How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 198: How good is Mr. Shen’s luck this year?

Chapter 198: How good is Mr. Shen’s luck this year?
"The master is really a god-man."

Shen Fengchen felt this, and he finally looked seriously at Master Mo in front of him.

One glance can shatter one's own dream. How can such a handwriting be that of an ordinary person?

This person really has some skills.

"Master, can you use your magical power to interpret my dream?" Shen Fengchen spoke again, with a sincere tone.

After the words fell, Master Mo just tightened his beast robe slowly and did not speak immediately.

Seeing this, Shen Fengchen understood and Yun Danfeng waved his hand lightly.

"I think the master will need a lot to predict good and bad luck."

"If I can interpret Shen's dream, I will definitely send someone to provide it to you in the near future."

Under the horse's face.

A drop of fragrant sweat slipped from the tip of the nose, but it lingered without falling, just like Murong Jingyan's anxious mood at the moment.

His eyes flickered, and Murong Jingyan couldn't help but curse in her heart.

This man surnamed Shen looks like he has thick eyebrows and big eyes. How can he have an erotic dream?
Just do it, do you want someone to interpret your dreams for you? ?
Taking a deep breath, Murong Jingyan had no choice but to ask the little yellow duck:
"Young man, then let's make your dream come true."

"Expand it and tell me."

Hearing this, Shen Feng nodded deeply. He pondered slightly and fell into recollection, and then slowly said:

"I dreamed of a woman whose face I couldn't see clearly, lying in my arms."

"Her voice is very ethereal."

"Keep asking me the same question."

Murong Jingyan immediately raised her hand and said decisively: "That's it!"

"Master Shen, don't worry."

"Old Meng solves [-] puzzles every year. It's just that his mind has been restless recently. I think the young master is also a talented person who is going to the Sword Society. You should pay attention to your rest, young man."

Chen Fengchen shook his head when he heard this, frowned and said, "No."

"This dream has appeared from time to time since a long time ago. It is not just recent."


Murong Jingyan's words were choked, and she could only cough lightly to signal Shen Fengchen to continue.

"Then what question did she ask?"

At this moment, Shen Fengchen pressed his arms on the table at the same time. His body leaned forward slightly and put a hand on his chin:
"That woman."

"she asked me"

Shen Fengchen's faint tone also caused Murong Jingyan to listen carefully subconsciously.

"She asked me why this human story has come to an end."

"It's always cloudy and hard to get around."

Murong Jingyan was a little confused and simply asked: "What about you? How did you answer?"

"The master really knows it clearly."

"In the dream, I did answer."

What Murong Jingyan didn't expect was that Shen Fengchen nodded immediately and expressed his admiration again.

After exhaling, Shen Fengchen asked hesitantly: "Master, shouldn't I answer her?"

"No, that's not what I meant." As she spoke, Murong Jingyan raised her hands to lift the horse's face, allowing the air to flow slightly from the neck.

"Just wondering how you answered her?"

Finally taking a breath, Murong Jingyan also felt a little more relaxed.

If I don't send Shen Fengchen away, I'm afraid I will suffocate to death in this horse mask first.

But Murong Jingyan failed to notice that just as she was adjusting her hood, Shen Fengchen's eyes suddenly changed not far away.

Shen Fengchen narrowed his eyes and stared in the direction of Murong Jingyan's wrist.

Although it was only for a moment, the thick animal robe still drooped slightly, and what was revealed was not the old man's arm, or even a man's hand, but
Fair and smooth slender forearms.

"Master Shen?"

Hearing Master Mo's duck voice in front of him again, Shen Fengchen came back to his senses.

His body leaned back slightly, his thumb and index finger rubbed together, and he pursed his lips and said, "I said."

"Maybe it's because the people who wrote the stories thought so."

"If it is not tainted with a little bit of separation between life and death, it is not worthy of being called a love affair, and it will not be passed down for generations."

The bright lights in the dark room cast shadows on Shen Fengchen's sharp cheeks, and even his tone became mysterious.

He raised his chin, looked at Master Mo in front of him and asked:

"Master, I have had this dream countless times."

"I also ask the master to clarify my doubts for me."


