How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 176 What, a physical examination? ?

Chapter 176 What, a physical examination? ?

The bonfire brought warmth and was swaying brightly. There were broken ice floating on the Cangming River not far away. Everything seemed to be slowing down.

Just as Murong Jingyan's delicate hands were still subconsciously stroking the cheek in front of her, her eyes revealed confusion.

"You are."

Seeing this, Zhu Huan'an shook his head. He slowly raised two fingers and narrowed his eyes at Murong Jingyan's head.

"Lie down!"

Murong Jingyan suddenly woke up, hugged her head with both hands and fell to the ground, the confusion in her eyes immediately dissipated.

"Senior brother!?"

"Why did you sneak up on me!"

After hearing this, Zhu Huanan stood up, walked to the bonfire and sat down again. He picked up a wooden branch and poked it at the bonfire and said, "Sneak attack?"

"Some people can't even tell the difference between true and false, thanks to my numerous warnings."

Glancing at Murong Jingyan, Zhu Huanan imitated his movements and tone just now, and whispered softly: "Aqiu. Is that you, Aqiu?"

"Cough cough!"

Murong Jingyan suddenly died and coughed twice quickly to interrupt Zhu Huanan's strange mood.

The firelight around him dissipated some of the coldness, and Murong Jingyan's thoughts slowly calmed down.

Can't tell the difference?
Yes, originally I just wanted to watch what Princess Yutang did.

I don't know when or why I was in the same situation with her again, but I was completely unaware of my situation.

Looking down, he saw that there was a thin blanket covering his body, and the clothes inside were still soaked. He must have been fished out of the water not long ago.

After sneezing, Murong Jingyan stood up and sat beside the bonfire.

The water in Hanjiang River is cold, so having this heater is quite special.

He twisted his long hair with both hands and pulled out a pool of river water. Murong Jingyan's cheeks were slightly pale. She raised her tired eyes and looked at Zhu Huan'an and asked:
"Senior brother, was it you who rescued me?"


Zhu Huanan yawned and fell back. His two long legs crossed together and he said, "Could it be your Aqiu?"

Murong Jingyan curled her lips, put her palms on the fire to roast, and said with a frown:

"Brother, let's get down to business."

"What on earth is going on in this so-called illusion world?"

Zhu Huanan looked at it and asked, "Have you not experienced it before?"


After hissing, Murong Jingyan stared at the dancing flames and muttered to herself: "That's why I'm getting more and more puzzled."

"Did this thing in the illusion world really happen?"

"The people among them, too"

At this point, Murong Jingyan hesitated to speak, because he was very confused. It was reasonable that his face and Zhu Huanan's face had not changed. Why did Xu Qingqiu's face look so different?
Zhu Huan'an seemed to know what Murong Jingyan wanted to ask. He lay on his side on the stone and looked at the undulating mountains in the distance.

"Yes, this dream world is just a fragment of memory, it's all what happened."

"But even if it is left behind by the ancient gods and has changed over time, if it is really intact, how can we enter it?"

With a long sigh of relief, Zhu Huanan twisted one hand, supported his head and said:

"What you hear, see, think, and feel are actually related to the insights of the person who enters the dream."

"Why, did you see something extraordinary?"

Murong Jingyan felt a little relieved when she heard this, so it turned out to be like this.

No wonder even the Wei Daosi has one. I think Aqiu's face is also related to his subconscious.

"Speaking of which, you have found your opportunity. What is there at the top of Cangshan Mountain?" At this moment, Zhu Huan'an suddenly asked and looked over with a smile.


Murong Jingyan was a little unsure. After all, at the end of the illusion world, his consciousness merged with Princess Yutang again. He was confused and hazy. If he really wanted to say what happened.
"Brother, how are you sure that I have found the opportunity?"

Before he finished speaking, Murong Jingyan's eyes suddenly focused.

Zhu Huan'an across from him was motionless, and a majestic power radiated from his body. In an instant, his orange hair flew like fire, and his golden eyes flashed.

