How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 182 The hatred for seizing his wife is irreconcilable!

Chapter 182 The hatred for seizing his wife is irreconcilable!

"why you?"

Murong Jingyan's surprised expression turned into surprise and she took a step forward.

The person in front of him had short, sharp hair and a cynical smile on his lips, which made him look even more youthful in the sunlight.

It was Xia Luo, the head of the Eight Immortals who had helped him a lot in Yazhou.

Xia Luo raised his eyebrows, maybe after not seeing each other for a long time, he was a little embarrassed when he met Murong Jingyan again. He turned his head and looked into the room and said:
"If not, let's talk after we go in?"

Murong Jingyan nodded, invited Xia Luo into the door and looked outside to make sure there was no one else before closing the door.

Seeing Xia Luo walking into the back room, Murong Jingyan's joy turned to doubt.
Charlotte, he also left Yazhou?
But why do you appear in Jiuge City and know where I live?

With doubts in his heart, Murong Jingyan sat opposite Xia Luo with unchanged expression. It has been a year and a half since he left Yazhou. He has also gone from not awakening the ancestral blood back then to being in the three levels of Tianfeng today. Opportunities are waiting for you, and you can make great progress with each passing day.

The Xia Luo in front of him has obviously changed a lot. Not only has he broken through the Heavenly Seal, but his momentum is at least the second level of the Heavenly Seal.

Thinking of this, Murong Jingyan lowered her eyebrows. At first, she saw that Xia Luo had an extraordinary origin, but she didn't expect to miss it.

This speed of cultivation naturally has considerable foundation behind it.

"Miss Murong, do you have a lot to ask Xia?" Xia Luo felt a little more relaxed and asked after sitting down.

Murong Jingyan put her hands on the table and asked directly without anyone noticing:
"Charlotte, why are you in Jiuge City? Are you from the Jiuzhou Alliance?"

Hearing this, Xia Luo slapped her legs and laughed, shook her head and said, "If I were a member of the Nine Provinces Alliance and acted casually, I wouldn't have gone to Yazhou."

"Who is Qianlai Jiuge?" Murong Jingyan was even more confused.

Charlotte stretched, looked around and said, "What do you mean by that?"

"Miss Murong, you can come and observe the physiognomy, but I can't?"

"You look down on your Brother Luo, don't you?"


Murong Jingyan suddenly realized that she had not thought of this level!
However, the number of places in this Sword Asking Club is so rare. There are only two in the Abandoned Sword Villa. How can Charlotte be selected?
Um. I seem to think of him too much...
"Ahem, it turns out you're here to observe the physiognomy too..." Murong Jingyan coughed lightly and asked curiously:
"Then which sect do you represent?

"It's not a sect." Xia Luo looked aside and said calmly:
"I'm here on behalf of the family."

"Family?" Murong Jingyan repeated, and she had a guess in her mind. The world of cultivation regarded itself as the top of the sect, and most of those who were called family were people from the imperial court.

Is Charlotte from the imperial court?
"I didn't expect that Brother Luo turned into a bandit, and behind him was a famous family from Kyushu. I was really impressed."

Hearing the teasing in Murong Jingyan's words, Xia Luo waved his hand and said, "Hey, a small family, a small family."

"It's nothing more than the virtues accumulated by our ancestors. There is a memorial tablet of the superior clan in the Dayan Academy. In addition, your brother Luo was a disciple of the Dayan Academy before. That's why I begged my father and grandma to find me a place."

"In the past, I threatened to kill everyone. But now, it's good for me to come out alive. I just went in to fool around."

Dayan Academy?

Murong Jingyan's eyes suddenly lit up. She was worried that she didn't know the details of Yuan Chuang, but then someone sent information to her door.

"How do you know where I live?"

"The elder of the clan who brought me to Jiuge met with an old friend yesterday. I happened to be there too. I found out that he was the elder of your Qijian Villa, so I inquired about it."

"After all, your senior brother has a special appearance. I went back to Jiuzhou to inquire, and I guessed that it was Zhu Huan'an from Qijian Villa. And the female disciple your elders mentioned was you, so I found her right away. "

It turns out that's the case. Murong Jingyan felt a little relieved, but Xia Luo was really thoughtful.

"Brother Luo, did you just say that you were once a disciple of Dayan Academy?"

"Why, I don't look like it?"

"Well, it seems like it, but why didn't you go to a good school and go to that remote Yazhou to become a forest hero?"

Narrowing his eyes, Murong Jingyan asked in a low voice: "No, have you been expelled from the academy?"

Charlotte was suffocated upon hearing this, and then leaned over and said after a pause:

"Do you always speak so directly?"

Seeing the curiosity on Murong Jingyan's face, Xia Luo breathed out a breath and forced a smile: "Since we are here to chat, it doesn't hurt to talk to you."

