How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 171 Where's Zhu Huan'an! !

Chapter 171 Where's Zhu Huan'an! !
Following a gentle whistle from the white-haired man, the big black horse quickly rushed past the door lintel, and the masters of the Wei Daosi Department stepped aside one after another and bowed to see them off.

Sitting on the horse, Bai Yutang used to tilt her head and lean against her master's heart.

She has known her master since she was seven years old. The master at that time... was only one year older than she is now. He looked cold and jealous, and was far less energetic than he is now.

Unexpectedly, nine years later, although the master had a smile, his long black hair had turned gray early, and he looked like an old man from behind.

Even so, the master's unrestrained energy still fascinated the young female officials of the Wei Daosi Department...

snort!These female officials dare to show off their beauty and power in front of this princess, but they don't even look in the mirror!
Fortunately, Master is busy with official duties as a commander, so he spends his spare time teaching me Kung Fu, so there is no chance for them to take advantage of me.

Thinking of this, Bai Yutang's cheeks turned red, and she stretched to cover it up. She thought of her master's martial arts skills, which were known as the number one swordsman in the Yan Kingdom. However, you have been studying for nine years and you haven't even entered the palace yet.

"Master, do you think I am actually stupid..."

"Who said that? Master, go and chop him with a sword now."

"Then why, nine years later, have I not mastered any of your moves?"

"... "

"You still dare to say that? You go to the back mountain less often to play in the stream, eat less bunches of candied haws, and listen more to the great principles of being a teacher. Are you still afraid that you won't be able to learn it?"

These words made Bai Yutang feel even more ashamed, and he quickly pointed to the sword hanging on his master's waist.

It was a sword wrapped around a black dragon. It had a three-foot edge and shone coldly. This sword had been fought with Master for several years, but no one knew its name, and Master never mentioned it.

"Master, I have wanted to ask a long time ago, your sword is so beautiful, but why is there no scabbard?"

The master paused, but continued calmly:

"Ah Tang, remember, no matter how beautiful a sword is, it is still used to kill people."

As for the scabbard
The master said that this is born to be a sword without a scabbard.

Bai Yutang could always feel very warm in Master's arms, and fell asleep not long after, until the sound of reining in the horse made her wake up slowly, and her long and narrow Danfeng eyes opened a crack.

Near the imperial city, red drum towers lined up in all directions, stone lions glaring at the corners of the eaves, majestic palace walls rising from the ground, lined up like mountains, looking down on the courtiers who came to see them.

The master slowly slowed down the pace of the horse's hoof, and walked slowly towards the palace gate.

"Who is coming!"

There were questions from the imperial guards on the tower, but the master ignored them. Instead, he raised his hand slightly, revealing a gold-gilded token, which reflected the sharp frost in the moonlight:
Commander of the Wei Dao Department: The Bloody Marquis!

The city gates were wide open, allowing the dark horse to attack the palace. The horse trampling the palace city was authorized by the imperial authority. The Blood-clothed Marquis was a confidant of the emperor and the prince, and he escorted the princess back to the palace, so naturally there was no hindrance.

The East Palace was quiet, with only one candle burning brightly. Master walked slowly up the steps with Bai Yutang on his back.

When the princess was very young, her mother-in-law died of illness. From then on, she could only sleep peacefully in the East Palace of Prince Qi, so the master would carry the sleeping princess back every time.

Bai Yutang felt most at ease every time she climbed the few steps of the East Palace. When she was a child, her master still held her up the stairs. In the blink of an eye, she had grown up, and her master was no longer a young boy.

It's not that Master can't hug himself anymore, he just doesn't dare to hug him anymore.

Seeing that he was about to reach the gate, Bai Yutang also pretended to wake up from his back.

"Huh? Have you returned to the palace?"

She stretched and straightened up. After looking around, she jumped off the master's back and ran towards the hall.

"Brother Qi Wang!!"

In the hall of the East Palace, a man in yellow clothes was sitting at the banquet. He looked middle-aged, with long hair tied up high, and a temperament as gentle as jade. When he saw Bai Yutang coming, he immediately put down the scroll in his hand and frowned.

"Ah Tang, you haven't seen your brother for many days."

"No way, Ah Tang has been busy practicing kung fu recently, so it's boring to spend time in this palace."

"I think you are going to bother your master."

"Not even! Brother Xueyi always praises me for my swordsmanship, why would you find me annoying, right Master!??"

As he spoke, the Bloody Marquis took off his sword and sat down on the futon next to the incense burner, nodding to show that his words were true.

"A Tang, haven't you been clamoring to leave the capital?"

When King Qi opened his mouth, the princess immediately pricked up her ears and left the capital?

