How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 188 Today I will be the coachman

Chapter 188 Today I will be a coachman
"You take me to Xishan?"

The wind blows in the snow in the alley, turning the blue clothes white. The heavy wind puts his hands behind his back, and he closes his eyes and uses the cold to get rid of the alcohol.


"I'll take you to Xishan."

Murong Jingyan was speechless for a moment. How could Shen Fengchen be so sure that he was going to Xishan?
As if he had guessed what Murong Jingyan was thinking, Shen Feng lowered his head and saw that his long eyebrows on his temples looked unusually soft: "It's nothing."

"In this Wuchao City, there are many monks who want to climb the Western Mountain. That's why I'm here."

"Shen believes that the remnants of Xishan have been eradicated long ago and there is no way to survive. You don't need to worry about me coming from Fulong Division."

Hearing Shen Fengchen's words, Murong Jingyan felt a little relieved. Although she didn't know why Shen Fengchen said this, it was always a good thing.

"Why do you want to take me to Xishan?"

There is no free bargain in this world, and Murong Jingyan didn't believe that Shen Fengchen would be so kind-hearted. If so, not so many people would be afraid of him.

"Ha ha."

Chen Fengchen shook his head and said casually: "It's fate, and it's just a piece of cake for me."

White mist blew out from the tip of his nose. Murong Jingyan took half a step forward and asked with a frown, "Are you really going to take me there?"

"Of course." Shen Feng nodded deeply and watched Murong Jingyan walk in:
"Shen will do what he says."



"Look, what about tomorrow?"

As they got closer, Murong Jingyan suddenly raised her hand, stuffed something into Shen Fengchen's hand with lightning speed, buried her head and said in a hurry:
"Actually, you also dropped something."

After saying that, Murong Jingyan immediately turned around, stepped on the low wall and stepped onto the eaves, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, leaving Shen Fengchen standing alone in the alley.

The wind and snow rolled back, and light frost fell on Shen Fengchen's shoulders. He lowered his head and looked at the palm of his hand.

This is Fulongsi's jade-faced waist card.

Footsteps were heard again in the darkness, and two Fulong Si Neiqings, who were wearing demon-suppressing robes and had cold faces, walked up, one on the left and the other on the right, coming to stand next to Shen Fengchen.

"Master Six."

"This woman dares to steal your token. Are you really going to let her go?"


Putting away the token, Shen Fengchen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, then turned to look at the two masters beside him: "This is what I dropped."

"Besides, isn't this coming back?"

Looking up again at the direction where Murong Jingyan disappeared, Shen Fengchen raised his elbow and bumped the chest of one of them hard, and said with a smile:

"It's up to you, don't put on a bad face all day long."

"Let's go back and continue drinking."

The two Fulong Secretary ministers looked at each other, and for some reason they felt that the Sixth Young Master seemed to have changed in recent times.

In the past, the Sixth Young Master was full of worries and had a deep personality, but on the outside he was even more flamboyant than Yuan Chuang, and would cause trouble wherever he went.

But recently, not only has his personality become much gentler, but he also smiles from time to time, which makes them a little uncomfortable.

There is no city, just an inn somewhere.

Snow was falling heavily outside the building, and there was no one on the street. The whole Wuchao City swept away the hustle and bustle of the day and returned to eternal silence.

Murong Jingyan sat cross-legged and meditated on the bay window, but she always felt uneasy. In the end, she simply put away her posture and rubbed her long hair vigorously.

"What's wrong with you?"

The little yellow duck that was nibbling on the snow looked up and saw that Murong Jingyan looked bad, so he raised his feet and came over, leaning against Murong Jingyan's hand.

"The child is old, are you worried?"

Murong Jingyan squinted away, but this time she didn't blow the little yellow duck's head away, but held it in her arms, as if she had caught a warm baby.

"Duck, tell me."

"What happened to me today?"

"Then Shen Fengchen clearly wanted to help me, but I wasn't half happy. Why?"

The little yellow duck narrowed his eyes and enjoyed Murong Jingyan's head caressing, as if he had returned to the era when the dog's head was caressed by Demon Lord Luanyun. He also replied gently at the moment:

"Don't overthink it."

"You, do you feel that your petty heart has betrayed the heart of a gentleman?"

Murong Jingyan stopped her palms and wanted to refute but it turned into a sigh.

Maybe so, but I didn't expect that Shen Fengchen would be kind enough to take him to Xishan, so stealing his token was a helpless move.

As for why you went back?
Since Shen Fengchen has said this, it is useless to keep the token by himself. It may get him into trouble. As long as he can go to Xishan, that is his goal.

"I'm just worried"

"worry about what?"

Murong Jingyan smiled bitterly: "I'm worried whether my heart has softened. The path I will take in the future will not tolerate kindness at all. How can I feel guilty because of this thing?"

"Maybe the one with the surname Shen is different?"

".How is he different?"

The little yellow duck was silent, then suddenly turned to look at Murong Jingyan and asked, "Speak of this."

