How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 178 Why don’t you rush over and grab it vigorously?

Chapter 178 Why don’t you rush over and grab it vigorously?


The grass was pushed aside, and Cui Weijing slowly walked out of it.

Being ridiculed by Qian Rong in public, Cui Weijing was rare and not displeased at this moment, just because his attention was focused on the person not far away.
On the body of the slim fairy.

"Cough cough."

When he came closer, Cui Weijing put one hand behind his back, smiled and turned his head to Qian Rong and asked:

"Fuck Junior Brother."

"Could this be the girl you just mentioned?"

Seeing Cui Weijing's hypocritical face, Qian Rong showed a weird smile, shook his head and said, "Tsk, tsk."

"Holy Son, I still prefer your awe-inspiring look standing on a high place just now."

Cui Weijing's smile did not diminish and he continued to speak:
"Junior brother is seeing you. Since you have an invitation, I thought it over and it would be better to come and get closer."

As he spoke, he glanced at the woman beside him, and there was a wave of fear deep in his eyes.

Is there really such a peerless appearance in this world?

He has a goose-necked head, a jade face and red lips, and even the mole at the end of his eyebrows seems to have grown in his heart.

Cui Weijing asked himself that he was very picky. No matter how good the brothel was, he would have to look at it all before choosing the leader. But at this moment, he couldn't find any flaws on this face.


No, if he had to use one word to describe it, there are really only those two words.

Suddenly, a finger snapped in front of his eyes, which suddenly brought Cui Weijing back from his thoughts. He turned around and saw that it was Qian Rong who was looking over.

"Still watching?"

"The Holy Son represents our Nine Provinces Alliance. Wouldn't it be a joke to be so disrespectful?"

Cui Weijing coughed quickly and realized that he had lost his composure.

"Girl, I am the Holy Son of the Nine Provinces Alliance, Cui Weijing."

"I wonder if the girl has ever heard of my name?"

He raised his head while talking, but when he saw Murong Jingyan's face, he suddenly lost his mind again.
"I just want to get to know this fairy, no, this girl. She is so beautiful."

"I have never seen a girl in the city before. Could it be that you just came to Jiuge?"

Qian Rong took half a step forward and stood between the two of them.

He glanced back and explained:

"Abandoned Sword Villa has joined our Nine Provinces Alliance Sect, so there will be one more spot for the Sword Asking Club."

"The person behind me is the newly recommended person of Qijian Villa. However, the beloved daughter of Heaven at Qijian Villa, I would like to ask the Holy Son to stop talking about her."

Abandoned Sword Villa?

Cui Wei's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

Abandoned Sword Villa is good. He is not a member of the imperial court, but he is also from a well-known and upright family. Isn't this a good match for him? ?

I heard that the old sect master of Qijian Villa will not live long. Well, if she marries this Holy Son, wouldn't having the Nine Provinces Alliance as her backer be a help in times of need? ?
"Junior brother, do you know each other?"

"Nonsense!" Qian Rong grinned when he saw Cui Weijing couldn't hide his foolishness:
"If you don't know what I'm doing here?"

Qian Rong wanted to say something, but suddenly he felt his clothes being pulled behind him. He looked back and saw that it was Murong Jingyan who frowned and blinked with a stern look.

Nodding slightly and looking back, Qianrong suddenly looked at Gao Tian and said to Murong Jingyan, "That, Ayan."

"If you go back to the house and get ready, I will take you to a place later."

Seeing Qian Rong say this, Murong Jingyan glared at him helplessly, turned around and went back to the house.

I don't know what Qian Rong is doing. It seems that he has attracted the Holy Son of the Nine Provinces Alliance. However, I have no time to take care of this person now. The top priority is to deal with the concept first.

When Murong Jingyan returned to the house, Cui Weijing hurriedly asked:

"Qianrong, what's her name?"

Hearing this, Qian Rong rolled his eyes and finally came up with his plan.

"What a pity, Holy Son."

"Even if I tell you, it's useless."

Cui Weijing frowned immediately, not knowing the meaning of Qian Rong's words.

Qian Rong turned around and gestured: "This fairy already has a master."


Cui Weijing was shocked when he heard this. In his romantic life, today was the first time that he was right with someone.

The fairy looks young, no more than twenty at most, so how come she is already married? ? ?

Who the hell is he a disciple of? ?

Finally, he looked at Qian Rong suspiciously. When Qian Rong saw this, he quickly waved his hands and sighed: "Of course it won't be me."

"Of course, these are just baseless speculations."

"Hey, I'll tell you"

"I saw it with my own eyes at Qijian Villa."


Cui Weijing was teased repeatedly, and he had already suppressed an unknown fire in his heart. He said in a deep voice: "Qianrong, you said you didn't want to tell me?"

Nodding secretly in his heart, Qian Rong felt that the time had almost come, so he touched his chin and said with a smile:

"We are all from the same sect, so there is no harm in telling the Holy Son."

"That guy is none other than Fairy Murong's fellow disciple, named Zhu Huanan."

Zhu Huanan.
Cui Weijing recited it silently. He had also heard of this name. He seemed to be called the last genius of Abandoned Sword Villa.

