How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 189 Du ​​Si Wen Dian

Chapter 189 Du ​​Si Wen Dian

Seeing that something was wrong, Murong Jingyan suddenly lifted the car curtain.

The cold wind suddenly poured into the carriage, blowing the purple robe loudly.

Her long hair was flying wildly, and her face hurt. Murong Jingyan narrowed her eyes and looked outside. Now the carriage had already left Wuchao City and was driving on the mountain road outside the city.

After a night of heavy snowfall, the forest was covered with snow, but Murong Jingyan still noticed something was wrong.

this road.
Taking a step forward and squatting down, Murong Jingyan shouted to Shen Fengchen: "Shen Fengchen, why don't you go through the south gate of Fulongsi!"

Shen Fengchen was riding his horse and whipping his whip. Hearing this, he pretended to be disturbed by the wind and couldn't hear clearly, and asked:

"What did you say?"

Murong Jingyan had no choice but to get closer and said in his ear:

"Why do you want to leave the city??"

Feeling the warmth blowing by his ears, Shen Fengchen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, looked directly at the forest path, and said unhurriedly:

"You don't think so."

"Is this Xishan something Shen can go to if he wants to?"

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan was immediately dumbfounded. She sat next to Shen Fengchen and asked anxiously, "Didn't you say you wanted to take me to Xishan?"

“What does this mean now??”

What kind of medicine did this man named Shen sell in the gourd? He had already returned the token. With his identity, would Fulongsi still stop him?
Seeing that Murong Jingyan was anxious, Shen Fengchen didn't give in anymore.

Putting down the reins, he turned his head and came over, looking into Murong Jingyan's eyes and slowly explained:
"Xishan is the former site of the guilty ministers. It is also the place where the three tribes of the barbarians have rarely paid tribute in the past thousand years. Except for those who want to seize the treasure, even the members of the royal family have avoided it for fear of being implicated."

"Although I am the son of the Shen family, it was the Prime Minister Zuo who personally destroyed this place according to the imperial edict. Do you think the Prime Minister Zuo will allow me to climb this mountain of sin?"

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan understood a little better. It seemed that Shen Fengchen wanted to climb Xishan Mountain and didn't want his family to know about it.

"Then why do you want to climb Xishan Mountain? Isn't that right?"

Murong Jingyan narrowed her eyes suspiciously, while Shen Fengchen shook his head and turned his gaze forward again: "Of course it's not just for you."

"Shen is also very curious about Xishan. There are some things that he wants to get answers to."

"However, one needs to keep a low profile."

The snowy wind blows in the forest, the bamboo forest sings softly, and the rising mist makes the foot of the Western Mountain feel like a fairyland.

Shen Fengchen did not continue talking, nor did he ask what Murong Jingyan wanted to do. He just held the reins again and concentrated on driving the carriage.

Taking a deep breath, Murong Jingyan looked around, thought for a moment and then whispered:
"Do you know that way too?"


"There are a lot of bandits on that road, and their strength should not be underestimated." As she spoke, Murong Jingyan ran her tongue across her thin lips, reminding:

"Do you have any countermeasures?"

With a chuckle, Shen Fengchen nodded:
"Since I brought you here, of course there is a purpose, and"

Shen Fengchen took out a kettle from his arms and handed it to the side:

"It's bitterly cold in winter, so it's better to drink more hot water."

Murong Jingyan took the kettle in a daze, shook it and said, "Ah? Thank you."

Not to mention, I'm a little thirsty.

Soon, the two of them came to the place where Murong Jingyan was blackmailed before. The thin line of sky had long been buried by heavy snow. Fortunately, the tiled wall was still there and could be seen clearly at a glance.

The carriage neighed and came to a halt as Shen Fengchen tightened the reins.

Shen Fengchen stood up slowly, jumped off the carriage, and calmly patted the snow off his shoulders.

Murong Jingyan, on the other hand, looked around cautiously and did not follow him out of the carriage.

Although there were no human figures around and there was only the sound of snow wind, Murong Jingyan still noticed that Ruoyouruowu's energy was locking onto her.