The Bloody Marquis was also surprised. After all, King Qi had never left the capital since he sent troops to Cangshan Mountain in the north ten years ago and was named the crown prince when he returned.

"In the near future, Cangshan's once-in-a-decade ceremony of consecration will begin."

"My father is currently ill, so I will take charge of it on my behalf."

King Qi looked at the Xueyi Marquis and ordered: "Xueyi, as the commander of the Wei Dao Department, you will lead the troops on this trip."

Bai Yutang wanted to cheer. The farthest place she had been to in the past ten years was the grassland on the outskirts of Beijing that her master had taken her to. Now that she was suddenly going to Cangshan Mountain in northern Xinjiang, she shouldn't be happy.

But the princess is familiar with the imperial scriptures, and the Zen ceremony is a sacrificial ceremony held every five years in the Yan Dynasty. It must be presided over by the emperor himself to pray for the descendants of the Central Plains for all generations.

King Qi’s elder brother consecrated Zen on behalf of his father, which does not mean that his father’s time is short...

Thinking of this, the princess nodded sensibly. King Qi noticed her disappointed mood and held her little hand tightly. The princess suddenly smiled knowingly.

Since her birth, her mother and concubine died of illness, and her father was lying on the bed. King Qi has always been arranging her living in the East Palace. To her, King Qi's brother is not an ordinary brother.

But someone as important as the master.

Feeling the warmth of King Qi's palm, and looking at her master who was kneeling on one knee to accept his orders, she felt that she was still happy, at least.
There are also Master and Brother Qi Wang who are concerned.

In the dead of night, East Palace.

After washing up, Bai Yutang put on her nightgown and lay down in the middle of the East Palace.

From here, you can just take a side view of the white crabapple trees that fill the courtyard. They were specially planted by King Qi. They are deep and quiet, and the flowers are fragrant and pleasant.

"You've been practicing all day, so you feel sore, huh?"

After rubbing his wrist, Bai Yutang suddenly sat up, not because he felt uncomfortable, but because he suddenly felt something was wrong.


"Who is speaking?"

Just as Bai Yutang was looking around, the voice suddenly came clearly into his mind.

"Silly boy!"

"You're dressed up"

Bai Yutang was immediately frightened. The sound was clearly audible, but he couldn't tell from which direction it came.

"Boy, it's me"

"Your most respected Lord Mozun."

"Murong Jingyan!"

"Are you fucking addicted to pretending to be someone else's daughter? Why don't you wake me up quickly?"

Murong Jingyan.
Bai Yutang suddenly felt a pain in her head, she stumbled up and came to the courtyard, half kneeling on the ground.

"Who the hell is talking"

"who are you!???"

As Bai Yutang shook his head, the voices in his mind became more and more noisy, Murong Jingyan. Jingyan. Such a familiar name.

It's talking about me?

I'm Murong Jingyan?
When he had this idea, Bai Yutang suddenly saw something appearing in front of him. It was a yellow, small

The duck is looking at it with weird eyes at this moment, and the voice in its mouth is just now:
"woke up?"

With a slight gasp, the princess slowly sat down and slapped the little yellow duck away.

"so rude!"

After waking up, Murong Jingyan stroked her hair, and looked around with a little fear.

The sea of ​​white begonia flowers looks like a dream under the full moon, swaying in the wind, and you can smell the faint fragrance if you move your nose gently.

"Is this the illusion world?" Suddenly thinking of something, Murong Jingyan raised her hand and wanted to use some divine light to condense a light mirror, but found that she had been shaking for a long time, and there was not even a hair in front of her eyes.

"What's the situation, what about my cultivation base?"

Murong Jingyan, who realized something was wrong, immediately got up and ran back to the palace, while the little yellow duck followed closely:
"Cultivation is a fart, you are now in the illusion world, it is already a brand new rule of the road."

Arriving at the palace, Murong Jingyan quickly ran to a bronze mirror, squinted her eyes and touched her cheek.

"Yes, the face is still there."


If we talk about changes, I seem to have become a little smaller in appearance and a little shorter in stature.

"What did you just say?" Murong Jingyan looked at the little yellow duck and asked hurriedly.

The little yellow duck put its hands on its hips and raised its wings to point at the surrounding environment:

"I can tell you that there are opportunities in this illusionary world, but there are many crises. If I hadn't transcended the three realms and jumped out of the five elements, I could give you some advice."

"Why do you want to wake up?"


Murong Jingyan was not annoyed when she heard this. Instead, she changed her face to a smile and knelt down.

What the little yellow duck said was true, the experience he had just now was very wonderful, as if everything was not what he said, felt, realized or thought, but he just didn't realize anything was wrong.

It was as if I was being led by this body without even realizing it.

"Lord Duck."