Then, a black dragon loomed from behind, its white mane fluttering and black energy radiating, looking like a real dragon coming into the world.

It's just that this dragon's shadow is not big, and it is trapped in a totem.

"This is..." Murong Jingyan realized something and said in surprise: "The image of ancestral blood!?"

"Senior brother, have you broken through the three levels of Tianshou!?"

Zhu Huanan dispersed the black dragon's shadow, smiled and nodded: "Exactly."

"In that illusionary world, when you fled to Cangshan Mountain, senior brother, I also got my own chance."

Hearing Zhu Huan'an mention the illusion world again, Murong Jingyan's mind suddenly moved, and she seemed to have a chance.

The continuous clouds and thunder, the existence in the snow and fog, and the bright red begonia flowers in the white sky and earth

Just as Murong Jingyan was reminiscing, Zhu Huanan suddenly came over. He knelt down and looked at Murong Jingyan, and said:

"Aren't you curious about your current cultivation level?"

"Me?" Murong Jingyan was stunned, blinked and said:
"Could it be."

Grinning, Zhu Huanan nodded and said: "In the world of illusion, truth is false, and false is true. If anything can be brought out, it must be invisible."

"Try it."

With suspicion and faint excitement, Murong Jingyan raised a palm and tried to use some divine light to condense a begonia flower seal.

As the Qi and blood in his body were mobilized, a breath that was several times more powerful than before filled the air. Red petals of Qi and blood drifted away, and even the wet hair on his temples fluttered in the wind.

In an instant, a faint fragrance appeared on the banks of the Cangming River, like a rain of falling flowers.

The begonia flower print, which was originally only the size of a palm, swelled in the storm, and soon became one foot in size. It was exquisitely carved, like a thorny treasure.

Murong Jingyan looked back and was stunned.

Behind him, a totem like Zhu Huanan also appeared, but the totem was not a black dragon about to fly, but
A view.

The totem wraps a majestic mountain. The peak is covered with snow and clouds, but there is a bright red color running straight into the sky. The sea of ​​clouds are also soaked in this red color. It is extremely beautiful.

Zhu Huan'an also looked up, letting the flowers fall from his side. He seemed to be shocked by the beautiful scenery, and finally couldn't help but murmured:
"Cangshan bears snow."

Murong Jingyan waved her arms, and the begonia flower print shot out and fell into the Cangming River. A huge wave was immediately set off, and the ice floes on the river surface were shattered inch by inch, and were swallowed up by the waves.

Looking at the turbulent waves on the river, Murong Jingyan looked at her hands in disbelief.

"Three levels of sealing in heaven."

"I actually broke through to the third level of Tian Feng."

Zhu Huanan also looked at the river and smiled:

"It seems that the opportunities you get in this illusion world are no less than mine."

"Tell me what you saw."

Murong Jingyan didn't hide her clumsiness, except that she didn't say that the little Taoist priest looked very similar to Shen Fengchen, for fear of irritating her senior brother, she basically explained everything in detail.

After listening to Murong Jingyan's words, Zhu Huanan touched his chin, but there was nothing wrong.

"Senior brother, aren't you curious?"

Murong Jingyan raised her head and asked, "For example, who is talking to me? No, no, it's Princess Yutang."

Shaking his head, Zhu Huan'an exhaled: "Even if I'm curious, what can I do?"

"I'm afraid this happened tens of thousands of years ago. Don't talk about me. Even if Master scratches his head, he still doesn't have an answer."

"The most important thing is that both your and my cultivation have increased. Only by going to the Sword Asking Club can we have something to rely on."

After that, Zhu Huanan looked at the sky and counted with his fingers.

"Speaking of the Sword Asking Club, we should go back."


Murong Jingyan nodded. It has been two months since he went down the mountain to do business. It has taken much longer than expected. I am afraid that Master will be anxious.

And I am afraid that Duotian Tower is also contacting me.
After resting for a while and drying their clothes, the two of them embarked on the return journey. It was not too far from Cangming River to Baiqiu City. Once there, they could buy a spirit horse and return to Zhongzhou.

