How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 184: Dual cultivation is possible!

Chapter 184: Dual cultivation is possible!
so serious?

Murong Jingyan was shocked. With a status like the Great Elder, he would worry about not being able to return to his sect. Who dared to stop him in broad daylight?

This is the land of the Kyushu Alliance
At that moment, Murong Jingyan seemed to have guessed who the elder was worried about.

Are they from the Kyushu Alliance?

At this moment, a long figure stood on the main peak in Jiuge City. This man was unusually tall and tall, with red hair and red eyebrows. Standing there, he looked like a gushing volcano.

He is none other than Cui Dong, the leader of the Nine Provinces Alliance.

Cui Dong looked calm at the moment, standing with his hands behind his back, staring straight at the strange beast leaving outside Jiuge City.

"This girl is so talented, she is even more domineering and domineering than the Yuan family's Jiuxiao Pengniao."

"Abandoned Sword Villa is actually hiding people."

Standing next to him was a woman, with her back to everyone, her hair coiled gracefully, and she was silent.

Cui Dong took half a step forward, lowered his eyebrows and asked, "Alliance leader."

"Do you want me to invite them back and have a good chat?"


"No need."

The woman put her hands under her breasts, and her voice seemed lazy, but Cui Dong had to listen carefully.

"This sword-asking meeting is different. Outsiders don't know it. This may be the last time that the sword wakes up. From now on, there will be no sword-asking meeting again."

"Naturally, the more lively the better."


Abandoned Sword Villa.

Feiyang landed in front of Yuanshi Hall.

Even after falling on Feiyang's back, Murong Jingyan couldn't help but look back and asked in a low voice: "Great Elder, did you really get rid of him??"


The eldest elder coughed slightly at this moment. Unexpectedly, there was no reaction all the way. It seemed that he was too sentimental for his age.

"This place is already a mountain gate. Is there anyone who dares to break into our sect's formation?"

While they were talking, the elders in the sect had already heard the news and came one after another. The second elder also walked out of Yuanshi Hall and said with a smile:

"Senior brother, is this trip to Jiuge going well?"

The great elder shook his head, waved his sleeves to the elders around him, and motioned for them to follow him to the Yuanshi Hall for negotiation.

"Little Ayan."

Before leaving, the great elder turned around. After thinking for a while, he said: "You should go back to Ziyunchuan to practice first. The sect master will come to find you soon after he comes out of seclusion."

"At that time, he will tell you what the Sword Asking Society is."

Murong Jingyan nodded, feeling very happy in her heart.

The willow trees in Ziyunchuan are still gorgeous. On a clear day, they are like purple diamonds spread out, emitting a shimmering light that is dazzling.

Murong Jingyan stopped in front of Ziyun Pavilion, reluctantly fertilized her natal tree, and then walked into the house.

Taking out the little yellow duck, Murong Jingyan walked straight to the screen and swept the dust with her sleeves, sat down and asked:
"Duck, what is Yuan Chuang's magic seal? Have you heard the clue?"

The little yellow duck walked leisurely on the ground. It stretched out its beak to catch insects under its wings, and then said in a low voice: "Then Charlotte has been talking for a long time, but it seems that his skills are just inferior to others, and I didn't hear anything special."

"It's not unusual for Jiuxiao Pengniao's ancestral blood to surpass him."

Murong Jingyan closed her eyes and rested her legs comfortably on the table. She couldn't help feeling that she could only feel more comfortable when she returned to her own Ziyunchuan.

"That's right. Although we now know that Yuan Chuang is the person we want to deal with, which magic seal he has is really a problem."

"If Yuan Chuang possesses that magic seal, then you should burn some incense." The little yellow duck came closer and suddenly said.


Murong Jingyan became interested and asked, "How do you say this?"

"Could it be that some magic seals are easy to deal with?"

"No." The little yellow duck jumped up to the table and explained:
"There is a magic seal called Wuxiang. The person who obtains it is transcendent and outside the world. He is not in the five elements. The stars cannot be deduced and the secrets of heaven cannot be calculated. The most important thing is that he can easily sense other magic seals. And other magic seals can be easily detected even if they are close at hand. I can’t even detect its existence.”

Murong Jingyan's heart trembled when she heard this, and she immediately understood what the little yellow duck meant.

"Actually, I am more worried about this phaseless seal than the two demon seals that carry the power of the demon king. After all, if the two come into contact, I will not be able to detect it for you, but the person can easily approach you. "

"If Yuan Chuang is pregnant with Wu Xiang and we find out like this, it will solve a worrying problem."

