How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 183 The sea of ​​flowers spreads across the 9-song city, and gods and demons are hidden deep

Chapter 183 The sea of ​​flowers spreads across Jiuge City, and gods and demons are hidden deep in the red clouds

A few days later, Jiuge City.


As the sun rose in the east, an old voice interrupted Murong Jingyan's meditation.

Slowly opening his eyes, Murong Jingyan returned to Zhoutian with his energy, exhaled a breath of fresh air, nodded slightly towards the visitor and said:
"Great Elder, has the day of fortune-telling arrived?"

The person who entered the door was the Great Elder who had been missing for several days. Compared with when he came, the Great Elder looked happier. He must have been accompanied by his old friends. At this moment, he laughed and said: "Exactly."

"You can go with me."

After putting on her boots and getting up, Murong Jingyan let out a breath of cold air. This day has finally come.

However, he sent the bath water in advance. Tomson seemed to be on the safe side and there should be no problem.

"Great Elder, wait a moment."

"Allow me to change my clothes."

The great elder shook his head when he heard this, thinking that all female cultivators loved beauty, so he turned around and left and closed the door.

After the elder left, Murong Jingyan listened breathlessly, then moved her steps, leaned over and took out a sandalwood box from under the pillow, which contained white and clean washed colorless cotton.

After taking out the colorless cotton, Murong Jingyan struggled with his thoughts and started the necessary operations.

"No, no."

Looking at the remaining colorless cotton in his hand, Murong Jingyan gently rubbed it, feeling the smooth and soft touch.

Subconsciously looking at the flat chest, he raised his eyebrows and said:

"I do all the drama just to be on the safe side."

The great elder turned around when he heard the door open behind him, but his brows furrowed.

Winter has not yet arrived, but Murong Jingyan put on a winter coat, covering herself tightly.

"Ayan, what are you doing?"

"Don't be surprised, Great Elder. Trying on new clothes shouldn't affect your appearance, right?"

Shaking his head secretly, the Great Elder didn't say anything more. With a wave of his hand, he took Murong Jingyan into the air and flew towards a mountain top in Jiuge.

This is the second tallest mountain in Jiuge City. Huge palaces are arranged in rows in the shape of a mountain. From time to time, in a certain palace, there is a stream of light condensed into a statue, accompanied by some strange appearances.

Suddenly, a green light and shadow condensed, causing many monks on the mountain to look up.

The figure of light and shadow was strong and slender. Although his facial features and appearance could not be clearly seen, the strange appearance that emerged aroused a lot of discussion.

I saw the green light on the top of the mountain suddenly breaking, and there seemed to be some huge thing passing by in the mist. The aura of fear was everywhere, and even the monks in the six levels of Tianfeng felt depressed.

"Could this kind of vision be the legendary Jiuxiao Peng bird?"

"It's the leader of Dayan Academy."

"Even with the blessing of that magic weapon, it can actually put such pressure on us. The Pengniao bloodline of the Yuan family is truly worthy of being the king of the sky, and they really have a successor."

On a high platform far away, Murong Jingyan looked into the wind at the strange birds in the sky, her eyes showing solemnity.

Beside him, the Great Elder clicked his tongue and said:

"The Kunpeng bloodline has shocked the past and the present, and now there is only one Pengniao from the Yuan family left. The ancestral blood of the younger generation of the Yuan family is actually purer than that of the right one. If it grows up in the future, it may dominate the world. "

"Fortunately, this generation is different. Even the Nine Heavens Pengniao has its rivals."

He looked at Murong Jingyan beside him and asked: "Ayan, why do you want to go to see the physiognomy last?"

While he was talking, the strange appearance of the bird in the sky had dispersed, and the half-stick incense that he was observing had no trace of ink at all.

Murong Jingyan naturally wanted to wait until there were fewer people before going. After all, she did not want to be seen by a group of people, and she also wanted to avoid running into Yuan Chuang in advance, but she still responded openly:
"Disciples want to see more of the talents of other heroes. Only by knowing oneself and the enemy can one know what they are doing."