"Zhu Huan'an said that everything in this illusion world is fake, except for life."


While speaking, Murong Jingyan stood up and suddenly kicked her foot onto the edge of the bed. She immediately closed her mouth and slowly squatted down with a blush on her face.

"However, this feels too real."

The little yellow duck came with a sidelong look. It jumped on the bed and looked down at Murong Jingyan who was hugging her feet on the ground.

"The illusion world is indeed all fake."

"Some remnants of the world can be transformed into cage formations by the monks of later generations, but this one is different and complete, and it can almost be faked. It is probably not the remains of the ancient gods' consciousness, but"

"But what?" Murong Jingyan asked curiously.

"It's the core of memory."

The little yellow duck's tone was hesitant and uncertain.

"I don't know much about it, but when Chaoyun Demon Lord sleeps, a new world is born from chaos, as if time repeats itself. This is the supreme power I have seen with my own eyes."

"It's probably, well, probably."

Murong Jingyan blinked and remembered
"That means that the people I just met are all real people, including me, the princess?"

Seeing that there was no one in the east palace, Murong Jingyan crawled back to the bed, touched her chin and thought:
"Princess Yutang, Dayan"

"It's been so long, and I also listened to the old man give a few history lessons in the Yuanshi Palace. There hasn't been such a country since ancient times."

"Could it be earlier?"

Suddenly, Murong Jingyan clenched her fists and her expression changed slightly.

Not to mention Tianfeng's vitality, even Disuo has never felt it. This Princess Yutang is a useless person! !

Do not.
It should be said that he is a real mortal.

In Dayan, except for the barren sin states like Yazhou, the so-called 'mortals' have at least awakened to a few levels of earth locks.

As for the royal bloodline, it is almost impossible for such pure waste to appear.


"Could it be that there are no monks?"

The moment this idea appeared, Murong Jingyan was frightened, but then she rejected her idea.

"But, I clearly heard the name of the Secretary of Defense."

After patting her face, Murong Jingyan looked around her again and felt that there were dangers lurking around her. She had no cultivation, and no one she could use?
"Where's Zhu Huan'an!!"

Murong Jingyan suddenly remembered something, picked up the little yellow duck and shook it:
"That guy brought me here, where are the others!"

The little yellow duck was shaken so dizzy that he quickly said, "He, he hasn't woken up yet."

"Didn't you meet him??"

After stopping the little yellow duck, Murong Jingyan asked in surprise: "Is there one? Who is he?"

"That's the one."

"You are the one who keeps calling me Master!"

what? ?

Throwing the little yellow duck aside, Murong Jingyan stood up.

That's right, Princess Yutang has a master who has taught her Kung Fu for nine years, and she has almost developed feelings.

what do you say that is
Blood clothes.

Closing her eyes and thinking carefully, the memory belonging to Bai Yutang suddenly emerged and turned into a torrent that echoed in Murong Jingyan's mind.

Although this Bloody Hou didn't have orange hair and golden eyes, and he didn't hold a sword, but his facial features and demeanor were exactly the same as Zhu Huan'an.

They are very similar.

"It's him?"

Murong Jingyan narrowed her eyes, flashing a suspicious look.

"Is this guy not awake, or is he awake and deliberately taking advantage of me?"

The little yellow duck on the side was suddenly speechless and shouted: "You kid thinks the worst about people all day long!"

"Hurry up and find this person named Zhu, and ask him to take you to get the opportunity."

"If you wait and see, one more day here will increase the chance of death. You are really ignorant and fearless."

Murong Jingyan nodded slightly, too.

It shouldn't be difficult to find the Bloody Marquis. After all, we still don't know what chance means. We must get Zhu Huan'an's help.

"The prince said just now that he will be in charge of Xueyi in the near future and lead the troops to go to Cangshan Mountain to enshrine the Zen."

"Looks like we'll see each other soon."

While one person and one duck were talking, a figure stood leaning on a sword on a towering pavilion somewhere in the capital.

Negative snow is blowing into the building, shaking the sequoia.

"Junior Sister's dreaming really makes this illusion world even more exciting."

Zhu Huanan leaned against the pillar, looking at the low yellow moon on the Qilian Mountains. His mottled white hair was floating, and a mysterious smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Weighing the black dragon sword in his hand, Zhu Huanan's tone was faint and filled with sadness:

"Say it."

"It has been too long since a sword has been used."

Having said that, the black dragon sword reflected the moonlight, and suddenly flashed a jagged and cold light. Seeing this, Zhu Huanan nodded gently and looked towards the boundless night again.

"Fortunately, you still remember me."

 This small chapter in the illusion world is actually very crucial, and there will be a lot of foreshadowing.
(End of this chapter)

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