How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 181 Wrong, wrong, wrong, all wrong!

Chapter 181 Wrong, wrong, wrong, all wrong!
Murong Jingyan's heart suddenly became frightened, and she immediately took half a step back and hid behind the wall, without continuing to walk forward.

His intuition told him that Chen Xiangling seemed afraid of walking over by himself at the moment.

Seeing Murong Jingyan retreating in understanding, Chen Xiangling's expression became slightly more relaxed. She stood on the street, raised her head and shouted to the people in Dayan Academy above:
"Senior brothers and sisters from the academy, Xiang Ling will be here soon!"

After saying that, Chen Xiangling ran straight towards Murong Jingyan, regardless of other people's unkind or doubtful looks.


Looking at Chen Xiangling's back, the green-eyed man turned around and sat back expressionlessly, while the woman who spoke earlier shook her head. Her face was familiar and her tone was charming.

"Little Xiang Ling is still so reckless, no wonder he can't stay in my academy."



As soon as Chen Xiangling ran to the place where Murong Jingyan disappeared just now, she found that there was no one there.

"Xiang Ling, here."

A voice came from above her head. Chen Xiangling looked up and saw Murong Jingyan lifting the curtains on a low pavilion somewhere and nodding slightly to her.

There are few people in this tea room, so it is a perfect place for conversation.

After rushing to the second floor, Chen Xiangling anxiously sat down next to Murong Jingyan and asked, "Ayan, why are you here in Jiuge City?"

"Of course I'm here to observe the appearance, aren't you?" Murong Jingyan turned her head and saw Chen Xiangling looking out, and asked:
"Xiang Ling, why are you so nervous?"

Chen Xiangling hesitated to speak, but Murong Jingyan waved her left hand, took out the dirty clothes that she had not had time to return to Chen Xiangling, and handed them over: "This is what I promised to find for you last time."

"Ah Ayan, you really got it!"

Chen Xiangling's eyes were filled with joy, and she took the dirty clothes and put them in front of her. This was what she had stolen by the people from the Flower Picking Cult. Unexpectedly, Murong Jingyan not only recovered the storage bag, but also recovered this thing.

"Then as agreed." Murong Jingyan smiled and asked.

Hearing this, Chen Xiangling looked a little troubled. She put away her obscene clothes. After thinking about it for a while, she seemed to make a decision and sighed: "Ayan, I just didn't let you get close to her because of this matter."


Murong Jingyan nodded slightly, as if expecting something, and lowered her eyes as she said:

"Then let's hear it."

Chen Xiangling pursed his lips, leaned over and said, "The people from Dayan Academy are still waiting for me. I'll keep my story short for now."

"Ayan, you are in great danger now."

"Have you seen the man who stood up for me just now?"

Murong Jingyan frowned slightly, looked straight ahead and said, "Are you talking about the man who wears black satin on his forehead and lectures everyone in the Nine Provinces Alliance?"


Chen Xiangling nodded and said in a deep voice: "The name you want to know is him, the contemporary leader of my Dayan Academy."

"Yuan Chuang!"

As if he felt that Murong Jingyan's reaction was too bland, Chen Xiangling quickly continued to persuade: "Ayan, you must not provoke this person easily."

"Yuan Chuang is not only a fairy and devil in appearance, he is on par with Shen Fengchen. He even rivals Shen Fengchen in life experience. He is the great-grandson of Yuan Xian, the right-hand prime minister of the dynasty."

"Although the right prime minister is not as powerful as the left prime minister, he has a deep foundation and countless supporters. The right prime minister is single-handedly in charge of Dayan Academy."

After hearing this, Murong Jingyan finally had some reaction. She put her elbows on the table, touched her chin and tilted her head and said:
"Actually, I'm more curious about you, Xiang Ling."

"How did you learn that he has a six-seal magical beast?"

Chen Xiangling exhaled, shook his head and said, "The reason why I know this is because Yuan Chuang himself said this."

"I hadn't left Dayan Academy at that time. Yuan Chuang not only told us senior brothers and sisters about these six seals, but also threatened that if anyone knew the whereabouts of the other six seals, he would reward them heavily."

"But if someone conceals something or even betrays him, he will definitely not go around it."

After understanding in her heart, Murong Jingyan patted Chen Xiangling on the shoulder and said, "In this case, Xiangling, you are taking a big risk by telling me this matter."

"Then Yuan Chuang must be a very domineering person."

After a pause, Murong Jingyan comforted:

"Don't be afraid, I won't let you be implicated in this."

Chen Xiangling also smiled when he heard this, but he couldn't help but remind him: "Ayan, I have said so much, are you not worried?"

"Being an enemy of Yuan Chuang, even Shen Fengchen left Dayan Academy. As for the others, as far as I know, their fate was even worse."

Taking a deep breath, Murong Jingyan slowly stood up and said goodbye:
"Xiang Ling, you don't speak so fast on weekdays. I think you are in a hurry to get back. I'll see you off."

