How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 170 Bai Yutang

Chapter 170 Bai Yutang

The snow hills were so high that Murong Jingyan had to wear a velvet hat and a long cloak to withstand the wind and snow.

Yuanzhou is located in the southeast of Dayan, adjacent to Zhongzhou, but its area is only one-tenth of Zhongzhou. The terrain is long and narrow and it feels like spring all year round. I didn't expect there to be such a cold place.

And this snow valley seemed to appear suddenly, and the surrounding mountains were covered with a layer of frost.

Zhu Huan'an was still wearing a thin red coat. His ancestral blood was fierce and he was not afraid of the severe cold. At this moment, he took a step forward and looked at the winding glacier road below:
"The name of this glacier is Cangming."

"Although there are no huge waves, it surrounds all the countries. It is the longest river in the mortal world. It is said that it was formed by the veins of the Immortal King after his death."

Murong Jingyan hissed at the cold air. The water below was so slow that it was impossible to see the flow. The trees on both sides of the river valley had already turned into glass-like crystal due to the extreme cold all year round.

"That is to say."

"Is this river turning this place into an extremely cold place?"

Zhu Huan'an nodded, took another step forward, and looked at the glacier hundreds of feet below his feet.

"Senior brother, the trial place you mentioned is not this river, right?" Murong Jingyan suddenly realized something and asked.

Zhu Huanan nodded slightly, but suddenly said:

"Have you ever dreamed?"


Murong Jingyan followed, just as the mountain wind blew by, the cold wind hurt her cheeks like a knife.

It's hard to imagine how cold it must be in the river.

"Yeah, dream."

"That kind of deep dream that seems to be impossible to wake up from. It is so realistic and dreamlike that you can't tell the real from the real."

Zhu Huan'an's voice was faint, making Murong Jingyan even more confused.

"But, what does this trial have to do with dreams?"

Zhu Huanan turned around, his eyes flashing: "Have you heard of it?"

"Transformation world?"

fantasy world.
Murong Jingyan suddenly remembered that Ning Shangshu had mentioned this word, but it was only a few words, vague and vague.

Seeing Murong Jingyan shaking her head, Zhu Huanan explained:

"Legend has it that before the death of the first ancient god, his physical body perished and returned to the great road to feed the common people, but his spiritual consciousness was scattered throughout the mortal world and turned into a secret realm."

"These secret realms are called the illusion realm."

Zhu Huanan raised his head to look at the sky and the sky, and said softly:
"Everything in the illusion world is transcended from the mundane world. It is transformed by the human heart. There are also many hidden opportunities, and here is the entrance to the illusion world."

"I discovered it by chance."

Pointing to the Cangming River below, Zhu Huanan looked at Murong Jingyan:
"If we want to enter the illusion world, we need to jump down."

Murong Jingyan was dumbfounded and glanced at the glacier below. If she jumped from this height, not to mention the river water would be so cold that it would freeze her heart. If her posture was wrong, her neck would be broken.

While speaking, Zhu Huan'an shrugged and took off the red clothes on his body, and swayed his shoulder blades casually, as if the black dragon behind him seemed to come alive.

Seeing Zhu Huan'an eager to try, Murong Jingyan lowered her head and looked at her slender fingers, and was immediately in a dilemma.

Damn, I won’t take it off then.

Zhu Huan'an came to the edge of the cliff, turned around and reminded:

"In the world of illusion, it is like a dream. It is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake. It can also be said that the eyes are full of illusion. Only when you see the essence, can you get the opportunity, otherwise you will sink forever."

After saying that, he clasped the black knife and jumped into the abyss.


"Only one thing is real."

"That's life."

Seeing Zhu Huan'an fall into the cold valley, Murong Jingyan did not dare to neglect, quickly stuffed the bowl in his arms, gritted his teeth and followed.

Many times, people need to hesitate and think before making a decision.

And sometimes.
Just be brave enough!

Following the sound of splashing into the water, only the vague sound of bubbles echoed in Murong Jingyan's ears.

Perhaps it was because the clothes on his body were still on, and he had not yet faced the freezing coldness of the river, so he opened his eyes with difficulty and looked around.

"This is."

As a Tianfeng cultivator, Murong Jingyan could only see a patch of dark blue with extraordinary eyesight, and there was so much light above her head that she couldn't tell whether it was the sky or the bottom of the river.

Just when Murong Jingyan felt that it was becoming more difficult to breathe and subconsciously struggled for survival, a hand clasped his shoulder, leading Murong Jingyan to swim towards the dense halo.

The light became brighter and brighter, but Murong Jingyan only felt sleepy.
The sound of bubbles in his ears gradually faded away and turned into a soft hum.

Just like in that sea of ​​chaos.
"Swing the sword."

"I, I can't do it..."

"Like I taught you, just chop it off!"

"No, no, Master!!"

The courtyard was overcast with residual snow, the curtains were lightly swaying, and the sword in the girl's hand was taken away. The shadow of the sword flickered and a cold light suddenly appeared, illuminating the shadows of the trees in the courtyard and the sound of wind.

