How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 185 Asking the Sword Society

Chapter 185 Asking the Sword Society

Early the next morning, a roar came from the main peak of Qijian Villa, and then a red light shot high into the sky.

The red light did not stop, and after circling for a week, it fell straight towards the Shanmen Lake and fell into Ziyun River.

Master Mieyuan, who had just finished his seclusion, dispersed the holy light around him, and his eyes revealed surprise:

"As soon as I came out of seclusion, I heard that Ziyunchuan had been making noise all night."

"You two are too unscrupulous."

A certain forest in Ziyunchuan has been razed to the ground. Zhu Huanan stood next to a broken tree, holding up the black knife and waving it gently as if adjusting the feel.

He seemed to turn a deaf ear to the arrival of Zhenren Mieyuan.

Not far away, Murong Jingyan was lying on a tree stump, with her thin forearms draped over her eyes. She didn't even have the strength to stand up and bow when she heard Master Mieyuan's voice, so she could only say feebly:
"Disciple. Welcome Master"

Damn Zhu Huanan, how can anyone train himself to death? He has to continue to hone the flaws of combination skills even after his blood has been drained and he takes Shiquan Dabu Pills.

Damn it, it’s not like I’m going to fight tomorrow and it’s necessary to do it overnight?

Master Mieyuan glanced at Zhu Huanan, walked to Murong Jingjingyan, squatted down, clapped his hands and said:
"Get up, my dear disciple."

"Teaching Taoism."


Upon hearing this, Murong Jingyan immediately turned around and sat up, looking at Master Mieyuan with clear eyes.

It was finally time for another round of missionary work. I had heard about several geniuses in Jiuge City before, especially the pressure brought by Yuan Chuang, which made Murong Jingyan's pressure rise sharply.

Although the appearance of the immortal and demon is strong, it is only the starting point of genius. There is no fairness in this world of cultivation. If you want to overpower others, you definitely need external force!
Taoism, magic weapons, supernatural powers, and connections are all indispensable.

Master Mieyuan chuckled. He sat cross-legged on the grass and raised his hand to wave at Zhu Huanan.

When Zhu Huanan put away his sword and came over, Master Mieyuan also took out a few ancient books from his arms.

"You two are like immortals and demons. Although the ancestral blood after breaking through the three levels is not as majestic as the six levels of Tianfeng, in terms of purity, it is more than enough. You can already practice the secret arts of the Five Emperors."

Pricking his fingertips, the Holy King's blood dripped onto the page. Suddenly the secret book emitted a faint light and the characters appeared.

Throwing three of them to Zhu Huanan, Master Miyuan stroked his beard and said:

"Some of these three books were read through the library for my master, and some were specially obtained from other sects for you. They are all the Beidi's secret techniques that are most suitable for you."

After taking the ancient book, Zhu Huanan carefully flipped through a few pages before curling his lips and putting it away.

Seeing him like this, Master Mieyuan was immediately unhappy and yelled, "What are you doing?"

"You scoundrel, do you know how rare Beidi's secret technique is? I worked so hard to find it for you, but you don't even say a word of thanks. What's that expression on your face?"

"Could it be that my teacher would give you a lie?"

The impatient Master Mieyuan simply stopped looking at Zhu Huanan to avoid recurrence of cerebral thrombosis, and turned to look at Murong Jingyan who was looking forward to the side.

With Zhu Huan'an Lanyu in front of him, when he looked at Murong Jingyan's face, he looked a little more cute and cute, and his brows relaxed a little.

Fortunately, I came here and took in little Ayan for my Qijian Villa. With her, the ten thousand years of orthodoxy in my Qijian Villa can be considered as having hope and being able to continue.

Master Mieyuan pushed out the two ancient books and said with a smile:

"Ayan, this is yours."

Murong Jingyan took the ancient books one by one with her left hand and right hand, but couldn't help but look troubled and turned her head to look at the three books in Zhu Huan'an's hand.

