How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 192 civet cat for prince

Chapter 192 civet cat for prince

The voice of the master of Duotian Tower was ethereal, seeming to ask with doubts, and also contained a bit of ridicule.

Murong Jingyan raised her head and looked at the mist-turned eyeball, nodded and said:

"I heard what Chen Fengchen said. More than ten years ago, the Murong clan in Xishan collaborated with the enemy and rebelled against the country. Together with the Wanlun Imperial Master, they framed and killed the late emperor, and the three clans were wiped out by the barbarians."

Hearing this, his eyeballs moved and he sighed with emotion:

"The truth or falsehood of a word depends on whose mouth it is. Only those who have experienced it can understand the truth of everything. If I say that there is someone else who collaborates with the enemy and treason, who will believe it?"

"There are many difficulties, but the most difficult thing is to convince the emperor."

Nodding in agreement, Murong Jingyan raised his eyes and said, "What do you mean, the poster, is this Xishan Murong clan was wrongly accused?"


"Since there is no one to complain on his behalf, there is no need to judge this matter."

"Jingyan, what did you ask me just now?"

Murong Jingyan's expression froze when she heard the Duotian Building Master talk about business, and she immediately revealed all the confusion in her heart.

"Grandpa, who am I?"

His eyes stared down, then suddenly dissipated, turning into cyclones that circled around Murong Jingyan.


".You shouldn't ask that."

"But who do you want to be?"

The voice of the Duotian Building Master rang out from time to time, making Murong Jingyan unable to tell the difference between north and south, so she had to straighten up and shake her head.

"Jingyan, have you ever thought about it?"

"What exactly does Duitianlou intend to do, and why does it want to become an enemy of the imperial court and steal the Cauldron of Luck from the Wei Daosi?"

Murong Jingyan shook her head again, but these questions in her heart should be answered today.

The master of Duotian Tower did not continue to play riddles. His voice seemed to come from the sky, and he recounted everything:

"Everything comes from the word luck."

"Luck, misty and traceless, is the evolution of the fate of stars. The world only knows that it has the ability to change destiny, and it also contains the opportunity to become an immortal."

"The annihilation of the Murong clan in Xishan is just the beginning. From that day on, disasters will surely follow. The purpose is to cause Dayan to collapse and the people to live in dire straits."

"There is a big conspiracy behind this, which is related to the fate of the country for thousands of years."

Murong Jingyan listened carefully and had some vague associations.

Miyuan Zhenren once mentioned in his lecture that Dayan is the leader of all countries. The world of cultivation was at its peak thousands of years ago and was invincible. However, in just a few thousand years, it has been suppressed by the imperial court and is now out of breath. Only then did the Kyushu Alliance emerge. Such opposing forces.

It's hard to say, there is no driving force behind this.

The master of Duotian Building continued to speak, his voice was soft and gentle, as if it could lengthen people's thoughts:

"Everyone in the world regards the Suitian Tower incident as a joke, but they don't know that our building has long been a talented person. The reason why we are doing this is actually to save the world that is about to turn upside down."

"But if you want to break the situation, you can only find the central star. Only the Nine-Five Lord with the right phase can replace the current faint king, stop the decline and use the Dragon of Fate for your own use, counter the sky, and restart the road to the Nine Heavens!"

Hearing the impassioned words of the Duotian Building Master, Murong Jingyan couldn't make any waves in her heart, and said with a sorrowful face:

"It sounds like a difficult thing to do."

The master of Duotian Tower hummed, seeming to agree with Murong Jingyan's point of view, and then sighed:

"Yes, it's very difficult."

"If you want to accomplish this, you must sacrifice too much, and if you want to succeed, you need this legendary Nine-Five Lord, the chosen one to see the light of day."

"The chosen one?" Murong Jingyan murmured, feeling completely confused at this moment.

As the words fell, the surrounding gray mist changed and turned into the appearance of a gorgeous palace.

I saw dark clouds breaking through the sky above the palace, and it seemed like a scene of the sun falling, and the master of Duotian Tower continued:
"The Queen Murong gave birth to a prince named Ziwei Emperor Xing."

"On the night of his birth, auspicious auspiciousness fell from the sky in the imperial city, and the clear sky in Zhongzhou reached far and wide. The prince received the instructions given by the Star Secretary and was born to carry the Tao. He has the appearance of reversing the heaven and earth."

"He is not a human king, but can be called an immortal king."

"My original intention of seizing the sky tower was all for him alone."


Ziwei Emperor Star
Before Murong Jingyan could speak, the voice of Duotian Tower Master continued to speak, but his tone suddenly changed:
"But even though the Ziwei Emperor Star is in the middle, all the stars bow down."

"However, on the day he was born, the stars were ringed with peaks, like a camel lost in the desert. It was destined that the prince would leave his hometown and lose everything in his life."

