Chapter 191
".it's me?"

In the library pavilion, Shen Fengchen raised his chin and looked with interest.

The residual snow fell into the courtyard, just like the Cangshan Mountain in the dream. This scene made Murong Jingyan feel a little dazed.

After all, the illusion world can be said to be real and flawless, like a memory engraved in the mind.


"It's just a dream."

Murong Jingyan tilted her head, even though Ru Meng Ce was reflected from the illusion world into reality, and even appeared in her hand, it didn't mean anything.

It can only show that the Murong family's collection is really ancient, and it also proves that it really existed in that era and left traces.


Shen Fengchen took Ru Mengce back, glanced at Murong Jingyan, and then continued to look at the painting.

According to Murong Jingyan's words, he looked closely at the Taoist priest in the painting, and soon he frowned slightly. Although the painting had been blurred for unknown ages, some outlines could still be seen.

If you really substitute it for yourself, it would be somewhat similar.

"Can you tell me what kind of dream this is?"

Seeing Shen Fengchen's questioning, Murong Jingyan's heart suddenly moved slightly. After all, there might be some clues about Shen Feng's family background?
"Have you ever heard of Yan State?"

Shen Fengchen showed a thoughtful look, took a deep breath and stretched out his hand: "It doesn't matter if you say so."

After thinking about it carefully, as long as it was not said to be something in the illusion world, but just a dream, it would not be involved, so Murong Jingyan briefly and concisely told her experience in the illusion world.

"I see."

"Isn't it a very interesting dream?" Murong Jingyan squinted her eyes and observed Shen Fengchen's expression.

If this guy could hear something, he would definitely relate to it.

But unfortunately, Shen Fengchen just laughed and asked:

"Why did the Taoist priest in your dream look like Shen?"


Murong Jingyan curled her lips. It seemed that Shen Fengchen was just enjoying the excitement, so he waved his hand and said, "I told you it was just a dream."

"In this dream, my master is still the face of my senior brother."

After saying this, Shen Fengchen's smile froze slightly, while Murong Jingyan took back the Mengce, turned around and continued walking towards the building.

There are fewer bookcases in the depths of the library, replaced by many bookcases.

These book desks are neatly placed on the rice couch, which should be a place for the Murong clan to read.

Many files that had not been collected in the future were placed on it. They fell to the ground and were stained with ink. Even the various brocade boots under the rice couch were arranged neatly.

The disaster must have come too suddenly, and all the strong men here left in an instant.

As Murong Jingyan climbed onto the couch curiously, the surrounding scene suddenly changed, and many shadowy figures appeared beside the book desks. The faces of these shadowy figures could not be seen clearly, but all kinds of voices came into their ears.

At this time, Shen Fengchen also followed behind.

He looked around and said lightly:
"The Murong clan of Xishan was once known as the second in the Star Division. He set up his own Wisdom Pavilion to deduce fortune and recruit talents. Before he conspired to rebel, he helped the imperial court to judge and crown kings. It is well-known."

"This is the most secretive and difficult-to-attack place for the Murong clan in Xishan. It is probably the location of Zhi Pavilion."

As he spoke, Shen Feng and Chen Wu stepped forward, and Murong Jingyan quickly followed.

From time to time, whispers could be heard from the desks and desks all around. These sounds were confusing and noisy. It was unknown what kind of mechanism had been touched. They should be the reappearance of past scenes.

It's just that these shadows are gradually fading away, and the sounds are getting weaker.

Shen Fengchen quickened his pace and soon reached the deepest point
There is only a dark green desk here, with a figure sitting in front of it. Even though its image fluctuates, you can still feel the elegance of otherworldly things.

Murong Jingyan also came closer and was attracted to this person at a glance.

"This is?"

"The person who protects the Zhenguo Seal and writes the Qingyu Case should be the head of the Murong family, the former left prime minister Murong Xuanchen."


Murong Jingyan's face changed slightly, how powerful is this person? ?
A clan has a queen inside and a prime minister outside. Is there any more wealth than this?
Is this also a conspiracy?
Murong Jingyan pursed his lips. After guessing that he entered the forbidden area by mistake, he was almost sure that he and the Murong family must be involved. At the moment, he felt complicated.
I beat my feet and chest because I couldn't hold this thigh.

However, if you still want to plot rebellion in such a position, then there is only one thing you want, and that is...
Seize the class and seize the dynasty!

Just when Murong Jingyan was thinking wildly, another figure came next to the head of the Murong family.

Different from the noisy whispers of other shadows, this person's voice was very clear, which immediately made Mu and Chen prick up their ears to listen.

"Xiang Guo, that child has shown a strange appearance. As you expected, he really looks like a fairy or a devil."

