How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 199 The 6-word motto of the Shen family

Chapter 199 The Sixteen-Character Motto of the Shen Family
There was a smile in Shen Fengchen's tone, but Murong Jingyan couldn't smile.


With a flick of her wrist, Murong Jingyan regained her original voice, like the cool spring breeze.

"You knew my identity early on?"

While speaking, Murong Jingyan stood up, took off the horse mask, and slammed it on the table, finally taking off the heavy disguise.

The flying hair on the temples was mixed with dripping sweat, and the fair and flawless face was blushing at the moment, but it also added a bit of womanly shyness.

Looking sideways at Shen Fengchen, Murong Jingyan asked angrily:
"Or are you deliberately teasing me?"

Chen Fengchen looked up at Murong Jingyan at this moment, put his two fingers in front of his lips, and replied with a half-smile:

"How could Shen know that Master Mo is someone else?"

"It's you, what are you doing here, and why are you pretending to be a master?"

Murong Jingyan took a few gulps of fresh air. The heat in the horse's face was unbearable, and she was relieved to be seen.

After hearing this, he sat down again. Murong Jingyan also followed Shen Fengchen's previous appearance, folding his hands in front of his chest and raising his chin casually.

"You can come here to tell your fortune."

"Why can't I come here?"

Hearing Murong Jingyan choke, Shen Fengchen was not displeased. He tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table and suddenly asked:
"You just pointed out my dream. Was it a coincidence?"

"Otherwise." Murong Jingyan showed a knowing smile on her lips, stretched out a finger to tap Shen Fengchen, and said with narrowed eyes:
"So you have erotic dreams every day."


Shen Fengchen waved his hand and said seriously: "There was only that question in the dream. Why come to the erotic palace? Don't mislead me."

Seeing Chen Feng sinking, he asked again. Taking advantage of Master Mo's absence, Murong Jingyan also started chatting and said:
"Is the dream you just mentioned real?"


"Then who is the person you are talking about? Is he also lying to me?"

".Of course there is."


Shen Fengchen's tone was stagnant, and finally he looked away, just shook his left hand and said softly:

"It's inconvenient to tell."

Murong Jingyan clicked her tongue and had no intention of getting to the bottom of it, but Shen Fengchen suddenly raised his eyes.

He asked with a look in his eyes:
"One more thing."

"How do you know about my fate?"

Murong Jingyan blinked, then took a breath quietly, and looked to the side with a guilty conscience: "I'm just pretending to be Master Mo, just talking to you casually."

"What a fate, I don't understand."

Shen Fengchen raised his eyebrows, obviously not believing it.

"It's okay."

"The reason why I ask you is because I am afraid that you are worried about this so-called life-threatening matter."

Seeing Murong Jingyan looking at her, Shen Fengchen spoke with a heavy tone and took the initiative to explain: "The so-called fate calamity is just a knot set by Xingsi for me."

"If luck is the derivation, then you should fully believe it. There is no need to fight for survival in this world, just sit back and enjoy the success."

"The calamity of death is imminent, should we just lead the neck and kill him?"

Murong Jingyan nodded slightly, agreeing with Shen Fengchen's words in her heart.

Although Master Mieyuan and even the master of Duotian Building have repeatedly emphasized the importance of fate and luck, Murong Jingyan still retains the thoughts of her previous life and believes in the words "man can conquer heaven".

Not to mention, there is such a powerful talent blessing.

"So, do you have any countermeasures?"

Chen Fengchen shook his head when he heard this, thought for a moment, and then looked at Murong Jingyan again.

"Back then, Zhu Xingsi gave me the Shen family's sixteen-character mantra to deal with this calamity."

"Do you want to know what Seiji's gift is?"

Murong Jingyan pursed her lips, but was speechless for a moment.

'If you find the opportunity'

'Kill Shen Fengchen! '

'The Shen family is the sworn enemy of the Murong family, and this son will definitely be a nuisance to His Highness in the future! '

'kill him'

The voice of the Duotian Building Master echoed in his mind, and Murong Jingyan couldn't help but close her eyes and shook her head vigorously. "Is this what I can listen to?" Murong Jingyan asked.

"It's okay."

Shen Fengchen smiled faintly: "Don't be suspicious of people, but don't be suspicious of people you employ. Since Shen has chosen you, he won't have any concerns about you."

After saying that, Chen Fengchen took a deep breath and said the sixteen words:
"The unicorn fell off the cliff, and there was no life for ten."

"Only by making decisions based on emotion can you achieve nirvana."

Hearing Shen Fengchen say this, Murong Jingyan also hissed lightly, thinking silently in his heart, don't blame me if you say it.

After saying this, Shen Fengchen also patted his sleeves and stood up, looked around and said:
"Then, the so-called Master Mo is no longer around."

"Shen goes first, what about you."

Murong Jingyan quickly turned her head, waved her hands and said, "I'll take a break, you, you go first."

Seeing this, Shen Fengchen didn't say much. He looked at the dark attic again, then waved and left.

"See you and me at the Sword Asking Club."

After Shen Fengchen left completely, Murong Jingyan sighed and leaned back on the chair, closed her eyes and muttered something silently.

"Falled off a cliff. Ten deaths and no life?"

"Fall off a cliff."

"Little Lord?"



A sudden call made Murong Jingyan open her eyes suddenly, stood up from the chair almost instantly, and looked around cautiously.

"Who is speaking!?"

"Don't be surprised, young master, it's an old slave."

As a weak voice sounded, Murong Jingyan looked around and saw a pile of miscellaneous books under the wooden shelf behind her trembling slightly.

Then the books were pushed away, and a dry arm suddenly poked out!

When this person revealed his true appearance, Murong Jingyan was stunned.

I have never seen anyone so thin.

This is an old man, with a skinny body that looks like a skeleton, and both rows of ribs have shrunk into his abdomen.

But he had a thick-haired head, a white beard hanging down to his chest, and a pair of brown eyes in his deep sockets.

The most eye-catching thing is that the old man's neck is hung with layers of beads, some of which are as big as a fist. They make his figure become more and more stooped, and he can almost not stand up.

"Are you Master Mo?" Murong Jingyan asked tentatively.

The old man squeezed out a mummy smile, walked slowly to the chair, and put the animal skin coat on his body.

With the leather jacket covering the body, it doesn't look out of place with that head.

"The old slave is Mo Wuchang."

"Young Master, just call me Lao Mo."

Taking a breath, Murong Jingyan laughed at herself for her stress, and then looked at Mo Wuchang.

"Have you been in this attic the whole time?"

"Of course, the old slave has been here since the young master came in."

"Then why don't you speak?"

"Haha, I don't know the identity of the young master. It wasn't until the young master tried to find out about Shen Fengchen's fate that the old slave guessed a thing or two."


Murong Jingyan touched her chin, leaned her thigh on the table, and asked, "Do you also know about Shen Fengchen's fate?"

"That's natural."

Mo Wuchang clasped his fists, flattered and smiled, "It's not just that."

"The old slave also has a way."

"Teach the young master to use these sixteen words of motto to steal the Shen family's opportunities for himself."

 Happy belated National Day!

  I wish you all a good time and a happy holiday~
  Thank you to everyone who voted and followed, I love you!

(End of this chapter)

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