"Fulongsi has never given up looking for the prince. Not to mention Fulongsi, in the Yandu Mansion and Baiqiu City you have been to before, all the forces have their own motives for looking for the prince. If there are any clues, all the efforts will be wasted and the prince will be provoked. Bloody and bloody.”

"So your existence is to protect His Highness the Crown Prince."

what! ?

Murong Jingyan's mind suddenly went blank when she heard this, and she subconsciously asked:
"I'm not the prince?"

"Prince? Ha."

Those shadows dispersed and transformed into a swaddling baby. The baby didn't cry or fuss, and just looked at the world around it blankly.

"Didn't you see him in Murongzhi Pavilion?"

"The five constellations join hands and form the number of rivers and Luo. The five in the center are the poles and control the four directions, just like the five fingers holding the world tightly, but not the power."

"It's a pity that this kind of astrological polarity is reversed, and the evil star in the destiny is destined to only follow the path of the hero. I pray for good luck and go against the sky to change my destiny."

The gray mist hid the baby and condensed into the figure of an old man behind Murong Jingyan. Murong Jingyan turned around quickly in shock.

Standing behind him was none other than the master of Duotian Tower.

He hurriedly raised his hands, Murong Jingyan bit her thin lips and whispered:
"Grandpa, I don't understand"

The figure of the master of Duotian Tower remained motionless in the air waves, he just stared at Murong Jingyan, his voice was unusually cold.

"The prince has a distinguished status, and the road to success is long and there is no room for mistakes. Naturally, he should have made preparations in advance to find a puppet to help him achieve his grand plan. In this way, the prince can just sit behind the scenes and be safe."

As he spoke, he turned his back and glanced at Murong Jingyan, who was standing there blankly, with his peripheral vision, his tone was as cold as ice.

"Your immortal and demonic appearance was specially sought out by Murong back then. The purpose was to save the prince from the calamity."

"Otherwise, why would I keep you and train you carefully by my side?"

"As for grandfather?"

The owner of Duotian Tower sneered slightly and said playfully:
"Haha. Just as Murong Xuanchen said, your clan members have been away one by one to prevent disasters for you since you were born in your mother's womb. There is no such thing as a grandfather."

Murong Jingyan's pupils shrank, her brows furrowed in discomfort, even a little disgusted.

It turns out that there is such a truth behind the life experience that I have been pursuing?
The appearance of an immortal and demon that he was so proud of actually came from the so-called evil star. The price was to kill the entire clan before they were born?
I originally thought that I had something to do with the Murong clan of Xishan, but it was just a hot potato picked up by the Murong clan who was gifted and sent away in a panic to ward off the disaster for the prince he had never met.

Upon hearing the news, Murong Jingyan felt as if her heart was being held tightly by a hand.

Everything is fake.
There is no arrogance, pride or dignity, just a stupid civet cat who is kept in the dark.

The voice of the Duotian Tower Master was still ringing, and he ordered in an unfamiliar and plain tone:
"Well, now that you know your identity, you can become the young master of this sky-capturing tower."

"When the time comes, I will naturally push you to the forefront."

"That's enough!" Murong Jingyan said suddenly. At this moment, she didn't care who the master of the Duotian Building in front of her was or what extraordinary abilities she had. Murong Jingyan gritted her teeth and said:

"Could it be that even the so-called Ziweixing is fake?"

"Hehehe" Duotian Louzhu surrounded him, his tone was helpless:

"That's right. Otherwise, if I don't do this, how can I legitimately promote you as the prince in the future?"

"But you can rest assured, no one except Qijian Villa will really believe this news."

Seeing Murong Jingyan's chest heaving with anger, the light mist of Duotian Tower slowly came closer and said condescendingly:

"The evil star is destined to be hot and desolate, just like the fleeting light in the sky. If I didn't use you in Seizing the Sky Tower, you would have died long ago. If you want to really change your destiny against the will of heaven, you can only follow us and make great plans to reach the end of the world. Only then can you share your luck in the end.”

"Besides, even though you are the prince's shadow, you may not really die."

Murong Jingyan took a deep breath, closed her eyes and said, "What if, I refuse."


"Haha, even if you want to leave now, I won't stop you."

"It's just that you have to understand that you will only die if you leave. After all, I, Duitian Tower, will hunt you down endlessly."

"Accept it"

The voice of the master of Duotian Tower was like a ghost whispering, which stirred Murong Jingyan's mood:

"Accept it"

"It is your destiny to die for the prince."

These whispers spread, and the entire token space was filled with this voice, which made Murong Jingyan feel upset and finally clenched her fists.

Opening her eyes suddenly, Murong Jingyan's fair skin was flushed with crimson, and she almost shouted:


"I'm not!"

The sound vibrated, causing the murmurs around him to suddenly stop, and the light and shadow space returned to silence.

The master of Duotian Tower was still standing there, his expression unclear, and he asked:
"You said you weren't?"

"Yes, I am not."

Murong Jingyan's forehead was covered with fine cold sweat, but a shy smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"If what you just said is true."

