How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 197 The master is worthy of being a god

Chapter 197 The master is worthy of being a god

"Senior brother said he came out to buy me food."

"Why are you related to Wei Hong? No, I have to go and have a look."

Murong Jingyan narrowed her eyes, thought for a while and decided to go and have a look.

Although the master of Duotian Tower has revealed his identity as the former prince of Dayan, he no longer has to compete with Wei Hong for the position of the so-called young master of Duotian Tower.

But after all, Duitian Tower relies on the power of the Brahma Holy Land to stabilize its foothold. If Wei Hong cannot be dealt with properly, this important help may be caused to leave, and even backfire on Duitian Tower.

But just when Murong Jingyan slowly walked into the alley and was about to go to the teahouse to find out what was going on, she suddenly stopped and looked around.

At this moment, Murong Jingyan was keenly aware that more than one gaze was locked on her.

I am wearing a mask at the moment, and only a few people can recognize this mask. Who is targeting me?
As Murong Jingyan raised his feet again, a young man in gray robes also walked out at the end of the alley. The moment he passed by Murong Jingyan, this man stretched out his hand to block the way.

"This knight, please stay."


"The road ahead is not convenient, so I would like to take a detour like a knight. I will be very grateful."

This person lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly. Murong Jingyan also had calm eyes and said casually:

"Your birthday."


Seeing that the person in front of her was confused, Murong Jingyan lowered her bamboo hat slightly and smiled: "Nothing."

"Since the way forward is blocked, I'll just find another way."

"It's work."

After Murong Jingyan finished speaking, she stopped talking nonsense and turned around to leave the alley. She just glanced behind her from the corner of her eye, with a flash of vigilance and thinking in her eyes.

Not someone who seizes the sky tower.
The person who stopped me couldn't be my senior brother, was it the bald guy?
Could it be that that guy is not Wei Hong?
Forget it, wait until the senior brother has finished talking and then ask him. There is no need to have a conflict with someone who doesn't know his origin at this juncture.

Taking advantage of this gap, there is a place in Jiuge City that I need to visit.

Wearing a strange mask, carrying a simple xylophone, and wearing a bamboo hat, Murong Jingyan walked around the city of Jiuge City without attracting any attention.

After all, all the sects in Dayan are gathered here, and there are all kinds of fancy clothes.

Shaking the spiritual silk ribbon on her wrist, Murong Jingyan hummed a light song and searched for the door she was looking for on the street.

"Master Mo, a famous fortune teller in Jiuge City"

"I heard that he practiced the art of burning armor and divination, which is good at improving people's luck. Even the Star Secretary sometimes sends people to ask for advice and calculate some things for him."

"the most important is"

Putting the spiritual silk ribbon on her slender wrist, Murong Jingyan walked into a teahouse, preparing to find out where Master Mo's facade was in Jiuge City.

"This guy is from Seizing Heaven Tower."

Walking into the teahouse, Murong Jingyan frowned slightly, because this teahouse happened to be occupied by many court heroes, most of whom were the sons of the old noble family.

There was a buzz of people, and they chatted freely about today's hot news.

Murong Jingyan listened carefully and her expression suddenly changed.

"I see, then Zhu Huan'an is planning to work with the Nine Provinces Alliance to deal with the imperial court. Otherwise, why would he have started a verbal spat with Brother Yuan in public?"

"That's exactly what I said. Qi Jian Villa seemed neutral, but he still chose the front door. It's a pity that the Nine Provinces Alliance is destined to die. He chose the wrong camp."

"Haha. If you offend the leader of Dayan Academy, the Wenjianhui named Zhu will probably have a hard time surviving."

Senior brother, why did he offend Yuan Chuang?
Walking to one side without leaving a trace, Murong Jingyan casually grabbed the waiter and quickly learned the whole story after giving him some favors.

That's it
Tsk, this Yuan Chuang is used to bullying others, but senior brother, he doesn't do this, so it is reasonable to have conflicts.

