How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 175 What’s wrong with Qiu?

Chapter 175 What’s wrong with Qiu?

In the winter of the Renyin year, on the way to visit flowers in Cangshan, we suddenly encountered heavy snow.

Under the mountains on all sides, the lingering snow reflected the cold night, and a slender figure held on to the rock wall and climbed towards the top of the mountain to the north with great difficulty.

The moonlight and white snow shine together on that face, like a beautiful picture.

Perhaps it is only late at night that we know how heavy the snow is. Even the pine branches on the cliff can be heard from time to time being broken by the snow.

Bai Yutang stopped, her cheeks flushed plateau red, and she suddenly turned around and looked in the direction she came from.

Far away, you can also see the bright firelight on the mountainside, which is the direction of Huacheng. At this moment, countless defenders have come out.

Thinking about it, it was Xueyihou who discovered that he was missing.

"I'm sorry, brother in blood."

Bai Yutang's hair danced wildly with the mountain wind, like a fairy in a snow-white world. Her red lips parted lightly and she murmured:
"Although it will make you worry."

"But I am so willful. If there is a magic medicine, I will go to the top of the mountain to take a look."

After finishing his words, Bai Yutang continued to move forward without daring to stop. Even though the mountain road was winding and had many forks, someone would definitely catch up here within a few hours.

You can even hear shouts faintly in the wind.

Just as Bai Yutang expected, thousands of defenders behind him had already gone up the mountain, and they were searching in separate groups.

During the day, when Xueyihou discovered that Bai Yutang was missing, he thought she was naughty at first.

But after inquiring to no avail, he immediately ordered a search throughout the city, and then mobilized the defenders to leave the city. Even the troops at the foot of the mountain were marching up the mountain at the same time.

We must find Princess Yutang.

The snow started to snow and stopped, and the walk lasted for several days.

Whether it was his natural stubbornness or the unknown persistence in his heart, Bai Yutang actually persisted without stopping.

Finally on the fifth day, Bai Yutang encountered a difficulty.

The snow covered the edge of the steps.

The mountain road is broken.

After exhaling, Bai Yutang could no longer suppress the fatigue in her body. She looked up to the top of her head, where the mountain peaks were covered with snow, as if they were floating in the clouds.

"It's almost here."

After swallowing, Bai Yutang did not dare to say anything more, because every breath was very difficult, making his chest and lungs feel like needles pricking him.

The shouts from behind had long disappeared, and a smile appeared on Bai Yutang's lips. Perhaps no one would have expected that he would reach this point because of his pampering.

Seeing that night was coming again and the way forward was difficult to find, Bai Yutang decided to find a cave to take shelter first.

After some searching, Bai Yutang did find a narrow cave. She squeezed in with difficulty before the heavy snowfall, and actually felt a warmth.

"That is."

She couldn't believe her eyes, because deep in the cave, there was fire swaying.

Shaking off the falling snow from her body, she picked up the long sword she used as a crutch and walked cautiously inside. Could it be that there were savages living on Cangshan Mountain?

As she got closer, she heard someone mumbling something.

"Hongshou Begonia blooms in the mysterious ice and requires piety."

Hongshou Begonia?

This voice is not
Bai Yutang walked out quickly, his face suddenly turned into surprise, and shouted: "Aqiu!?"

It was the little Taoist priest who was holding a book and reading by the campfire. He was obviously frightened by the sudden sound and turned around suddenly.

"Ah, Ah Tang?"

Bai Yutang put down his sword and walked to the campfire to sit down.

"It's really you."

"Why are you here?"

As she spoke, she looked at Xu Qingqiu's left leg. The little Taoist priest quietly retracted his leg and stuttered: "I"

"Are you here to look for Hongshou Begonia?" Bai Yutang narrowed her eyes and put her hands by the fire. The long-lost warmth made her smile.

"It doesn't matter, I'm here to look for this flower too."

The little Taoist priest was surprised. He moved his butt closer and asked, "A Tang."

"You just took a glimpse and you believe that the flower really exists?"

"If not, it would be very dangerous for you to rush up the mountain."

Hearing this, Bai Yutang was noncommittal and looked at the thin clothes on the little Taoist priest: "Your clothes are thin and you have difficulty moving, but you can still go up the mountain."

"How can I not do it?"

"Besides, didn't you say that if you don't see it with your own eyes, who can dare to say whether the flower is really just a rumor."

The little Taoist priest hummed and said nothing.

However, Bai Yutang's words made him feel a little more at ease. After all, there was another person like him in the world who believed that the so-called fairy flowers were real.


Bai Yutang suddenly spoke and asked curiously:
"Why did you pick the Hongshou Begonia when you wanted to save someone important?"