"Why is your boy so temperamental?"

"What do you mean?" Murong Jingyan was confused.

The little yellow duck said slowly in a faint tone:
"It was the evil cultivator I assisted before. He was born ugly, came from a poor family, was suppressed since he was a child, and suffered unimaginable disdain and contempt, which made him become such a wicked person."

"and you"

"Although he is a man, he is more authentic than the fairies in the upper world. He is still the young master of the Sky-Seizing Tower. At least his situation is a hundred times better than his seniors."

"Why are you so cold and worried that you are being merciful?"

These words immediately left Murong Jingyan speechless.

Yes why.

It’s to return to Earth, to see my parents and little sister again. If anything goes wrong, my dream will be shattered in an instant, so I can’t make any mistakes.
But why don’t I feel anything about killing people?
In my previous life, I would have been so frightened when I saw those corpses in Black Bark Mountain. How could I be so calm?

Could it be
Murong Jingyan suddenly had a suspicion and slowly raised her hands.

These slender jade hands have clear joints and light blue veins like black bamboo. They look extremely beautiful.

Is it because of my body?
Thinking of this, a stabbing pain in her head made Murong Jingyan groan and her whole body started to sway.

A frame suddenly appeared, it was a raging fire, the flames were everywhere, burning into the eyes, making Murong Jingyan break into a cold sweat.


Murong Jingyan's chest rose and fell after she came back to her senses. Now she was even more sure that her guess was correct.

"It turns out that I have been affected by this body."

"Then what happened to me?"

Murong Jingyan tried hard to recall, but those memories seemed to be firmly locked in the sea of ​​consciousness. No matter how much Murong Jingyan thought about it, she could not recall it.

After exhaling, Murong Jingyan simply put the little yellow duck aside, raised her hands and stretched.

After the little yellow duck's unintentional reminder, Murong Jingyan now realized that something was wrong, and became more and more curious about her life experience.

"I don't want to think about it anymore. Let's go to sleep first. We will know the answer when we go to Xishan tomorrow."

"Even if not, it's time for the Duotian Building Master to tell me."


The next morning.

dong dong dong,

Murong Jingyan, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by a knock on the door and turned over.

Dong dong dong, "."

dong dong dong,

"Who is it!"

Murong Jingyan shouted, and when she saw someone knocking on the door, she had to sit up from the bed, looking towards the door with her hair scattered.

Next to the door was a little yellow duck with an innocent face.

Normally when Murong Jingyan is resting, the little yellow duck will stand guard by the door. If it encounters any assassin or gangster, it can immediately cast illusion spells and alert Murong Jingyan.

If you are traveling at home and killing people, you need a good beast.

At this moment, the little yellow duck shook his head at Murong Jingyan, indicating that there was no murderous intention outside the door.

"Is it the waiter?"

Murong Jingyan put on her purple robe, rubbed her messy hair and walked over with resentment on her face. She didn't order breakfast.


Pushing the door open a crack, Murong Jingyan looked through one eye and was stunned.

Standing outside the door was none other than Shen Fengchen, who was dressed upright and had a mink fur on his shoulders. When he saw the door opened, he smiled and said, "Murong Jingyan."

"We should go."


Murong Jingyan pushed the door open again, stuck out her head and looked around. The inn was dark, there was no light outside, and Shen Fengchen was the only one.

"Are you coming to pick me up?"



Murong Jingyan felt baffled as to what was going on with this guy, why he was so eager to go up the mountain when he was better than himself.

Pulling the door open, Murong Jingyan tilted her head and said, "Then you come in first."


Chen Fengchen blinked and looked at Murong Jingyan, with her white lining and purple robe, and her messy black hair. Even so.
There is still a breathtaking beauty.

"How can I get in your wing?"

With a breath of air, Murong Jingyan clicked her tongue and said, "It's just a guest room, it's also a wing room."

"Why don't you come in? It's very cold in the corridor outside."

"Or, please trouble Mr. Shen to wait for me outside for a while."

After coughing lightly, Shen Fengchen laughed dryly and stepped into it: "Then Shen will be disrespectful."

Shen Fengchen walked into the house and watched Murong Jingyan naturally walk to the window to check the clothes. Feeling at a loss, he simply sat down at the table and watched what Murong Jingyan did.

Murong Jingyan didn't feel uncomfortable with the presence of an outsider like Shen Fengchen. It was winter and there was no need to take off clothes, so there was nothing for people to see.

After putting on her purple robe, Murong Jingyan sat on the bed and put on her boots.

The boots were soaked in snow last night and were frozen hard all night. Murong Jingyan frowned and pursed her lips, and it took a lot of effort to put them on.

Seeing Shen Feng looking at her, Murong Jingyan joked:

"Master Shen, don't be offended. I just have this pair of boots, so I can make do with them."

Shen Feng hummed, nodded, and murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "Just a pair of boots."

