How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 173 The Little Taoist Priest of Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 173 The Little Taoist Priest of Tianshi Mansion

The wooden pavilion is high and the music is lingering.

It was clearly a scene from the illusion world, but it made Murong Jingyan feel very familiar.

The guard led them forward, and several people walked to a high viewing platform. The food unique to Huacheng was already placed on the table and was ready.

King Qi nodded upon seeing this and sat down on the main seat.

Murong Jingyan and Zhu Huanan looked at each other and sat on the left and right sides of King Qi respectively. The rank of the general who defended the city was obviously not high, so he sat opposite King Qi slightly awkwardly.

I saw King Qi holding up an empty wine bottle and said casually:
"No need to be nervous."

"Since it's not the prince who greets you, I guess the border is in a hurry?"

The guard on the opposite side quickly stood up to pour the wine, nodded calmly and said:

"Reporting to the crown prince, the Tuoba clan in Northern Xinjiang, together with King Yuan Xian, united with the thirteen foreign armies to make a comeback. The prince has been to the border in person for five years and has not returned."

King Qi hummed, picked up the chopsticks calmly, picked up a piece of fish, put it into Murong Jingyan's bowl, and said with a smile:
"Ah Tang, try this fish from Huacheng."

Murong Jingyan was flattered and quickly pretended to be happy and stretched out her bowl to catch the fish. She glanced at Zhu Huanan and found that he was sitting upright with his eyes downcast and had no intention of moving his chopsticks.

"Master, come here."

"You eat fish too."

With a smile on her face, Murong Jingyan handed King Qi's fish to Zhu Huanan. King Qi and Zhu Huanan were both slightly stunned.

In the end, King Qi shook his head and explained to the guard:
"This is the Commander-in-Chief of the Daoist Department of Great Yanwei, the Marquis in Blood Clothes."

Zhu Huan'an looked at the fish in the bowl, sighed and looked at the beautiful woman with a bright smile opposite him. For a moment, he couldn't tell whether this was Bai Yutang's doing, or Murong Jingyan's deliberate embarrassment.

"It turns out that this is the Blood-clothed Marquis."

The guard immediately raised his glass and said respectfully: "I have heard that Master Xueyi's swordsmanship is superb. He is capable of defeating a hundred with one person. I saw it today."

"Sure enough, his temperament is extraordinary."

Zhu Huan'an smiled slightly and said nothing.

At this time, King Qi spoke again and asked himself:

"Tomorrow, I will go to the place of Zen. I think I will ask some questions tonight so that I can feel at ease."

"In this fight against foreign tribes, apart from my officers and soldiers of Dayan, what other vassal states are there?"

Murong Jingyan took a sip of tea. Although King Qi intended to make the atmosphere relaxed, it was still difficult to hide the worry on his face.

The guard thought for a moment and replied:
"Reply to the prince."

"I, Dayan, have seven vassal states, big and small. In just three years, three of them were brutally destroyed. The one who follows the front line this time is the Liang Kingdom."

"Liang Guo." King Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, picked up the wine bottle and put it at the corner of his mouth.

"I heard that King Liang governed the country well, so I thought the sergeants should be more brave."

"How is the battle going?"

After the words fell, the guard on the opposite side exhaled lightly from the tip of his nose and couldn't help but sigh:
"Liang Guo is indeed brave and good at fighting. He deserves my help as Dayan."

"It's just that this alien battle is too big, and they have the potential to break through Cangshan Mountain and enter our Central Plains."

King Qi frowned, put down the wine bottle and said:
"You only need to explain the situation of the battle, and there is no need to say anything else."

The guard immediately clasped his fists in fear, stood up and said:

"The king of Liang went on a personal expedition. Last month he was poisoned by an arrow. He was seriously injured and it is difficult to recover. His life or death is uncertain."

"Then those leading the troops are the princes of the Liang Kingdom?"

The guard shook his head: "He would have died in the battle if he had not been on his knees for a few seconds."

Hearing this, King Qi finally fell into silence, and Murong Jingyan also put down his chopsticks.

It seems that the Great Yan Kingdom is not as glamorous as it appears on the surface. Fortunately, I am just a passerby in history, so I don't have to worry about the tragic scene of the country being destroyed and millions of corpses laid to rest.

"In this case, Liang Guo can be regarded as the last."

