How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 172 I just miss Mr. Shen a little bit.

Chapter 172 I just miss Mr. Shen a little bit.

Dayan, deep in the palace corridor and curtains.

A beautiful figure was leaning on the wicker bed, flipping through the classics in his hand casually, scanning the text with his eyes, and his beautiful eyebrows were full of thinking.

After a while, Murong Jingyan rubbed her nose and felt a headache.

Since waking up, he has spent several days and nights in the illusion world.

'Master' Xue Yihou did not show up. Only Prince Qi came once on the way and talked about the matter of enshrining Zen. Fortunately, he got through.

Closing the book, Murong Jingyan raised her head, letting the mottled light shine through the gaps in the leaves and shine on the chest of her clothes.

He raised his thin palms, and the light shone through them, making them white and red.

What a pleasant scene in the afternoon.

Everything here is fake.

After getting up and walking to the flower bed, Murong Jingyan picked a white begonia flower and muttered silently:

"Counting the time, we will set off to Cangshan Mountain the day after tomorrow."

Exhaling from the tip of her nose, Murong Jingyan raised the begonia flower and put her hands behind her back.

According to reading the history books in the past few days, Murong Jingyan was surprised to find that this illusionary world even had written records in books. It was simply unbelievable how such a realistic environment could exist.

If it weren't for the existence of the little yellow duck, I might have thought that I had traveled through time again.

Through this, he is no longer unfamiliar with the current world, but he is also more confused.

Because the more I know, the more I don’t understand what dynasty this is. It is completely different from the wars between gods and gods that the old man who destroyed the Yuan Dynasty talked about. It is more like the warring states in the previous life.


The book records that Cangshan Mountain is the most majestic place in the world. The top of the mountain is covered with snow all year round. It is said that you can listen to fairy sounds. It has always been regarded as a sacred place for Zen by the emperors of the Central Plains. It is also a sacred mountain worshiped by foreigners outside the Great Wall.

The border is bounded by Cangshan Mountain, and going to the north is the desert outside the Great Wall. Although Dayan is the orthodox Central Plains and has countless small countries as vassals, it has also been invaded by aliens. In the steaming yellow sand, alien armies have been invading the border for hundreds of years.

Therefore, conferring Zen in Cangshan Mountain is also a deterrent to foreigners.

Murong Jingyan summoned the little yellow duck over. Over the past few days, he had determined that there was no spiritual energy in this transformed world, let alone monks. He was now a mortal body.

At most, he only knows more swordsmanship, but if he really fights the enemy, it will basically be for nothing.

But the little yellow duck's illusion can be activated. Although it doesn't cause any real harm, it can still work wonders in bluffing people.

Time flies, and it's two days later.

Murong Jingyan finally stepped on the carriage to Cangshan Mountain.

The imperial flag was spread high on the grassland, and among the long and long army, the crimson-purple dragon flag was particularly conspicuous. In the car that symbolized the emperor, sitting in the car was none other than the current Prince Qi of the Yan Kingdom.

Not far behind the purple chariot, another gorgeous chariot was also moving slowly, supported by white horses.

In the carriage, a figure lay stretched out in the carriage. Murong Jingyan tugged hard on the hairpin on the back of her head, her brows furrowed tightly.

"This thing can't be pulled out."

"Isn't it just to become a Zen? It has to be so upright, so upright!"

Pulling out the hairpin with force, Murong Jingyan suddenly felt refreshed, shook her black hair, and casually threw the priceless hairpin into the corner of the couch.

Anyway, everything here is fake.

With a long breath, Murong Jingyan gently opened the curtain of the carriage, and the dragon-like carriages and horses were driving on the endless wilderness, with white clouds hanging low in the distance, everything looked extremely solemn.

His eyes stopped on a knight not far away.

The man was wearing a red cloak, his mottled white hair was messy in the wind, and there was an unsheathed black dragon-patterned sword hanging from his waist, and his expression was stern.

Suddenly hearing a crisp whistle, the Xueyi Hou frowned slightly, turned his head and saw a corner of the car curtain lifted, with a smiling face there, waving to him.

Seeing the master coming, Murong Jingyan quickly said:

"Senior brother, how long will it take for us to arrive??"

"The opportunity is in that mountain?"

In the sight of Murong Jingyan, the Blood-clothed Marquis just shook his head and sighed: "A Tang, why did you call me senior brother several times today?"

"You should call me master."

Seeing that the Xueyi Hou wanted to ride away again, Murong Jingyan quickly stopped him again.

It was hard to see this guy again today, but Zhu Huan'an didn't seem to wake up yet. He didn't respond to his hints at all and was still immersed in his identity in the illusion world.

But Murong Jingyan still couldn't help but be a little suspicious. After all, Zhu Huanan had been here before. Since he was able to wake up last time, could he continue to be tricked this time? ?

