How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 190 Meet Mengce again

Chapter 190 Meet Mengce again

On the west mountain, the wind and snow gradually subsided.

The two figures stepped on the snow on the mountain road, one foot deep and one foot shallow, to reach this isolated place.

In the sight, the outline of a mansion faintly emerged. There were no beautiful buildings or buildings in the mansion. It was simple and dark, and seemed so quiet and quiet in the snow.

Murong Jingyan stopped and looked from a distance:


Beside him, Shen Fengchen also stopped, nodded and said, "We're here."

"Since the Murong clan in Xishan was wiped out together with several other clans, now only this ruined place is left. The Fulong Division allows it to remain here, and no one is allowed to approach it without permission."

"Let's go and have a look."

Shen Fengchen led the two of them to the mansion. Perhaps because it had not been taken care of for many years, the former solemn mansion was covered with old dust. Even the plaque made of top-quality spiritual wood was black and matte, showing its decadence. state.

Murong Jingyan looked around. Although it was buried under heavy snow, she could still see that except for this mansion, there was not even a single complete tree within a hundred miles. They were all new shoots.

It seems that a great disaster has indeed occurred here, otherwise there should be endless palaces around it.

"Are there no people from Fulong Division here?" Murong Jingyan suddenly asked.

Along the way, Xishan was quiet and quiet. If I hadn't seen this mansion, I would have thought that I was going the wrong way.

Taking two steps forward, Shen Fengchen looked up at the words on the plaque and explained:

"Fulongsi has been to Xishan countless times over the past ten years, but nothing can be found. Those who buy a road to climb the mountain in the hope of making a fortune will probably only return without success."

"Since Prime Minister Zuo ordered the mountain to be closed off, no one has come here to guard the Murong clan."

There was only half a sentence left in Shen Fengchen's heart.

That is, the Murong family's ancestral home is so impregnable that even Fulong Si's powerful formations are unable to do anything. If someone can really get in, Fulong Si would really like it.
Squeak ~ ah!

Shen Fengchen, who was looking at the plaque attentively, moved his ears slightly, followed the sound, and his expression suddenly became dull.

I saw Murong Jingyan pushing lightly with both hands, pushing open the door that had stumped thousands of formation masters, and cautiously looking in.

Murong Jingyan, who was about to take a big step forward, suddenly thought of something and stepped back.

Immediately, a harmless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he turned around and waved to Shen Fengchen who was not far away:

"Master Shen, let's go in and take a look~"

Just kidding, there shouldn't be any traps laid by Fulongsi in this mansion. It's better to let the man named Shen lead the way.
Shen Fengchen froze in place at this moment, his fingers slightly bent in his sleeves, and his eyes stared straight at the crack of the open door.

what happens
This door was opened just like that?
The look in Shen Fengchen's eyes when he looked at Murong Jingyan changed slightly. He would not doubt the ability of the people in Fulong Division, and what they couldn't crack, Murong Jingyan in front of him could do it, which could only mean one thing.
"Master Shen?"

Murong Jingyan also realized something was wrong. Why was Shen Fengchen so stunned?
Taking a deep breath, Shen Fengchen returned to his calm demeanor. He walked slowly to the door, nodded and said, "I'm here."

"Of course I have to go in and take a look."

The two of them walked into the mansion and saw a wide front yard. There was nothing else in the yard except a bronze water tank.

The tank is covered with water and there is a thin layer of snow floating on it, giving it a Zen feel.

Murong Jingyan sniffed with the tip of her nose. There was a different kind of fragrance in Murong's Mansion in Xishan. It was like the bitter smell after a heavy rain, which made people feel calm and comfortable.

The mansion is so lifeless, which adds a bit of wabi-sabi to the atmosphere.

The snowflakes were falling, and the wooden carved pillars around them seemed to want to speak. A sadness filled my heart, and Murong Jingyan asked curiously:

"Master Shen, do you know what serious crimes this Xishan clan has committed?"

"It ended up like this."

Shen Fengchen was standing under the eaves, looking at the water tank in the courtyard. He was immersed in his thoughts when he was interrupted by Murong Jingyan, who exhaled a breath of white mist.


"Treason?" Murong Jingyan was surprised. It's no wonder. After all, treason will face the most terrifying punishment no matter where it is committed.

"Do you still remember the spy from Wanlun Kingdom?"

"Of course I remember it, right?"

As he spoke, Shen Fengchen began to walk towards the corridor on one side. While looking around at the scene of Murong Mansion, he continued to explain to Murong Jingyan:

"The Wanlun Kingdom has risen in the west with the help of the Immortal Alliance, and has been fighting against me, Dayan, for thousands of years. The battle over destiny has reached a point where it will never end."

"Twenty years ago, Dayan went to war against the Wan Lun Kingdom. The late emperor personally carried the flag. Together with the imperial court, a million monks from the cultivation world crossed the Tunwang Valley to surprise the Wan Lun Kingdom. They recovered several states that the Wan Lun Kingdom had invaded along the way. The momentum was overwhelming. .”