Murong Jingyan closed her eyes, but she couldn't think of anything good to say.

"You" had an idea, and Murong Jingyan suddenly remembered the secrets about Shen Fengchen that the master of Duotian Tower told him.

Otherwise, let’s spy on this by the way.

"Master Shen, your luck is very good this year."

"Do you feel blocked or that your fortune has changed?"

Hearing this, Chen Fengchen raised his eyebrows and said, "Is this related to my dream?"

"Haha, there are many avenues, and dreams and fortune are naturally related."


There was a slight silence, Shen Fengchen crossed his arms over his chest, and an inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"No, Shen's fortune is extremely good this year, even worse than before."

Resisting the urge to snap his head, Murong Jingyan's eyes were confused, how could this happen?

According to the owner of Duotian Tower, Shen Fengchen should encounter a catastrophe this year, and it is impossible for him not to know about it.

If he pointed it out at this time, he shouldn't hastily agree and then tell the inside story one by one.

How to pay back.
"Master Shen, are you serious about what you said?"

"Looking at your face, I think this year should be a year of disaster. This fortune is worse than ever. Where do you start talking about it?"

Shen Fengchen looked at the red candle fluttering on the table.

His eyes were lowered, the firelight wavering in his eyes, Chen Fengshen's face was calm, but there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's different from what the master said."

"This year is indeed a year in which Shen's past has been in full swing. The past has been dull, but only the present is still endlessly interesting when people think about it."

"What's the explanation?" Murong Jingyan asked, and she couldn't help but doubt the information about the master of Duotian Tower.

Shen Fengchen didn't look like he was lying, nor was he worried about the so-called fatal accident.

Shen Fengchen raised his eyes, his eyes serious under those dragon eyebrows:
"I met someone."

A person?

Murong Jingyan didn't know why, but Shen Fengchen spoke eloquently and put his hands on the table again.

"Yes, alone."

"A person who makes Shen feel that no matter fate or destiny, it will no longer matter from now on."

"Someone who can make me more confident that my destiny is up to me."

After blinking, Murong Jingyan's face was filled with questions, what is the answer? Who can make Shen Fengchen dismiss Xingsi's verdict?

"Mr. Shen, who is this person in your mouth?"

With a chuckle, Shen Fengchen turned his hands over, palms facing up.

He glanced at Master Mo in front of him and asked:
"I've heard that Master Mo is a master of fortune telling, why don't you see it with your own eyes."

"The answer lies in my hands."

With suspicion, Murong Jingyan leaned her head to look, but Shen Fengchen immediately clenched his fists and whispered:

"The depth of the hand lines should naturally be felt with your hands."

As he spoke, he withdrew his right hand, leaving only his left hand under the candle.

Looking carefully, Shen Fengchen's palms are large and have distinct joints. If there is a layer of fine calluses on the palms due to practicing martial arts and swordsmanship at a very young age, it should be a very good-looking hand.

Shen Fengchen closed his eyes, nodded and said:

"Master, interpret my dream."

Seeing Shen Fengchen's eyes closed tightly, Murong Jingyan hesitated a little. After all, he had been pretending for so long, so of course it was better to do the whole thing.

And what Shen Fengchen said just now, the answer lies in his hands.

Murong Jingyan couldn't help but be curious about the meaning of these words.

Murong Jingyan tentatively took her hand out from under the thick beast robe, looked at Shen Fengchen's face again, and then slowly put it up.

The candle flame flickered.

In an instant, Shen Fengchen's hand suddenly turned around and clasped Murong Jingyan's wrist tightly before she could pull it back.

"You, you are doing this!!"

Murong Jingyan was in pain and subconsciously spoke, then immediately closed her mouth tightly.


Chen Fengchen, who was sitting opposite, slowly opened his eyes at this moment.

His eyes moved slightly, and his eyes focused on one thing, which was a red ring like amber on the delicate and slender hand.

Letting go of his hand, Chen Fengchen couldn't help but shake his head when he saw Murong Jingyan retracting her hand as fast as lightning and turning sideways to face him warily.

A smile appeared on his lips and he asked:

"Murong Jingyan."

"Why do you know about my fate?"

(End of this chapter)

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