Chen Xiangling did not shirk and followed Murong Jingyan downstairs.

After waving to each other, Chen Xiangling walked to where the people from Dayan Academy stayed, leaving Murong Jingyan behind to watch.

The morning light was dim, the curtains under the teahouse were fluttering, and the pure face of Shengxue in white was even more apparent, but the eyes behind the mask were as cold as frost.

"Boy, this guy sounds very difficult to deal with. Are you really not afraid?"

The little yellow duck's voice came from my heart.

"I would like to tell you that since we know the news, we are not in a hurry. It would be a good idea to avoid him for the time being."

Murong Jingyan leaned against the pillar, closed her beautiful eyes and recalled Chen Xiangling's words just now, but she shook her head noncommittally.

"When doing big things, don't care about the difficulty."

"Since we have to face this person, could it be that I would feel better if I was afraid of him? Haha."

"Jing'er has a lot of backing, and he certainly has a lot of means. It's much harder to kill him than Naqu Yong," the little yellow duck reminded, also testing Murong Jingyan's determination.

The long and narrow Danfeng eyes opened slightly, and the light flashed away.

Murong Jingyan lifted the piano behind her, turned around and walked into the cold wind of flowers and rain in Jiuge City.

"No one is perfect, let alone this person's overconfidence."

"Just like flowers blooming on brocade, or burning oil cooking oil, they are not long-lasting."


As Jiedu envoy Chen Cang entered the city, the golden crows disappeared. Although there were still discussions in the city, calm was restored.

Except for the people from the Kyushu Alliance.

In the restaurant just now, the big man who had suffered the loss of being mute was sitting in the audience with gloomy eyes.

The building is full of talented people from the Nine Provinces Alliance. No matter which state they come from or who they are from, they all look unhappy and look at each other at this moment.


"Just today, one of my brothers was humiliated like this!"

A voice resounded through it, causing everyone to look. The person who spoke was red-faced, it was Qian Rong.

At this moment, Qian Rong changed from his normal state, his eyes were full of arrogance. He pointed at the wound of the big man behind him and said angrily: "Tell me, who hit him!"

"Yuan Chuang!"


"Dayan Academy!!!"

"Wrong!" Incited by Qian Rong's words, the geniuses of the Nine Provinces Alliance around him immediately agreed. Dayan Academy was so domineering in Jiuge that they simply did not take the Nine Provinces Alliance into consideration at all.

"Wrong, wrong, wrong!"

Qian Rong suddenly waved his hand and said loudly: "Everything is wrong!"

Someone looked puzzled and asked loudly: "Then what is right!"

He took a deep breath, pointed his fingers to the sky, and said astonishingly:

"It's the imperial court!"

"He Yuan Chuang dares to humiliate our brothers today, and dares to attack our world of cultivation tomorrow. Who gave him the confidence?"

"It's the imperial court!" Everyone shouted.

Patting the big man on the shoulder, Qianrong said in a deep voice:

"So, can we let this happen again?"

The crowd in the audience was excited and all agreed, but Qianrong nodded with satisfaction when he saw this.

Cui Weijing was the only one sitting aside, taking a breath from the tip of his nose, neither agreeing nor interrupting.

The sword-asking meeting is coming soon, and the Kyushu Alliance usually divides and rules, and it is time to unite as one. It is strange that the big man who was beaten just now is not from his side, which makes this guy stand out in the limelight.

"Qianrong, you are so excited now, why didn't you open your mouth to confront Yuan Chuang just now?"

Cui Weijing pointed at himself and said disdainfully:

"I am the one who stands up for the brothers."

The people around him also cast approving glances. Although the Holy Son usually has his eyes higher than his head, his ability to speak at critical moments is worthy of his status as the Holy Son.

"The words of the Holy Son are wrong." Qianrong said leisurely, already prepared.

Opening the folding fan, his peach blossom eyes were sharp again, and he scolded:

"Ask the Holy Son."

"Now that the imperial court intends to suppress our cultivation world, what's the difference between Yuan Chuang and that Jiedushi? Even the alliance leader tolerated it. You can't bear it. Are you questioning the alliance leader!?"

This statement immediately made Cui Weijing speechless. His face turned blue and white. Over the years, his cultivation was inferior to that of Gan Rong. The most important thing is that his lips were tortured to pieces by Gan Rong.

Seeing Cui Wei deflated in shock, Qian Rong did not add insult to injury, but continued to pat the brother beside him on the head and said:

"There are still many people in our alliance who will join Jiu Ge in the future. In terms of number of people, who among us as the boss has more people than us?"

"Speaking of the Asking Sword Society, who else has as much experience as our Nine Provinces Alliance? When the time comes, we will unite many sects to encircle and suppress Dayan Academy, no matter how strong Yuan Chuang is?"

"You also have to drink hatred."