Shen Fengchen's tone was deep, but when he said this, there was no excitement, but a slight sadness:

"The world thought that this war to determine the fate of the country would last for decades, or even hundreds of years, and would eventually end with Dayan conquering the Wanlun Kingdom. However, unexpectedly, this war only lasted five years."

"And it was me, Dayan, who lost in the end."

Murong Jingyan frowned slightly, vaguely guessing something in her heart, and asked:

"There's a traitor in Dayan?"

Shen Fengchen nodded, and the two of them had already reached the center of the mansion.

The flowers and trees here are connected together, like a paradise. Even if no one has pruned it for more than ten years, the branches are still luxuriant. If the rotten leaves in that area are removed, it can be called the Liuxiang Garden.

"At that time, Yuezhou was the front line, and all ethnic groups in Xishan, led by the Murong family, defended the emperor."

"However, the National Advisor of the Wanlun Kingdom was able to work with many powerful men of the Wanlun Kingdom to bypass the army and find the coordinates of the late emperor who was originally under the protection of the Star Division. As a result, the late emperor died in the battle, and our national destiny of tens of thousands of years collapsed. .”

"After this battle, the Murong clan could be said to be unscathed. In the end, Fulongsi was convicted of annihilating the three clans and leveling Xishan."

After hearing this, Murong Jingyan probably understood that this was what happened.

No wonder Shen Fengchen didn't hesitate to take action when he found out that Li Sanyun was a spy of Wan Lun Kingdom. It seemed that Wan Lun Kingdom and Dayan were in a fight to the death.

"Master Shen just said that my national destiny in Dayan has collapsed?"

Thinking of the luck and luck that Master Mieyuan talked about, Murong Jingyan couldn't help but be very interested in this so-called luck.

"Crash. So to speak."

Shen Fengchen raised his hand and plucked a flower. The flower looked snow-white, but when you opened it, it had many colors, making it look very pleasant.

Handing the flowers to Murong Jingyan, Shen Fengchen held his hands and said:

"Emperor Dayan is responsible for the destiny of the country for thousands of years, and he is the emperor."

"The death of the late emperor has caused a drastic change in the destiny of Dayan. Even if the current Holy Emperor ascends the throne, he cannot change this irreversible decline. After all, this is what the Immortal Alliance wants."


Murong Jingyan put the flower in her hand, tilted her head and said, "Master Shen, what kind of power is the Immortal Alliance?"

"Then Wanlun Kingdom relies on the Immortal Alliance. Could it be that this Immortal Alliance is more powerful than the dynasty?"

Shen Fengchen nodded without thinking and continued walking towards the depths of the mansion. He had a hunch that there must be something waiting for him to discover in Murong's mansion. "The Immortal Alliance is the Wei Dao Division."

"In other words, the Wei Daosi is the eyes of the Immortal Alliance in all countries, a tool to spy on the immortal seedlings."

Shen Fengchen's tone was faint, a bit cold and harsh:
"Dayan has a profound heritage and was once the co-lord of the world. Naturally, he is not willing to become a puppet of the Immortal Alliance. The second Dayan is lonely and his luck is scattered. Part of this luck is collected by the Wei Daosi, and part of it flows into the world and breeds geniuses."

"In the past, in each era, there was usually one immortal and demon leading the way, or two immortals and demons competing for hegemony. It has never happened like this, with so many immortals and demons coming one after another that there are more people than can be counted on both hands. .”

"To be king among kings and to be honored in the sea of ​​blood is the destiny of you and me in this generation."

Speaking of this, Shen Fengchen seemed to feel that his tone was a bit serious, and then he smiled and coughed lightly, turned to comfort Murong Jingyan:

"Of course, this doesn't mean that there are only winners and losers."

"In the current situation, it is likely that more than one person will achieve enlightenment and ascend to heaven. Let me remind you that this Hidden Dragon List is very important. You must follow me closely by then, otherwise you will miss this great opportunity."

Murong Jingyan listened attentively and actually agreed very much with Shen Fengchen's words. It is a prosperous age when geniuses emerge in large numbers, but the winners will always be divided into one, two and three. This is also the cruelest age.

"Opportunity?" Murong Jingyan turned to look at Shen Fengchen and asked doubtfully:
"What chance?"

Chen Fengchen smiled slightly and looked forward:

"At most, three of the escaped Qi Luck Guards of Dayan will be collected. As for who the rest of the Qi Luck belongs to, the truth will come to light at this Sword Questioning Meeting."

"The Hidden Dragon List is the magical weapon of luck of the Immortal Alliance. It is invincible, has a mysterious origin, and has the best ability to absorb luck. Therefore, this time the Hidden Dragon List is very important."

"Those who win the ranking are expected to ascend to immortality."