"In my early years, I was considered a figure in Dayan Academy. To tell you the truth, my ancestral blood is a mutant in the form of a divine beast, and I have a bright future."

"In addition to being charming and charming, countless female cultivators treat me."

"Pick the focus."

"Ahem, Brother Luo, I and a female cultivator were in love with each other. It was a good story in the academy back then."

At this point, Charlotte's eyes narrowed slightly, and her tone became harsh: "As a result, several more geniuses emerged from the academy, and one of them wanted to win over her love, and provoked me several times."

"As the saying goes, there is no need to endure it anymore. I asked him to have a fight. The battle was shocking."

"you lose?"

Xia Luo choked on his words, clasped his head and said: "Not only did I lose, my origin was almost destroyed. Even if I returned to the Jiuzhou family to use my methods this time, I couldn't do it completely."

"Well, as the saying goes, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. Miss Murong must also learn to take a step back when she goes out in the future."

Murong Jingyan couldn't help but mourn for half a second for Charlotte. Out of gossip, she couldn't help but ask:
"Where's your old sweetheart?"

"After I lost, she didn't see me again. I heard that she was hanging out with that junior brother. I didn't have the face to stay in the academy. Besides, my junior brother wouldn't tolerate me staying there."

"Yo! Why are you so heartless!"

"That's it."

Charlotte turned around and saw Murong Jingyan on the other side of the table with a sullen expression, and her heart suddenly felt warm.

"It's okay, Brother Luo. I think this kind of woman is not good enough for you. I'll help you keep an eye out for something better."

A gust of breeze blew by, just blowing Murong Jingyan's temples. After bathing, her skin looked even more delicate, as if her hair was about to leave red marks, which made Charlotte's mind wander.

"Thank you very much."

"But who was it that made you lose all your energy back then?"

Charlotte thought for a moment, then turned sideways and said, "His name is Yuan Chuang."

Yuan Chuang!

Murong Jingyan took a deep breath. When she heard Charlotte's first words, Murong Jingyan had a vague premonition in her heart. She didn't expect it to be true!

This Yuan Chuang really bullies men and dominates women, and behaves unscrupulously.
"My name is Yuan Chuang, right? Don't worry, Brother Luo, the hatred for seizing your wife is irreconcilable! I will help you deal with him at the Wenjian Meeting."


Charlotte smiled meaningfully and asked: "Then do you want to use the ability of the Abandoned Sword Villa, or the Sky-Seizing Tower?"

Hearing Xia Luo's question, Murong Jingyan's smile quietly disappeared. She did not answer but asked softly: "So this time you meet me, have you considered what I told you before?"

"Of course, I can think about it."

A smile appeared on Murong Jingyan's lips again, and she lightly pressed the tabletop to make a banging sound:

"To deal with him, just think of it as a meeting gift from me."

After hearing this, Xia Luo leaned over the table and stared at Murong Jingyan closely: "Oh?"

"You guys really have such great abilities?"

"Yes or no, why not give it a try...?"

"Okay, then try it."

"As the saying goes, know yourself and know the enemy. Why don't you tell me the details about Yuan Chuang that you know, including the details of your confrontation with him."

The setting sun shone through the beams and dimmed the mountains. Xia Luo told all the things he knew, while Murong Jingyan listened carefully and prepared for the bloody battle in the near future.

The little yellow duck was snailing aside, looking sideways and shaking his head.

It seemed like the time was peaceful just now, but it sensed Murong Jingyan's murderous intention. If Xia Luo came here for another purpose, Murong Jingyan would never let him walk out of this door alive.

After all, he completely knew the details of his Seizing Heaven Tower, and even now knew that he was from Qijian Villa.

Fortunately, it is my own.


Everyone in Dayan Academy.

Chen Xiangling sat aside, holding hot tea, and watched other students whispering. Most of them were talking about the general trend of the world, or the secret heroes of various sects, and their words were full of disdain for people in the world of cultivation.

After all, Dayan Academy has existed for tens of thousands of years. It was built by the Immortal King in the past. It once claimed to be the best academy in the world, attracting geniuses from all over the world and achieving unparalleled achievements.

Although times have changed and Dayan has long lost its former glory, the title of leader of Dayan Academy has symbolized Dayan's strongest status for half of the time, and there are few challengers.

If you want to enter Dayan Academy, in addition to your background and family background, the strictness of ancestral blood is unimaginable. The most ordinary disciples in the world of cultivation can easily enter the inner sect of the great sect.

Being in Dayan Academy is a kind of success in itself, how can you not be proud of the world?

Only Chen Xiangling drank tea with her eyes closed and couldn't hear what was going on outside the window. She was born not to like fame and wealth, and her practice was only for herself and not to fight with others. She was not used to the chaos in Dayan Academy.