Everyone present had different looks in their eyes when they heard this. Kill Yuan Chuang?

Encircle and suppress Dayan Academy.

Where is the Dayan Academy? It is a holy place for the imperial court to cultivate talents. It is far more powerful than the holy land in the world of cultivation. The current palace chief is You Xiangguo. It is the pillar of the imperial court in the holy realm of Dzogchen.

These things that we can only think about on weekdays are about to become a reality?
Cui Weijing also picked up a glass of wine and sipped it. There was a fierce fighting spirit under his red eyebrows. They were all young people in their twenties and full of vigor. Who wouldn't want to walk on the road of bones and bones to reach the top of Qianlong?

By then, my fairy is still not mine?

Cui Weijing glanced at a place where a sword cultivator was taking the opportunity to sell something. Cui Weijing immediately frowned and slapped the table and stood up:
"Tang Chen! As the leading disciple of the Nine Provinces Alliance, why don't you come here to cultivate immortality and only focus on doing business?"

"Are you even thinking about collecting money and treasures from your fellow disciples right now?"

Tang Chen's face was calm. He looked around and waved his hands and said: "Holy Son, Tang is not buying or selling by force, nor will it affect my cultivation of immortality. He is just recommending some good things."

With a sneer, Cui Weijing wanted to take the opportunity to teach this guy who was on the same side as Qian Rong: "Recommend?"

"I heard that you earn a lot. If you have the ability, don't earn from us. Go earn from Dayan Academy."

Tang Chen was shocked when he heard this. He looked aside and suddenly clasped his fists and said:
"The Holy Son said so."

"It's because Tang's layout is too small."

Qian Rong on the side was a little surprised, while Cui Weijing nodded with satisfaction.

"Tang will go to Jiuge City to wander around and earn wealth from outsiders. This may be a bigger way out."

Seeing that Tang Chen really went out, Cui Wei was stunned, while Qian Rong stepped forward and showed a happy smile:
"Brother Tang is so talented, perhaps his name will be better known to the world than any other genius."

"Just him? Why."

"It's normal for the Holy Son not to understand. That's all. Let's put aside our grudges for the time being and drink this cup of Tomson's first grade for our Nine Provinces Alliance in the sword-asking meeting!"

Cui Weijing raised his hand to take the tea, and the two looked at each other with fake smiles, and clinked their cups with ulterior motives.


Small courtyard on the mountainside.

Covered by willows and steaming with steam, Murong Jingyan was soaking comfortably in the wooden barrel. She closed her eyes and rested her mind, feeling very uncomfortable.

Moving the water surface casually, Murong Jingyan wiped her arms and said leisurely:

"If you like my bath water so much, then I will wash it well and add more flavor to you."

Opening his eyes and looking at the little yellow duck swimming in the barrel, Murong Jingyan yawned sleepily, leaned against the barrel and murmured to himself:

"Yuan Chuang."

"Others are hiding it for fear of being coveted, but this guy is good enough to take the initiative to tell the world. He is really confident."

"The more such a person is, the more detailed information is needed to make a move."

The little yellow duck swam closer and asked curiously: "Boy, what are you going to do with him?"

"The six magic seals each have their own magical powers. I still don't know what the effectiveness of his magic seal is. If I fight blindly, I might suffer a hidden loss."

Nodding, Murong Jingyan naturally thought of this. The existence of the magic seal added uncertainty to Yuan Chuang. After all, two of the remaining four magic seals were known for their power and were extremely terrifying.

However, his lust seal and underworld seal are not powerful magical powers, which is a big variable.

"It doesn't matter, if this person is really the same as he appears."

"We will inevitably make countless enemies. As the saying goes, the enemies of our enemies are our friends. We can."

Boom boom boom!
Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted Murong Jingyan's thoughts.

Murong Jingyan hurriedly stood up and put on the cotton gauze. Murong Jingyan raised her brows, who could it be?
Is it the Great Elder?
Or Qian Rong or the Holy Son of the Nine Provinces Alliance?
The knocking on the door became louder and louder, and Murong Jingyan's ears twitched slightly. From the frequency of the knocking on the door, it could be seen that this person was abiding by politeness and had to exclude his appearance first.

The Great Elder would not knock on the door like this. Could it be that he was really the Holy Son?

After simply wiping his hair, Murong Jingyan put on a white robe and walked out barefoot. He was already prepared to drive away the guests. It was decided that Qianrong would be the one that the Nine Provinces Alliance would support in seizing the sky tower.

There is no need to waste time on another person, let alone Qian Rong's enemy.

When he came to the door, he opened the wooden door. The sunlight filtered through the door lintel, making Murong Jingyan's eyebrows and eyes even more beautiful after she had just taken a bath. Dark clouds hung over her shoulders, and she looked absolutely stunning.

But after seeing the person clearly, Murong Jingyan froze on the spot.


"How could it be you!?"

 Thank you everyone

(End of this chapter)

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