"When the enshrinement of this palace is over, if the Liang Kingdom has not been destroyed, we will find another country to come to help in the war and let them go back."

The guard hesitated slightly when he heard this, but still reminded:
"Actually, there is one prince still alive in the Liang Kingdom. He is the sixth prince of the Liang Kingdom who came to our country as a hostage in the early years."


King Qi nodded and sighed:
"No wonder the King of Liang fought so hard. Apart from my great power, I, Dayan, still have an inch of blood left."

The guard smiled coquettishly, but did not continue: "The prince misunderstood."

"The sixth prince of the Liang Kingdom was born as a lowly commoner and was born with a disability. When the general heard that the King of Liang knew that he would not be able to return to the court, he issued a will to pass the throne to his uncles and nephews in the clan, without mentioning a word about this sixth prince."



After three drinks, King Qi ordered Zhu Huanan to take Murong Jingyan and leave first.

The moon was sparse, the wind in the Flower City was chilly, people in the streets and alleys closed their doors early and fell asleep, and there were only two figures walking side by side in the stone streets and alleys.

Murong Jingyan rubbed her shoulders, the tip of her nose was red from the cold, she had no cultivation energy and blood, and was unable to withstand the cold wind.


"We don't have to do anything proactively?"

Zhu Huan'an walked aside and changed his hair to white hair, which made his eyes look deeper. Hearing this, he asked:
"What do you want to do proactively?"

"I don't know about this either, but I think I shouldn't waste my time here. After all, this Dayan looks like..."


This sneeze brought Zhu Huan'an back to his senses. He turned his head and saw Murong Jingyan's eyelashes falling with frost and her cheeks bruised. She slowly took off the red cloak behind her and put it on her.

"The war won't end that quickly."

Zhu Huanan's tone was gentle. He patted Murong Jingyan's shoulder and suddenly asked:
"Actually, now that you have woken up, do you know what is the best way now?"

"What is it?"

"Then just wait and see what happens."

"Everything in the dream world is a given. It's not that our bodies go back to the past. In fact, you can't change anything here, and everything you do is in vain."


Zhu Huan'an let go of his hand, looked at the bright and low moon, and spoke calmly:
"So, starting tomorrow."

"Just calm down, see what Bai Yutang will do, and wait for your opportunity."

Returning to the couch inn, Murong Jing leaned against the window lattice and looked at the layers of defenders surrounding the inn.

"Boy, what are you going to do?" The little yellow duck came to Murong Jingyan's shoulder and asked.

"This place is indeed weird. If I hadn't been well-informed, I would have been bewitched by this reality."

Murong Jingyan nodded, frowning together.

"Yeah, it's so true."

"But do I have any other options?"

Turning around, Murong Jingyan touched the little yellow duck's head: "From tomorrow on, I will just wait and see what happens as he said."

"If I foresee any danger, I still need Your Majesty to remind me."

"It's easy to talk, it's easy to talk."

That night, King Qi paid a special visit and signaled Princess Yutang to listen to her master. After all, Huacheng was located on the border, and there were a lot of people in the city, and there might even be assassins from other countries.

"A'tang, when the emperor is away, follow your master."

"Brother, don't worry. How could Ah Tang run around?"

"...It's just what you say that makes me worried."

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, ask Master!"

Murong Jingyan had already calmed down according to Zhu Huan'an's instructions. He also wanted to see what kind of opportunities Bai Yutang would bring to him and what would happen in Cangshan Mountain.


Early the next morning, King Qi left the place where he stayed early. It was rumored that Changshou Sanren led him to the secret realm of Cangshan Mountain. The emperor could only go to the place of Zen alone.

Emperor Xumi of Dayan is old, and now the prince has full power to rule.

When Bai Yutang woke up and came downstairs, Xueyi had personally bought her breakfast, which was a bowl of white porridge covered with flower petals. The master explained that it was a flower porridge unique to Huacheng, containing the sweet fragrance of crabapple petals.

"Brother Qi Wang is gone?" Bai Yutang ran down the stairs, moved the bench and sat next to the master. When he tasted the porridge, it was as rich in floral aroma and slightly sweet as the master said. He drank the porridge and said:

"Master, let's go to the city for a while!?"


"Okay, where do you want to go?"

"Look at the flowers! I came to this inn when I entered the city last night. Ah Tang wants to see the flowers today."