It's said to be a school, but everyone doesn't seem to be like brothers and sisters, with family, strength, and strict hierarchy.

Compared with this feeling, she likes the freedom of the world of cultivation even more. There, she can be herself without caring about each other's identities.

"Xiang Ling, this is the best tea soup in Jiuge City. It's called Tangchen Yipin. What do you think?" A soft and charming voice came, making Chen Xiangling open his eyes.

"Senior Sister Lingyuzi." Chen Xiangling smiled awkwardly rather than politely.

This woman is Yuan Chuang's current Taoist companion.

Ling Yuzi smiled and poured another cup of tea for Chen Xiangling, not forgetting to praise in his words: "If the leader hadn't come forward in person, this tea soup would be really hard to buy."

"It should be noted that even within the Nine Provinces Alliance, it is hard to find a bowl of it."

Chen Xiangling nodded slightly and agreed: "It is indeed a good tea, the fragrance of flowers is overflowing, thank you very much, sir."

As she spoke, she looked at Yuan Chuang, who was not far away. Yuan Chuang was dressed in a smart outfit, with a black brocade on his head. He didn't say a word. If he didn't know what he was like, he would really have the demeanor of a chivalrous man.

Feeling Chen Xiangling's gaze, Yuan Chuang raised his eyes and nodded slightly.

In today's Dayan, there are two factions in the court: the left and the right. The left prime minister Shen Hu is in charge of the Fulong Division, and he has the secret support of the Xingsi. Apart from the Holy Emperor's oral instructions, he is almost the one who has the say. However, the only ones in the court who dare to resist him are Yuan Yuan. Home.

It's a pity that although my great-grandfather was a veteran minister and the head of the academy, he was already too old to compete with Shen Hu, who was at the height of his power. He was in urgent need of some officials with worthy reputations to stand up to him.

Jiedushi Chen Cang was in the second rank and had jurisdiction over several states. He was obviously at odds with the Shen family and was exactly the person favored by the Yuan family.

Therefore, in Yuan Chuang's mind, strictly speaking, Chen Xiangling should be regarded as one of his own in the court.

If he were an ordinary disciple today, although he, as the leader, would help him out, he would never take action like he did just now. This would all be done to show Chen Xiangling, or Chen Cang, the Jiedu Envoy.

At this moment, a disciple in the field who was holding a big halberd and looked like a young general couldn't help but sigh:

"The scale of this sword-asking meeting is unprecedented. I see that the Jiuzhou Alliance has deliberately attracted many sects to participate in the meeting. I am afraid it is not as easy to deal with as before."

"We, the academy disciples, still need to unite as one, and we must not underestimate the enemy."

After the words fell, a disciple who looked like an alchemist, dressed in a broad robe and wearing a bagua on his waist, responded:

"Junior brother is right, but the lineup of our Dayan Academy this time is also unprecedentedly good."

"In addition to the leader, there is also Senior Brother Kuoting sitting in charge, and there are more than two hands of divine beasts in the arch. When they come to Jiuge and everyone is here, who can compete with my academy?"

The alchemist continued to speak, with a faint tone:

"But when it comes to the appearance of immortals and demons in the world of cultivation, there are quite a few."

"For example, the appearance of the Jiuzhou Alliance's Qian is not impressive on the surface. He only knows that the Holy Son who can suppress him cannot lift his head. The more people like this, the more they are like poisonous snakes, so we have to be more careful."

"As for Zhu Huan'an of the Abandoned Sword Villa, or Wu Chi Muqing of the Duanhe Sect, although they are the focus of much attention, being single and alone is not a big concern."

"The ones we should be most careful about, I think, are the figures of immortals and demons that have never surfaced, because only the Nine Provinces Alliance knows this information, and we have no way of knowing it."

A muffled sound interrupted the alchemist's words. Everyone looked at the sound and found that the person who smashed the cup was Yuan Chuang.

At this moment, Yuan Chuang looked disdainful and sneered.


"There is no need to take these people you just mentioned seriously."

Yuan Chuang leaned back while he was talking, and saw him resting one hand on the fur chair, his green eyes scanning, the cold light that shone out made the whole building feel cold, and Chen Xiangling even subconsciously avoided it.

"What if these people from the world of cultivation are on the list?"

Yuan Chuang stretched out his hand and said sarcastically:

"These guys don't know the details of the imperial court at all, and they still think they can make a big splash?"

"In the Sword Asking Conference, if anyone provokes us, the only fate will be death. But there is only one person in my heart, and he is the only one who must do it. Do you understand?"

Everyone looked at each other, naturally understanding the meaning of Yuan Chuang's words, and nodded, but no one dared to answer.

Yuan Chuang raised his wine glass and shook it gently in front of his eyes, slowly closing his eyes and frowning.

"Shen Feng Shen"

"When we meet again, I will definitely make you die completely."

(End of this chapter)

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