How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 187 How could he be so careless? ?

Chapter 187 How could he be so careless? ?

There is no court city.

The snow fell like velvet, and Murong Jingyan walked aimlessly on the street, rubbing her palms to relieve the chill of the passing wind.

After asking some old people in the city again, Murong Jingyan was roughly sure of one thing, that is, Xishan was indeed controlled by Fulongsi, and no one was allowed to enter it.

"Could it be that there is really only that path left to climb the mountain?"

Thinking of this, Murong Jingyan slowed down and finally walked under the eaves of a house, shaking off the fallen snow on the purple fur.

"That tile wall is very strong. Even though I exerted [-]% of my strength, I was still unscathed. I'm afraid I can't overcome it with my own strength."

"Not to mention, if I go back, those bandits won't give me a chance to build a wall comfortably."


Sighing, Murong Jingyan decided not to rush to the alley outside the city.

Although these bandits took desperate measures to take advantage of the court's omissions to earn the money to buy the way, they could not really go to Fulong Division to complain.

Otherwise, there would be no way out. He might even be asked by Fulong why he followed him into the mountain, and he would be burned in vain.

"Yuezhou is the frontline of the war, and the imperial court is densely populated. Duitianlou has not set up a branch in Yuezhou, and only has some spies."

"It will take some time to transfer people from other branches, but I don't have much time left."


Looking up at the sky, Murong Jingyan touched her money bag: "500 taels of gold? How dare you say that."

"I borrowed the Six Points Heaven and Earth Formation to come to Yuezhou, but all my money was swallowed up. I couldn't even get out five ingots of silver, 500 taels."

"That's it."

Flushing his sleeves, Murong Jingyan began to walk around Wuchao City.

"It's better to fill your stomach first, then you can think of countermeasures. I don't believe I can't climb up a mere mountain."

Wuchao City is located in the dense forests of mountains. At dusk in winter, it will soon be shrouded in the darkness of the mountains.

The ancient streets seemed to be covered with a layer of black gauze, the voices of people seemed low in the snowy sky, and everything was like a scene in a sleepy dream.

After passing through the bustling crowd, Murong Jingyan finally followed the smell to a restaurant, rubbed her palms, and followed the waiter to the third floor of the top floor.

After sitting down, Murong Jingyan couldn't help but look into the distance.

The vast mountains are immersed in the snow, and the lights seem so small in front of the eyes. As a snowflake falls into the eyes, the world becomes increasingly blurry and unfamiliar.

For a moment, Murong Jingyan felt a little homesick again for some reason.

"Guest officer, what would you like?"


After coming back to her senses, Murong Jingyan took the recipe from the waiter and smiled: "Let me take a look."

As his eyes flicked over, Murong Jingyan's brows suddenly frowned slightly. The prices in this restaurant were surprisingly expensive. No wonder such a good seat was vacant.
After hesitating for a while, Murong Jingyan casually ordered two cheap seasonal dishes and returned the menu.

"Cooked cabbage with oil residue and tofu with chopped pepper. Sir, do you really want to order some meat?"

"What do you mean? Isn't the oil residue not meaty?"

"Tsk, okay, wait a moment!"

After writing down the dishes, the waiter threw the white cloth over his shoulders, turned around and bumped into someone.


When he looked up, he was immediately startled. He saw a man wearing a bright blue attire, a tall figure, a stern face, and a pair of dragon eyebrows that made the waiter subconsciously tremble.

"Uncle, yes, I'm sorry!"

Just when the waiter was about to run away, a big hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder!
The waiter turned around stiffly and felt despair, but he heard the young man in blue behind him say in a calm tone:

"I will serve you the best meat dishes in one portion."

"Remember, I want the best."

After saying that, the man released his palm, and the waiter hurriedly nodded in agreement as if he had been granted amnesty, and hurriedly ran away.

Murong Jingyan's mouth opened slightly at the table and she stood up subconsciously.

Shen Feng Shen?
Why is he here?
Walking slowly, Shen Feng nodded and signaled Murong Jingyan to sit down safely. Seeing that Murong Jingyan was still looking at him suspiciously, he smiled:

"What, you don't know Shen anymore?"

"You're still afraid I'll hurt you."

Murong Jingyan shook her head and followed Shen Fengchen to sit down. The two sat opposite each other. Murong Jingyan picked up a cup of tea and started drinking it.

Shen Fengchen leaned back on his chair, looking out at the night outside the building, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the table.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.



"You speak first."

"You speak first."