The Great Elder nodded:

"It's good to have this awareness."

"But it looks like there aren't many people around, so let's get ready to go."

Murong Jingyan raised her head and looked at the dissipating green light on the horizon. Even though the power of the bird disappeared, she was still aware of it. This was a very strange feeling.

Yuan Chuang has finished and can now go to observe the physiognomy.

Under the leadership of the great elder, the two of them landed in the hall responsible for observing the physiognomy. After the great elder revealed his identity, the masters of the Nine Provinces Alliance clasped their fists and sent someone to invite Murong Jingyan in alone.

Walking on the tile road, Murong Jingyan suddenly felt nervous for a long time.

"Brother Tang, I have entrusted my life and property to you. If something goes wrong today, I will really be in trouble."

Just as Murong Jingyan was muttering to himself, the expert leading the way suddenly stopped and said loudly:

"Sir, the next person to watch is the Abandoned Sword Villa who has been brought here!"


"From Qijian Villa, Murong Jingyan."

Murong Jingyan swallowed quietly. In front of her was a spacious courtyard with only one wooden pavilion.

The pavilion was covered by curtains, but two figures could still be seen from a distance, and Murong Jingyan suddenly felt relieved.

According to Tomson, these two people are from the Jiuzhou Alliance and the Wei Daosi respectively. He will get through to one of them, and even if there is a small mistake, he will turn a blind eye.

"Go into battle."

A voice came, and Murong Jingyan discovered that a formation had already been drawn in the yard, and an incense burner was placed in it. If he guessed correctly, this should be the so-called physiognomy instrument.

Murong Jingyan stepped forward wisely and stood still in the formation.

Then he looked up in the direction of the pavilion and waited for the next instruction. Unfortunately, the curtain moved with the wind, and two figures inside also appeared.
Murong Jingyan, who was worried, accidentally saw the face of one of them, and his face suddenly froze, and he froze on the spot.

This man's face was stern, but his eyes were shining. He was Chen Cang, the military commander.

How could it be him?
Chen Cang obviously also recognized the mask worn by Murong Jingyan. An inexplicable sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. To Murong Jingyan, this smile was like falling into an ice cellar.

Especially the judge from the Nine Provinces Alliance next to Chen Cang also nodded to him at this moment.

"Oh it's you."

Chen Cang suddenly spoke, which made the Jiuzhou Alliance expert beside him look curious and asked: "Master Chen, do you know her?"

"More than just acquaintance, this person in front of me is a young man who deserves special attention. It is worthy of me that I will take the place of the Wei Dao Secretary and personally come to supervise today."

After hearing Chen Cang's words, the Nine Provinces Alliance master smiled, then things would be easier to handle.

Originally, seeing that today was the day when Jiedushi came to inspect, he had already wanted to return the few pots of Tangchen Yipin sent by Tangchen. But now it seems that Murong Jingyan really has some tattoos, and Mr. Chen next to him can also Be accommodating.

This deal is a good deal.

"Master Chen, are you in good health?"

Murong Jingyan stuttered a little, it's over, it's over. Although Chen Cang didn't make things difficult for her that day, she didn't know if it was because of Shen Fengchen.

But he probably guessed that he ruined the marriage recruitment meeting that day, and now he is 100% going to make things difficult for me.

How to do.
Chen Cang tapped his fingers and said calmly: "Let's get started."

After the words fell, Murong Jingyan's eyes blurred, and the light and shadow around him changed. When his eyes returned to clarity, his whole body seemed to be surrounded by countless light spots.

"Is that formation?"

Murong Jingyan quickly kept her body still, and a feeling of being spied on came from the top of her head. It turned out that the incense burner was floating in front of her.

A thin light projected from it, scanning Murong Jingyan from head to toe.
above the hills.

A red beam of light shot out, dyeing the cumulus clouds in the mountains blood red, and the long-lasting light and shadow of the roc bird not long ago was instantly dispersed into nothingness.

"This, this is?"