"By the way, let me ask you something."

Murong Jingyan looked around and whispered: "Do you know, Master Mo?"

"Harm, of course you know! Master Mo is a god."

The waiter's eyes lit up and he quickly started to praise:

"Master Mo can tell how many males and females will be born just by looking at my sow from a distance. He is never wrong."

"So sharp?"

"That is."

"Where does the master live?"

"Ah, Master lives in Jing'an Villa. He is a master from this world."

Murong Jingyan frowned. Several giant mountains were moved to Jiuge City with great power, and there were at least hundreds of large and small villas. Where is this Jing'an Villa?

"Be more detailed and don't make it easy for me to find you."

"There is a lot of money."

The waiter suddenly beamed with joy, blinked and said:

"Oh, there is an inconspicuous small hollow building in Tazigou, five miles west of Sanli Township, Lianhua Town, Qiluoshan Mountain."

After hearing this, Murong Jingyan quickly closed her eyes and recited silently in her heart.
"What kind of ditch is Lianhuagou Tower?"

"Go out and take a look!!!"

Suddenly, a burst of noise in the teahouse disrupted Murong Jingyan's thoughts. Many sons of powerful people began to walk out in twos and threes, as if to watch the excitement.

"It's Shen Fengchen who came out!"

"This man surnamed Shen has not been seen for a long time. I heard that he suddenly came out of the street forcefully at this moment. Could it be that he is here to add insult to injury."

"Maybe the leader will come out to confront him. It's really a lively day today."

Murong Jingyan, who was on the side, looked at the teahouse that had suddenly returned to peace. She was confused and shook her head: "Is Shen Fengchen so good-looking?"

"By the way, tell me where you were just now. Let me hear it again."


Jiuge City, street.

A group of people were walking down the street in great numbers. They were dressed in red, gray and white brocade robes, and green robes. Most of them had serious faces and followed the leader as he stepped forward.

In front of the crowd was Shen Fengchen, who was wearing a luxurious blue robe and wavy hair shawl.

At this moment, Shen Fengchen's face was indifferent, and he paid no attention to the looks and words from both sides. He walked slowly and led the way unhurriedly.

Behind him on both sides were Shen Su, who was dressed in white and shengxue, and a man with a slightly ordinary appearance and a strong and capable figure.

The man is wearing the gray and white brocade robe of the Wei Daoshi, but the difference is that there is a pattern of mating Pisces tattooed on his chest.

"The one behind Shen Fengchen could be the first internal guard of the Wei Dao Department, Shang Que, who is known as the secretive one."

"Well, it looks like that's probably it. I heard that this Shang Que is not skilled in Taoism, but he has the ability to turn decay into miraculous effects. He can be ranked number one in the Wei Tao Department, which should not be underestimated."

"Where's that woman in white? She looks absolutely beautiful, but she seems to be blind?"

"I'm not sure, but if I can stand behind Shen Fengchen, I guess he won't be an ordinary person."

In the restaurant where Dayan Academy is located, many academy disciples also leaned against the fence, watching the people from the three divisions passing by and making comments.

Ever since Shen Hu succeeded in annihilating the Murong clan in Xishan and transformed from Fulong Si Ming into the Prime Minister of Dayan Zuo, the three divisions of Dayan have formed a faint rope to contain them, the old nobles in the court.

Even though the Right Prime Minister repeatedly warned that the integration of the three divisions would inevitably affect the imperial power, the Holy Emperor always turned a deaf ear and allowed Shen Hu to grow stronger. However, in just over ten years, his power became overwhelming.

In the restaurant, Ling Yuzi turned sideways and looked at Yuan Chuang, who was sitting motionless at the table, and said worriedly:

"Then Shen Fengchen showed up, let's..."

Yuan Chuang obviously heard the commotion early, but chose to remain calm and just taste the wine silently.

"It's okay."

