How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 193 He is attracted to His Highness

Chapter 193 He is attracted to His Highness

In the Token of Duitian Tower, the original gray mist dissipated, and then the stars twinkled all over the sky, making it look beautiful.

But Murong Jingyan had no intention of admiring it at all. Her narrow beautiful eyes moved and she froze on the spot.

"How could it be him?"

At this moment, Murong Jingyan's heart was shocked, and she swallowed subconsciously, unable to believe her ears.

After a long time, Murong Jingyan spit out a mouthful of white mist.

"How did you do it?"

The shadow of the master of Duotian Building was made of starlight. As he pressed his fingers lightly, the two of them changed places and came to a star palace.

Sparks blossomed into trees, and the master of Duotian House moved to the table and made an inviting gesture to Murong Jingyan.

After the two sat down, the master of Duotian Building slowly spoke:
"This matter is of great importance, so we naturally have to expend energy to follow it."

"Since this son can remember, I have carefully cultivated him with the teachings of the prince, to change the dynasty, and to avenge the Murong family as his lifelong belief."

"Times have changed. No matter in terms of character or cultivation, this son is a leader among his peers. The most important thing is that he firmly believes in his life experience, so he can be called the most suitable shadow of the prince."

Duotian Louzhu's voice was calm, as if he was talking about something insignificant, while Murong Jingyan looked sideways the whole time, with complicated emotions in her eyes.

"You just said that Seizing Heaven Tower was built for me."

"Then why, Ning taught Shadow like this, but never let me understand the truth."

"Are you telling me this now?"

Hearing this, the master of Duotian Building sighed and looked up at Murong Jingyan. Although his facial features were blurred, his gaze seemed to be piercing through the void.

"Back then, with the death of the late emperor and the imminent storm, no one knew how the new emperor would finally settle things. It wasn't until the news of Queen Murong's death spread out of the palace that great turmoil arose."

"Murong Xuancheng knew that the outcome was decided, so he led the saints from Xishan into the imperial city that night."

"That night, Murong's magic weapon of luck was at its highest level, shining brightly in Zhongzhou, setting fire to mock the Heavenly Palace, shaking the Wei Dao Cauldron, and finally sacrificed countless people before he could save the prince."

"But this battle is not the end, but the beginning."

The owner of Duotian Tower said in a hoarse voice with reminiscence:
"The prince was kidnapped, and the court was furious. The new emperor ordered Fulong Division and Shen Hu to pursue and intercept him. In the end, not only did Xishan be annihilated, but all the 37 Dayan princes who secretly helped him were killed. It can be said that the fields were littered with corpses."

"Even if you pay this price, your life will still be hanging by a thread in return."

"The person who assassinated your mother back then secretly made you take a strange poison, which caused your ancestral blood to decline. Even I couldn't find a way but to save your life."

With a sigh of regret, the Duotian Building Master looked at Murong Jingyan again:
"In this situation, what's the use of telling His Highness early?"

"Who should repay the blood debt of the Murong clan of Xishan and even more righteous people?"

"According to His Highness's destiny, his destiny will change greatly in the seventeenth year. That's why I dared to let His Highness leave Huaizhou. Sure enough, it was a smooth journey. Now that His Highness is resurrected, all he needs to do is stand out in the sword competition. "

"Based on Ziwei's destiny, great achievements will be made in the future."

"This is the best time to tell His Highness this."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan pursed her thin lips lightly, with thousands of thoughts in her mind.

At first, he just wanted to take advantage of the benefits of Seizing Heaven Tower to reach immortality, and go up to the sky to seek refuge with the Demon Lord in Yellow Duck's mouth. How could he be involved in such a big right and wrong, to avenge the Murong clan of Xishan?

The Murong clan of Xishan was strong enough to break into the Dayan Palace and take him away, but what would be the final result?
Without leaving any trace, even Xishan has ceased to exist in name only.

Lifting an issue is too difficult.

Murong Jingyan asked herself that she had never really had such a plan.

As the master of Duotian said, this pressure is unprecedentedly huge, and ambition and strength are indispensable, otherwise the sense of powerless failure will completely engulf people first.

Now that I have awakened as a fairy and demon, my ancestral blood is powerful enough, but
Closing her eyes tightly, Murong Jingyan took a deep breath to calm down.

"Is Murong Murong of Xishan really wronged?"

Duotian Tower Master did not answer, but said leisurely: "The first lesson His Highness learned is called indifference."

"And this second lesson is about being the only one."

"Only me?" Murong Jingyan was puzzled.


"I dare to ask Your Highness, if I say no, then Murong has been wronged. Should Your Highness believe it?"


Seeing Murong Jingyan thinking, the master of Duotian Building shook his head, stood up and said:
"Everything in the world is true or false. You can only believe it if you believe it. If you don't believe it, why is it true or false?"

"It would be better to wait for Your Highness to come and discover the truth in person."

"Perhaps in the invincible world in the future, if you attain enlightenment and become an immortal, then you can do whatever you want."

Looking at the back of the master of Duotian Tower, Murong Jingyan's blank eyes gradually returned to normal.

Himself, who is it?
Prince Dayan
No, that's not me. The person who should bear this has died in Black Bark Mountain.

Now I just want to become an immortal, become an immortal, become an immortal, and return to my own place.

After thinking about this matter, Murong Jingyan relieved a lot of pressure in her heart. She stood up and walked to the master of Duotian Tower.

