How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 194: That senior brother will bring you a chapter

Chapter 194: That senior brother will bring it back to you
A crescent moon hangs quietly above the long river. The moonlight is accompanied by the clear river breeze, which is cool and pleasant.

The colors of the Yuezhou mountains are reflected on the swaying water waves, and the stars in the sky are like crimson diamonds on embroidery, making the night and the river water clear and translucent, blurring and dreamy.

The feet of the beauty on the boat are gently lapping the river water. From a distance, it looks like a masterpiece that the colorist has been waiting for for a long time.

"Counting the days, the Sword Asking Club is about to begin."

Murong whispered, Murong Jingyan held up a puddle of river water.

"Only when you ascend the throne and transform into a dragon can you not be disturbed by external forces. Can the truth be based on your own words?"

Even though she closed her palms tightly, she saw the trickling water seeping out from between the slender fingers, and Murong Jingyan couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Even the king of a country cannot control everything."

"The more I hold on to it, the more I lose it without even realizing it."

At this moment, Murong Jingyan suddenly noticed something and suddenly looked back.

I saw that the night on the other side was illuminated by red light, and a red cloud dispersed the dark clouds and flew over, reaching the top of my head in the blink of an eye.

The water surface beside the boat was rippling. Murong Jingyan saw the person clearly and quickly pulled her feet back, put down her trousers, and bowed:

As the air flow gently swirled, two figures slowly landed on the bow of the boat. They were none other than Zhenren Mieyuan and Zhu Huanan.

Master Mieyuan looked around, and after seeing that Murong Jingyan was unharmed, he felt relieved and smiled:
"Little Ayan, have you been to Xishan?"

As he said that, Master Mieyuan couldn't help but turn around and glare at Zhu Huanan. The two of them left the mountain gate in a hurry. He really thought that something big had happened.

Zhu Huanan looked indifferent and walked out from behind Master Mieyuan and came to Murong Jingyan.

His orange hair looked shiny in the moonlight, but his golden tiger eyes showed a rare hint of worry as he asked:

"Junior sister, have you discovered anything?"

Murong Jingyan coughed slightly, feeling a little puzzled as to why the master and his senior brother came together in advance, but after thinking about it, he still excused himself:

"Back to Master, my disciple has already been to Xishan."

"As for the discovery, the tops of the Murong clan in the Western Mountains have been leveled, and they are heavily guarded. I had to ask around in Wuchao City, and I only heard a few anecdotes."

"I still don't know much about the origin of my ancestral blood."

Zhu Huan'an nodded when he heard this, and looked towards the distant Xishan Mountain:
"Actually, this is a good thing."

"The Xishan lineage has been condemned as criminals. If it is really involved, it will make you have countless enemies and make it difficult for you to sleep and eat well."

"But it doesn't matter, after all, you."

After a slight pause, Zhu Huanan looked at Murong Jingyan again and grinned:
"It's senior brother and I personally recruited him into the mountain gate."

"From Dayan, Princess Yunli."

Murong Jingyan felt a little relieved after hearing what Zhu Huan'an said.

He thought that he would be forced to fight for power in the future, so now he might as well be the princess of Yunli County and concentrate on preparing for the Wenjian Club.


Murong Jingyan looked at the yawning Master Mieyuan not far away and asked curiously:
"Master, senior brother, are you here to pick me up specially?"

Upon hearing this, Master Mieyuan immediately swallowed his yawn, pointed at Zhu Huanan angrily and complained:

"To put it bluntly, it's all your fault, senior brother."

"It's not like I had a nightmare and forced me to come out of seclusion early to find you. How could you, a scoundrel like me, open your eyes and see that Ayan is missing an arm and says she's missing a leg?"

Zhu Huanan lowered his chin and coughed twice, then glanced at Murong Jingyan from the corner of his eye and asked:
"Junior sister, you haven't encountered any strange people or things these days, right?"

Murong Jingyan couldn't help but think of the last advice of the Duotian Building Master, and immediately shook her head and said:

"No, no, it's all normal!"

"Then, are we going back to the sect now?"

Master Mieyuan walked up unsteadily, buttoned his messy hair and said, "I won't go back to the sect."

"The Sword Asking Club will start in five days. Let's go directly to Jiuge."


Somewhere in the Thunder Bluff Valley in Zhongzhou, the clouds were thick and the rain was pouring. Above the clouds was a looming giant city, moving slowly with the flow of the clouds.

Suddenly, the clouds trembled, and a huge red light armor appeared, attracting many powerful people in Jiuge City to look sideways.

"Baxia Dharmakaya?"

"Tsk, it's the old monster from Abandoned Sword Villa, why isn't he dead yet?"

"It turns out to be Zhenren Miyuan. This person really has an extremely long lifespan, which is difficult to predict with common sense."