Seeing that the head of the Murong family did not respond, the man continued to report:

"It's just based on the calculation of the star, I'm afraid this star is not correct."

Hearing this, the head of the Murong family stopped holding the pen in his hand and slowly raised his head.

His voice was soft, but like spring breeze and flowing water, giving the listener a sense of tranquility:
"The five constellations join hands and form the number of rivers and Luo. The five in the middle stand as the pole and control the four directions, just like the five fingers of the universe encompassing the world. It is a powerful word that dominates the sky."


Murong’s family leader’s voice weakened and he sighed:
"These five constellations are all evil, pale and scarlet. I have power but no power. Even if I really gain power and enlightenment, I will be destined to carry a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and a river of blood will flow under my feet."

"The right path has been deflected, just like the evil star in the sky. It's no wonder that his family was wiped out after he was born."

The person who was ordered nodded and asked:
"Xiangguo, I, the Murong clan, deduced this son and tried my best to save him. What should I do with him now?"

"After all, good news came from the palace. The queen has also given birth."


The head of the Murong family put down the pen and paper, shook his head and said: "Children are just ignorant, how can they understand the word destiny."

"Keep him and send him down the mountain to that place."

"I, the dignified Murong clan of Xishan, will not be afraid of this fateful punishment. If it comes, let it come."

Just after the tribe's order faded away, the shadow of Murong's family master had also almost disappeared. Murong Jingyan and Shen Fengchen looked at each other, with a bit of intriguing in their eyes.

[Could it be that this Murong family is really a fish in the trap, and she was sent to another place by the head of the Murong family long ago? 】

[Gan, this evil lone star is not talking about me, right? 】

But at this moment, the transparent-as-smoky head of the Murong family let out a final sigh, stood up slowly, and sighed:

"He is an immortal and a demon, and he has his own path, but I, Murong, have reached the end of the road."

After the head of the Murong family disappeared, the two of them walked to the sapphire table in unison. There was a pair of rice paper placed on the table. Even after more than ten years, the ink was still not dry.

When they saw the characters written by Murong Xuanchen, their pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly. "The turbidity falls. The mortal world will not become an immortal"

"Take away people and country, but also take back heaven."

Especially at the end, the font that was originally as sharp as a sword suddenly became sloppy, and three increasingly larger words were written in a row:

Seize the heavens, seize the heavens, seize the heavens!

Shen Fengchen's expression was cold, and after silently reciting these two lines, he sneered:
"The Murong clan of Xishan is actually related to the Duotian Tower. It's such an earth-shattering relationship."

Murong Jingyan on the side was so anxious that she bit her fingers. Even standing next to Shen Fengchen, she felt so much pressure that she almost broke into a cold sweat.

What, this Xishan Murong clan is also from Duotian Tower?
No wonder Duotian Tower has such a profound foundation. It is getting stronger and stronger under the pursuit and interception of Wei Daosi. Even Xingsi can't do anything to them, etc.
Could it be that my grandfather, Murong Xuanchen, pinched his nose and spoke?
"He's actually the traitor to Duitian Tower!?"

Murong Jingyan imitated Shen Fengchen's tone and hummed, put her hands on her hips and sneered: "It's good to destroy it! This kind of ethnic group that eats inside and outside is eliminated as soon as possible, and it will benefit me greatly without any harm."

Hearing this, Shen Fengchen turned around with a strange expression. He hesitated to say what he wanted to say, but raised his eyebrows and said:

"Tell me, will the Murong clan of Xishan have any remaining queen?"

"Oh?" Murong Jingyan clasped her head, blinked and said in confusion:

"Probably not. I, Dayan Fulong Division, am omniscient and omnipotent, how can I allow the Murong clan to have children?"

Chen Fengchen shook his head when he heard this. He turned to face Murong Jingyan and patiently explained word by word:

"No, Fulongsi failed to eradicate the root cause."

"Back then, before being implicated in Xishan, Empress Murong had indeed given birth to a son for the Holy Emperor. Fulongsi did not move and allowed the mysterious master to forcefully break into the imperial city and escape with the young prince, hoping to draw out the rest of the hidden rebels. Catch them all in one fell swoop.”

"Unexpectedly, the ten-level formation failed to trap him. Although a dozen saints were left behind, and even a saint king committed suicide, the little prince escaped by chance and has not been heard from since."

"Not to mention, there is this so-called Quan Sha Lone Star. Fu Longsi doesn't even have any clues, let alone where Murong Xuanchen has been sent."

Shen Fengchen's tone was faint, and he took a step forward towards Murong Jingyan, while Murong Jingyan subconsciously wanted to retreat, but still stood still.

To back off is to feel guilty.

Murong Jingyan just looked up, their eyes met, they were so close, their expressions were still calm.