"Then you shouldn't have told me this, but kept me in the dark forever."

Raising her hand to lift the wet temples from her forehead, Murong Jingyan's eyes dimmed and she said softly and firmly:

"I am not a lone star in the sky, I am"

"That prince."

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding gray fog dissipated. In Murong Jingyan's surprised eyes, the places that had been obscured by the gray fog revealed their true appearance, and turned out to be bright stars one after another.

Suspended in it, it's like falling into the depths of the world.

The master of Duotian Tower was standing not far in front of him. His shadow looked like an immortal under the divine light of the stars and moon. He lowered his hands and bowed to himself with his hands behind his back:

"Congratulations, Prince, for awakening your memory."

Murong Jingyan withdrew her gaze and looked at the Duotian Building Master in front of her again, with a rather complicated expression at the moment.

"Why did you lie to me just now?"

The master of the Duotian Building withdrew his courtesy and walked slowly towards Murong Jingyan step by step. As his footsteps fell, a golden ladder appeared in the void, like an immortal descending to earth.

"No, I did not deceive Your Highness."

"Rather, it is the first lesson for the prince."

Murong Jingyan took a deep breath after hearing this. After all the tossing of the Duotian Building Master, even though she was finally convinced of the truth, she could no longer feel any excitement or surprise in her heart.

If I have to say it, there is only a hint of joy that I am not a lone star in the sky and will survive the disaster.

"First class?"

Seeing that Murong Jingyan didn't understand why, the voice of the Duotian Building Master had already returned to its usual gentleness, completely different from the cold and harsh voice just now.

Walking closer, the owner of Duotian Tower chose to stand next to Murong Jingyan, looking at the stars in the sky with him, and suddenly asked:
"Your Highness, do you know why the Ten Thousand Stars and the Ziwei Emperor Star are well-deservedly called the Ninth Five-Year Plan?"

".Please ask the host to clarify my doubts."


The master of Duotian Tower sighed and explained: "The so-called supreme requires a heart."

"A heart that witnesses the vicissitudes of life and that I am the only one that exists, a heart that looks down at people coming and going and still manages to deal with them indifferently. The road to honor is lonely and lonely, and there must be choices. This heart is called."


The master of Duotian Building taught earnestly and earnestly like a teacher:

"Your Highness, you are the key to the destiny of Dayan. At this moment, there are countless pairs of eyes in the world of cultivation, the court, and even outside Dayan, looking for your whereabouts."

"If His Highness had not had to join the Society of Swordsmen and compete for the Hidden Dragon List, I really wouldn't want to plan your entry into the world so quickly."

Having said this, the master of Duotian Tower tilted his head and whispered:

"One day, when the faint king of Dayan dies, the prince will need to show up to inherit the throne."

"At that time, Dayan will surely be in trouble. Those who want to stop you will bleed into rivers, and Ziwei Emperor Star will also escape death. We must prepare for that day, and we need a shadow to die for you first. once."

"This is the first lesson Your Highness needs to learn."

Murong Jingyan seemed to realize something, her brows jumped, and she tilted her head and said:
"Is that what you mean??"

Nodding slightly, the master of Duotian Building said calmly:

"As the saying goes, the civet cat exchanges for the prince. The civet cat has been found now. He is convinced that he is the prince. I hope the prince will not disturb him and wait for it to bring about magical effects."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan pursed her lower lip lightly and asked almost without thinking: "Is it the lone star of the evil spirit who was sent away from the Murong clan?"


Taking a deep breath, Murong Jingyan's brows furrowed. No wonder the Duotian Building Master wanted to say this to himself just now. It turned out that this matter was true.

Thinking of how she felt just now, the nausea and anger after learning the truth, the depression in Murong Jingyan's heart was still there.

Not to mention that man still thinks he is the prince, if one day he knows the truth.
Murong Jingyan didn't dare to imagine how desperate this would be.

The owner of Duotian Building comforted him:
"Prince, don't worry too much. Human life is determined by destiny."

"His Royal Highness has the Dayanqian surname on his father's side, and the Murong family of Xishan on his mother's side. Empress Murong is known as an unparalleled beauty. In terms of bloodline and birth, no one can compare to His Highness."

"That guy was just an orphan. If he had this opportunity to ride on a dragon, his short life would not be in vain. Besides, if you and I didn't say anything, how would he know?"

Murong Jingyan said nothing after hearing the words. Some of what Duotian Louzhu said was right. Rather than knowing the truth, it would be better to let that guy shine. If he could eventually die in the fantasy of the emperor's dream, it might be a destination.

I should always have the right to know the identity of this shadow.

"Who is this person?"

"What methods did you use to make him willing to use it for me to seize the sky tower?"

Hearing this, the shadow of Duotian Tower burst into inexplicable laughter, stroking his beard and saying:

"You recruited him yourself."

 who is it?
  How can I guess everyone has it, haha
(End of this chapter)

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