"Speaking of Zhu Huan'an, I have seen a real person, but in terms of appearance and talent, he is not as good as you, the Holy Son."

"Relying on the friendship between my senior fellow apprentices, I managed to keep Fairy Murong under control. It's really disappointing."

Cui Weijing's eyes narrowed slightly. Perhaps out of his own pride, he didn't realize that Qian Rong was unusually complimenting himself.

"Is there really such a thing?"

"Do I need to lie to the Holy Son?"

"I heard that Zhu Huan'an is also a fairy and demon. Are you sure about him?"

Waving his hands, Qian Rong shouted: "That's wrong!"

"There are differences between immortals and demons. I have fought against him, but it's just mediocre!"

"As for his appearance, this man has nondescript orange hair and golden eyes. He is like an ancient beast. Not to mention compared to us, even anyone on the street is better than him."

"This Fairy Murong actually fell in love with him?" Cui Weijing raised his head slightly, took a deep breath and murmured.

Seeing this scene, Qian Rong patted his shoulder and said seriously: "So, senior brother."

"Fairy Murong is blinded by a leaf, and someone still needs to uncover it for her."

His tone was faint, and he muttered into Cui Weijing's ear:
"Just think about it, Fairy Murong will naturally become famous all over the world after the results are announced. By then, people who are interested in her marriage will probably be lined up from Zhongzhou to Yanzhou. Now is the perfect opportunity to win her heart."

"As the old saying goes, how many golden opportunities can you have in life?"

He made a fist with one hand and said loudly:

"Why don't you rush over quickly and grab it with all your strength!?"

After saying that, Qianrong gave an encouraging look, patted Cui Weijing on the shoulder, and strode towards the house.

Plan pass.

Turning his back, Qian Rong's eyes gradually turned cold. He was certainly not doing a good deed.

Although Cui Weijing is not as good as me as a fairy or a devil, the bad thing is that he is good in nature and difficult to defeat. He does not have any other weaknesses as a person. If I have to say it, it is lust.

Just be afraid, there is a knife in your head.

As for Zhu Huanan.
Damn, this guy is really no ordinary guy, he is incredibly strong.

Otherwise, how could he be forced to take the oath of greatness?

This shameful appearance has not been forgotten. This person may be a strong enemy in the future. Cui Weijing will definitely be called ruthless because he does not know other methods. If he can use his hand to eradicate Zhu Huanan at the Sword Asking Conference , which is also a good thing.

In short, no matter what the outcome is, letting the two enemies catch each other is what Qian Rong wants to see the most.Pushing the door open, Murong Jingyan had been waiting for a long time. When he saw Qian Rong, he immediately stepped forward and asked:
"Qian Rong."

"Why did you bring an outsider to see me? You're not afraid."

Qian Rong made a booing gesture, and then led Murong Jingyan towards the backyard. When he saw the back door, he motioned for Murong Jingyan to follow.

"It doesn't matter, that person just now is the Holy Son of our Nine Provinces Alliance."

"This time I also let you know his appearance in advance. After all, you will help me deal with him in the future. How should I put it? Doesn't he look not very smart?"

Murong Jingyan rolled her eyes: "I don't know what he is like."

"You, on the other hand, really make me feel unreliable."

With a click of his tongue, Qianrong pushed open the wooden door and slipped out of the backyard. He opened a folding fan and shook it slightly, then said casually: "You're talking too much, Yanzi."

"There was a small mistake last time, it was purely an accident."

Small mistake?

Gan, if Shen Fengchen hadn't come out halfway and was willing to help, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to tell whether he was in the wedding room or the cell at the moment.

Thinking that she was here to ask Qian Rong to do something, Murong Jingyan took a deep breath to calm down.

"Then, sir, this time."

"There shouldn't be anything wrong, right?"

Qianrong smiled and waved his folding fan to blow his long hair. His eyes were full of warmth and gentleness. If you didn't know him well, you might be confused by his appearance.

"Natural nature."

"Helping each other is the long-term solution. I have found someone to help you."


Murong Jingyan was suspicious. It turned out that Qian Rong had found another expert to help him?

"who is it?"

"No hurry, no rush, now that we have got rid of Cui Dasha, we will see him now."

Soon, the two of them arrived at the back side of the mountain. There were several palaces close to each other with white corridors and jade, which looked extremely noble and gorgeous.

The Jiuzhou Alliance is different from other giant sects. It is divided and ruled by nine dragon heads. Each has its own system. Therefore, there are no inner and outer sects in the alliance. In addition to direct disciples, each dragon head will recommend a group of good people to enter Jiuge City for further training. .

When these people return to the states after completing their studies, they will have a sense of mission of the Kyushu League.

At this moment, there are many young disciples from the Nine Provinces Alliance in this place.
Murong Jingyan looked at it with confusion and found that these people were not practicing, nor were they capable of teaching. Instead, they were setting tables and drinking tea. They were having a lot of fun.

When passing by a tea table, Murong Jingyan's ears twitched slightly and she heard some strange words.

"Oh, I'm out of stock again."