Seemingly sensing Murong Jingyan's thoughts, Master Mieyuan hurriedly explained:

"Ayan, these two wasteful efforts are worth more than your senior brother."

"It's hard to tell which branch of the Five Emperors your bloodline belongs to. Haitang is bloody. I thought you should belong to the Red Flame Southern Emperor, but my Southern Emperor's secret method is violent and incompatible with yours. You probably won't be able to practice it."

"After much thought, I found that these two Five Emperors Secret Techniques are among the Five Elements and cannot be practiced by ordinary people, but they should be just right for you.

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan nodded. This was similar to the magic hand. In other words, he specialized in picking up garbage?
"All right."

After Master Mieyuan finished dividing the ancient books, he suddenly coughed and said solemnly: "The Tao and the Dharma have been passed on, and it's time to tell you the business."

Murong Jingyan immediately looked forward, pretending to be listening attentively, while Zhu Huanan on the side plucked his ears and looked at the junior sister next to him out of the corner of his eye.

"The next thing I want to say is about the Sword Asking Club."

Ask the Sword Club?
Murong Jingyan's eyes narrowed, she had heard about the Sword Society for a long time, and now it's finally time to talk about it.
Zhu Huan'an seemed to have already understood this. He did not interrupt Master Mieyuan's words and waited patiently for him to explain to Murong Jingyan.

After all, if you don't know the rules of the Sword Asking Club, you may die without knowing it.

The bleak long wind in the forest blew his white hair, and Master Mieyuan sat on the grass, speaking in a eloquent tone:
"The so-called Wenjianhui is exactly as its name suggests."

"It's related to a sword."

"Sword?" Murong Jingyan murmured subconsciously, thinking that Wenjian was just a name, so why did he really have a sword?


Master Mianyuan lowered his eyebrows, and a ball of red fire emerged from the void. The flames swayed and condensed into the shape of a sword.

"The origin of this sword is mysterious. Since records began, it has been powerful in ancient and modern times. Even the ancient immortals cannot figure out its origin."

"5000 years ago, when our sect was still the leader of the world's Sword Heart Society, even the swordsman Sui Yuesheng, who dominated the world, could not break that sword. It was a regret that he could not wield it for eternity."

As he spoke, the figure beside the fire sword shook and extinguished, and the strong men coming and going turned into fire, which seemed to symbolize the peerless strong men in the words of Master Mieyuan.

"This sword contains supreme power. It is suspected that it contains the blood of the ancient gods from the ancient Immortal Period. Every ten years or so, a huge energy will burst out."

"These energies opened up the void and formed a world of their own, bringing countless opportunities to the ancient immortal era. Unfortunately, the laws of the world are incomplete. Only monks below the third level of Tianfeng can enter. Therefore, it is also a battleground for the younger generation of the sect of the imperial dynasty. .”

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan realized clearly that the sword quest would be conducted in a different world opened up by this divine sword. No wonder Shen Fengchen would say that the imperial court and the world of cultivation would be filled with blood by then, and no one would be able to control it. On fire.

Then, since I am sealed in three levels and have the appearance of an immortal and a demon, wouldn't it mean that I am equivalent to the most powerful person in that world?

Shen Fengchen tried to win over me several times, but he still coveted my strength.
Murong Jingyan asked: "Master."

"I heard that there was a lot of fighting in the Sword Asking Club. Being able to come out alive is considered an achievement. Could it be that this world is a tiny place?"

Hearing Murong Jingyan's doubts, Master Mieyuan chuckled: "Yes, and no."

"This world is strange and bizarre. Each world is different, but they are all very vast."

"The reason why people die is nothing more than those two words: grudges."

"Wherever people cultivate, grievances will never be cut off. People will die while grabbing treasures, fighting with magic, and dying for rankings. But there is one thing that will make people die faster."

As he spoke, the flaming sword extended into a continent, gradually extinguished in the wind, and finally only the solitary sword remained.