Under the carriage, Shen Fengchen looked up without panic. He stretched out a hand and mocked:
"Why don't you come down?"

"Are you still waiting for Shen to get you a horse stool?"

Murong Jingyan curled her lips slightly, swatted Shen Fengchen's hand away, and jumped out of the carriage. At this moment, she had no intention of making jokes, as the qi in the forest were becoming more and more unscrupulous.

"Mr. Shen, you feel it too, right?"

"Well, there are many monks in the forest."

"What are your methods?"


As he spoke, a maniacal laughter suddenly came from the forest, and then a figure flew high into the sky and suspended in mid-air.

This person is the porter who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger.

"You two young heroes, you are lost in the heavy snow right now. Do you know whose mountain top this is?"

"Tsk, it's not difficult to survive. Each of you is worth 200 taels of gold. Our brothers will lead you down the mountain."

After the porter finished speaking, many people suddenly appeared in the surrounding woods. These monks had all kinds of weapons, and they all had cruel smiles on their lips.

"Ha ha."

Seeing that the two people below were surrounded, the porter also showed a satisfied smile. His eyes began to look at it at this time, and he was obviously stunned when he saw the carriage.

Huh?This carriage is blue in color. It looks noble and seems to have come from an extraordinary place.

Then he looked at Shen Fengchen, and the suspicion in his heart suddenly became even more intense. This young man's face was calm, especially his temperament, which made him fearful. Lan Yi
Um?Blue shirt! ?
The porter has been around Wuchao City for decades, and has had many interactions with Fulongsi, so he is naturally very sensitive to the color blue.

No way?
Could it be true?

At this moment, he looked towards the end and saw a figure whispering something next to the young master. When he saw the appearance of the 'woman', the porter's pupils shrank and his mouth opened slightly.

what! ?

This, there is such a beautiful woman in this world? ?

At that moment, the porter did not dare to raise his hand, so he quickly raised his hand and shouted: "Wait a minute!"

The younger brothers below stopped when they heard this and looked up at the boss in confusion, while the porter coughed lightly and said:

"Well, this young man and the heroine, where are you from?"

Chen Fengchen chuckled softly when he heard this, and turned to look aside:
"He asked you."

Seeing the porter's fearful look, Murong Jingyan couldn't help but criticize this guy's ability to adapt to the wind.

How is it that this guy Shen Fengchen has a gorgeous carriage and a good temperament, so he can talk to him nicely?
Just 500 taels for wearing a mask?
Immediately Murong Jingyan returned:
"none of your business!"

"And when will it be your turn to make the decision for bandits like you on this mountain? If you accidentally offend Master Tai Sui, I'll give you the whole pot!"

Hearing Murong Jingyan quarrel with the porter, he was obviously a little stunned, but then he frowned. Why did this voice sound familiar?


Looking closer, the porter's expression changed. Although the 'woman' in front of him was extremely beautiful, her figure and even her clothes were exactly the same as the masked man yesterday. It was her!

Thinking that he had been tricked like a monkey yesterday, the porter suddenly became furious and fell from the sky to the ground.

"Oh it's you!"

"Yesterday, you took the gold medal and pretended to be the Shen family fox, but today you dare to pretend to be a member of the Fulong Division?"

"Girl, if you use this trick twice, I'm afraid you might end up with the wrong person!"

Murong Jingyan laughed dumbly. Although he usually cheated, he really wronged himself today.

Pulling Shen Fengchen's sleeves, Murong Jingyan raised her finger and pointed forward, encouragingly:
"Master Shen, it's time for you to show off your skills."

"These bandits must be taught a lesson, otherwise they won't even know how to write the word Fulongsi!"

".Master Shen?"

Seeing that Shen Fengchen beside him did not respond, Murong Jingyan turned his head to look in confusion, only to see Shen Fengchen shrugged and shook his head and said: "This man is sealed in the six levels of heaven, and there is nothing I can do against him."


Murong Jingyan took a shallow breath, quietly let go of Shen Fengchen's sleeves, coughed lightly and stepped back half a step.

