How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 179 How can anyone do that kind of thing without blowing the lights?

Chapter 179 How can anyone do that kind of thing without blowing the lights?

After Qian Rong finished speaking, Murong Jingyan suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Listening to this tone, it seems that the business genius in front of me is someone who can be relied on?

Tang Chen, who was opposite the tea table, nodded slightly. The arrogance in introducing Tang Chen to the first class was somewhat dissipated. He stretched out one hand and said in a refined tone, "Miss Murong."

"Listen to what Junior Brother Qianrong says."

"You came to Jiuge to see the physiognomy, but you want to go through the back door?"

When Murong Jingyan heard this, she looked at the corner of the table and thought to herself that Tang Chen was speaking too directly.
"For the convenience of asking, why did Miss Murong go to this side door? Is there something unspeakable?" Tang Chen continued to ask.

Seeing Murong Jingyan frowning in deep thought, Tang Chen seemed to realize that there was something wrong with his repeated questioning, so he explained:
"Girl, don't be surprised. After all, the visions are not created out of thin air. The world today is complicated and people's hearts are sinister. If Tang doesn't ask clearly, it will be bad if he gets burned in the future."

"Of course, I'm not saying there's something wrong with Miss Murong."

When Murong Jingyan heard this, she nodded to express her understanding. This kind of work really requires peace of mind before she can help. At that moment, her heart moved and she said sternly:
"It's true."

"As for me, I have some tattoos on my body, so I can't show them to others."

"Tattoo?" Tang Chen smiled and waved his hand:
"This is no problem. I, Dayan, are not from a Buddhist country, so I have no taboo on this matter."

At this moment, Qian Rong also opened his mouth to help Murong Jingyan, and looked at Tang Chen: "Harm, Senior Brother Tang."

"Don't ask so many questions. With me as your guarantee, are you still worried about Miss Murong's character?"

Hearing what Qian Rong said, Tang Chen also coughed lightly.

"Since it's because of the tattoo, could it be that it's some evil god or totem from another country?"

"Miss Murong can easily show it to Tang."

Seeing Tang Chen's persistence, Murong Jingyan narrowed her red phoenix eyes slightly, raised her hand and pretended to be shy and replied: "Jingyan doesn't want to embarrass Senior Brother Tang, but that tattoo is..."

As she spoke, Murong Jingyan raised her fingers slightly, and her fingertips stopped somewhere along her chin and slender neck.
"In a very private place."

"Ah?" Tang Chen was stunned for a moment, then his cheeks turned red and he quickly waved his hand and said:

"It's Tang who's talking too much. Since Junior Brother Qianrong is the guarantor, Tang won't get to the bottom of it."

Qian Rong next to him coughed twice and glanced quietly to his side.

When I saw Murong Jingyan's calm eyes behind her sleeves and the slightly curved corners of her mouth, I couldn't help but secretly sigh that he was such a scary guy.

After Tang Chen understood the situation, he thought for a moment, took out a red sandalwood box from the storage device, and pushed it out after thinking for a while.

"After much thought, this item should be the most suitable for you, girl."

Murong Jingyan curiously took the red sandalwood box, but when he was looking at it, a big hand snatched it away. Qian Rong shook it without saying anything:
"Let me see what it is first."

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Qian Rong smiled and raised his hand, but accidentally hit the buckle with a click, and suddenly a black mass, like tofu, fell out of the box. Murong Jingyan hurriedly reached out to catch it, but was a step too late.

The black tofu fell onto the table and instantly broke into several pieces, then bounced up again, as chewy as jelly.

"Qianrong you!" Murong Jingyan gritted his teeth and became extremely angry, while Qianrong also raised his hands to cover his face and looked at Tang Chen.


Tang Chen coughed lightly, stretched out his hand to persuade: "Don't worry, you two, this thing is not broken."

As he spoke, he pulled the tofu pieces together, and the tofu suddenly became a whole piece again, seemingly unscathed.

"Senior Brother Tang, what is this?" Murong Jingyan suddenly found it interesting and stretched out her hand to click.

Tang Chen chuckled and explained:
"Although you have to be naked to observe the situation, all those who can participate in the Sword Questioning Meeting are geniuses, and no one wants to be looked at directly."

"So, it is actually a super magic weapon of the Wei Daosi to observe. The monk's tattoos, wounds, and even the exercises running in the body and the Gu insects of the Ten Thousand Wheels Kingdom can't escape and will turn into light mist. Show it before the inspector’s eyes.”

"Of course, it's inevitable that the body will show off."

Having said this, Tomson raised the black tofu and grinned:
"This thing is called colorless cotton. It is a product of the beginning of the world. It has a price but no market in our Dayan."

"Just rub it in and apply it on the area you want to cover. Not even the Department of Health's magic weapon will detect any abnormalities. As for being responsible for your inspection that day."

"I can also use my connections to bribe, so this girl doesn't have to worry."

After hearing Tang Chen's explanation, Murong Jingyan finally breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that someone wasn't watching closely.

Colorless cotton.
Just when Murong Jingyan was confused, Qian Rong suddenly snatched the black tofu and put it in his hand to look at it.