The little Taoist priest was stunned for a moment, then took a deep breath and his face became slightly more solemn.

"Yes, but what I want to save is the world."

"The world?"

Bai Yutang lowered her eyes, which coincided with her purpose of saving her father, but how could a Taoist priest be so broad-minded?
The world is okay, so what is the world?

"That's right, the world."

Ah Qiu patted his lame leg and suddenly said self-deprecatingly: "A Tang, actually I am not from Yan."

"I am the sixth prince of Liang Kingdom."

"Liang Guo?" Bai Yutang looked at Xu Qingqiu's legs and suddenly thought of something.

I heard from the Huacheng guard that the sixth prince of Liang Kingdom was sent to Dayan as a hostage in his early years. His mother and concubine were poor and humble, and she was born with a disability.

Even though Prince Liang's line of succession was cut off, he would rather abdicate the throne to his nephew than take him back.

It turns out that he is in this flower city?


Bai Yutang was about to speak, but Xu Qingqiu started talking to himself.

His eyes were focused. Although he was wearing dog velvet with a dusty Taoist robe underneath, his face seemed to be filled with a strange light at this moment, causing people to look at him unconsciously.

"My father is a benevolent king. Under his leadership, Liang is the second largest country after Yan."

"The plague was raging back then, leading to the defeat of the allied forces. Our Liang country was also in a state of collapse. Now my father is fighting with the Yan army and his life and death are uncertain. Even though I am not here in Daliang, I can still feel the turbulence of Daliang."

"Especially my royal brothers, they fell one by one, leaving only my useless six sons."

Xu Qingqiu's tone was lonely, but his fists were clenched.

"If my father can hold on, when I bring Hongshou Begonia back to Daliang, he will be able to recover as before and make me the crown prince."

"If my father is not here, after I ascend the throne, I can also use this flower to treat the plague and resist the alien tribe of Beijing."

Speaking of this, he seemed to feel very quiet around him, so he hurriedly said:

"Atang, are you scared?"

"I didn't mean to tell you this. If I can't find the Hongshou Begonia, I won't be able to help much even if I go back to Daliang, let alone talk about it."

Bai Yutang nodded slightly, but did not tell the truth.

Even if Aqiu really found Hongshou Begonia and brought it back to Liang, he would not be able to get what he wanted, because there was no place for him in his heart from beginning to end.

But in life, sometimes we just live for a goal.

Often the saddest thing is that before we reach the end, we realize that this goal is simply a castle in the air. It turns out that everything in the past has been in vain.

"Atang, what about you?"

"Who do you want to save?" Bai Yutang pondered for a moment, and the image of his father also appeared in his mind. The situation of Dayan at the moment was no better than that of the Liang Kingdom, especially as the leader of the Central Plains Alliance, his father had to endure not only the intrusion of foreign races, but also the There are other countries coveting it.

If you are not careful, Dayan will face an unprecedented disaster.

"Same as you."

"If this Hongshou Begonia can cure those plagues, I think we can restore the Central Plains and drive out the northern invaders."


The next day, we set off to climb again.

But this time Bai Yutang is no longer alone, he has a helper.

Although Xu Qingqiu was lame in one leg, it did not prevent him from clearing a path and leading Murong Jingyan around the blocked area.

"Aqiu, you seem to be very familiar with Cangshan Mountain."

"Hahahaha. Master often takes me to Cangshan Mountain to collect herbs. Although I have never been to the top of the mountain, I am very familiar with these paths."

Bai Yutang smiled and followed Xu Qingqiu. Going up the mountain suddenly felt much easier.

He raised his head inadvertently, and the frail back in front of him was gleaming under the light of the Jinshan Mountain in the distance.

In a daze, Bai Yutang had an illusion. The back of the little Taoist priest in front of him was as thick and majestic as the Cangshan Mountain, which was reassuring.

After spending another three days, under the leadership of Xu Qingqiu, the two of them traveled day and night, and finally arrived at the top of Cangshan Mountain one night.

It's just that the top of Cangshan Mountain is not the top of a mountain, it is still vast and boundless, and heavy snow has fallen again, accompanied by strong winds, blowing sleeplessly all day and all night.

The most frightening thing is that the two of them got separated in the wind and snow.

The anxiety in her heart and the extreme cold soon made Bai Yutang feel hypothermic. She staggered and soon fell into the snow.

Even if I wanted to go back now, I couldn't.

But just then she suddenly saw something, struggled forward, and finally fell to her knees.

In front of her was a withered crabapple tree.

The remaining leaves of the flower trees were falling all over the ground, and looking at them, they were red begonia flowers.

