Chapter 180
The little sound-transmitting Gu squirmed between his fingers. Murong Jingyan took a closer look and suddenly frowned slightly.

"It shouldn't be."

"Is it the Gu insect from Wanlun Kingdom?"

Fortunately, Qian Rong finally rubbed his colorless cotton almost completely at this time, waved his hand and walked over.

Seeing Murong Jingyan's solemn expression, Qianrong followed his line of sight and was also stunned.

"Sound transmission Gu?"

Seeing that Qian Rong knew this Gu insect, Murong Jingyan turned his head and looked: "How do you know the name of this Gu insect?"

With a cold cry, Qian Rong stepped forward to take the sound transmission Gu, but he crushed it directly in front of Murong Jingyan and threw it to the little yellow duck jumping not far away.

"It seems that you also know the ways of Gu insects in Wanlun Kingdom."

"Don't be afraid, this thing belongs to Cui Weijing, and it has the effect of eavesdropping silently."

Murong Jingyan raised her head and asked with questioning eyes:
"You, the Holy Son of the Nine Provinces Alliance?"

Thinking that her words were almost heard by others, Murong Jingyan couldn't help but feel a chill running down her back. She was still a little careless, but Cui Weijing and she should have no intersection, so why did he stay under his bed? insanity?
Are you trying to harm me or have you discovered some clues?
Thinking of Murong Jingyan, she couldn't help but feel a hint of killing intent.

"Using Gu worm, could it be that he is involved with Wan Lun Kingdom?"

Hearing Murong Jingyan's words, Qian Rong shook his head, walked to the side and said, "I hope he is involved with Wanlun Kingdom. In this case, I will have a hundred ways to make the Cui family doomed."

"It's a pity that this Gu was captured by his father from the battlefield and given to him."

"Having been ruined by us like this is enough to make his body hurt for a while."

Murong Jingyan nodded slightly, but still asked uneasily: "Why did he put this Gu insect in my residence? Does he know something?"

Waving his hand, Qian Rong turned around, with a bit of warmth in his soft eyebrows:

"This person has a lustful nature. Maybe he wants to know more about you."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan curled her lips in discomfort, raised her hand and turned Qianrong's face away from her face, and said in a deep voice:
"speak politely."

With a chuckle, Qian Rong took out the folding fan and shook it: "Okay, now that I've finished washing the colorless cotton for you, it's time for me to say goodbye."

"Oh, right"

Turning back and lighting the folding fan, Qian Rong warned: "Don't forget to give it to Senior Brother Tang the fairy water you promised him."

Murong hummed in surprise and sent Qian Rong to the door. Just when Qian Rong was about to push the door open and walk out, he suddenly stopped.

The moonlight was dazzling, and the sky above the sea of ​​clouds was even clearer.

The sky was blue and purple, the night was dark, and Qian Rong's eyes suddenly turned gloomy. He slowly turned back, and his rugged and mean face actually looked a bit warm at this moment:

"On weekdays, Jiuge is the holy land of our Nine Provinces Alliance, and few people come here."

"In the past year and a half, people from the cultivation world and the imperial court have often come to observe the appearance. At this moment, at least thirty major forces are waiting in the city, including many nobles from the imperial court."

"There are still a few days left, why don't you walk around Jiuge more."

After saying that, Qian Rong pushed open the wooden door and walked out leisurely, while Murong Jingyan stuck out his head to observe, and then closed the door after making sure no one was outside.

Instead of rushing to study the colorless cotton, Murong Jingyan stretched out her hand to summon the little yellow ducks. One person and one duck began to search the house carpet-like. It took a whole stick of incense to feel relieved.

Sitting on the wooden chair, Murong Jingyan took a sip of cold tea and recalled what Qian Rong had just said in his mind.

It's true that I still know very little about the situation in Dayan, and the knowledge of all the forces is limited. This is an opportunity.

"Now that I have been sealed for three levels, I thought I could pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, but I didn't expect that Guan Xiang would actually want to show my cultivation. It seems I can't hide it."

Murong Jingyan held her chin and began to sort out her thoughts.

"Since I can't hide it, luckily I won't hide it."

"Anyway, among the hundreds of people who participated in the conference, no one will only remember the three levels of Tianfeng. Besides, the card of Qijian Villa has always been Zhu Huan'an. The more dazzling he is, the safer I will be."