"What kind of preparations have we made for this sword meeting?"

Hearing Murong Jingyan's question, the master of Duotian Tower responded:
"Wolves walk in pairs. Besides the shadow, there is another person who will try his best to assist His Highness. Your Highness will understand when the Sword Questioning Conference begins."

"In addition, the Wenjian Club is a rare ancient battlefield. There is no powerful person who can intervene in life and death. There are a few people who will probably become stumbling blocks for His Highness in the future and need to be cleared away."

The owner of Duotian Tower turned sideways and said with a smile:

"Your Highness's strategic wisdom is just like that of your mother. I believe you will find a way."

Murong Jingyan nodded and asked in a neutral tone:
"Who are they?"

The master of Duotian Tower looked away and started talking one by one, while Murong Jingyan also listened carefully.Although she had no attachment to the former prince's identity in her heart, Murong Jingyan still took the words of Duotian Tower Master to heart.

The so-called trouble means that if you don't cause it, they will come looking for you one day.

Therefore, killing the trouble is a once and for all solution.

After listening to it, Murong Jingyan roughly understood.

Most of these people were from noble families in the imperial court, and most of them were from clans that were incompatible with the Murong family back then. If their identities were revealed in the future, they would naturally be obstructed in every possible way.

At this moment, the master of Duotian Tower paused and suddenly turned to Murong Jingyan.

"There is still one person who needs to be solved by His Highness himself."

"Who?" Murong Jingyan was slightly confused and asked:

"Is this person very strong?"

Nodding, the Duotian Building Master chuckled: "That's true. There are very few people who can kill him. Only His Highness should be completely sure?"


Something bad flashed through Murong Jingyan's heart, but she still asked: "Why am I so sure?"

"Because he is attracted to His Highness."

When Murong Jingyan heard this, her mouth opened slightly, her eyebrows stood upright, and her expression was very exciting.

What's tempting? ?

Who is it? Why didn’t I know? Why did you, an old man, come here just like you said?

The voice of the Duotian Tower Master sounded again, immediately making Murong Jingyan speechless.


"It is said to be a talent that surpasses Shen Hu. It is born in response to water. It is a supreme different form. Although it is not orthodox to the Five Emperors, it is enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Eastern Azure Dragon."

Seeing Murong Jingyan retreating subconsciously, the Duotian Building Master took a step forward and said in a deep voice:
"Your Highness."

"Although this person is on good terms with you, the Supreme Being has always followed ruthless ways. He is also a descendant of the Shen family. He is destined to become your formidable enemy in the future. If he grows up with his strength, he will be even more difficult to deal with than Shen Hu. .”

"By that time, there will no longer be such a good opportunity to eradicate this son, and more people will die."

Murong Jingyan's eyes flashed, killing Shen Fengchen?
It was clear that not long ago, the two of them were still conspiring to survive to the end in the Sword Questioning Meeting.

"He, since he has such talent and is not alone, how can I be so sure?"

The master of Duotian Tower shook his head, and with a wave of his hand, the stars in the sky changed, like meteors falling towards the star palace, and formed a star map in an instant.

"The postures of immortals and demons each have their own destiny."

"I have deduced a lot and concluded that Shen Feng Shen's fate is not inferior to yours, except for one thing. This boy will have a catastrophe this year. The height of the ferocious elephant is enough to kill him."

"Your Highness, do you understand what I mean?"

Murong Jingyan looked at the constellations in the sky and remained silent.

The wind is sinking.
may die?

"I understand."

Murong Jingyan suddenly felt tired and looked away, saying calmly: "I have nothing more to ask, please send me out."


"it is good."

The Duotian Building Master did not continue and told all this. He was originally worried that Murong Jingyan would not be able to bear it.

But now it seems that I am worrying too much.

As the world collapsed, Murong Jingyan's consciousness returned to reality.

The flowing water lapped at the bow of the boat, causing the people in the boat to slowly open their eyes.

With a slight sigh, Murong Jingyan stood up holding her head, as if she had experienced a dream.


As the evening breeze blew through a strand of long hair on the temples, Murong Jingyan noticed that half a day had passed.

Get up and walk out of the cabin.

Clouds cover the willows, and the mountain moon lights up the lamps. Under the moonlight, two mandarin ducks are flapping their white wings, hunting against the rugged water surface.

Murong Jingyan's long hair was lightly messed up by the river breeze, and her flawless face looked even more poignant under the moonlight, with a touch of sadness in her eyes.

"Not as good as"

"You never told me."

Sighing, Murong Jingyan simply sat down on the bow of the boat, took off her boots and put them aside, then put her shapely and slender feet into the cold water.

This kind of comfort dispelled the depression in her heart and allowed Murong Jingyan to relax for a short time. She closed her eyes and murmured:
"It turns out that I was the empress of Dayan, but I was harmed by a traitor. Now I need you to support me with 500 taels of silver to help me make a comeback."

Just as Murong Jingyan was amusing himself, the sky not far away burned with red light, and a wisp of red cloud quickly headed towards Yuezhou.

"Evil disciple, why are you panicking?"

"Little Ayan's fifteenth day has not yet arrived, and you have to come to pick her up as a teacher. Do you know where Xishan is?"

Behind Master Mieyuan, Zhu Huanan shook his head with a sad face, tapping his fingers on the black knife between his knees.


(End of this chapter)

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