But Shen Fengchen took a step forward and asked calmly:
"Is it feasible to climb the West Mountain from here?" The porter in front of him blinked, nodded and said, "Why, you still want to climb the mountain?"

He glanced at Murong Jingyan and said with a smile:

"It's easy to say. This is the only weak point in Xishan's formation. I specially hired a formation expert to fill in the hole of the formation. Otherwise, Fulong Division would have discovered it long ago."

"So, isn't it natural for me to collect some tolls?"

"Five hundred taels per person. For the two of you, I will accept 600 taels from you out of kindness."

Murong Jingyan couldn't help but roll her eyes when she heard this. Yesterday, she bargained for 300 taels of gold alone. This porter is really a good businessman. How did he reach the sixth level of Tianfeng.

Chen Fengchen nodded slightly, then ignored the porter and walked towards the tile wall.

Murong Jingyan also followed, and the eyes around her also followed Zi Yi. Everyone noticed this ice and snow beauty, and everyone was talking about it.

Walking to the tile wall, Shen Fengchen put his hand on it, closed his eyes, and a blue divine light appeared in that hand.

The porter watched this scene and did not stop him. Instead, the old god was watching.

This tile wall is not really a wall, but an extremely complex formation. Such formations require specific operation methods to crack. Not to mention the juniors of Tian Feng San Pass, it is impossible for them to demolish it by themselves. .

I'm afraid this young man can't even get rid of the dust.

But Shen Fengchen was unmoved.

He exerted a little force, and meridians suddenly appeared on his forehead. As he suddenly opened his eyes, a unicorn roar shocked the mountains, and the whole earth trembled slightly.

This time, not only the porters, but also Murong Jingyan frowned slightly, and the look in her eyes towards Shen Fengchen changed.

I also tried to shake this tile wall yesterday, but I turned back when I realized I was powerless. But how could Shen Fengchen's attack be so powerful?
Based on strength alone, this person's Qilin ancestor's blood is truly worthy of the power that Master said could shake the nine mountains and stir up the world.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, the porters hurriedly came forward to take a look.

In front of the tile wall, Shen Fengchen frowned. The wall in front of him was cracked half the size of his hand, but it remained mostly motionless.

Seeing this scene, the porter breathed a sigh of relief. Damn it, I thought this guy had really broken open the tile wall. Where to put his face was secondary. At least half of his wealth was cut off.

"Boy, is it time to reply?"

The porter laughed loudly, spread his hands and said: "The gold is here, I will open it for you."

At this moment, Shen Fengchen looked unkind, as if he was dissatisfied that he only left a palm print, and replied coldly: "What if I don't give it."


The porter dug his ears and found that no signal had been sent from the ambush scouts in the mountain, which meant that these two young men were the only ones entering the mountain, and he suddenly had no worries.

"It's okay if you don't give it. Just study the formation slowly here. If you can really break through it, I'll admit it."

"Maybe there is another way." The porter looked away.


Shen Fengchen walked away with a sidelong glance, and asked in a neutral tone: "What is it?"

The porter took a step forward. He could see that Shen Fengchen was not afraid of him at all. He guessed that Shen Fengchen was a ruthless person in Wuchao City, so he raised his hand and pointed at Murong Jingyan and said:

"Keep her here. Not only will I not take the gold from you, but I will also let you go to the Western Mountains. How about that?"


Murong Jingyan curled her lips, she and the guy really dared to think about anything even after they pissed off each other.

He possesses the magic weapon of Abandoned Sword Villa. Although his energy and blood are currently unable to activate his offensive and ultimate moves, in terms of self-protection, even a saint cannot do anything to him in a short period of time.

But if he really does this, the master will probably come soon and take him away.

The porter looked at Murong Jingyan with great interest, completely unaware of the cold expression on Shen Fengchen's face beside him. His eyes were indifferent and returned to their original appearance.

His faint voice reached the porter's ears.


"I don't want to give you gold, nor do I want to break the formation here, and I can't give her up to anyone. Why?"