In the end, it was Shen Fengchen who spoke first. He looked at the red string on Murong Jingyan's wrist and asked:
"You've been doing pretty well lately."

"Thank you for your trouble. Recently, I have been practicing hard in the sect to prepare for the Sword Questioning Association."

"So. Did the practice go smoothly?"

"its not bad, right."

Shen Fengchen fell into silence again. After seeing Murong Jingyan, he didn't know where to start.

Fortunately, the food is here.

"Guest officer!!!"

“Fresh King Pig’s hooves and braised red beef brisket, you’re guaranteed to be satisfied!!”

As the steaming hot dishes were brought to the table, Murong Jingyan also poked her chopsticks in the palm of her hand. Just when she was about to try it, she suddenly thought of something, raised her head and asked:

".This meal?"

"I'll treat."

Shen Fengchen leaned back, raised his hand and said:
"If you like it, feel free to eat it."

When Murong Jingyan heard this, the corner of her mouth curled up, and she extended her chopsticks to the big hooves without politeness, scraped off the fat piece of meat, and then put the lean meat back into the bowl.

Before putting it in her mouth, Murong Jingyan quietly glanced at Shen Fengchen, only to see that this guy was motionless, just looking at her quietly.

"You don't eat fat meat either?"

"How about I give you half?"

Chen Fengchen shook his head and motioned for Murong Jingyan to continue eating. He put a hand on his forehead and watched with interest.

Shaking her head, Murong Jingyan took a big bite of the hoof meat, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

This feeling is worthy of being the King of Pigs!It is simply soft and delicious, without any leftovers. Especially on this snowy night, it adds a bit of deliciousness, which makes Murong Jingyan give it a ten points!
However, being stared at by Shen Fengchen felt a little uncomfortable, and the hooves were really good. Murong Jingyan still couldn't help but asked, "Are you serious about not giving it a try?"

"really tasty!"

Shen Fengchen was about to shake his head when he saw the small cut torn off on the hoof and even clear teeth marks.

After blinking, Shen Fengchen pursed his lips for a moment, then finally sat up and coughed lightly:

"In that case, I will"

"Boy, please serve me another dish!"

While Shen Fengchen was stunned, Murong Jingyan continued to lower her head and gnaw on the remaining hoof meat.

At this moment, the mask had been taken off, and Murong Jingyan's face, which had become whiter due to the cold, showed a charming smile, and she suddenly raised her head and said:

"You can't let Mr. Shen eat my leftovers. And one is really not enough."

Hearing this, Shen Feng was speechless, then he laughed at himself, put one hand on the table, and greeted the waiter who was not far away: "Serve the wine!"

Murong Jingyan raised her eyebrows, why was Shen Fengchen in such a good mood today, and what was this guy doing in Wuchao City?
That's right, Wuchao City is full of people from Fulong Division, and Shen Fengchen can be called the Crown Prince of Fulong Division. Maybe he came here for some other purpose.

Taking the wine jar, Shen Feng and Shen Wu poured wine by themselves and asked naturally:

"Why did you come to Xishan? Could it be that you are the Murong clan of Xishan?"

Murong Jingyan almost choked to death. After finally coughing, she quickly pretended that nothing happened and said, "I'm so nervous~"

"The place where I was born is thousands of miles away from this Xishan. How could it be involved? Mr. Shen, please don't blame me casually, that!"

"Master Shen, why are you here?"

Shen Fengchen took a sip of wine happily, smacked his lips and said, "Secrets cannot be told."

"What a coincidence, I have a secret too."

Chen Fengchen burst out laughing, and poured a pot of hot tea for Murong Jingyan, raised his glass and said, "Since we are so destined, then you and I will meet one another!"

Murong Jingyan held half a piece of beef brisket in her mouth, raised her teacup inexplicably, and thought to herself that she was an alcoholic.

In this way, one person is enjoying the hot tea and the other is enjoying the beauty while drinking alone. It is a harmonious situation.

"By the way, have you been to Jiuge City?"

Murong Jingyan put down her chopsticks, nodded and said, "I've gone to observe the physiognomy, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, I just heard that something strange happened in Jiuge City. Red flowers filled the sky, which alarmed the powerful. I guessed it was you." With a slight movement in his heart, Murong Jingyan asked tentatively: "Besides that, Shen Did the young master hear something else?"


Shen Fengchen looked at Murong Jingyan and said with a smile: "Although there is no solid evidence."

"But the leader of Dayan Academy has called you the second immortal demon of Qijian Villa, and he intends to gather the best heroes from the court to surround you and Zhu Huan'an."