Murong Jingyan nodded. He was targeting Yuan Chuang to seize the opportunity. However, he took advantage of Yuan Chuang's initiative to spread the news. However, if there was someone, he had been secretly sizing him up.
Murong Jingyan couldn't help but shudder when she thought of this, and those names that were related to her suddenly appeared in her mind, and she was daydreaming.


At this moment, the door of Ziyun Pavilion was suddenly opened, and a figure stepped across the door lintel.

The person who came was wearing red clothes, orange hair flying, and a vaguely exposed chest that revealed a sense of strength. It was Zhu Huanan.

"Junior sister, what's your expression?"

Zhu Huanan looked confused, because Murong Jingyan in the hall was putting his feet away, with a slightly wary look on his face, and his eyes were looking at him.

Walking into Ziyun Pavilion, Zhu Huanan casually put his hand on the handle of the knife and said with a smile: "What?"

"You've been out for a few days and you don't know your senior brother anymore?"

When Murong Jingyan heard Zhu Huanan's voice, the suspicions that arose in her heart immediately dissipated.

After thinking about it, at least the senior brother Zhu in front of him should be the least likely. After all, if he wanted to seize the opportunity to kill him, he had many opportunities.

"How could it be? Senior brother, no one dares to forget senior brother."

Zhu Huan'an shook his head and walked closer. He naturally picked up the little yellow duck on the ground with his feet and kicked it like a shuttlecock.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Listening to the little yellow duck's screams, Murong Jingyan coughed lightly, grabbed the little yellow duck in the air, rescued it in his arms, and asked with doubts:

"Senior brother, why did you come to me?"

Zhu Huan'an raised his eyebrows, stared at the little yellow duck with unfinished thoughts, and said in shock: "Now that we have all been sealed, the time has come."

"Well, what do you mean it's time?"

"You can practice dual cultivation now."

Murong Jingyan's body stiffened and she almost accidentally pinched the little yellow duck in her palm when she heard this. She looked at Zhu Huan'an with disbelief in her eyes.

"Brother you"

what's the situation.

Isn't it true that Qijian Villa wanted to capture him back just for euphemistic training, but to find a wife for their eldest disciple?
Double repair?

Those two whirlwind farts, even if I insist on cultivating them, I don’t have the conditions!

After half a column of incense.

Outside Ziyun Pavilion.

"Senior brother, is this the dual cultivation you call?"

"Why not?"

"Brother, you can be gentler, there is no need to use so much force."

After shaking off her numb hand, Murong Jingyan's eyes were filled with confusion and some speechlessness.

In front of the two of them was an open space in Ziyun River, but it was now in a mess as if it had been devastated by a storm, which was caused by the Taoist techniques of the two.

Murong Jingyan looked at this scene and cursed endlessly.Dual cultivation originally refers to the echo of the two people's ancestral blood images, which causes wonderful changes in the Taoism. It is more like a combined skill.

Zhu Huanan nodded, looked forward and explained:
"You and I are both immortals and demons, and our own ancestral blood reflection is more solid and powerful than others. Don't underestimate this dual cultivation skill. Once you practice it, you will be invincible in the sword-asking competition."


"You do not believe?"

Zhu Huanan turned around and saw Murong Jingyan rubbing her wrists in deep thought, and immediately smiled and said:

"Senior brother, I didn't mean to take advantage of you."

"Do you know why, no matter what the force is, they don't want two immortals and demons to appear in a certain sect?"

Seeing Murong Jingyan looking inquiringly, Zhu Huanan touched his chin:
"Because in order to complement each other, the two monks must possess the same skill Zhou Tian. You and I are both Tianyang's unabashed skills. Holding each other's hands can mobilize each other's energy and blood, so that we can use such powerful skills."

"There were two occasions when immortals and demons from the same sect cooperated with each other in the Sword Asking Tournament, and they almost topped the list in those two times without any suspense. Do you understand what my senior brother meant?"

Speaking of this, Murong Jingyan suddenly realized. No wonder the Great Elder was so afraid. It turned out that there was still such a saying.

"Okay, let's try again."

Zhu Huan'an stretched out his big hand as he spoke. Murong Jingyan sighed softly when he saw this. Although he felt it was strange, he had no choice but to put his hand on it.

boom! boom! boom!
That day, the sound in Ziyun River was so loud that it attracted fellow disciples from the surrounding hills to secretly write letters of complaint to Yuanshi Hall.


Zhongzhou, the imperial city.

The Purple Gold Palace hangs high, like the sun that never sets, and there is also a floating stone island on the left side of the palace to guard it.

Shidao is famous, named:

The Shen family is famous, but the Shen mansion is very simple, especially under the radiance of the emperor.

At this moment, in the inner courtyard of the Shen family, beside the koi pond.