Above Baxia Dharmakaya, Murong Jingyan was sitting cross-legged.

When Master Mieyuan came to Jiuge with his true form of Dharma, Murong Jingyan couldn't help but think of the last time he came to Jiedushi Chen Cang's Golden Crow Dharma, which aroused the discussion in the city. He was still a little confused in his heart that Master Mieyuan had always kept a low profile, so why was he making such a big show of it.

But soon Murong Jingyan knew the reason.

Compared with last time, Jiuge was obviously much more lively this time, and there were all kinds of exotic beasts parked outside the city.

There is even a hundred-foot-long azure dragon coiling around, exuding energy and blood that is not inferior to that of a half-saint. The dragon actually carries a palace on its back as a mount.

At the other end of the city, there is also a mysterious power that uses the 狴狴dharma to descend, and the roar of the tiger shakes the world, announcing its unworldly power.

"Before the sword-asking meeting, each sect will show off its strength so that its genius can be recruited more easily."

"In the Sword Asking Club, there are a few more possibilities for survival."

Zhu Huan'an's voice came from behind, explaining Murong Jingyan's doubts.

"I see."

"Oh, by the way, senior brother, who is our Abandoned Sword Villa forming an alliance with?"

With a hiss, Zhu Huan'an seemed to be stunned by this question.

Before Murong Jingyan entered the mountain gate, he had never considered getting together. With his ancestral blood, Zhu Huanan believed that the safest way was to be alone.

But since he had his junior sister, Zhu Huan'an couldn't help but start to think more about it. After all, if he really encountered trouble that was difficult to solve, he would have one more worry and would not be able to get out easily.

Although the combination of immortals and demons has the ability to control people in all directions, this sword-asking meeting is not ordinary, and they are far more than just the two of them.

"Don't worry, there will be help."

Master Mieyuan also dispersed the Dharma at this moment, and disappeared into the air with the two of them in the blink of an eye, arriving in front of the city gate.

Needless to say, the masters of the Nine Provinces League consciously made way for the three people from Qijian Villa to step into it.

After entering Jiuge City, Murong Jingyan realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere. The last time he came, there were hawkers and people talking in the streets, but this time there were too many monks, and the entire Jiuge City was very quiet.

Teahouses and restaurants one by one were occupied by various sects, and countless eyes looked over.

Master Mieyuan remained calm, just waved his sleeves, and the red clouds rose into the sky, heading towards the mountains without any hesitation.

"Huan'an, Ayan, you can't take this lightly."

"I have received news that a total of 380 people have been allocated to the Sword Asking Club this time, involving more than [-] sects in the world of cultivation and nobles from the imperial court."

"I just took a quick look, and what I said should be correct."

Murong Jingyan felt awe-struck when she heard this. She thought that three hundred people were already a lot, but she didn't expect that there were almost 400 people.

Four hundred to live a hundred.
No, one hundred is the best result.

Zhu Huanan's face was calm, and his eyes were even more thoughtful.

The courtyard where we stayed this time was much larger than the last one. It was a courtyard. Master Mieyuan came to stay in the main hall and ordered:

"In the past few days, it's good for you to become familiar with the Taoism you have learned."

As he spoke, he looked at Zhu Huan'an and curled his lips and said: "My retreat was forcibly interrupted. I need to continue my retreat for three days. Please don't disturb me."

"Before the conference starts, I will leave the training hall on my own."

After saying that, Master Mieyuan closed the door and left, leaving Zhu Mu and Zhu Mu looking at each other in the yard.The clouds are shining softly, it must be early morning.

Murong Jingyan stretched out subconsciously, feeling tired. She looked around and walked to the stone table in the courtyard, where she naturally leaned on it.

Zhu Huanan blinked when he saw this, and slowly followed him up, sitting at the table.

Raising his hand and waving it in front of Murong Jingyan's face, Zhu Huanan leaned over and saw that Murong Jingyan's eyes were tightly closed.

The shadow of the tree passes through the gaps between the branches and leaves, and spots of light appear on the cheeks, adding a gentleness to this slightly cold and flawless jade face.

Zhu Huan'an, who was about to speak, closed his mouth and opened it slightly, but took back what he said. He didn't know whether he was worried about waking up the person in front of him or was afraid of destroying the quiet atmosphere.

"Senior brother, is something wrong?"

The narrow beautiful eyes slowly opened a slit, and Murong Jingyan asked with a slight smile.

Zhu Huanan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and asked:

"Junior sister, have you been tired lately?"

"It's okay." Murong Jingyan closed her eyes again and said:

"Senior Brother, could it be that he wants to drag me into practicing? Why don't you wait for me to take a nap? I haven't slept well for several days."



Murong Jingyan was a little uncomfortable hearing that Zhu Huanan, a martial arts fanatic, agreed so simply.

