How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 174 You want to drug me?

Chapter 174 You want to drug me?

The sun is shining brightly, and the flowers and rain in Tianshi Mansion are fragrant.

Xiaodao was obviously shocked by the beauty in front of him. He hurriedly put away his storybook and stood up in a hurry while holding on to the wicker chair:

"Girl, what did you ask just now?"

At this moment, Murong Jingyan realized something was wrong. Although the little Taoist priest in front of her looked very similar to Shen Fengchen's eyebrows and eyes, he only looked like he was seventeen or eighteen years old at most.

Especially his cheeks were thin, far less sharp than Shen Fengchen's. His speech was also gentle and his eyes lacked a lot of domineering.

Most importantly.

The little Taoist priest in front of me seemed to be lame in his left leg, so he could only stand with one hand on the back of the chair and his right foot.

After shaking her head, Murong Jingyan calmed down and felt a little more at ease.

It seems that this illusion world is not that completely real. After all, how can Shen Fengchen appear here.

Especially my face has not changed much. I think the things I saw in the illusion world are still somewhat related to my cognition. Even those passers-by were the ones I had glimpsed in Dayan?
Thinking of this, Murong Jingyan continued to return her consciousness to Bai Yutang.


The little Taoist priest was still asking, but Bai Yutang came back to his senses, stepped forward and said:

"What scripture are you reading that makes you so fascinated?"

The Taoist priest hesitated a little after hearing this, but he still took out his book. Seeing this, Bai Yutang leaned over and discovered that it was a storybook.

The storybook is yellowed, and under the soft sunlight, the three large characters are particularly conspicuous.

"Dream Strategy"

"This, this is my master's."

Perhaps it was because Bai Yutang was so close that the little Taoist couldn't help but stutter a little and spoke with a red face.

This made Murong Jingyan, who was watching, couldn't help laughing. After all, this kid looked so much like Shen Fengchen. If Shen Fengchen saw it with his own eyes, what would his expression be like?
"Your master?"

Bai Yutang took the storybook and started flipping through it with a smile on his lips: "This is the Tianshi Mansion, the master you call me."

"Could it be that you are referring to Changshou Sanren?"

The little Taoist priest nodded, limping over and explained to Bai Yutang.


"Master has collected classics from all over the world and written many anecdotes and strange things. The book "Enlightenment of Dreams" in Xiaodao's hand was written by his master."

Bai Yutang smiled, flipping through ancient books and subconsciously about to sit on the wicker chair. At this moment, she suddenly remembered something, and immediately stood up and looked at the little Taoist priest next to her.

Xiaodao shook his head, stretched out his hand and said, "It's no problem, please do what you want, girl."

"Although my legs are disabled, I am not unable to stand."

Bai Yutang was not pretentious, but sat on the recliner, and then looked at the contents of the book.

The first page of the painting book shows a cauldron.

The tripod's ears are held up to the sky, engraved with the pattern of two surging dragons, which looks simple and mysterious.

"Hey, this cauldron..."

Bai Yutang stared at the tripod, feeling more and more that the style of the tripod was a bit like the bronze tripod in front of the screen in Tianshi Mansion, except that the scale on the cauldron in Tianshi Mansion was blackened and solidified.

"I don't know what Master thinks."

The little Taoist priest simply sat on the grass, followed Murong Jingyan's line of sight, and coughed:
"If those pilgrims from out of town saw it, they might think our Taoist temple is very shabby, so they put this black and broken cauldron in the most conspicuous place."

Bai Yutang smiled slightly and continued to browse casually.

The storybook is nothing more than the descriptions of some Changshou Sanren, with strange annotations, such as dark lightning, white dragons, bustling battlefields...

The brushwork is lifelike, lifelike and fascinating.

In the dim light of the morning, pilgrims came to ask questions from time to time holding flower stamens, but they were all dismissed one by one by the trail, while Bai Yutang quietly read the contents of the storybook with relish.

Suddenly, she turned to the last page.

On the yellowed page, there is a coquettish red stamen painted on it, which is breathtaking just by looking at it. With the flying snow as the background, it has a strong mysterious color.

"Hongshou Begonia."

Bai Yutang and Murong Jingyan spoke almost at the same time, following Changshou Sanren's footnotes.

"It is said that on the top of the uninhabited Cangshan Mountain, there is a magical flower called Hongshou Begonia that can cure all the sufferings in the world."

"It's rare for ordinary people to see it for hundreds of years. Only with the sincere prayers of sincere people can they bloom from the mysterious ice. When the flowers bloom, the snow blows back. There is no incurable disease in the world. The flower effect can even forcefully extend the life of the dying person. "

"It's just that this flower exists in the sky and on the earth, and it's extremely difficult to pick..."

Murong Jingyan felt her heart beating. How could Hongshou Begonia be Hongshou Begonia! ?