"The power of that sword does not last long. When it slowly fades away, this world will also become narrower and narrower, until finally only the stone platform next to the sword is left."

"All monks will migrate to the Divine Sword, otherwise they will be swallowed into nothingness and die without a burial place."

Master Mieyuan stretched out his hand, snatched away the fire sword in front of him, and said in a faint tone:

"And the stone platform can only accommodate a hundred people at most. Anyone who exceeds this number will definitely die."

Murong Jingyan's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. Master Mieyuan said it lightly, but those who went to the Sword Asking Club heard that there were no less than 300 people this time. In other words, even if the stone platform was full, only [-] people could survive?

Not to mention, this sword-asking meeting is not ordinary. I'm afraid it's not as simple as a passive killing. I'm afraid it's a blessing to be able to survive ten people in the end.But thinking about it, Murong Jingyan's eyes did not show the slightest fear. As the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger, not to mention that if you save one out of ten, you will pick one out of a hundred.
You must go too.

"I dare to ask Master, apart from the opportunities within this Sword Asking Club, what is the so-called ranking?"

"What's the benefit?"

Murong Jingyan asked the question that was deeply buried in her heart, but Master Mieyuan didn't say anything, grinned and said:

"The Hidden Dragon List."

As he snapped his fingers, the surrounding wind was suddenly blocked, leaving only the secret conversation between the master and the apprentice.

"The List of Hidden Dragons is the true magical weapon of the Immortal King."

Master Mieyuan looked at Zhu Huanan and Murong Jingyan with expectation in his eyes, and explained:
"Wei Daosi has taken root in various countries in the mortal world and established an immortal alliance. The Hidden Dragon List in his hand is known as the Immortal King above the Nine Heavens. It is an opportunity to become an immortal."

"There is someone 72 on the list. The one who wins the list will be given the Immortal Lord Dojo."

Immortal Lord Dojo?

Murong Jingyan suddenly thought of something, Death Star Platform?
The little yellow duck once said that the Dead Star Tower is related to some Dongjun. If I remember correctly, it has the number 39 engraved on it.

"Yes, Death Star Platform is one of them." Master Mieyuan pointed out what Murong Jingyan was thinking and explained:

"The higher the ranking, the stronger the person's talent and potential. Since the Nine Provinces Alliance obtained the sword, the Qianlong Ranking in Dayan has been recording the opportunities that everyone has obtained in the Sword Asking Club to evaluate the ranking."

"The 72 people on the list come from various countries in the mortal world. Those on the list will be off the list if they are over [-] years old, or if they break through to the Saint King realm, or if they die or disappear. Therefore, there are only a few places every year. It can be said that there is competition. Broken head."

"If I remember correctly, Shang Rong won the fifth place in the Sword Asking Club 200 years ago, and then she got the Death Star Platform, which was ranked No. 30."

"After all, she is of Dongjun's bloodline, and this Death Star Platform is just right for her."

Murong Jingyan nodded when he heard the words. It turns out that the Hidden Dragon List also said this. Speaking of which, he had been to the Dead Star Platform several times, and there was only one biggest feeling.

If something happens one day, it would be a good turtle shell to run and hide.

No wonder Duotian Louzhu once said that only when you are on the Hidden Dragon Ranking can you be considered to have the ability to protect yourself. I guess this is also the reason.

"Master, what are the benefits of the cave given by Qianlong Bang?"

Master Mieyuan did not reply when he heard the words, but slowly stretched out a dry finger and raised it to the sky.

His tone was low, with a bit of unconcealed expectation:
"Luck is the way to become an immortal."

The two were chatting, but Zhu Huan'an on the side remained silent. He just followed the direction of Master Mieyuan and looked up to the sky, slowly spitting out a white mist.


Late at night, Ziyunchuan regained its tranquility.

In the attic, Murong Jingyan put on a purple robe and was sitting in front of the screen. She was recalling what Master Mieyuan said today in her mind, and her index finger and thumb began to rub together unconsciously.