After all, Zhongzhou cannot be reached with the Six-point Heaven and Earth Formation of the Wei Dao Department. "By the way, senior brother, there is one more thing I am not clear about."


"Senior brother, how many are you in your twenties this year?"

".25, why do you ask?"

"Senior brother, you are so talented, how come you still have to rely on some chance to be able to achieve three levels at 25 years old?"


Zhu Huanan turned around and rewarded another chestnut, straightened his clothes and said, "Ah Yan."

"Have your wings become stiff recently?"

It was just a slapstick, but there was no smile in Zhu Huanan's eyes, only deep regret.


It was the Spring Equinox when we left Qijian Villa.

When we returned to Ziyunchuan, it was already the summer solstice.

The purple willows were shining brightly, and a figure in the Ziyun Pavilion was caressing the strings of the piano. As the long and narrow red phoenix eyes were slightly condensed, the sound of the piano wind suddenly blew over the hills.

The forest in Xijian Mountain is instantly filled with blush, and these red lights condense into red stamens one after another, which are delicate and charming, with breathtaking beauty.

On the piano platform, that slender onion-like finger traces the strings. If it is loosened, it will be a blow that shakes the flowers and extinguishes their vitality.


But the jade hands slowly relaxed, and finally they just pressed on the Lihua Qin.

The red flowers in the mountains also dissipated their brilliance and turned into light spots, which were extinguished and eaten by the little beasts in the forest. It felt so uncomfortable.

Murong Jingyan leaned on the Taishi chair, supporting her head with one hand, and gently playing the guqin with the other hand, looking at the beautiful scenery of Ziyun River and feeling slightly startled.

Three days have passed since we returned to the villa.

Master Mieyuan went into seclusion last month. After the two reported Li Sanyun's matter to the second elder, they were arranged to go back to the mountain to recuperate on their own. However, the matter of robbing Zhao Prison was suppressed by the Lord Baiqiu, and as expected, it did not reach Qijian Villa.

"Senior Shang Rong couldn't contact her through the Death Star Platform for some reason."

Taking out the blackened bowl, Murong Jingyan shook it gently and finally put it aside.

Based on these days of observation, he still didn't find the use of this bowl, let alone why Hong Chen wanted to steal it.

"For everything, you have to ask Senior Shang Rong."

"I don't know when she will come back, and whether she will agree to my request, enter the Duotian Tower, and become my supporter."

Just when Murong Jingyan was in deep thought, the sound of breaking wind suddenly came from Ziyun River, and then a figure fell from the sky and landed in front of Ziyun Pavilion.

Murong Jingyan was a little surprised. After all, in Qijian Villa, except for the inner elders, even the outer elders of Tianfeng Six Pass were banned from flying without incident.

After seeing the person clearly, Murong Jingyan was even more surprised.

It turned out to be the Great Elder.

"Jingyan has met the great elder!"

The great elder raised his head and saw that Murong Jingyan was about to come down to greet him. He waved his hand and said:

"No need, I come up here."

After that, he strode into Ziyun Pavilion and climbed up the stairs step by step instead of flying directly to the third floor.

Murong Jingyan vaguely felt that something had happened, so she quickly put away the Lihua Qin and waited.

Unlike other elders who perform their own duties, Master Mie Yuan, Shou Yuan, will be in seclusion all year round. All matters in the sect, large and small, are actually taken care of by the great elder, who can be said to take care of everything on a daily basis.

If the Great Elder could take time out of his busy schedule to come to Ziyunchuan in person, he would definitely not be in a hurry and just want to chat with a disciple.

Sure enough, after the great elder arrived on the third floor, he just looked around at the scenery here, with a little emotion in his eyes.

However, this emotion was fleeting. He looked at Murong Jingyan with his old eyes and said straight to the point:

"Ayan, you have to go with me."

Although Murong Jingyan's expression remained unchanged, doubts arose in her heart. She didn't feel warm even after returning to the sect's bed, so where would she move to?
"I don't know, elder, where are we going?"

