave a look that hinted to Shen Fengchen to leave quickly.

Shen Feng lowered his eyebrows and looked at Murong Jingyan, then at Li Sanyun in the hall, but he took the initiative to take a step inside.

"I believe it, you are from Qijian Villa."

As he spoke, Shen Fengchen's hand slowly placed on the hilt of the sword behind him, and his tone was solemn.

"But he's not."

Murong Jingyan was dumbfounded as to what Shen Fengchen was going to do.

No, big brother. If you really want to fight, call those two outside. Can't you see that something is wrong with the situation? ?
Li Sanyun in the hall raised his chin and showed a meaningful smile when he saw Shen Fengchen coming in on his own initiative.

"Young student, I am going down the mountain now, and I am indeed not a person from the Abandoned Sword Villa."

"Do not."

Chen Fengchen's face was calm. As he pulled out the big sword from behind, a cold light illuminated the entire Buddhist temple.

"You are the dormant secret agent of Wanlun Kingdom."

"ANBU, Kinrinwei?"

When the identity of the man in front of him was revealed, Li Sanyun's expression suddenly changed.

Murong Jingyan was even more anxious and didn't know whether to cover her mouth or ears.

What a kingdom of ten thousand wheels.

What is the Golden Wheel Guard?

Can you pretend you didn't hear anything?

Sure enough, after speaking, Li Sanyun immediately got up on his knees, and with his movements, the whole hall was filled with evil winds, and the white Gu worms buzzed again, and endless black air swept and spread.

"Who are you."

"How do you know that I am Jin Lunwei?"

Seeing that Shen Fengchen didn't reply, Li Sanyun stopped hiding his clumsiness and immediately accelerated the completion of the Dou Anti Tiangang Formation.

"Do you want to wait for the two people from Fulongsi outside to come in?"

"Ha ha."

"It's a pity that this temple has been blocked by me, and they can't perceive what happened here."

Seeing Li Sanyun's expression gloomy, Shen Fengchen raised his sword half an inch and smiled.

"What a coincidence, I can deal with you, the meticulous craftsmen of Wanlun Kingdom."

"I didn't intend for them to get involved."

(End of this chapter)

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