"Colorless cotton?"

"I see, isn't this thing black? Why is it called colorless cotton? It's exactly the same as a piece of stinky tofu."

While speaking, Qian Rong stuck out his tongue and touched it lightly, smacked his lips and said loudly: "Not to mention, this tastes exactly like stinky tofu."

With a slight cough, Tang Chen took the colorless cotton, suddenly rubbed it vigorously and said:

"No, it's definitely colorless, though."

As Tang Chen rubbed it with all his strength, Murong Jingyan watched as a layer of dirt floated down from the colorless cotton.

"But this thing, this thing was exchanged for this thing by Wu Longtou's new disciple for the first grade of Tomson. I heard that it has been kept in his ancestral home for more than 1000 years. It is inevitably dirty and patina."

Murong Jingyan couldn't help but laugh and looked at Qianrong.

Not far away, Qian Rong's expression changed. He immediately opened his mouth and looked around. Suddenly he saw that there was still more than half of the unfinished tea in Murong Jingyan's cup, so he hurriedly grabbed it and poured it into his mouth.

Seeing Qian Rong rinsing his mouth like this, it was Murong Jingyan's turn to be embarrassed. Oh my god, my bath water is dirty too!

After Qian Rong finished vomiting the bitter water, Murong Jingyan also took the colorless cotton. Tang Chen rubbed it a few times and the color of the small piece became lighter, but it was still not obvious.

It seems that I will have to clean up a lot when I get back.

Tang Chen watched Murong Jingyan fasten the box and suddenly asked: "Um, Miss Murong."

"Tang, can you also ask Miss Murong for a favor?"

Putting the token into the rosewood box, Murong Jingyan smiled and said: "Brother Tang, there is no harm in speaking out."

Seeing how frank Murong Jingyan was, Tang Chen suddenly became a little nervous. Qian Rong beside him also raised his sleeves to wipe the corners of his mouth and said for him:

"He is."

"I want to get some more fairy water from you."

"Huh??" Murong Jingyan realized at this moment, her mouth was slightly opened, and her ten fingers were bent with no place to rest.

Tang Chen looked serious, stood up and bowed:

"Young lady has also seen it. Your mountain spring water is very popular in our Nine Provinces League, and it is already a symbol of honored guests."

"Even the treasure given to the girl today was exchanged for it. There are many other similar treasures, but the water is limited and the supply exceeds the demand. If Miss Murong can give me more, I'm afraid the potential is not as good as the girl."

"As long as you have something to ask for in the future, I will do my best to help you if Tang can help you."

After hearing this, Murong Jingyan's face calmed down, she secretly gritted her teeth and fell into deep thought.

Although this Tomson has very strange habits, he can be regarded as a strange person to be able to do a business to such an extent.

Maybe this is the kind of person I need.

Thinking of this, Murong Jingyan no longer hesitated and nodded: "Okay."

"I'll bring that water as soon as possible."

“Then I’ll have a hard time, girl!!!”


At the same time, on the mountainside.

Above the courtyard where Murong Jingyan stayed, there was a solitary pavilion overlooking the place. A figure was sitting in it with a proud look on his face.Cui Weijing placed a snail-shaped insect on the stone table in the pavilion and muttered to himself:
"I didn't expect that this little sound-transmitting Gu would actually work here."

"With it, I can get to know this girl Ayan better. Now I'm just waiting for her to come back."

Not long after Qian Rong entered the house, Cui Weijing thought about it and went to knock on the door, but no one answered.

With a thought in his mind, he pushed open the door and entered, and sure enough, there was no one inside.

So Cui Weijing stuck a little sound-transmitting Gu under the table. This Gu was born in pairs and could eavesdrop on secrets without any fluctuations in energy and blood. It was a treasure from the Wanlun Kingdom's raid and was rewarded by his father. Haven't used it since.

Thinking that he could overhear the fairy's words and breathing, a different kind of excitement flashed through Cui Weijing's heart, which made him want to stop even more than being held in his arms.

He used to look down on those incompetent disciples who talked about other sects' saints behind their backs and looked like pigs, but now he seems to understand this feeling.

"Ah, why hasn't the fairy come back yet?"

At this moment, a sudden sound of rustling footsteps was heard, and Cui Weijing looked back with confusion on his face.

"You are."

This person who suddenly visited under the moonlight had a shiny bald head. When he saw Cui Weijing looking at him, he immediately smiled and said with cupped fists:
"Don't you recognize me, the Holy Son?"

"I'm here, Wei Hong."

Wei Hong?

Cui Weijing looked at the person in front of him and suddenly remembered something.

Is this guy the stupid bald guy from the Qingdeng Sect who dares to stop Shen Fengchen?

"Could my brother be the knight who dared to face Shen Fengchen?" Cui Weijing did not stand up, but also clasped his fists.

Why did he come to Jiuge? Was he here to observe the physiognomy?

It's not the time.

Wei Hong laughed and walked into the lonely pavilion quite familiarly. He did not notice the displeasure in Cui Weijing's eyes.