Her face was as beautiful as the bright moon reflected in the world. She stepped forward quickly, picked up half of the green bamboo that had been cut off in the center of the yard, and said with tears in her eyes:
"Master, how could you do it!" The man who took the sword was dressed in black robes, with long mottled white hair scattered casually. His temples were as sharp as a knife, and his eyes were deep. He handed the sword to the waiting subordinates, and then Bend down and pick up the bamboo leaves on the ground.

His expression was very helpless, with a bit of a smile:

"A Tang."

"It's just a bamboo, and it won't shed tears when it's broken."

"You started crying."

Hearing this, the girl suddenly became angry, so she inserted her hands into the snow and raised them again. The sudden attack made the master's already gray hair even more snowy.

"This one is different. This is the apprentice bamboo we planted together back then!"

"Master, you don't care, but I do!"

The man known as the master clenched his fist and coughed lightly, and used his peripheral vision to signal his subordinates to retreat. When the courtyard was empty, his cold face suddenly changed. He dodged to avoid the girl's snowball and hurriedly explained while running:
"Bamboo is tenacious by nature and will not break when broken, so it will be fine!"

"Master is asking you to remember the feeling when you swung the sword just now."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

"Don't smash it, I will give you a good thing for the teacher!"

Ah Tang was working hard at throwing snow, but when he heard these words, his hands froze and his eyes were filled with suspicion.

"what gift?"

The man being chased by Ah Tang with the snowball was her master. Seeing her master "escape" and looking back at the same time, Ah Tang couldn't help but laugh at this shapeless look.

If other members of the Ministry of Health see Master's appearance, they are designated to drop their jaws in shock.

Department of Defense.

It is the most secret place in Dayan.

This department intends to eradicate traitors, kill traitors, and maintain the operation of the imperial court for the royal family. Their style is cold and arrogant. It is said that almost all those who were captured into the Wei Dao Department have never been heard from again.

There are many experts in the department, but the new commander is nameless and only known to be a popular figure around the emperor.

This man who others call extremely mysterious...

This is the Master who is being chased all over the place now.

Even so, the master never reasoned with the etiquette between master and apprentice, because the girl's origin was even more noble.

When the emperor of the dynasty had several children, he would only get a daughter when he was old. Before the princess passed away, a fortune teller said that she would be famous in the world for her flawless appearance that would cover the whole world.

In addition, on the night of the birth, all the begonias in the palace were blooming, and the fragrant begonias were actually fragrant. Therefore, the emperor named Princess Yutang, which means that the capital will protect her forever and she will be prosperous without worries.

This Princess Yutang is the girl in the field.

When Bai Yutang stepped forward, the master pretended to be mysterious and took out something from his sleeve. He opened his palm and found a small egg.

"Master, what is this?"

"It's Bai Yan's egg."

"Baiyan!! Is it the Baiyan used by the Secretary of Defense to deliver messages?"

"Exactly. Didn't you say you wanted Baiyan last time? This bird opened its eyes and recognized its owner. Take it."

Bai Yutang has been fond of birds and beasts since she was a child, and she is particularly fond of the white swallow of the Wei Daosi Division. This kind of white swallow cannot migrate, not only recognizes its owner, but can also send messages, and is very smart.

However, this swallow can't lay two eggs in a year. I don't know how long the master waited to get it.

Putting the bird's egg carefully into her arms, and looking at the crescent moon in the night sky, Bai Yutang quietly leaned next to her master and asked in a low voice:
"Master, let's go to the south of the city to watch the lantern festival?"

After having fun for a while, she was no longer angry, because the master would never do anything to make her unhappy. To cut the bamboo tonight was also to sharpen her mind, telling herself that the emperor's mind is like the withering of loved ones, and there will be no disturbance.

After the snow, the capital city was covered with frost, and scattered snowflakes fell on her hair and shoulders. The master exhaled a breath of cold air, took off the cloak behind her and put it on her thin shoulders.

Instead of answering, he turned over and jumped onto a dark horse.

This is Master's exclusive mount, named Qingxuan, and it is the No. 1 horse in the world.

Bai Yutang looked happy and jumped up. Over the past nine years, she had long been accustomed to sitting on the same horse as her master.

Nine years
Hey, why do I remember it so clearly.

Seeing this, the master hesitated to speak, but couldn't help but say:

"I won't go to the lantern festival today. It's already late at night and Master has to send you back to the palace."

"No, no, no, I'm just going to play on the street for a while. It's hard for Ah Tang to get out of the palace to see the master."

"If those old men from the Ministry of Rites see it, it's time to trouble Master again."

"Master, don't be afraid! I will tell my father who dares to cause trouble."

"...It's better to go back. It's not as good as it was when you were a child. Master doesn't want to end his career early."

Hearing this, Bai Yutang immediately crossed his arms, tilted his head, and said dissatisfied: "Ah Tang just wants to go out to the palace to play with Master, how dare they point fingers behind his back."

"It was okay when I was a child, but not when I grow up. Then I don't want to be a princess. Whoever wants to be can be one."

The master smacked his mouth and finally had to laugh:
"Master is not trying to drive you away. In fact, your prince brother wants to see you tonight. We have to go back."

 link up~
  But don't get me wrong, it hasn't changed, it hasn't changed, after all, Bai Yutang is also coughing
  In the illusion world, everything is false except life

(End of this chapter)

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