Isn't this my own ancestral blood? Master Mieyuan can't even see it as a Taoist thing, but it's actually recorded in this casually snatched script? ?
Bai Yutang put down the book and caught a glimpse of Xiaodao beside him, staring brightly at the red begonia flowers in the book.

"Little Taoist priest, what's your name?"

Xiaodao was in a daze. He looked at the flower pattern as if his thoughts were restless. He squeezed out a smile and said:

"Xiao Dao's surname is Xu, and he will take my mother's surname."

"Because I was born in Zhoutou, which happens to be a place called Qingqiu Valley, I was named Qingqiu."

"Girl, just call me Aqiu."

Bai Yutang closed the book, turned around and asked the little Taoist priest: "Aqiu.?"


"Are the words recorded in your master's book true?"

Hearing this, Xu Qingqiu looked to the side, pursed his lips and said, "Master is always talking about it. I don't know whether Master's dream plan is true or false."


"Master has never made mistakes in fortune-telling and divination. I think he won't lie to others."


Bai Yutang sighed and stood up slowly.

"So, the red begonia flower recorded at the end really exists?"

Although Bai Yutang is regarded as the seventh princess of the Yan Dynasty, she is smart and sensible since she was a child, and is by no means as rebellious as she appears.

Currently, foreign tribes are raising armies and the Central Plains is in crisis, all because Emperor Yan is now seriously ill.

In his early years, the King of Yan was wise and powerful, and united the Central Plains countries to fight against the foreign races. They fought all the way to the depths of the desert and were about to capture King Yuan Xian's lair.

This war emptied the Central Plains of its heritage, and it was all about conquering the foreign races in one fell swoop and ending the crisis that had existed for thousands of years.

However, a plague swept across the Central Plains, and the generals in the Central Plains fell ill one after another and had to return to the court. As a result, the father also fell ill and lost his courage.

Now that the father is seriously ill and dying, even with King Qi's brother as the crown prince, he is by no means safe and sound. Even if the father dies at this moment, it would be dangerous for King Qi's brother.

Because of the death of the old Emperor Yan, the military morale of the countries that were originally jealous of him will inevitably be weakened, and even the left and right factions of Yan will fall apart. This is not something that King Qi can control.

For the present plan, if our father can be cured of his serious illness, and even those pioneers who have been tortured by the plague can reverse their illnesses, then the Central Plains will not be in turmoil, and it will be able to avoid endless turmoil.
Xu Qingqiu stood up on his knees. He picked up the script and held it in his hand. He seemed to feel the urgency in Bai Yutang's eyes and asked calmly:

"Does the girl wish it existed?"

"What do you mean?"

"Xiaodao means"

Xu Qingqiu showed a sad smile: "If you can't see it with your own eyes, who can dare to say whether it exists or not."

Bai Yutang nodded when he heard this. There was some truth in what he said.

She slowly raised her head and looked at the looming black peaks deep in the cumulus clouds.

There is the top of Cangshan Mountain.

"Why is the girl interested in Hongshou Begonia?"

Xu Qingqiu suddenly walked up curiously, his eyes revealing inquiry.

"Of course it's about curing diseases and saving lives." Bai Yutang said, picking off a pear blossom, holding it in his hand and smiling: "Aqiu, can I take a flower back with me?"

"Girl, it's whatever you want."

Xu Qingqiu smiled slightly, and the two of them walked out of the backyard without a break. Bai Yutang's steps were not fast, which allowed Xu Qingqiu to keep up with him.

After passing the screen, there was no figure in blood clothes here.

Xu Qingqiu didn't stop until he arrived outside Tianshi Mansion.

"Girl, I haven't asked you your name yet."

Bai Yutang was worried, so he just turned around, blinked, and said with a smile: "Bai Yutang, just call me Ah Tang."

"Goodbye, Aqiu."

"Goodbye by fate."

".A Tang"

When Bai Yutang's figure slowly walked away, Xu Qingqiu sighed softly, and his eyes gradually became firm.

"Only by seeing can you know the truth."

He looked up at the towering Cangshan Mountain, moved his remaining leg and slowly turned around, moving back to the flower garden step by step.

The short journey took him two full incense sticks.

Passing by the wicker chairs in the flower garden, he walked straight into a side hall.

There are only four walls here, and an accounted package has been placed on the table.

Stuffing the exposed half of the bun back, Xu Qingqiu hung the package on his thin shoulders with force, then came to the wall, took off a dog velvet cloak, and exhaled.

"I've been away from home for ten years, and I haven't heard from my mother for a long time. I think everything will go well in Daliang."

Sitting at the table and taking a rest, Xu Qingqiu wrapped himself in a big cloak and started caressing it. This was something his mother had begged for him before leaving when he was sent to the Flower City as a hostage.

Although it is just dog hair, it is worth a thousand words to him.

Xu Qingqiu coughed lightly and muttered silently:
"Daliang was fighting bloody battles on the front line. I heard that my father was also injured and returned to the court. Life or death was uncertain. Several other royal brothers died in battle one after another. I am the only one hiding in this Taoist temple and surviving."