Murong Jingyan's eyes narrowed slightly after hearing this, Yuan Chuang?

Is this guy trying to scare the monkeys with himself, or is he also targeting me?
No, he shouldn't know the identity of my demon seal, and is he just trying to eliminate hidden dangers?

"Mr. Shen, do you know who Yuan Chuang summoned?"


Shen Fengchen raised his eyebrows and tasted the wine: "Do you know Yuan Chuang?"

"I saw him from a distance in Jiuge City last time and heard someone mention it." Murong Jingyan explained.

Putting down the wine bowl, Shen Fengchen's cheeks were already flushed. He closed his eyes and said, "They are just some academy disciples and noble children who have no dealings with my Shen family."

"Don't be afraid. Since you are mine, Shen will naturally have a way to prevent them from touching you, but..."

Opening his eyes, Shen Feng took a deep breath: "I can't care about your senior brother."

After hearing Shen Fengchen's words, Murong Jingyan felt a little relieved. Yes, the enemy of my enemy is a friend. Since Shen Fengchen and Yuan Chuang are also incompatible, why not lend him his hand?
At this moment, Shen Fengchen looked at Murong Jingyan's neck. There was a jade plaque hanging on that slender neck, which was very beautiful.

"Where did you get this jade medal?"

Seeing Shen Fengchen asking questions, Murong Jingyan put the jade plaque in his hand. At this special moment, the face of King Quan suddenly flashed in his mind.

Since traveling to this place, King Quan is the only father who has taken good care of him as an elder. Although he has not been with him for a long time, he has given Murong Jingyan the simplest warmth, which is family love.

"My father gave it to me."

After saying that, Murong Jingyan suddenly caught a glimpse of a hand grabbing at her from the corner of her eye, and quickly turned sideways to avoid it.

"What are you doing?"

Chen Fengchen was slightly stunned and said with a smile: "Why, you can't even touch this jade token?"

".This is good stuff and has a profound meaning."

Seeing this, Shen Fengchen picked up the wine bowl and drank it all in one gulp, and said with a smile, "I have something good too."

"Want to take a look?"

"Oh?" Murong Jingyan was stunned, folded her hands in front of her chest and said, "Take it out and have a look."

With a sound, Shen Fengchen took out something from under the table and slapped it on the table. Murong Jingyan looked at it and her expression suddenly changed slightly.

"The jade-faced token of Fulong Division is like seeing the Prime Minister of the Left. It can command all the masters of Fulong Division in Wuchao City."

"How is it, can it be considered a good thing?"

Order all the masters of Fulong Division?

Murong Jingyan's eyes suddenly changed when she looked at Shen Fengchen, and she just nodded.

"This token is not simple. If it is lost, I won't be able to find a second one."

"What a coincidence, this was also given to me by Prime Minister Zuo, but unlike you, Shen will be punished if he loses it, so he always keeps it close to him and doesn't dare to miss it."

Putting away the token, Shen Fengchen raised the wine bowl again, and shouted with a red face: "Come, continue drinking with me!"

“I haven’t even finished this dish yet!”

Murong Jingyan rolled her eyes, quickly picked up the wine jar and stood up to pour it. The wine splashed, and Murong Jingyan could even smell the alcohol of the liquor.

Darling, what kind of murderous wine is this? Isn't this Shen Feng Shen Restaurant higher than senior brother? ?
However, Shen Fengchen drank three bowls of water without saying a word.

Murong Jingyan, on the other hand, transformed into a Haidilao waiter, cheering and pouring wine at the same time. It was impossible for Shen Fengchen's bowl to be empty.

"Brother Shen is really a good drinker!"

"My senior brother can drink twelve cans in one night. I wonder if Mr. Shen can break his record."

Wiping his mouth, Chen Fengchen narrowed his eyes slightly and snorted coldly when he heard this:

"Oh, twelve altars?"

"It doesn't matter if I drink twenty jars!"

Murong Jingyan looked at Shen Fengchen's increasingly red face, but her eyes were fixed on the token on his waist.

"Hey, Master Shen is so good at drinking."

After drinking for three rounds, Shen Fengchen soon held his forehead tightly and frowned on the table.

"Master Shen? There's still one altar left."

"No way"

After waving his hands, Shen Fengchen let out a long sigh of relief and stood up while holding on to the table: "I'm going to put out the water before we fight. This jar, this jar... must be finished."

Seeing Shen Feng stand up tremblingly, Murong Jingyan quickly stepped forward and helped her carefully before stabilizing her body.