“Really, really there are red begonias”

Bai Yutang stretched out her hands tremblingly, but when she held up the flowers and leaves, she found that these crabapple flowers had been blown withered by the snow wind, and even the crabapple tree had long been frozen to death.

Putting a petal into her mouth, Bai Yutang slowly lay down on the snow, her eyes gradually becoming distracted.

Within a moment, the heavy snow submerged half of her body. She closed her eyes tightly, and the howling wind in her ears gradually blurred her consciousness.

There is nothing unusual about the entrance to Haitang.

Only then did she realize that there were indeed red begonias on the top of the mountain, but there were no red begonias as rumored.

This is just a relatively cold-tolerant crabapple.

There is no so-called fairy flower.


"Am I going to die?"

On the occasion of Sumeru, a tear fell from the corner of Bai Yutang's eyes, and a bloody figure appeared in his mind, with anxiety on his cold face.

"Brother Xue Yi, is Ah Tang being willful again?"

"If I tell you, you will definitely persuade me..."

Just as Bai Yutang was dreaming, a sudden sound of thunder slightly awakened her consciousness.

She opened her frozen eyes, and snowflakes fell into her eyes, allowing her to see the most magical thing more clearly.

On the top of Cangshan Mountain, clouds accumulate like day.

The sound of thunder continued, like the wrath of heaven, and in the endless clouds, there seemed to be something huge swimming in it, making Bai Yutang's dry lips slightly open.

The flying snow rolled back, and Bai Yutang felt only a dazzling white light across the sky. She did not close her eyes, and the world in front of her seemed to be only a vast expanse of white.

A voice suddenly reached her ears.

This voice was vague and it was a strange language that he had never heard before, but Bai Yutang could understand it.

It's asking a question.

How to get down the mountain?

Bai Yutang took a deep breath, raised his hand with all his strength, and pointed in one direction.

The being seemed to be thanking her. This voice reached Bai Yutang's ears, and then she felt a warmth, as if something was dripping in her mouth.

Everything in front of me slowly regained its color.

The heavy snow was still there, and the dark clouds overhead dissipated instantly. As if nothing had happened, Bai Yutang's body was driven by the warmth and curled up unconsciously.

This warmth made her fall into a deep sleep quickly, but she didn't notice that her body was actually condensing into ice. In just a few breaths, her whole body was sealed by the mysterious ice.

She had a dream.

In her dream, Bai Yutang saw a cold branch, exactly in the shape of a red crabapple.

The red begonia flowers bloomed vividly, and eventually turned into feathers of light and drifted away, sticking to her body one by one.

This sleep lasted seven full days.

".A Tang"

"A Tang."

"A Tang!!!"

A shout made Bai Yutang's eyes flutter, and she seemed to hear someone calling her.

It was a sound of extreme anxiety.

Is it Brother Xue Yi who came to save me?
It's Master.
"A Tang!"

"wake up!"

"We found the Red Shou Begonia!!!"

Hearing these words, Bai Yutang's eyes finally opened slowly. Next to her was melting ice water. The person she saw was not the Blood-clothed Marquis, but actually...
The young Taoist priest Xu Qingqiu.

Xu Qingqiu was kneeling two steps away from him at this moment. His body was covered with a thick layer of snow. He had not moved for an unknown period of time, and his whole body was turned red and purple from the cold.

Seeing Bai Yutang wake up, Xu Qingqiu was slightly startled, and then tears filled his eyes. He slowly moved his right leg and crawled over in the snow with difficulty.

Carefully, he stretched out his two hands and held Bai Yutang in his arms.

"Atang, you're awake."

Bai Yutang's face was blank. She subconsciously raised a hand to touch the little Taoist priest in front of her, as if she didn't know what happened.


"What's wrong with me."

Xu Qingqiu's face was withered, and his whole body was frozen black and red, but at this moment he was really crying with joy, and he wanted to say something but couldn't.



In Bai Yutang's sight, Xu Qingqiu's face became farther and farther away, becoming increasingly blurry, and his entire consciousness seemed to have fallen into an endless abyss.

Eventually, the face slowly changed and became like another person.

Golden eyes, orange hair, sword eyebrows and starry eyes.

"What autumn?"


Murong Jingyan's face froze, his hand slowly touched Zhu Huan'an's face, and he was stunned.

At this moment, a bonfire was lit on the bank of the Cangming River.

The two were speechless.

 Wow, I’m convinced. I wrote 3989 words without paying attention. Go ahead!
  This little fantasy world is over. Due to my update speed, it actually takes less than a few days to write. After all, the volume is not big, but the amount of information is huge haha
(End of this chapter)

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