"Ah Tang, if nothing happens, I will go to the front to lead the troops as a division."

"See you later."

Murong Jingyan coughed quickly and decided to try again.

" nothing."

Leaning against the window lattice, Murong Jingyan clasped her fingers and whispered:
"I just miss Mr. Shen a little bit."

While speaking, Murong Jingyan glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw Zhu Huanan's back froze slightly. He immediately confirmed something and patted the window lattice and shouted.

"Big Brother!"

"You are still pretending to me!!"

Zhu Huan'an clenched his fist in front of his mouth. After hearing this, he immediately turned back to the side of the carriage and raised his hand to make a booing gesture.

"Don't yell!"

"Ahem, it turns out you're awake."

Murong Jingyan put down her hand, looked at her strangely, and asked, "Senior brother, are you hiding something from me?"

"Since you're awake, it's okay if you don't want to wake me up."

"Why are you still pretending not to know that I'm looking for you now?"

Zhu Huanan sighed, looked around, leaned over and said:

"You should have noticed it too? There is no cultivation in the illusion world here."

After Murong Jingyan nodded, Zhu Huanan continued to talk. His white hair on the temples hung down to the window frame, and his tone was faint:

"Without cultivation, no Taoist skills, and no magical powers, even if you have sword skills and sword skills, you can't sustain them, so you can't even notice the difference between us."

"After all, although everything in this illusion world is fake, in their eyes, it is real."

As he spoke, Zhu Huanan looked at the soldiers, maids, and servants in the palace who were walking slowly not far away.

"Senior brother, is this the case in the illusion world?" Murong Jingyan also poked her head out and asked.

"Do not."

Zhu Huan'an shook his head decisively and explained: "The ordinary illusion world turns the world upside down and turns reality into reality. It is extremely unpredictable."

"And this should be a left-dream of the ancient gods. It is something that really happened in history, and that is why there are such complete laws and a real world."

"Oh," Murong Jingyan's eyes flashed with heaviness.

This question seemed casual, but in fact he asked it specifically.

It's just because Ning Shangshu said that Dayan knew very little about the world of illusion, and the little yellow duck only dared to tell the story after seeing it with his own eyes when he was the Demon Lord War General.This is Zhu Huanan
Why do you know so much?

Zhu Huan'an didn't notice anything was wrong with Murong Jingyan. He straightened up, patted Murong Jingyan on the shoulder and said:
"There are many informants here, so I shouldn't get too close to you."

"The rest will be explained to you slowly when we arrive at Cangshan Mountain."

Time passed by like a white horse, flowing quietly from Murong Jingyan's fingertips while reading ancient books, and in the blink of an eye, another half-moon passed in the illusion world.

Today, the carriages and horses finally slowed down.

“Boy, look at that mountain!!”

"So high!"

Murong Jingyan followed the little yellow duck's cry and opened a corner of the curtain to take a look.

Along the horizon where he looked, mountains undulated, and a peak towered into the clouds. Even if it was far away, he still had to look up to see it.

"Eh, it's really tall."

After staying in the illusion world for so long, Murong Jingyan felt that the scenery here was completely incomparable to the Dayan where the monks gathered. She originally thought that the so-called Cangshan Mountain was at most as high as the mountain gate of Qijian Villa, but she didn't expect that it was really Straight into the sky.

Suddenly, a hand came out and pinched Murong Jingyan's neck with slight force.

"Lower your head, and if you raise your head again, be careful and you'll miss it."

"Senior Brother???"

Murong Jingyan turned around, and it turned out that Zhu Huanan was coming from behind.

"By the way, senior brother, I heard that there is a city on this mountain. What is it called? What is it...?"

"Flower City."

"Oh yes, why is it called Flower City? Because there are many flowers?"

Halfway up Cangshan Mountain, there is an ancient city. It is also the northernmost city in Dayan, and it is also the strongest backing for the soldiers on the frontier. This city has remained standing despite the passage of time. This is what Murong Jingyan saw from the book.

Zhu Huan'an was stunned for a moment, then withdrew his hand and said with lonely eyes:

"There is a kind of crabapple flower that can withstand the severe cold, but when you look at just looks like a cold stone city."

"Sure enough, senior brother, tell me the truth, have you already been to this flower city?"

Only then did Zhu Huan'an realize that he had fallen into Murong Jingyan's words again, and he immediately laughed and said:
"To tell you the truth, senior brother has indeed been to the Flower City for the first time when he fell into this illusion world."

"It's a pity that I didn't wake up in time at that time."

"Otherwise there should be a great opportunity."

Murong Jingyan rolled her eyes. Zhu Huanan's words were false and true. She really didn't know if she could still believe him.

A great opportunity.
It seems that the opportunity does lie in this so-called Cangshan Mountain.

After half a month of trekking, Fengchan's army finally arrived at the foot of Cangshan Mountain at dusk.