"Yes, Senior Brother Tang has been very tight lately. Next time I leave the city and return to Yuanzhou, I will definitely bring more treasures from my house in exchange for that first-grade immortal."

Just then someone noticed Qian Rong.

"It's Senior Brother Qian!"

At that moment, many monks around heard the sound and immediately stood up and ran over and said flatteringly: "Brother Qian, you are here!"

"Senior Brother Tang has raised the price again recently. Senior Brother Qian, please do yourself a favor and talk to him."

"All the brothers and sisters have been hollowed out."

Qian Rong laughed, waved his fan and said, "Don't say this to me."

"I believe that Senior Brother Tang is not a hoarder. He is not that kind of person."

"If you, junior fellow apprentices, don't wait for my next batch of goods to arrive, there will naturally be first-grade immortals that everyone can afford to drink by then."

Upon hearing this, these young monks from the Nine Provinces Alliance immediately cheered, while Murong Jingyan, who was wearing a mask and following Qian Rong closely, had a dull expression on his face, and was in a completely incomprehensible state.

What are these Jiuzhou Alliance doing in the future? Are they addicted to some kind of addiction?

Qianrong pulled Murong Jingyan and quickly left the monks and went to a palace.

The palace is adjacent to the sea of ​​clouds, and the moonlight is shining slightly. There is only one person wearing a Tai Chi robe and carrying an iron sword on his back.

He looked gentle and polite, but the thing in his hand was a bit inconsistent with the situation.

It was an abacus, and it was making a tinkling sound at the moment.

"Brother Tang!"

Qianrong said loudly, and Tang Chen, who was settling accounts, looked up and smiled immediately.

"Junior Brother Qianrong, you are here."

He looked past Qian Rong, and when he saw Murong Jingyan who had stepped through the door lintel, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly stood up to greet her.

"Miss Murong!"

"Tang looked forward to the stars and the moon, and finally you are here!"

Murong Jingyan nodded in embarrassment. This Tang Chen only had a one-time relationship, so how could he see that he was closer to her than his own mother.

"Senior Brother Tomson, why do you say that?"

After hearing this, Tang Chen glanced at Qian Rong and explained with sudden realization: "It turns out that Miss Murong is not known yet."

"Take a seat first."

The three of them sat at the tea table, and Tang Chen naturally made three cups of tea.

Seeing Murong Jingyan holding up the teacup and taking a sip, he smiled and said:

"All this."

"We have to start with Miss Murong's mountain spring water."

After the words fell, Murong Jingyan couldn't help but spray the face of Gan Rong next to him. When he heard Tang Chen's words, he also happened to taste the taste of the tea!

What the hell, I haven’t even finished my bath yet! ? ?
Qian Rong had no expression on his face, he just slowly raised his hand and wiped his face gently, and took a long breath without making any sound.

"Why, why do you still keep this thing???" Murong Jingyan subconsciously raised her hands to apologize, but she unconsciously looked at Tang Chen and asked hurriedly.

Where does this come from, retaining evidence of his social death?

Tang Chen smiled slightly, waved his hand and conjured something, which turned out to be a cold curling stone.

"Ms. Murong is joking, how can such top quality auxiliary water be wasted so easily? Besides, Tang spent a lot of effort to preserve this mountain spring water."

"Customized curling, with distinguished status."

“And after being chilled, it even tastes sweeter and smoother than the original.”

While speaking, Tang Chen licked his lips. When Murong Jingyan saw this, his body immediately went cold. He couldn't help but raise his hands and rub his arms, which was almost numb.

"No, it can't be."

Murong Jingyan suddenly thought of something and asked in disbelief:
"Could it be that those people outside are all asking for this, right?"

Qian Rong laughed, and Tang Chen also pushed the curling stone forward and said proudly:
"Ms. Murong has a keen eye."

"That's right. At first, Tang only thought it was the best auxiliary water and wanted to offer it to the elders in the alliance. However, he accidentally discovered that adding this water to tea soup can make people salivate after tasting it and never forget it."

"In other words, it can become addictive."

Qian Rong also picked up the curling stone at this moment and continued what he said:
"So Senior Brother Tang used this as bait to exchange things for things. It can be said that he collected a lot of rare goods and opportunities."

"Now this fairy water has become a hard currency among the younger generation of our alliance. If there is enough quantity, it will be able to accomplish many things for you."

Tomson took the curling bottle, shook his head and said: "What kind of fairy water? It has a new name."

"what name?"

Seeing Murong Jingyan squinting, Tang Chen patted his chest and looked like a shopping mall tycoon: "Miss Murong, please don't laugh. In order to make it easier for others to remember, she is called now"

"Tangchen Yipin."

Murong Jingyan was immediately dumbfounded and almost fell to the ground. Why did the bath water even have a trademark?

Touching his forehead, Murong Jingyan did not dare to discuss this topic any further, and quickly looked at Qian Rong beside him for help:
"Qianrong, why did you bring me here."

"We don't want"

Qian Rong curled up the corner of his mouth, picked up a cup of Tomson Yipin, and glanced at Tomson next to him:
"Didn't I bring you here?"

"Only Senior Brother Tang can help you with what you asked me."

 Recommend a book from a friend~
(End of this chapter)

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