"In this way, after you finish the porridge, Master will take you there."

Seeing that the master agreed so readily, Bai Yutang's eyes suddenly turned into crescent moons. She picked up the flower porridge and drank it. Xueyi smiled and touched her head, then looked outside the attic again.

Murong Jingyan watched all this silently, looking at the master in front of her, but she couldn't tell whether this was her senior brother or the Blood-clothed Marquis.

Feeling the back of her head being caressed, memories belonging to Bai Yutang suddenly emerged in Murong Jingyan's mind...

It was a bright afternoon nine years ago when the two met for the first time...


King Qi summoned Xueyi into the East Palace. Bai Yutang, who was eight years old at the time, sat obediently next to him. He watched King Qi personally make half a cup of tea for his master and said with a smile:
"The princess wants to practice martial arts, but I've been thinking about it over and over again, but I can't find anyone I can trust."

"It just happened that I dreamed of you last night. You are so young and promising, I will definitely be reassured."

"Your Highness, these... ministers are alike but different..."

"Agree? Okay! Tang'er, why don't you kowtow and become your master? His name is Xueyi, and he will be the future commander of the Wei Dao Department."

"A'tang, meet the master."

Although the master at that time was a handsome young man, he always acted like he was bitter and resentful. Sometimes Bai Yutang would wonder if he was too scared to refuse when he agreed to become his master.

At first, Xueyi was very serious about teaching everything he had learned in his life, but slowly they both discovered a problem, that is, although Bai Yutang has a good brain, he is not really good at martial arts. How can he teach someone who is clumsy? You can't even teach it.

She was frustrated by this. She was practicing martial arts to avoid learning the knitting girl. As the days went by, Xueyi and the princess became more and more familiar, and Bai Yutang's quirky side began to slowly emerge.

Once she acted coquettishly and lied to the master that she was not feeling well and that she had to go for a walk in the streets of the capital to feel better. However, she never thought that the master would take her directly to the streets of the city without even thinking about it.

This was the first time that Bai Yutang, as a princess, crowded in the same lively street with the people in the city, feeling the hustle and bustle of the bustling market. Such an unrestrained feeling made her so excited that she played for a whole night before she was willing to go back. palace.

It was also that time when Master was angrily criticized by the officials.

The contents of the memorials were all the same, and they all accused him of not having proper etiquette. If this continued, he would teach the princess a bad lesson. Fortunately, King Qi protected him, so the master did not lose his job.

"Master, did Ah Tang cause you harm?"

"... "

"When all things grow, why do they care about other people's opinions?"

"As long as my disciple is happy.

"That's right."

In addition to King Qi, someone was finally willing to think about her, even if he would be burdened with a lot of pressure. From then on, Bai Yutang asked Xueyi not to call her His Highness.

"Master, please call me Ah Tang from now on. I like it."

And the master no longer talked about practicing swordsmanship. Instead, he seriously said that there was nothing more painful than practicing swordsmanship in the world. If he could, he would not even want to practice swordsmanship himself.

Every night when they went out to practice swordsmanship, the two of them would either walk around the streets to buy rock candy, or they would lead her in blood-clothed foot-stepping Qigong to overlook the moonlight of the bamboo sea. She always said that her master was the best master in the world.

Whenever this happens, the master will always show a complicated smile and pretend to be an expert without speaking.

Only when playing, Bai Yutang can temporarily forget that she is a princess, ignore the so-called royal etiquette, and just be the simplest little girl.

Whenever the master carries you back to the palace late at night, her nerves about missing her mother and concubine will be relieved a little. It seems that as long as the master is there, her life has warmth again.

As time passed, Bai Yutang no longer expected to inherit her master's swordsmanship because the world was too far away from her.

If she could, she also hoped that her master would get rid of the days of licking blood from the edge of a knife as soon as possible, so that she and Xueyi could remain master and apprentice and live in peace for the rest of their lives.

Putting away the memories, a strange feeling emerged in Murong Jingyan's heart, which was a faint sadness.

At this moment, I suddenly became curious about the fate of Princess Yutang.

There is no snow today, so it’s a good time to go out.

The master stood up and put on his long cloak. The dark robe made him look taller and thinner. He did not ride a horse, but led the princess towards the city. Bai Yutang jumped up and down while swinging the master's sleeves, pointing all the way. stop.