"Chen Fengchen has a wild and rebellious nature. It makes sense to fall like this. It's because he couldn't hide it for a long time before, but it makes me even more suspicious."

"Fifth Junior Brother."

As Yuan Chuang opened his mouth, a disciple from the academy heard the voice and leaned over and said: "Chief."

"Fifth Junior Brother is proficient in concealment. Keep an eye on Shen Fengchen and see where he is going and who he meets."

"it is good."


In Jiuge City, Shen Fengchen seemed to have figured out something and suddenly stopped.

Slowly exhaling a breath, he turned back and frowned:
"Why are you all following me?"

"How can the Third Division of Dayan Exterminate Demons and Defend the Way be so arrogant in the market? Let those guys in the world of cultivation see it and think that we, the Shen family, are deliberately showing off our power."

After waving his hand, Shen Fengchen immediately called out:
"Stop following me. It's time to eat and drink, or go and find out information."

Everyone in the Third Division immediately followed the order and entered the Jiuge City into three streams of people. Suddenly only Shen Fengchen and a few others were left.At this moment, Shang Que closed his eyes and seemed to be feeling something, then came to Shen Fengchen and reminded:
"Sixth Young Master, someone is peeping in the dark."

Shen Fengchen nodded slightly, then glanced at Shen Su and ordered: "Go ahead."

Shen Su, who was covered in white silk, took half a step back. Even though he couldn't see, Shen Su naturally knew that the words were meant for him.


"Tsk, this is Jiuge City, let's teach you a lesson." Shen Fengchen waved his hand impatiently, and after Shen Su left, he turned to look at Shang Que.

"As for Junior Brother Shang, please sit aside."

"Shen has something else to do."

Feeling that Shen Fengchen was chasing people away, Shang Que had no choice but to leave, found a random restaurant and walked in.

After the surrounding area became clear, Shen Fengchen took a deep breath, frowned and said to himself:

"It seems that someone needs to interpret my dream."

"Master Mo"

After looking around, Shen Fengchen raised his feet and quickly left this busy place.

Five miles to the west in Tazigou, Sanli Township, Lianhua Town, Qiluoshan Mountain, there is an inconspicuous hollow building.

"Jing'an. Villa."

Murong Jingyan looked up at the building in front of her and blinked.

Different from other antique wooden buildings, this building is covered with thick animal skins, which are dyed with various pigments. There are many tooth towers made of animal bones on the porch, which looks a little mysterious. breath.

Lifting the curtain made of animal skins, Murong Jingyan walked inside.

Although the red sun was high outside, the attic was extremely dark, with only a kerosene lamp on the table emitting faint light, and a faint pungent smell could be smelled.

"Master Mo!"

Murong Jingyan half-covered her mouth and nose and shouted loudly.

Seeing no one responded in the building, Murong Jingyan walked away. Almost all the doors and windows in the small attic were covered. In addition to bookshelves and stools, there were many ancient books in animal skins and scattered tortoise shells.

Some of these tortoise shells fell to the ground, and Murong Jingyan could only avoid them carefully and look at the furnishings here along the way.

"Aren't you here?"

Walking to the table, Murong Jingyan's eyes were immediately attracted by something, which was a horse-faced hood placed on the table.

"What the hell is this?"

Picking up the hood and examining it, Murong Jingyan suddenly had a sudden idea to put it on her head and twisted the direction.


Then Murong Jingyan looked at the large animal skin robe on the back of the chair, put it on her body, raised the long sleeves above her fingertips with interest, and looked around.

"Oh, it's quite interesting."

"A bit like the fortune teller in his previous life."


Just then, the sound of the wooden door being pushed open came, and Murong Jingyan suddenly turned her head and squinted her eyes.

Is Master Mo back?

Da da,,

As the rustling footsteps came from the darkness, Murong Jingyan's pupils narrowed slightly after seeing the person clearly, she stepped back and leaned directly against the bookcase.

Why, why is it him!