"The Sword Asking Club may be more cruel than I imagined."

"If only one stone platform is left in the end"


Murong Jingyan raised her eyebrows, with thoughts in her eyes, and said coldly:

"I must kill all the people who are harmful to me before that, so that my path to the list will be more secure."

After thinking about it, Murong Jingyan took out something from her arms.

The young master’s token of Seizing Heaven Tower.

Pressing the token lightly, Murong Jingyan decisively sank her consciousness into it, and soon came to the misty world inside.


"See the original poster for your pure appearance."

The phantom of the Duotian Building Master appeared and hovered in front of Murong Jingyan.

"I heard that you made a commotion in Jiuge, which caused many powerful people to talk about you behind your back."

The voice of the Duotian Building Master was old and hoarse, but there was no blame in it, but rather a hint of ridicule.

But Murong Jingyan's heart skipped a beat. Thinking of what Zhu Huan'an said to her not long ago, she immediately clasped her fists and said:

"Grandpa, this was not my intention. I didn't expect that observing the appearance would trigger the abnormality."

"How big of an impact does this have?"

Also, the owner of Duotian Tower is really well-informed. It seems that his grandfather is probably a powerful person in the righteous way. Otherwise, how would he know that others are talking about this matter.


The Duotian Building Master laughed, shook his head and said, "No need to worry too much."

"According to what I heard, although your appearance is not weak, no one here can see it. There is no conclusion yet on whether you are a fairy or a demon or just a facade."

"Besides, since the Jiuzhou Alliance has never taken action, it doesn't matter."

"After all, Abandoned Sword Villa where you are now is not eye-catching, and it has not made many enemies. I can easily resolve this matter with my mediation."

Hearing what the Duotian Tower Master said, Murong Jingyan immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He had been feeling uneasy due to the influence of the Great Elder since Jiuge left, but now he could finally feel at ease.

"Then Grandpa can see Jingyan's bloodline?"

The owner of Duotian Tower pondered for a moment and said with a smile:
"Of course I can't tell it, but there is no doubt that you are a double-blooded person."

A person with two bloods?

Murong Jingyan held up his hands and said, "Grandpa, please give me a clear explanation."

"The ancestral blood flows on the surface, but in fact there is another true god, which is double blood."

"For example, Kunpeng's ancestral blood appears to be Kun, but in fact it is the body and the same Peng sharing the sea and the sky. It only appeared once in ancient times in history. It swept across a certain era in ancient times with an invincible appearance and had no time to ascend."

"Or Xuanwu. At the end of ancient times, the ancestral blood of Ba Xia awakened for the second time. He carried the Soaring Snake on his back and turned into the blood of Xuanwu Ancestor. After breaking through, he reversed the destiny of heaven and became an immortal. This shocked the past and the present."

The owner of Duotian Building looked at Murong Jingyan and said carefully:
"It is true that this Hongshou Begonia is your ancestral blood, but as I thought, there should be a god and demon hiding in the sea of ​​flowers. Only when it breaks out of its cocoon and becomes a butterfly can we find out."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan immediately felt calm, nodded and said:
"Jingyan understands."

The master of Duotian Building nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Then I am waiting for the day when you will emerge from the Sword Asking Society and become famous all over the world."

After saying this, the master of Duotian Tower was about to disappear, but before leaving, he paused, turned to look at Murong Jingyan and asked:
"Have you gone to the Murong clan in Xishan that I mentioned to you last time?"

Murong Jingyan was stunned for a moment, then shook her head.

"You should go there before the Wenjian Meeting."

The shadow of the master of Duotian Tower turned into smoke and cloud, leaving behind his last words of advice:
"At that time, my grandfather will tell you all about your life and mission."

 Thank you all for following up!

  The Sword Asking Club is coming soon, and there will be the final preparation for the most exciting Sword Asking Club. It’s about to begin. People are dead!
(End of this chapter)

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