“And there’s a lot more I need to do.”

With a frivolous brow, Murong Jingyan traced circles on the table with her fingertips and murmured to herself: "According to the building owner's secret order, there will be a big move in the Duotian Tower."

"Now that the conference is coming, I'm afraid there will be more people sent to the building than myself and Wei Hong. As for the more people, I don't even know."

"In addition to competing for the ranking on the Hidden Dragon Ranking, there are also some talents that I need to help win over this time."

Murong Jingyan wetted her fingertips, and then wrote names with water marks on the table, one after another, with inexplicable emotions in her narrow red phoenix eyes, without saying a word.

Each of these names is from a person of extraordinary origin, and the falling gestures also represent that the forces and families behind these people have turned against Dayan.

The power of Seizing Heaven Tower is terrifying.

Why can it recruit so many strong people to start things? Is this really just an ordinary cult that relies on luck to grow?

Murong Jingyan didn't know the answer to the riddle, but she understood the riddle and it was about to emerge.

"The Sword Society will end soon."

"The building owner will let me start to get involved in the affairs of the building, and he will also be on the day of the conference."

"Personally watch us enter the Wenjian Cave."

Early the next morning, the sky was bright.

The great elder still hasn't come back.



After yawning, Murong Jingyan walked out of the house.

Today, Murong Jingyan put on a set of spacious white clothes with fluttering belts, which made her look even more fairy-like.

Wearing a mask to hide her face, and tying her long hair into a ponytail, Murong Jingyan tied the guqin behind her back with satisfaction in her eyes.

"Dressed like this, it won't be so eye-catching."

According to what Qianrong said, he decided to go to Jiuge City today to see the grandeur of the Jiuzhou Alliance General Forum, and also to inquire about the power of the cultivation world and the imperial court.

Walking down the mountain road, you will find a market in Jiuge City.

It is said that there is something wrong with the market, because Jiuge does not have the atmosphere of merchants, and there are palaces everywhere. It can only be said that there are a lot less arenas and martial arts arenas here. The monks are gathered near the wine shop and music square, talking to each other.

Murong Jingyan walked naturally through two teahouses and a restaurant, and as expected she saw many young monks talking cross-legged, while some elders with advanced cultivation standing respectfully beside them.

Murong Jingyan didn't need to think about it. Any of these young monks were famous figures in their respective states, or they were the heirs of powerful people in the court.

The morning glow was rising, and the halo of the red sun filtered through the roofs layer by layer. Murong Jingyan unconsciously climbed up to a red building and looked at the surging sea of ​​clouds outside the city.

At the end of the line of sight, there happened to be a sword cultivator standing with his hands behind his back and flying on his sword, showing his grace and joy, like a shooting star drifting away.

The morning breeze floated her eyes and blew away the broken hair on her forehead. Murong Jingyan suddenly felt a long-lost tranquility in her heart.

If the world of cultivation only had this unrestrained side, instead of grudges and hatred, it might be a blessing.

Just when Murong Jingyan was sighing, the sea of ​​clouds outside the city suddenly darkened. Just when Murong Jingyan was confused, the cumulus clouds seemed to be torn apart. Everyone in the north of the city looked up in horror.

The terrifying Wia radiation is not emitted by blood, but comes from the majestic pressure of the giant object.

It was a huge golden bird breaking through the cumulus clouds and fluttering its wings into the sky!
Its feathers shimmered with a bronze luster under the outline of the giant sun, and its wings were more than a hundred feet wide. The most eye-catching thing was that it had three legs on its abdomen and sharp cold claws.

The ancient mythical beast, the Golden Crow!
"Is it Chen Jiedushi??"

"How could Dayan Jiedushi come here in person? This is the Nine Provinces Alliance."

"Haha. You people in the cultivation world don't know much about it. Others will avoid suspicion, but Master Chen will not."

Yanzhou Jiedushi?
Hearing the comments from others around her, Murong Jingyan also slowly sat down, staring at the three-legged golden crow hovering in the world outside the city.

Soon, a figure appeared out of thin air outside Jiuge City. No one noticed when she appeared, as if she was standing there and had never moved.

It was a woman with her hair tied up in a bun and wearing a pear blossom brocade robe that outlined her perfect curves. "Master Chen, please enter the city."