The monk in the mountain raised his head again, this time with a more horrified look.

I saw a figure emerging from above the palace. The figure was graceful and graceful, with a slender body with nine heads, two lotus-rooted arms hugging the chest, and long and slender legs, but there was nowhere to put them. "Is it a woman?"

"Wow, just looking at that figure, she is undoubtedly a beauty."

"Wait a minute, this is a strange phenomenon."

Suddenly, flowers bloomed on the mountain, and a fragrance spread down from the top of the mountain, spreading into the wilderness. Yuan Chuang, who had already descended the mountain and left, couldn't help but look back.

The red clouds are like trees, the begonia branches are hanging, and there is a sea of ​​flowers on Jiuge City.

Beside Yuan Chuang, I, Ling Yuzi, saw Yuan Chuang staring straight at the beauty of light and shadow, and suddenly became jealous and said: "What kind of weird talent is this."

"The momentum is huge, but there is no shadow of the beast?"

There were many people who had the same question as her. In the city, Qian Rong, Xia Luo, Chen Xiangling, etc. also raised their heads and looked at the strange appearance in the distance. They knew Murong Jingyan better, but they were silent at this moment.

Even the masters of the Nine Provinces Alliance looked puzzled, and even an internal minister from the Department of Wei Dao broke into the courtyard, walked up to Chen Cang and whispered something.

And on the most majestic hilltop of Jiu Ge, a gaze looked towards this side through the void.

Everyone is wondering, this strange movement is enough to be called the realm of immortals and demons, but whether it is the appearance of immortals or demons can only be confirmed by seeing the shadow of the beast.

In the entire Jiu Ge, only one person felt something and realized something was wrong.

Yuan Chuang took half a step forward, his stern face staring at the red clouds above, as if he wanted to see through something.

Before this strange phase appeared, it was he who had left the strange phase that had not dissipated completely, so he suddenly realized something that others could not feel.

"Strange feeling."

He narrowed his eyes and murmured to himself: "This woman's ancestral blood actually makes my Peng bird ancestral blood extremely counterproductive."


Jiuxiao Pengniao is known as the king of fairy birds, and it is said to be unrivaled in Zongheng and Hehe. However, when the red light dispersed the green shadow, his own Pengniao blood energy was trying its best to fight.

It seems that the two qi, green and red, meet together, just like burning oil cooking oil. They cannot exist together.

"Yuan Lang, what's wrong with you?" Ling Yuzi felt Yuan Chuang's emotions and stepped forward to ask worriedly.

Waving his hand, Yuan Chuang just laughed.


"It seems that there is one more person who can interest me."

In the palace, Chen Cang lowered his eyebrows and asked after listening to the whispers of the people in the Taoist Guards beside him:
"You're saying that this physiognomic instrument has detected that this woman's bloodline is not among the Five Emperors?"

The minister of the Wei Dao Department who was replaced by Chen Cang was not of low status, otherwise he would not have been able to represent the Wei Dao Department in Jiuge. He glanced at Murong Jingyan, who was observing the situation in the field, and reminded him in a low voice:
"My lord, she."

"It seems to be somewhat similar to the bloodline of the sinner."

The masters from the Kyushu Alliance beside him saw the serious look on the Wei Daosi Secretary's face and remained silent at this moment. After all, this matter was not as simple as a small tattoo.

Otherwise, let's return the Tomson Yipin.


Hearing this, Chen Cang took a deep breath and looked coldly at the Minister of Defense beside him: "Aren't all the so-called guilty ministers wiped out by you and others?"

"Even His Majesty has issued an edict. Are you saying that Fulong Division is incompetent? Or are you saying that His Majesty is stupid?"

The Minister of Defense was stunned for a moment and said in fear: "I don't dare."


Chen Cang looked at the field and said word by word: "I know this bloodline."

"In the early years of Dayan Academy, the Great Master of the Star Division explained to me that this is the bloodline of ancient immortals and demons. There is an extremely secretive and powerful immortal beast in the shadow of Haitang."