"So, it's me who thinks highly of Furyuji."

Suddenly, a smile appeared on Shen Fengchen's face, and he stepped back half a step: "No."

"Shen just wants to remind you that the Duitian Tower is very dangerous. You come from a famous family, so you need to be careful."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan frowned slightly. Shen Fengchen should have thought of it, but he didn't show anything strange. Logically speaking, he was a member of the Shen family.
Even if you keep your words, you still have to pay a price
Murong Jingyan was a little confused at this moment. What did Shen Fengchen want, just to fall into his trap at the Sword Asking Conference?

At this moment, Shen Fengchen let out a soft sigh and raised his head to look in one direction.

Murong Jingyan also noticed that several waves of coercion were coming at the same time, including the arrival of powerful men from Fulong Division!

Murong Jingyan immediately stuffed Ru Mengce into his arms. This thing had to be taken away. After all, it was one of the evidences that the Murong clan had been to Xishan.

He quickly took out the Jiuquan Stone that he had prepared in advance, and when Murong Jingyan was about to activate it, he was suddenly startled and looked up.

Outside the courtyard, the wind and snow were blowing across the corridor, and the blue trees not far away were gently curling in the wind. He was holding one hand behind his back, looking at himself with a slightly worried look.

Seeing Murong Jingyan looking at him, Shen Fengchen showed a faint smile, nodded and said:
"You should go."

Murong Jingyan frowned and just hummed softly when he heard this, and the door of light and shadow behind him slowly opened.

Finally, he glanced back at Shen Fengchen. Murong Jingyan's long hair was fluttering in the air with beautiful traces. She left a faint word and then retreated into the light and shadow, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"Goodbye, Sword Asking Club."

Fu Longsi's powerful voice came from outside Murong's mansion, and Shen Fengchen's smile gradually faded. He knew that he shouldn't stay in this mansion longer, otherwise he would definitely be noticed.

But now.
Slowly walking to the sapphire table, Shen Fengchen picked up the rice paper with the secret words of Duitian Tower written on it.
With the light touch of the blue flame in his hand, Xuancheng turned into flying lights all over the sky, like blue butterflies fluttering their wings one after another.

The writing disappeared, and the secret about the Murong clan also disappeared, never to be known to anyone again.

Under the light of the blue butterfly fire, a different look appeared on Shen Fengchen's face. His eyes seemed to be looking at Murong Jingyan through the void, and he murmured:
"turn out to be."

"Isn't it a dream?"


Ten miles outside Wuchao City, by the dock.

Murong Jingyan's figure emerged. He turned back to look at Xishan from a distance, and raised his hand to put on the cold mask.

"Shen Feng Shen"

Without any time to think about it, Murong Jingyan rushed to the river bank, spent a lot of money to buy a small boat, and went down the river.

The top priority is to stay as far away from Fulongsi's power as possible, and Murong Jingyan can't wait to know about her life experience.

After taking out the token of Duitian Tower, Murong Jingyan's mood at this moment has completely changed.

I thought that Duitian Tower was just an ordinary cult that came into being, but I didn't expect that it would be so involved. It seemed that I was involved in a big situation.

The Murong family in Xishan was wiped out for their rebellion, and Xishan was razed to the ground as well. Is Duotianlou going to inherit his legacy?
What is the picture?
At this time, Murong Jingyan seemed to understand why the master of Duotian Tower asked him to come to Xishan and tell him the mystery of his life experience.

I really have a lot to ask at this moment.

Putting the Duotian Token between his eyebrows, the token soon responded. Murong Jingyan's consciousness sank into it, and she couldn't wait to find the figure of the Duotian Building Master.

It's just that the surrounding fog is vast, but it hasn't condensed into a human form for a long time.

After a long time, the old voice sounded:
"Jingyan, what happened?"

Murong Jingyan quickly bowed and said: "Grandfather, Jingyan has already been to Xishan Mountain and entered Murong Zhi Pavilion. Now he wants to solve the mystery of his life experience."


The Duotian Building Master responded very slowly, and it took a long time for him to speak: "I have something going on here. If you have anything to ask, please ask."

After a pause, Murong Jingyan did not expect that the master of Duotian Tower would let him ask, so he took a deep breath, bowed and said:


"Jingyan, but that is the child that Murong of Xishan secretly sent out of Xishan before he was charged with treason?"

Murong Jingyan waited for another moment. In the past many years, the host would reply quickly, but today it seemed that something happened.


The vicissitudes of the voice was full of doubts, and the surrounding fog evolved, and finally turned into an eyeball, staring at Murong Jingyan and saying:

"The Murong clan of Xishan has committed treason?"

 Thank you all for your continued reading, recommendation votes, monthly votes, and rewards, mua~
(End of this chapter)

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