Opening her eyes again, Murong Jingyan tilted her head and leaned on her arms, frowning and saying:

"Brother, let me ask you a question."


Zhu Huanan put his hands on the table with great interest. The sunlight shone through his orange hair, which was as golden as his eyes, and he raised his chin towards Murong Jingyang.

"go ahead."

After thinking for a moment, Murong Jingyan stood up and sat up straight, leaned closer and whispered:
"Senior brother, if one day you need to do something, it is something you have always wanted to do, or must do."

"But the price is...for example, if you kill me, will you be willing?"

Zhu Huan'an frowned when he heard this, immediately shook his head and said:

"Of course not."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Murong Jingyan's suspicious eyes, and she narrowed her eyes and said:

Zhu Huanan immediately sat up straight and said solemnly: "Of course not."

"Since this is what I want to do, I can't sacrifice you."

"Junior sister, why do you ask that?"

Raising her eyebrows, Murong Jingyan lay down again and closed her eyes:
"It's nothing."

"Brother, I want to take a rest."

He glanced at Murong Jingyan with a slightly worried look. Zhu Huanan did not ask any further questions. He coughed lightly when something suddenly occurred to him and asked:

"Speaking of which, Jiuge City is full of talented people from all walks of life. Why don't you come with me for a walk and eat some good food by the way?"

After shaking her head, Murong Jingyan turned sideways and yawned.

"I'm not going."

Zhu Huanan had no choice but to stand up on his knees, put his hand on the black knife, lowered his head and said:

"Then senior brother, please bring it back to you."

"What do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat Huadiao Chicken!"


Ask the sword general to rise.

In Jiuge City, all the high-rise buildings in the city have been occupied by foreign monks.

In just one city, countless famous masters from Dayan and almost all young talents have gathered here. Even Xingsi has sent people here to maintain the stability of the avenue so that the sky-high energy and blood will not interfere with the way of heaven.

In the bustling street, there was one person who stood out.

The man was tall and tall in red clothes, with orange hair and golden eyes. A black knife clinked on his waist, attracting many people on both sides of the street to look at him.

"That person is Zhu Huan'an, right?"

"I heard that this person's ancestral blood is the prime minister of the Five Emperors, but he is quite mysterious and doesn't make many moves."

"Don't underestimate it. I heard that this person's ancestral blood is so strong that even the Wei Dao Secretary couldn't spy on him. I'm afraid his origins are quite big."

"He's here!"

On the street, Zhu Huan'an didn't care about these rumors. He kept looking at both sides and muttered something.

“Huadiao Chicken”

"Where can I buy Huadiao chicken?"

From time to time, young heroes would come up to talk and want to make friends, but Zhu Huanan would ignore them indifferently.

Although he is deliberately looking for allies, Zhu Huanan does not need these people. He wants helpers, not burdens.

Suddenly, Zhu Huanna noticed something and looked up in one direction.

Above a certain restaurant, there was a figure standing on the railing, looking with his hands behind his back.

This man has his eyes closed, wears black satin on his head, has a handsome face with a hint of meanness, and occupies the largest restaurant here.

Seeing Zhu Huan'an also looking over, Yuan Chuang curled up the corners of his mouth, put his hands on the railing, and shouted:
"Brother Zhu, why don't you come to my place for a drink?"

Zhu Huanan smiled noncommittally and immediately walked towards the restaurant.

The various forces observing all around suddenly had different expressions. Some looked surprised, while others looked sad.

How could Zhu Huan'an, who was one of the leaders in the world of cultivation, go to the banquet at Dayan Academy?

Yuan Chuang didn't seem to expect that Zhu Huan'an would really come. He chuckled and walked to the stairs to greet him personally.

"A-Ling, go down for me and bring Zhu Huanan up."

Yuan Chuang turned his head to look at the delicate woman beside him and ordered.

Ling Yuzi also agreed with understanding and walked down to the restaurant to invite Zhu Huanan to the restaurant for Dayan Academy.

But when she came to the hall, she found Zhu Huanan talking with the shopkeeper.

With a smile on his face, Ling Yuzi stepped forward and said with a smile:
"Senior Brother Zhu, the leader of my family has invited Brother Zhu to come upstairs to talk."


After Zhu Huan'an informed the shopkeeper that he was leaving, he turned to look at Ling Yuzi and said, "Chief?"

"Who are you referring to?"

This time it was Ling Yuzi's turn to be stunned. She quickly explained: "Of course it's the leader of Dayan Academy, Yuan Chuang."

"Brother Zhu, since you came to this restaurant, aren't you doing it because you are the leader of my family?"

"Oh, this one."

Zhu Huan'an smiled and pointed at the fireplace in the hall.

Ling Yuzi looked in the direction and saw one after another dripping and crispy roast chicken hanging there.

"I'm just here to buy some Huadiao Chicken for Junior Sister."

(End of this chapter)

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