Then Murong Jingyan didn't want Shen Feng to wait for a long time. After all, everyone had rushed here. Maybe it was because it was more convenient to enter the mountain at this time?
Bringing a basin of water and placing it in front of the bronze mirror, Murong Jingyan patted it hard and raised her head to rinse her mouth.

The water was cold and biting, making Murong Jingyan's face suddenly turn red. On second thought, because of the cold wind, it was as white as snow. Shen Fengchen behind him was already stunned, leaning half of his body on the table in deep thought.

In the world of Dayan cultivation, although monks often bathe and change clothes, they do not have the habit of washing their face and mouth every day.

How could an ordinary female cultivator, someone who loves beauty, be like this?
Murong Jingyan is indeed very human. She doesn’t wear pink and white, and she doesn’t have long skirts or long sleeves. However, she still has to wash her face with ice water and rinse her teeth. No wonder she is so clean.
Sure enough, love comes from the heart. Instead of pursuing superficial glitz, it is better to keep yourself clean.

Even so, she was still incredibly beautiful.

Murong Jingyan didn't know that Shen Fengchen was thinking behind her, so she threw away the face wash water that Tang Chen was looking forward to, and started to tame his hair.

Looking at myself in the mirror, Murong Jingyan has a fairy-like look on her face. Although her flowing black hair will never worry about hair loss in this life, we are all human beings, and even a true fairy may have troubles.

For example, when you wake up after a long sleep, this end is like an antenna, with roots sticking out.

Picking up a wooden comb, Murong Jingyan combed her hair while yawning. In a moment, she combed her hair neatly. After rubbing her eyes, Murong Jingyan looked at the mirror and nodded with satisfaction.

Okay, there is someone like this.

The person in the mirror has a fair neck, soft hair shawl, and a pair of narrow red phoenix eyes with a charming tiredness, but a small mole at the end of the eyebrow adds a bit of just the right aura.

Turning her face to the side and looking at her long hair that had grown another inch, Murong Jingyan exhaled and said to herself: "Look for an opportunity to cut it shorter."

"Tie it up, or just wear it like this?"

"Put it on."

Just then a voice came, and Murong Jingyan turned around in surprise. Shen Fengchen came over at some point and looked in the mirror.


"Are we running out of time?"

The thoughtful Murong Jingyan didn't bother with her hair anymore. She immediately stood up and looked around to make sure nothing had been dropped. Then she walked to the door and picked up the little yellow duck, turned around and said:
"It's nothing, let's go."

Shen Fengchen hesitated to speak. He didn't mean to urge anyone, but he didn't say anything and walked out of the wing with Murong Jingyan.

After walking down the steps, the heavy snow outside the building had not stopped yet, and a blue carriage stopped steadily outside the inn.

Two Fulong horses galloped by different horses, the carriage was gorgeous, half of the wheel was left stuck in the snow, and the hot breath of the two horses raised white mist.


Murong Jingyan raised her eyebrows, looked at Shen Feng and said, "It's such a long way to the city gate, do we still need a carriage?"

Shen Fengchen nodded noncommittally, but did not answer. He just motioned for Murong Jingyan to get in the car.

"Hey, isn't there a coachman?"

Murong Jingyan asked with some confusion, but unexpectedly, after her words fell, Shen Fengchen took two steps forward.

He stretched out his hand to take off the stool of the carriage, then bent down and gently placed it in the snow, pressed it hard, stood up and made a gesture of invitation.

"Shen will become a coachman today."


Murong Jingyan was dumbfounded, then shook her head without being polite, and walked up.

When they passed by Shen Fengchen, Murong Jingyan asked tentatively: "Then there is Young Master Lao Shen?"

"What's the harm in that."

Chen Fengchen lowered his head and looked down. He reached out and patted the horse's back, which gave people a sense of warmth in this snowy morning covered by dark clouds.

Murong Jingyan blinked, then frowned and stepped onto the chariot and got into it.

Like the two Fulong Secretary Secretaries, Murong Jingyan also felt that Shen Fengchen seemed a little different, which was not something he was used to.

Putting away the stool, Shen Fengchen jumped onto the carriage.

He glanced at Murong Jingyan in the carriage, and immediately shook the horse's rope and drove towards the deep snow, where the morning light had not yet reached the Western Mountains.

The carriage was shaking. It was the first time for Murong Jingyan to ride in such a luxurious carriage. The scenery outside the window was speeding. The thick snow did not affect the speed of the two big horses at all.

Looking at the windy back outside the curtain, Murong Jingyan closed her eyes, hoping in her heart that she could successfully enter the Western Mountains with the help of the east wind.

After just one stick of incense, Murong Jingyan couldn't help but open her eyes and said doubtfully:

"It's been so long and you still haven't reached the city gate?"

While speaking, Murong Jingyan opened a corner of the curtain and looked outside, and was suddenly stunned.

"W-where are we going!?"

 They are all speculating in stocks in the comment section, right?

(End of this chapter)

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