Along with this sound, the Golden Crow suddenly swooped down, and the golden flames it carried gradually extinguished with the strong wind, and finally turned into a human shape and landed outside Jiuge City.

Chen Cang, the governor of Yanzhou, was still wearing a gray-brown official uniform. He looked ordinary, except for the sparkle in his eyes that made people dare not look directly at him.

Behind him, there is a girl.

Chen Xiangling curled his lips, seeming to complain that his father was too aggressive and made others look curious.

"I have heard that Mr. Chen is guarding Yanzhou and has no transfer orders. Why did he come across the state to visit Jiuge in person?"

The woman who appeared in Jiuge City had her back turned to everyone, and Murong Jingyan could not see her face clearly, but she could stand opposite Chen Cang, so she must be a strong person in the Jiuzhou Alliance.

Chen Cang had no expression on his face and said calmly: "Leader Li personally picked up the driver, but I disturbed you?"


Murong Jingyan was shocked, the leader of the Nine Provinces Alliance was actually a woman? ?

In addition to a small number of monks from the Nine Provinces Alliance, many people who came to Jiuge for the first time also stuck their heads out and talked about it.

The Kyushu Alliance now has the status of the leader of the cultivation world, and the leader of the Kyushu Alliance can lead the nine dragons and create such great achievements. How magnificent must he be?
Chen Cang stepped forward and took out a stack of purple-gold imperial edicts from his sleeves. He glanced at the leader of the Nine Provinces Alliance in front of him, but did not open it, but just held it in his hand.

"The Sword-Questing Club is coming soon. Recently, Wanlun Guoxiao has been trying to ruin my grand development. There are also evil cults such as Duitianlou and others who are secretly trying to cause trouble."

"The Holy One has ordered me to supervise Jiu Ge to prevent rats and wolves from getting in."

His loud voice penetrated all directions, causing an uproar in the city.

The imperial court is blatantly interfering in the internal affairs of the Nine Provinces Alliance! ?
It seems that the situation has never changed in the past, it is really going to change.
The leader of the Kyushu Alliance remained silent and did not express his position. Seeing this, Chen Cang also frowned slightly, but patiently did not urge him.

It stands to reason that when an imperial edict is present, even if a saint or above in the world of cultivation does not have to kneel down to receive the edict, they still need to receive it respectfully with both hands and express gratitude, otherwise it would be disrespectful.

The reason why Chen Cang used the Golden Crow True Body to come was to attract the powerful men of the Nine Provinces Alliance to come forward.

Today, even if the leader of the Nine Provinces League leaves the city, Chen Cang will open the imperial edict and follow the procedures. If he can't help it, he will be punished.

But he didn't expect that the leader of the Nine Provinces Alliance would come out.
Therefore, Chen Cang thought over and over again and did not open the imperial edict. Instead, he directly read out the edict. In this way, figures like the leader of the Nine Provinces did not have to bow their heads to accept the edict, which was considered a face-saving gesture.

"Master Chen, let's enter the city first."

After saying that, she saw the leader of the Nine Provinces spread her hands, and the imperial edict quietly appeared in her palm. Chen Cang was suddenly shocked. He didn't even notice such a method?

"With the Holy Purpose in hand, we have accepted it. Master Chen, why don't you enter the city?" The voice of the leader of the Nine Provinces Alliance was cold, and even Murong Jingyan below could hear the hidden anger.

This is not difficult to understand.

Murong Jingyan looked around, and all the disciples of the Nine Provinces Alliance had gloomy and unhappy expressions. They were obviously angered by Chen Cang's arrogant attitude in announcing the imperial edict.

"The imperial court has gone too far to deceive others. It is clear that they want to send people to keep an eye on us."

"Our state's internal affairs are still in harmony with each other. Unexpectedly, the imperial court took action and directly found Jiuge. Will our Dayan cultivation world still have freedom in the future?"

"Oh, be satisfied. Our sect has been tightly controlled by Fulongsi for a long time, and the elders are no longer able to leave the mountain."

"My sect is also being watched by people sent by Zhuo Xingsi. It is already known that our ancestor is dead, so we can only let the mermaid be eaten."

Withdrawing his gaze, Murong Jingyan stared at the sky, but at the girl behind Chen Cang.

"Xiang Ling."

"Finally, you have shown up."