Several waiters in the distance looked at each other in disbelief when they saw this scene, sighing that the two of them were really talented and good-looking, the man was bold and noble, the woman was beautiful and gentle, but they didn't know that someone's hands had begun to steal uneasily.

"Master Shen, can I help you go?"

"No need, it's ridiculous to have more than ten jars of wine." Shen Fengchen shook his head, sniffing the fragrance of the flowers beside him, and slowly opened his eyes.

"You are waiting for me here."

After saying that, Shen Fengchen walked down the stairs and almost fell down. Fortunately, Murong Jingyan rushed forward to hold him up so that he wouldn't fall to the ground.

And this time, Murong Jingyan finally got the jade-faced token of Fulongsi in her hand, and her eyes suddenly showed joy.

Chen Feng calmed down, raised his head and smiled, then continued to walk forward, while Murong Jingyan put her hands behind her back and shouted:
"Then I will wait for you here, Mr. Shen~"

"it is good."

When Shen Fengchen walked away, the tenderness in the corners of Murong Jingyan's eyes disappeared like ice and snow, and she lowered her head to look at the token in her hand.

Without any further hesitation, Murong Jingyan turned around and walked to the table, picked up the strange mask and put it on again. Then she jumped off the fence as the waiters looked on in shock. Before leaving, she did not forget to shout:
"The account will be settled on that young master!"

Walking through the dark alleys of Wuchao City, the snow made a rustling sound, and Murong Jingyan felt like her heart was beating like a drum.

I actually stole it.
Shen Fengchen, I will use your token for now. I will find another opportunity to return it to you after the matter is completed.

Hiding in a dark alley, Murong Jingyan took a deep breath. For some reason, she didn't feel any pleasure after stealing the token. Instead, she felt guilty.

how could this be
I just wanted to go to the Western Mountains. This was the only way. Why should I feel guilty?

Behind the cold mask, there was a pair of confused eyes at the moment. For some reason, Murong Jingyan felt that she had changed on this snowy day, becoming as sentimental as before.

Is this the feeling of homesickness?

No, it can't be like this. If you want to live well in this world, you have to think about yourself in everything. How dare you behave like this?
Just when Murong Jingyan shook her head, suddenly, the sound of feet pressing on the snow sounded from the dark alley again.


Murong Jingyan turned around alertly, her energy and blood in her body were mobilizing, and she stared at the way forward with keen eyes.

The moonlight dimmed, and the figure slowly revealed his true appearance.

The man who walked into the moonlight had long eyebrows on his temples and long hair shawl. He was the drunken-eyed Shen Fengchen.

His blue robe was in disarray at the moment. Even though he was smelling of alcohol, he still stood with one hand on the low wall beside him and asked in a calm tone:
"Are you in such a hurry to leave?"

"." Murong Jingyan's heart skipped a beat.

Why did he catch up so quickly? Could it be that he was following me?

At that moment, Murong Jingyan quietly took out the magic weapon given to her by Master Mianyuan, hid it behind her back, and said with a smile: "Master Shen, aren't you drunk?"


Shen Fengchen smiled inexplicably and walked forward slowly. The moonlight gave his cheeks a different look, dangerous but charming.

"Shen said."

"If Shen loses something, he will return to his clan and be punished, so he always keeps it close to him and doesn't dare to leave it behind. Have you forgotten?"

While speaking, Shen Fengchen slowly stretched out his hand and stared at Murong Jingyan.

Murong Jingyan looked at Shen Fengchen's extended hand and swallowed subconsciously.

The hand was clenched into a fist, which looked powerful. At this moment, it was facing him and he slowly opened it.
When the five fingers opened, Murong Jingyan's mouth opened slightly.

A shiny jade plaque was placed in the palm of the hand, and Shen Fengchen's voice came faintly:

"Your jade sign fell down."

Murong Jingyan was stunned and looked up stiffly. She saw the blush on Shen Fengchen's face faded and he was staring at her with a smile but not a smile.

"How could you be so careless? This is your father's relic."

After receiving the jade token, Murong Jingyan had mixed emotions, her eyes evaded and said, "Are you chasing me just to give me this jade token?"

"Not really."

Shen Fengchen shook his head decisively. For some reason, Murong Jingyan felt much more relaxed after hearing this.

Sure enough, I still came to ask for something.

"Then what else do you want to say?"

Hearing this, Chen Fengchen raised his head and looked at the bright moon still hanging brightly amidst the dark clouds and flying snow, his hair dancing wildly in the evening wind.
"I'll take you to Xishan."

(End of this chapter)

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