The Great Elder's eyebrows were downcast. His appearance was a bit older than that of Master Mieyuan, and he couldn't hide the lifeless feeling at all.

Come to think of it, Shou Yuan should not be more than Mi Yuan by a few days.

"Kyushu League."

Murong Jingyan's expression changed. Kyushu Alliance?
Judging by the date, the Sword Questioning Association is less than half a year away. Is it too early?
"Don't worry."

"It's not that Wenjian will advance. You can still be prepared."

As if he guessed what Murong Jingyan was thinking, the elder grinned, revealing half of his yellow teeth:

"You became a monk halfway and don't know anything."

"This Sword Questioning Association is very strict. All the heroes invited to participate must go to the Jiuzhou League in advance. Only after their identities are confirmed by the Jiuzhou League and the Wei Dao Division, can they be registered and participate in the competition for the Hidden Dragon List."

"After all, every year there are cults like Wanyou Valley, or Duotian Tower, or even Wanlun Kingdom's craftsmen who want to fish in troubled waters, so they must investigate."

Murong Jingyan suddenly realized!
For me?

"I see. Alas, these enemy countries are so pervasive that they have to guard against the thieves from Wanyou Valley."

The great elder nodded and said solemnly:
"As long as you know."

"It won't take long, but there are many eyes. The sect master is in retreat. I will personally protect you during your trip."

Murong Jingyan felt warm in her heart. It seemed that she had better rely on the organization to enjoy the cool weather. She didn't know if any mistakes in her life experience would be discovered.

No, we have to remind the people over at Duotian Tower to try to eliminate the traces of Princess Yunli's life and make them cleaner, so as not to capsize in the gutter.

Even so, Murong Jingyan still felt a little uneasy and asked tentatively:


"Is this question of swordsmanship so stringent? Do you actually need to be present in person to investigate your identity?"

The great elder laughed, shook his head and said, "Of course it's not that simple."

"The Kyushu Alliance has a large number of spies. It is not difficult to check their identities, let alone the Wei Dao Department. The reason why we have to go in person is mainly to observe the appearance."

"Looking at the appearance?" Murong Jingyan blinked.

"Well, if you are as beautiful as Ayan, there will be female cultivators who will take care of your body."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan's pupils shrank and she asked without thinking, "Elder, please give me a clear explanation."

"Could it be that you need to take off your clothes?"

The great elder nodded and explained:
"Don't be afraid, this is just a convention."

"The effect is quite good."

"For example, thieves from the Wanlun Kingdom will keep poisonous insects in their bodies. No matter how good their identity is, they will be easily found out. And some evil cultivators who practice evil arts all year round will inevitably have thick sores on their bodies. It is not difficult to find tea for this." .”

As if he noticed that Murong Jingyan's expression was not good, the elder suddenly laughed and turned his back to look at the mountains and lakes outside the attic.

"I want to come."

"A beauty as extraordinary as you, no matter who you are on the Qianlong List, should be famous all over the world."

Behind him, Murong Jingyan bit her lower lip tightly, her pupils flickering, and a rare drop of cold sweat flowed from her forehead.

Behind the Qianlong list?

After all, I didn't expect that the Wenjian Club would actually require a physical examination!

If this is really the case, I'm afraid that he will become famous before the Sword Asking Club even begins.

"Elder, will Senior Brother Zhu also go?"

"He's not going."

"Ah? Why!" Murong Jingyan suddenly became anxious.

The great elder turned around and explained in surprise: "Huan'an went there earlier. What, you really want him to come with you?"

Murong Jingyan patted her head and shook her head.

Even Zhu Huanan is not here, so there is one less helper.
No, there is another one.

Murong Jingyan raised her head and her eyes began to move unconsciously.
 Thank you all for your monthly votes and recommended votes!And everyone who is following the reading
  Thank you Su Su for your online dating partner, and Xiang Ling and Mo Shuli for your rewards. I love you all.

  I hope that my readers can be happy every day, and that you will not be disturbed by the troubles of life in the future.
(End of this chapter)

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