Outside Jiuge City, the sea of ​​clouds slowly returned to silence. Chen Cang turned to look at Xiang Ling and warned with a hint of worry:
"You go to the Dayan Academy below first and stay there. After observing the situation, Dad will send someone to send you back to Tianxian Valley or Fengqi Mountain. You can go wherever you want."

"Oh." Chen Xiangling turned away, not happy.

I don’t want to go to either of these places!
I want to follow Ayan into the world of cultivation!I want to be a bad woman! ! !

The leader of the Kyushu Alliance and Jiedushi Chen Cang both disappeared, while Chen Xiangling was wrapped in a ball of black light, crossed the city gate tower, and fell into Jiuge City.

Seeing this, Murong Jingyan put down her tea cup, stood up and walked towards Chen Xiangling's landing point, ready to ask Chen Xiangling the answer she wanted.

Falling into the streets, Chen Xiangling suddenly felt like a light on his back. When he looked up at the restaurants and teahouses, he saw countless hostile looks, especially the heroes of the Nine Provinces League, who sneered unabashedly.

"Hey, your name is Chen Xiangling, right?"

A certain leader's direct disciple stood up and looked towards the street. This man was unusually tall. He twisted his neck and grinned: "You also want to participate in the Sword Questioning Meeting, then."

"Yes. Be careful."

Chen Xiangling swallowed, and immediately scolded her father ten times in her heart. Next time she offends someone, please don't take her with them!

Just when the big man was about to continue speaking, a plate and bowl came from nowhere and cut through the sky with lightning speed, hitting him on the head.

"who is it!!!"

The big man took a half step back in pain, looked at the broken bowl on the ground and roared.

Especially for his strength at the second level of Tian Feng, his head was actually smashed by a porcelain bowl, and he was bleeding.


"How dare you, a fly and a rat, threaten the daughter of a court official?"

Everyone present, including Chen Xiangling, turned around. On top of the tallest restaurant, there was a group of people sitting sideways. They were all dressed in purple clothes, with relaxed teasing expressions on their faces.

The leader, whose head was tied in black satin, glanced downwards and was lifting a glass to taste wine. He just threw the bowl and plate casually, breaking the man's head.

He has a pair of emerald green eyes, like dangerous poisonous scorpions, which make people look scared, but they can't help but want to take a closer look.

A female cultivator next to the man waved to Chen Xiangling below and said with a smile:
"Don't be afraid, Xiang Ling, come up quickly~"

"They dare not do anything without us."

The man from the Jiuzhou Alliance looked even colder after he saw the person coming. The rest of the people from the Jiuzhou Alliance also stood up and all looked at the high platform.

The crowd was slowly separated until two figures walked in front of many talents from the Nine Provinces Alliance. It was Qian Rong and Cui Weijing.

Qian Rong's face turned slightly solemn, but Cui Weijing was the first to speak to protect his shortcomings.

"Is Dayan Academy so arrogant?"

"This is Jiuge, how dare you attack someone in the street?"

On the high platform, the green-eyed man put down his wine glass after hearing this, stood up slowly, and came to the mast.

"Nine songs? So what about nine songs."

"Not only do I want to be mad, but I also want to advise you disciples of the Nine Provinces Alliance. If you want to go against the imperial court, then go to the Sword Asking Conference."

"Just pay more attention to me, otherwise it won't be so simple next time."

Having said that, the disciples of the Dayan Academy behind him all smiled knowingly. After all, the person in front of him was the strongest among his peers in the Dayan Academy in terms of strength and origin.

He Qilinzi, who left the palace in his early years, is known as the Twin Stars of Dayan, and is even better in terms of reputation among his peers.

"Xiang Ling, why haven't you come up yet?"

The green-eyed man ignored the restless cultivators below. Although these people had complaints in their hearts, they could only dare to be angry and dare not speak out.

If there are grievances, we will meet life and death in the sword-asking meeting.

Chen Xiangling below took a deep breath. Like Shen Fengchen, she left Dayan Academy in her early years and had no sense of belonging, but now she has no choice but to do so.

But just as she was about to climb the stairs, her peripheral vision suddenly caught sight of a white man on the street.
Rubbing his eyes, Chen Xiang was stunned for a moment.


Murong Jingyan waved from a distance and smiled knowingly when he saw Chen Xiangling, but soon the smile faded a bit because he noticed the change in Chen Xiangling's expression.

Xiang Ling her.
Why so scared.

(End of this chapter)

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