"Master, the flower porridge you bought is delicious. Do we have it in the capital?"

"I'm afraid not, because only the petals of Cangshan Mountain have that sweet and refreshing fragrance."

"Master, are all the flowers here white?"

The two of you wandered around the flower city, walked across the stone slabs of arch bridges, and walked in the bustling streets. Whether it was because of the princess's beauty or the master's early graying of temples, pedestrians often stopped and bowed to you and backed away.

"...Not entirely." Xueyi frowned slightly, suddenly thinking of something, but did not continue.

Soon, you walked to the other end of Huacheng, and the sound of Taoism came, and it turned out that you had arrived at Tianshi Mansion.

I had always heard that the Tianshi Mansion was full of incense, but now I saw it was like this. The Taoist temple was not big, and everywhere was crowded with people burning incense and praying for blessings. A servant led the two of them through the Langfang and towards the quiet backyard.

Passing through the dragon and tiger screen, the charming fragrance of flowers hits your face in an instant, and the eyes are filled with a sea of ​​colorful flowers. The pear blossoms are moving in the wind, like spotted butterflies swaying and flying. Walking from the bluestone road, it is like falling into the clouds and misty mountains and sea.

Looking back, Bai Yutang's face suddenly became confused, because behind him, Xueyi stood far away from the screen and never followed.

Seeing this situation, Murong Jingyan lost consciousness and asked in Bai Yutang's tone:
"Master, why don't you follow me?"

Xueyi didn't move. He turned his head and sighed: "This is the omission of the dream. Only you can go in."

"In this ancient god's memory, I have never been here."

Murong Jingyan was surprised. She didn't expect that it was Zhu Huanan who answered.

Nodding, Murong Jingyan walked forward and returned her consciousness to Bai Yutang.

There are also people in the flower garden, mostly pilgrims who come here to pray. Many young men and women, or old people enjoy the flowers here.

Under a clear sky, in a sea of ​​white and purple flowers, the smiling Princess Yutang walked with her head lowered. Her slender goose neck, silky long hair, and every trembling step made people dazzled and fascinated.

Suddenly, the fragrance of flowers floated in the breeze, and butterflies and bees fluttered their wings in the flowers, flying beside the princess. Looking back inadvertently, a beautiful face attracted the pilgrims to stop and linger.

At the end of the flowers, Bai Yutang saw a tree.

This is a locust tree. Perhaps it is just an ordinary spiritual tree on the roadside in Dayan, but in this world, it looks extremely majestic.

You can see a figure lying under the tree from a distance. Pilgrims who want to pick flowers to take away will go there with the flowers in their hands to inquire.

Bai Yutang smiled knowingly, became curious, and was ready to find out.

As he got closer, Bai Yutang discovered that the person lying under the tree was actually a thin, young Taoist priest.

The little Taoist priest was lying on a wicker chair, flipping through an ancient book with both hands. The shadows of the woods shone on his eyebrows, and the book obscured his vision.

Occasionally, pilgrims came over to inquire, but he just waved his hand casually and said:

"The Heavenly Master is not here, so you can pick whatever flowers you like."

After saying that, he simply turned sideways, with his back to the flower garden, and continued to look through the ancient books in his hands.

Behind him, a figure approached quietly.

".The master behind the scenes."

"But didn't you hear what Xiaodao said?"

"If you like any flowers, feel free to pick them without asking me."

When Bai Yutang heard this, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Instead, he leaned over the wicker chair and looked at the storybook in the Taoist priest's hand.


"What scripture are you reading?"

Hearing this, the little Taoist priest's ears twitched slightly and he slowly turned around.

The two looked at each other and were very close.

Looking here, the little Taoist priest has a clean face, but he has a pair of thick and sharp eyebrows, which adds a bit of stubbornness to his immature face.

The smile on Bai Yutang's lips was still there, but Murong Jingyan, who was watching on the sidelines, felt his scalp numb. He grabbed Bai Yutang's body almost without thinking, took two steps back suddenly, and his throat made a rumbling sound.

At this moment, Murong Jingyan couldn't believe her eyes.

"Shen Chen Feng Shen.?"

 I've been dealing with interviews for the past two days, and the time is very tight.
  The update I promised everyone was not completed yesterday. Sorry, I was told to go back to work next week and see if I can make it up.

(End of this chapter)

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