The carriage in front suddenly stopped, and then a figure slowly fell from the car.

It was King Qi.

Taking a deep breath, King Qi turned around and walked towards the Hua Chaan behind him.

Murong Jingyan was immediately shocked when she saw this. After this period of time, she found that King Qi was like a talkative person, always talking to her about something, and she almost ran out of words to pretend to be stupid.

At that moment, Murong Jingyan looked at Zhu Huan'an beside her and asked, "Senior brother, this King Qi is probably coming to talk to me again."

"What should I say??"

Zhu Huan'an looked calm, turned over and dismounted, and said softly: "Now that you're awake, you can relax your body and mind and let your body recover on its own."

After listening to Zhu Huanan's words, Murong Jingyan took a deep breath, and sure enough, a strange feeling immediately emerged, and her body actually started to move on its own.

It should be what Princess Yutang in this history did.

Just when Murong Jingyan was relieved, she suddenly turned her head, revealing a pair of iconic little tiger teeth, and shouted to Zhu Huanan's master's back:
"Master Master~"

"Take me to the city. I want to see those crabapple flowers and pick a few to take back to the palace."

Murong Jingyan was shocked, that's all when she didn't wake up. Now that these words came out of her mouth, she suddenly felt ashamed.

"It's not impossible." King Qi from far away smiled heartily when he heard this.

"As long as you are obedient, I will ask your master to take Ah Tang for a walk in the city."

Upon hearing this, Bai Yutang immediately ran out of the carriage, came to Zhu Huan'an's side and said:

"Master, pull the hook!"

Zhu Huanan smiled coquettishly and looked around with a cold face. The nearby Wei Daosi guard immediately tilted his head in amusement, and then he put his thumb on it.

Bai Yutang was secretly happy because Master would only show his tender side in front of her.

But Murong Jingyan inside her body couldn't bear to look directly at her. She wanted to close her eyes but couldn't do it. She wanted to immediately take back control of her body.

"Master, you said you won't lie to others!"

"What are you talking about? Who in the capital doesn't know how to be an upright teacher and make a promise worth a thousand pieces of gold?"

"That's a deal! Don't lie."

"It's a word."

After King Qi made some instructions, he ordered the army to stand by at the foot of the mountain. He only led a few personal guards and palace servants and began to climb the [-]-step snow ladder with ordinary feet.

When the group finally reached the mountainside, it was already dark.

Under the moonlight and stars, a majestic and simple city finally revealed its true appearance. The snowy wind blew by, and the inside and outside of the city wall were actually covered with crabapples, stretching like a sea of ​​white flowers.

Different from the majesty and majesty of the capital, Huacheng is surrounded by deep clouds, quiet forests, tiled wooden houses, and occasional snowflakes, all of which have a refreshing fragrance. It is indeed a fairyland among the people of the Central Plains and a holy mountain among the foreigners.

When the defenders in the city saw the imperial flag, they immediately opened the city gates and lined up to greet them. The light of countless torches converged, and it looked very powerful from a distance. King Qi walked slowly by and explained to Murong Jingyan:
"Fengchan is the great sacrifice of the Central Plains. I, the Great Yangui, are orthodox in the Central Plains and govern the country with Taoism and law. We have a Taoist priest to protect the royal family and a Taoist temple to preside over the rituals."

"The reason why we came to Cangshan Mountain, apart from the magical nature of Cangshan Mountain and the divided territory, is because the Tianshi Mansion is within the Flower City."

"Why don't our royal family invite the Tianshi Mansion to move to the capital?" Murong Jingyan opened her mouth, then immediately closed her mouth.

It’s bad, I subconsciously talk too much.

King Qi chuckled. Fortunately, he found nothing wrong and continued to explain:

"The Tianshi Mansion has an extraordinary origin. He is the same age as Dayan, so he will not move away easily. What's more... the important thing is not just this Taoist temple, but the Taoist master in it - Changshou Sanren."

Longevity Sanren?

According to this, wouldn’t this so-called Taoist master have lived for a hundred years?
Could it be that there are actually monks in the Great Yan Kingdom?
Under the leadership of the guard, King Qi and his party came to a music building, which was located in the most prosperous area of ​​the Flower City. The music girl in the building plucked the strings and sang with ethereal voices, singing about the wind and snow in the frontier fortress.

Looking up from here, you can see thousands of miles of stars stretching across the sky. In the far distance, you can even see the snowy desert where the alien race lives.

"His Royal Highness, please."

The guard clasped his fists and stopped. King Qi nodded slightly and walked forward.

Zhu Huan'an signaled his followers to stay back and followed King Qi and Princess to the Tower alone. As long as he was around, naturally no one could hurt the prince in the slightest.

As she got closer, Murong Jingyan felt inexplicably familiar.

This music building
Why does it seem so familiar?

(End of this chapter)

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