Ascension to immortality?

Murong Jingyan suddenly felt shocked, wasn't this her ultimate goal?

However, Murong Jingyan still didn't dare to eat Shen Fengchen's big cake. Who knew if this guy was targeting him to be used as cannon fodder.

During the conversation, the two of them had reached the depths of the mansion. There was a library here, with a dazzling array of books laid out in neat rows. There was no one in the pavilion, only the soft snow light reflected it.

Seeing this scene, Murong Jingyan's face changed slightly, and she glanced at the indifferent Shen Fengchen beside her.

"Young Master Shen."

"I still don't know why you came to Xishan?"

Shen Fengchen opened his mouth slightly, and finally just said softly:

"The Murong clan is the culprit responsible for my crisis in Dayan, so I naturally want to take a look here."

Murong Jingyan nodded noncommittally and walked into the library alone.

When she saw that all the books in the house were untouched, Murong Jingyan also vaguely sensed something was wrong at this moment. It stands to reason that the Fulong Division would confiscate the house, not to mention the books, even the bookshelves would have to be emptied.

Could it be that I accidentally opened the ban just now?Those people from Fulong Division can't even get through the gate of Murong Mansion? ?
Why don't I really have something to do with the guilty minister Murong? Doesn't it mean that this person surnamed Shen also discovered this?
Fortunately, Murong Jingyan had left the Jiuquan Stone outside early. If the situation turned bad, she could escape without fear of being left here.

But the secret.
Murong Jingyan picked up a book at random, and Shen Fengchen also walked into it and flipped through it casually. There was nothing unusual about it.

Alas, this Shen Fengchen would never betray me in the future. After all, he still wanted to join forces with me during the Sword Questioning Meeting, but he had to guard against it in his heart.

Opening a few books at random, as Murong Jingyan expected, these secret books were all wordless heavenly books. Unless special blood essence was used to cast spells, they would be useless paper.

Glancing out of the corner of his eye, Murong Jingyan found that Shen Fengchen was looking at something intently, and immediately walked over curiously.

"This is."

What Shen Fengchen was staring at was an imperial edict enshrined on the wall.

However, this imperial edict is neither purple and gold, nor black and yellow, but a bright red edict, which looks extremely festive.

"This is?"

Seeing Murong Jingyan approaching, Shen Fengchen moved half a step to the left to make room, and explained in a low voice: "This is a happy edict."

"Happy edict?"

"The so-called happy edict is given by the emperor's concubine, and the bright red color of the happy edict and the jade seal are a promise to establish the queen."

"Queen Standing!?"

Murong Jingyan was surprised and asked: "Could it be that this Murong family had a queen in their ancestors?"

After laughing, Shen Fengchen shook his head, stretched out a finger and said:


"It's not the former emperor, but the gift given by the current emperor."

Without waiting for Murong Jingyan to ask curiously, Shen Fengchen walked in another direction. There were many good things in the library, many of which were no less than the imperial edict.

"The Murong clan was once the most powerful in the country, with a succession of princes and princes, and was the pillar of the imperial court. Even without this queen, she is still an important prince and noble in my Dayan."

"It's a pity that he made a mistake and all of them, including the queen, were executed. It's just a passing incident."

Murong Jingyan nodded in agreement, yes, all the fame and fame were gone, leaving only a few things to talk about, how sad it was.

As Shen Fengchen was walking, he suddenly raised his hand to take down a book and squinted at it, causing Murong Jingyan to quickly come closer.

Gee, how come this guy named Shen always finds something good? When he opens it, it’s like a wordless bible.

"Let me see, let me see."

Chen Fengchen turned his head to look, held the book lower, and said to himself, "What is this?"

I saw that this book was almost rotten, and it contained some abstract pictures. Shen Fengchen turned it to one side at random, but Murong Jingyan's pupils shrank, and his scalp seemed to explode.

"This is."

After grabbing the album, Murong Jingyan's face turned pale and she glared hard to make sure she was not dazzled.

On the painting page were vast snow-capped mountains, and in the vast expanse of white, there was a figure kneeling on the ground.

The man's clothes were thin, and he could vaguely see his Taoist robe. He was holding another weak man in his arms, and he seemed to be anxious to wake him up.

"Xu Qingqiu"

Murong Jingyan tremblingly closed the rotten ancient book, looked at the cover page, and felt repeatedly hit by a giant hammer in her heart.

I saw three words crookedly written on the title page:
"Enter the dream. Policy."

Murong Jingyan murmured, causing Shen Fengchen to look curiously and ask, "What did you just say, Xu Qingqiu?"

"Who is that?"

After swallowing a sip of saliva, Murong Jingyan raised her head and looked at Shen Fengchen. This heroic face slowly overlapped with that of the little Taoist priest in the illusion world, making Murong Jingyan feel a little dazed.

"It's you."

(End of this chapter)

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