"This beast cannot come out, and its bloodline is difficult to detect. If you don't believe it, you can go to Xingsi and ask."

The Minister of Wei Dao was suddenly surprised: "This"


Chen Cang raised his hand, and the master of the Nine Provinces Alliance beside him understood the secret, and the strange scenes in the courtyard disappeared instantly.

Murong Jingyan also fell to the ground. She quickly touched her body and found that she was still wearing clothes, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

Why is there an extra person in the pavilion?

Although he didn't know what happened, the appearance of the extra person was clearly that of the Wei Daosi, and the cold expression on his face made Murong Jingyan suddenly feel bad.

Fortunately, Chen Cang's expression remained as usual. He slowly stood up on his knees and looked at the sky, and suddenly asked:

"Today, he should be the last one?"

The judge of the Nine Provinces Alliance also stood up, bowed and said, "Sir, yes."

Nodding, Chen Cang looked at Murong Jingyan, waved his sleeves and said:
"Why are you still standing there, unwilling to leave?"

Hearing Chen Cang's words, Murong Jingyan felt as if she had been granted amnesty. She bowed quickly and then hurriedly retreated. The guy from the Wei Daosi looked at him strangely. Could it be that he was coming for me?
The colorless cotton must have worked, otherwise there is no reason not to keep me, and there is no need for the people from the Department of Defense to look at me like this because of this.

What would it be?
It's my alien appearance.

Murong Jingyan immediately had a guess in her heart. After all, there is no clear answer to this strange phenomenon to this day. Master Mieyuan and the master of Duotian Tower are all vague. Only the little yellow duck said that this is the Sixth Emperor, but what is it? Where is the Sixth Emperor?

Perhaps, the answer can only be found in one place.

Xishan, Murong family.

Looking at Murong Jingyan's walking back, Chen Cang turned to look at Wei Dao Secretary Nei Qing and said calmly:

"Do you have any questions?"

The Minister of Defense shook his head: "Returning to your lord, I will go to the Star Division to collect evidence. If this is true, then of course nothing will happen."


Chen Cang didn't wait for him to finish, and interrupted: "If what I said is false, then I won't wear this hat anymore."

"After all, your Department of Defense likes to play the trick of inflicting crimes, but you have to find out for me."

Hearing this, a drop of cold sweat fell on the forehead of the Minister of Defense. The Secretary of Defense had a policy of preferring to kill by mistake in certain matters. Chen Cang said this to tell him not to use any tricks.

"Your Majesty understands."

"If the Chief Minister has his say, this matter will be recorded in the closed beta test. It will be a happy event that our Department of Defense's Ten Thousand Blood Strategy can once again fill in the gaps."

After saying that, the Minister of Defense resigned and left, and the judge of the Nine Provinces League who was watching the show also quietly retreated, leaving Chen Cang standing alone in the courtyard, looking at the red clouds above his head that had not completely dissipated.


"There are talented people from generation to generation, and a new generation replaces the old ones."

Walking out of the palace building, Murong Jingyan saw the long-awaited Great Elder at a glance.

The Great Elder was blind at the moment and it was the strange beast with four claws and six wings. When he saw Murong Jingyan coming out, the Great Elder waved his hand and drew him to his side.


Before Murong Jingyan could speak, the Great Elder spoke first, and the strange beast under his crotch also flapped its wings and flew away, showing no intention of staying at Jiu Ge.

Murong Jingyan saw that the elder was holding a string of beads in his hand. Although his expression was calm and relaxed, his eyes were clearly prepared for the attack.


"This strange beast is named Feiyang. It flaps its wings with all its strength and runs as fast as a shadow. It understands everything you say."

"Great Elder." Murong Jingyan noticed something was wrong and asked hurriedly.

The Great Elder looked down at Jiu Ge, sighed and said: "Fortunately, I came here in person, bringing with me one of the sect's magic weapons to suppress the sect."

"If someone who is short-sighted wants to stop me from waiting, you can follow Feiyang first."

"I will cut off the queen for you."

(End of this chapter)

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