"Huh?" The porter turned around and mocked:

"Then there's no way."

Shen Fengchen sneered, but looked sideways, his eyes like daggers: "Of course there is a way."

"That's it, smash it open!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw black mist suddenly rising from the mountains!
The endless black mist swallowed up the snow light, causing the situation to change in an instant. The porter suddenly looked around and saw that his younger brothers were wrapped in the black mist, and they all let out pitiful shouts and were quickly destroyed into ashes.

Without any time to think about anything, the porter immediately jumped into the air and wanted to escape from this place quickly.

Looking from top to bottom, the porter looked horrified, because the black mist and snowy wind blended together in this mountain nest, and a Tai Chi formation appeared. However, this Tai Chi formation had no natural Taoism, only endless killing intent!
"Where do you want to go?"

As an old voice rang above his head, goosebumps appeared all over the porter's body, and when he looked up, he felt even more depressed.

An old man wearing a blood-colored robe and a white beard was seen sitting upright among the clouds. His indifferent eyes were like looking at a dead person, and a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood appeared deep in his pupils.

The demon-suppressing robe is the inner minister of Fulong Division
Why, why would a semi-saint come to kill him?

"If you provoke the Shen family, you will surely die."

As the eight characters fell, the death sentence of the porter was also pronounced. A treasure bottle fell down. No matter how hard the porter used Taoist magic to escape, he was still firmly trapped, and within a few breaths, his temples, body, and spirit were all destroyed.

The Tai Chi array on the ground quickly disappeared, and the surrounding snow forest returned to its original state. The only change was that the monks disappeared, as if they had never appeared, and were wiped clean.

At this moment, another minister from the Fulong Division slowly walked out of the forest and came to Shen Fengchen to bow.

The old man's eyes were cold, and a casual glance made Murong Jingyan feel as if she was facing a powerful enemy, making her whole body feel uneasy.

Although the porter was a casual cultivator, the two old men should be semi-saints since they were slaughtered like pigs and dogs at Tianfeng Sixth Pass.

Shen Fengchen actually has two semi-saint guardians beside him? ?
"Sixth Young Master, all the bandits in this mountain have been wiped out. What's going on now?"

Shen Feng hummed, then turned sideways slightly to block Murong Jingyan, turned his head and looked at the tiled wall and said:

"Smash it."

After hearing this, Fulong Secretary Neiqing raised his palm and prepared to penetrate the array of eyes. Shen Fengchen explained to Murong Jingyan beside him:
"Don't worry."

"These two people are Shen's confidants, so just ignore them."

Murong Jingyan suddenly smiled.

Okay, okay, you are following me in Versailles, right? Why should I ignore them?

"Master Shen, is this what you call low-key?"

Hearing this, Chen Fengchen was stunned for a moment. Seeing the Eight Diagrams phantom swirling in the palm of Fulong Si Neiqing's hand, he was preparing a shocking offensive. He quickly stretched out his hand and said:

Fulong Secretary's inner minister hurriedly suspended his efforts, and the one in the sky slowly descended at this moment. Shen Fengchen said:

"Have you forgotten the four mantras I told you?"

"I dare not forget the young master's words."

"Okay, then you repeat it."

".Conquer the family and exterminate the clan, eradicate the weeds, kill people and steal goods, strategy comes first!"

Shen Fengchen nodded with satisfaction and said leisurely:

"Didn't that guy just say that it can be cracked? As a formation master, why don't you try to crack it first?"

After hearing this, the old man put away the Bagua Array helplessly, nodded and said: "Just listen to the young master."

"Well, be polite."

Shen Fengchen waved his sleeves to scatter the falling snow on his shoulders, then turned to look at Murong Jingyan, who was stunned beside him, and said with a smile:

"Is it low-key enough?"

 Hello everyone!

  Say one thing

  Because if the author has two serialized books at the same time, he won't even be able to get the minimum living allowance, so Demon Slayer has temporarily clicked the completion button. I asked the editor before that, and if I want to update in the future, I can just apply for serialization, so it won't affect it. , explain first

(End of this chapter)

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