After sitting down, Wei Hong flattered him and said, "The Holy Son is sitting alone in this pavilion. Wei Hong looks at him from a distance. He is really invincible and lonely."

Cui Weijing took out a breath and said calmly: "Brother Wei, are you here specifically to see me?"

"Well, you could say that too."

"But what's the matter?"

"Tsk, it's nothing else. It's just that Wei wants to discuss with Brother Cui about the Sword Asking Club."

Cui Weijing sneered secretly when he heard this. It turned out to be another guy who wanted to join the Nine Provinces Alliance at the conference. He has seen this kind of people more often recently.

However, this man is a direct disciple of the Qingdeng Sect, and he is stupid and brave. It is not that he cannot be taken under his command, but now
"I understand."

"But I have some important matters right now, so why don't we discuss it another day."

Wei Hong's face froze, his hot face pressed against his cold buttocks. He was obviously at a loss, so he had to stand up and look at Yunxia outside the pavilion pretending to be calm:
"Nine Songs City is truly a rare paradise."

"The small courtyard below also adds to the flavor. Hey, why is there anyone going in so late?"

Um! ?

Upon hearing this, Cui Weijing immediately stood up and came to Wei Hong's side, and happened to see the wooden door closed.

The fairy is back!

So Cui Weijing quickly sat back at the table, stared at the little sound-transmitting Gu on the table, and listened.

Seeing this, Wei Hong blinked and did not leave immediately. Instead, he quietly walked half a circle and came to behind Cui Weijing, leaned over slightly and listened.

Cui Weijing felt a glow on his back, turned around, raised his head and said in a deep voice, "What are you doing?"

".What is the Holy Son doing?"

The two stared at each other.

Just when Cui Weijing was about to drive away this blind guy, the little sound-transmitting Gu on the table twisted slightly and suddenly opened its mouth to make a sound.

The voice was as cold as the cold wind at night, and he was asking in a low voice:
[Should we take a shower first? 】

Hearing the little Gu speak, Cui Weijing quickly turned back, eager to put his ear to the Gu.

wash it?
His mind was suddenly flooded with thoughts, and Murong Jingyan's face seemed to become clearer. Wash it. Huh?
Who do you wash with?
[Okay, this baby is a little dirty. I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it if I don't wash it. 】

[Then I'll go get the water, don't leave. 】

Cui Weijing raised his head slightly, and his facial features seemed to float away, like a wooden man struck by lightning.

Qian Rong's voice?
What is he doing!

How could this Qian Rong be in the same room with that fairy and still speak such harsh words?

Wei Hong, who was behind him, saw Cui Weijing's slowly clenched fists, nodded slightly as if he understood something, and quietly sat down next to Cui Weijing.

"Brother Cui, is it possible that you have a crush on a woman that you like, and someone has fallen in love with you?"

Cui Weijing stared at this and said stubbornly:

"We still don't know, this Gan Rong is just a bitch, why should he have an affair with such fairies?"


Wei Hong also became interested. What kind of woman would make the Holy Son of the Nine Provinces Alliance call her a fairy.

In the hut, Murong Jingyan took a basin of water, split the colorless cotton into two pieces, and handed half of it to Qian Rong.

Then Murong Jingyan rolled up her sleeves, her slender forearms were very strong, grabbed the tofu and rubbed it vigorously, and soon she was sweating profusely.

The water also quickly turned dark.

But when Murong Jingyan looked at Qianrong, she found that this guy said he was here to help, but he was taking his time and working like an old man.

【Harder, harder! 】

[Don’t do this, hold it up and use a little more force, um, that’s it.]

Accompanied by the sound of running water, someone in the lonely pavilion on the cliff looked darker than the night. Cui Weijing smashed half of the table with his palm and was about to kill him with a knife.

Fortunately, Wei Hong grabbed him.

"Why are you stopping me? I can't just watch Qian Rong become so powerful. Why should he?"

"Brother Cui, don't be impulsive!"

Wei Hong mourned for Cui Weijing in his heart, but on the surface he still tried to persuade him earnestly: "You and the fairy have no reputation, and Qianrong's strength cannot be underestimated. If this continues, it is unreasonable to say otherwise. Besides."

Pointing to the small courtyard with flickering lights below, Wei Hong whispered:
"Think about it."

"How can anyone do that kind of thing without closing the curtains and turning on the lights? Maybe there is a misunderstanding!"

When Cui Weijing heard this, he realized that there was some truth in it, but just as his hand holding the knife trembled, the candlelight in the small courtyard below
Suddenly it went out.

Even the windows were covered.

Inside the house, Murong Jingyan flicked her temples, clapped her hands and said, "Oh, I almost forgot to close the window."

"After all, you are doing bad things, so you still have to be vigilant to avoid being seen."

Murong Jingyan turned around and happened to see the little yellow duck running out from under the table through the moonlight, holding something in its mouth and looking up to swallow it.

After kicking the little yellow duck away, Murong Jingyan picked up the little sound-transmitting Gu and put it in front of her eyes for a closer look.

"Hey, what is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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