"It's all this leg's fault"

He looked at his lame leg and suddenly beat it hard, his eyes red.

"It's all my fault for this unsatisfactory leg. Otherwise, Aqiu, I would have been able to mount my horse and face the enemy, and my mother wouldn't have followed me and received the dirty looks."

After calming down for a moment, Xu Qingqiu put away his gloomy expression, tightened the strap on his shoulders, pulled a bamboo stick next to the table, and stood up with difficulty.

"But it's okay. If I come to Dayan to act as a hostage, my mother will be much better off in Liangdu."

"Even if the Yan people force me, Liang Guo can stop obeying orders in order to protect himself. The worst is to lose my life."

"But since I, Daliang, have fought against the aliens to this point, then I..."

"You can't die yet."

Opening the door, Xu Qingqiu walked towards the outside of the Tianshi Mansion step by step, politely inviting all the pilgrims out along the way.

"You can't die yet."

"Liang Guo still needs me at this moment, and my father still needs me."

"If I can pick that red longevity begonia, my father will be cured, and our Liang Kingdom will not follow the same path of the Three Kingdoms. My father and mother are still waiting for me to go back."

"So, I can't die yet."

With Changshou Sanren away, Xu Qingqiu locked the door of Tianshi Mansion and walked towards the mountain, resolutely.

In the streets and alleys, few people would notice the frail figure of the young man walking into the vast mountain mist, but around the corner of the Tianshi Mansion, a person turned his attention.

The Bloody Marquis stood tall, looking at the blurry back with deep eyes, spitting out a mouthful of white mist, and murmured:
"Who is he?"



Bai Yutang has come back. She is lying quietly on the couch, looking at the wooden board above her head without saying a word.

Only Murong Jingyan knew that the princess's heart was in a state of confusion at this moment.

She wanted to find Hongshou Begonia alone.

After all, King Qi probably wouldn't have come out for ten days and a half, and if he told the matter to Master, Master would definitely not agree.

This is just the content in the storybook, who would believe it?

Maybe only he would believe it. It was a strange feeling. Bai Yutang felt that the flower seemed to be right in front of him and he could reach out and touch it.

Turning over, Bai Yutang sighed: "Should I tell Master or not?"

If the master really disagrees, then it is absolutely impossible to take people to find this flower.

Moreover, it is recorded in the book that this Hongshou Begonia emphasizes sincerity and spirituality. It is difficult for ordinary people to find it. I guess it is not effective because of the large number of people. After all, the description is magical.

How to do.

Should I go secretly by myself?

When Bai Yutang had this idea, his heartbeat suddenly started to beat uncontrollably.

It was the first time she thought about going alone secretly without even telling her master.

"I can be considered a martial arts practitioner. It's not like no one has climbed to the top of Cangshan Mountain since ancient times. Why can't I be next?"

After thinking for a moment, Bai Yutang just did it.

If he was delayed until his master came back, he would definitely not be able to escape. Maybe he would have already gone down the mountain before Brother Qi Wang came back.

In order to deceive others, Bai Yutang asked the inn clerk to pack some dry food. After thinking about it, he only knew that Tianshi's Mansion was in Huacheng, so he asked the waiter to send it to Tianshi's Mansion first.

Then, Bai Yutang returned to the side room and waited.

After a while, he left the inn in the name of looking for his master, went to the Tianshi Mansion, picked up some dry food, and ran away.

"Not to mention, this princess is quite smart, just like you."

Onlookers were not only Murong Jingyan, but also Little Yellow Duck. The two watched what Bai Yutang did and used their telepathy to communicate.


"My young master is far more foresighted than this princess, but what exactly is going on with Hongshou Begonia in this book?"

Murong Jingyan asked with a suspicious tone:

"Didn't you say that I am of the bloodline of the Sixth Emperor?"

"Why do I feel now that my ancestral blood is like a herb, and everyone wants to drug me?"

The little yellow duck's tone paused, then he coughed and said:
"This world has no aura. I'm afraid it's not the ancient times, nor the Immortal Ancients, but the time before the Immortal Ancients."

"At that time, I'm afraid I wasn't even born yet! If you can ask me, then who can I ask?"

"I haven't had it since I was a child."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Murong Jingyan quickly stopped because Bai Yutang had already set off.

Taking a deep breath, Murong Jingyan's voice became a little worried: "Although I really want to know the follow-up, how can I set off so recklessly?"

"If she suddenly loses her footing and falls off a cliff on the way, or dies of cold on the mountain, will I die too?"

The little yellow duck groaned, nodded and said:
"That's right, then you'll be dead."


Murong Jingyan smacked his lips, hesitated for a moment but still did not stop Bai Yutang's behavior, because he had a strong intuition when he saw the red flower of Yaozhi on the last page.

this flower.
This is the opportunity of this illusion world.

(End of this chapter)

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