On the stone slab as smooth as a mirror, a middle-aged man is holding bait and throwing it out from time to time. He is dressed in an ancient home robe. He has no other luxurious things except a jade ring finger, but he has a kind of grace that cannot be ignored. tolerance.

Behind him, a young man in blue clothes stood silently, following the man's hand and looking at the koi carps waiting to be fed in the pond.

"It's time for you to get married."

The man spoke calmly, without turning his head, and there was no doubt in his tone: "A marriage has been arranged for you."

"I don't love her."

Shen Fengchen looked at the man's back. His tone was equally calm, without any waves.

"You don't have to love her."

Sprinkling the last bait into the pond and watching the sugar-filled koi fish leaping, Shen Hu showed a satisfied smile on his lips and turned slightly sideways:

"But you must marry her."

Before Shen Fengchen could speak, Shen Hu continued to speak, rubbing his fingers and saying:

"You do what you want, I never cared about you and I will never care about you."

"All you need to do is marry this person into the house."

Chen Fengchen closed his eyes when he heard this and only said one word:

"Do not."

After a long silence, Shen Hu turned around. His face was like a crown jewel. Even though the years had left traces, he could still see the appearance of Zhilan Yushu in his youth.

"Feng Chen, before you looked down on Dayan Academy and insisted on leaving, I never said no."

"You have been causing trouble all these years. No matter who you offend unintentionally, I am always protecting you. Why did you clearly nod to the marriage issue before, but now you don't agree?"

Narrowing his eyes slightly, Shen Hu's hand that pulled the finger paused, and said quietly:
"Could it be that you have someone you love?"

Hearing this, Chen Fengchen took a deep breath and slowly said, "I don't know either."

Shen Fengchen opened his eyes with a little sadness:

"Prime Minister, do you know?"

"I was born next to this palace, with everything I hear and see, how can I understand love?"

Shen Hu walked to one side noncommittally, and did not waver at all due to Shen Fengchen's words. He just continued to say calmly:
"Even if you get married, you can still take concubines in the future. I promise you that this is feasible."

"Do not."

"Shen Fengchen! How long are you going to be willful!?" Shen Hu suddenly shouted harshly, seeming to be touched by Shen Fengchen's attitude. His eyes narrowed and he looked sideways:


"What strange remarks did you hear in that prison?"

Shen Feng snorted and asked:

"Is that Shen Sutong who told you?"

Shen Hu did not answer, but stretched out a hand and said word by word:

"Who is the Lord of Baiqiu City?"

"They are the political enemies of my Shen family! How could he allow you, the Shen family, to go to Zhao Prison?"

"Why don't you think carefully about whether this person is planning to deceive you, just to make you feel grudged, mess up your Taoist mentality, and damage our Shen family?"

When Shen Hu said this, he took half a step forward and came to Shen Fengchen, and said in a rare helpless tone:
"Feng Chen, I worked hard to raise you. Isn't everything I did for you?"

"Why do you just listen to them and not your own relatives?"

Shen Fengchen's eyes were lowered. He did not look at Shen Hu, but took half a step back.

"Let's talk about everything after the Qianlong List is over."

"If I get the top spot in Qianlong, please Prime Minister, please leave me alone. If not, whether it's getting married or other matters, please do as you wish."

Seeing Shen Feng and Shen Ming's stubbornness, Shen Hu also snorted coldly, clapped his hands and said, "Okay, okay."

"With your words, I will wait and see, but I can tell you."

"That person from the Yuan family has already rushed to Jiuge City. If you don't take any action, I'm afraid you won't even be able to come back."


Chen Fengchen raised his head when he heard this, with disdain in his eyes.

Yuan Chuang?

Raising his head, Shen Fengchen's eyebrows were prominent, and those forked eyebrows looked extremely domineering in the sunlight, and he grinned:
"He's just a skua with a fierce look and a soft heart. He walks around in a swagger. I really thought I would compare myself with him in my heart. He has never been my opponent in my eyes."

"Haha. As expected, I will kill him this time. After all, without him, Dayan Academy can be restored to purity."

Seeing Shen Fengchen's appearance, Shen Hu shook his head, turned away, and lightly warned:

"Although Yuan Chuang is very ambitious, he is not as simple as you think. Director Xing has calculated for the truth. Yuan Chuang has a great opportunity. You should not take it lightly."

Although Shen Fengchen was rebellious by nature and acted recklessly, he still had the strongest bloodline of the Shen family. There was only one thing that could not be doubted.

That's his strength that dwarfs his peers.

Shen Fengchen nodded when he heard the words and was about to retreat, but Shen Hu spoke again, and his tone returned to an unquestionable tone:

"One more thing."

"Compared to Yuan Chuang, those emerging immortals and demons in the world of cultivation are your goals this time."


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(End of this chapter)

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