After waving his hand to disperse the smell, Shen Fengchen frowned and looked around the attic, then raised his eyes to look casually at the horse-faced man behind the table not far away.

"You are Master Mo?"

Murong Jingyan was speechless when she heard the sound, and then her back slowly detached from the wall, not daring to answer.

Wasn't Shen Fengchen being watched in the city? Why did he come to this remote place in the countryside? Isn't this guy following me? ?
Wait, what did he just ask?
Seeing that 'Master Mo' in front of him did not reply, Shen Fengchen was not surprised, but walked forward and looked at the master in front of him carefully.

Just now, he thought that the shape of the outside of the building was strange, but he didn't expect that the master himself was even more unique. Maybe there was some heresy.

"I heard that Master Su's divination power was involved in creation, and it was sinking in the wind. I came here specifically to visit the master."

"I hope the master can give me some advice. If there is any price to ask for, I can just say it."

Murong Jingyan blinked, but fortunately with the horse face and the thick animal robe on her body, Shen Fengchen did not recognize herself.

If he is recognized, he will not be able to avoid an explanation, otherwise
Find a reason to send him away?
Thinking of this, Murong Jingyan immediately used his mind power to wake up the sleeping little yellow duck in his arms.


"dinner's ready?"

The little yellow duck's confused voice came, and then was interrupted by Murong Jingyan's urgent voice: "You big-headed devil."

"Do me a favor. I'll stand in for a moment and get rid of this person named Shen."

After straightening his head, Master Mo finally spoke under Shen Fengchen's gaze.

Contrary to imagination, this master's voice was low and drawling, almost like a fake male duck's voice.

"Master Mo, oh no"

"I'm saying that I'm not feeling very well today. Young man, please come back some other time."

When Chen Fengchen heard this, he was unmoved. Instead, he pulled out a short chair next to the table and sat on it directly.

By the flickering candlelight, he raised his head to look at Master Ma Mian in front of him and said calmly:

"Junior will not delay the master's efforts too much."

"Just asking a few questions."

The Sword Master's Club was held, and Shen Fengchen didn't have much free time to tell fortunes. The reason why he came here was more for peace of mind.


In front of the horse, Murong Jingyan pursed his lips when he saw this scene. Based on his understanding of Shen Fengchen, this guy was by no means the kind of person who would give up. He was afraid that he would have to settle his fate today.

The hood began to feel stuffy, and Murong Jingyan felt a drop of sweat fall from her forehead, and she immediately made a decision.

Ma Mian also slowly sat down and said:

"Do you really want to tell his fortune?"

Shen Fengchen: "?"

dong dong!

Under Shen Fengchen's gaze, Ma Mian in front of him suddenly punched his chest twice, and then he spoke again, his hoarse tone becoming much weaker:

"No, it doesn't matter."

"If you have any questions, just ask."

Taking a deep breath, Shen Fengchen leaned on the table with one hand, thought about it, and decided to directly ask the most difficult question to test the so-called master in front of him.

If you can answer this question, then today is the right day.

"Dare to ask Master Mo."

"Do you know what kind of dream this junior had yesterday?"

Murong Jingyan was slightly startled when she heard this, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

Who the hell could guess this?
"Boy, what should I say now?"

"Hey, you can just talk nonsense, just say... um."

Turning his eyes, Murong Jingyan said casually with his mind:

"Let's just say he was whispering to a beautiful woman!"

After saying this, Murong Jingyan smiled proudly. After hearing this, Shen Fengchen would probably feel that he was nothing more than this and that he was hiding from others.

The little yellow duck was also very cooperative and immediately coughed lightly and said:

"Young man."

"Yesterday, you were whispering and lingering in your sleep with a beautiful woman, and you were tossing and turning?"

After the words fell, Murong Jingyan suddenly felt something was wrong.

Shen Fengchen, who was originally calm and calm in front of him, suddenly sat up straight and stared at himself with a strange look.


"As expected of a god."

 Happy National Day everyone!Have a few days off~
(End of this chapter)

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