How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 200 The Demon Sword is born, Fengyun Wenjian!

Chapter 200 The Demon Sword is born, Fengyun Wenjian!
"What did you say?"

Murong Jingyan leaned on the corner of the table, stared at Mo Wuchang, and asked:
"The Shen family is now deeply favored by the emperor. Like the royal family, they are protected by the Star-Zhu Xing Formation established by the Star Division. Logically speaking, it is difficult to spy on him. Can you also calculate his opportunity?"

Before leaving the Duotian Token, the Duotian Building Master informed all the key informants in the Nine Provinces Alliance, including Master Mo.

Regarding this person, the master of Duotian Tower specifically emphasized that it was best for Murong Jingyan to meet him before the Sword Asking Conference started.

Now it seems that this person should be a card used by Duotian Tower Master to deal with the Shen family. He has a special origin and can help him deal with Shen Fengchen.

"Haha, this old slave never has such great powers. Thanks to the host for helping me."

"About these sixteen words of motto, old slave, will you tell me one by one?"

Murong Jingyan frowned slightly.

Even though the mystery of his life experience has been solved now, he still cannot connect Shen Fengchen with the so-called enemy who exterminated the clan, and it is difficult for him to feel any ill will in his heart.

In Murong Jingyan's heart, there were only two kinds of enemies. One was that he had to get rid of him, such as Qu Yong from Lianchi Tiangong.

The second is those who have murderous intentions towards themselves. For example, no one from the Xuancheng Wei Dao Division was left alive, otherwise they would be the ones who would be harmed.

As for Shen Feng Shen.
For some reason, Murong Jingyan never felt murderous intent from him, nor even hostility.

The sixth son of the Shen family, whom the world said was unscrupulous, seemed to really sincerely want to win over him, and he was willing to help several times for this purpose.

After thinking about it, Murong Jingyan nodded and looked away.

"You said."


Small courtyard on the mountainside.


"Where's Junior Sister?"

Zhu Huanan searched for it, but when he didn't see Murong Jingyan's figure, he put the roast chicken in his hand on the table with doubts on his face.

"Could it be that you went to the city?"

With a hiss, Zhu Huan'an tapped the scabbard with his fingers. He couldn't help but blame Mu Qing for insisting on chatting with him inappropriately. I'm afraid the junior sister was impatient.

At this moment, the wooden door was pushed open again. Zhu Huanan turned around when he heard the sound, his expression relieved a little.

It was Murong Jingyan who came back.

But at this moment, Murong Jingyan's brows were furrowed, looking worried.

"Brother, are you back?"

Seeing the man in red clothes in the courtyard, Murong Jingyan immediately swept away the gloom on his face and walked up quickly.

Before anyone even got close, the smell of roast chicken was already hitting your nostrils.

"You just came back. Are you going to the city?"

Seeing Murong Jingyan bending down and looking at the kraft paper, Zhu Huan'an smiled and shook his head, stretched out his hand and tore open the paper bag, revealing the tender Huadiao chicken inside.

"Eat, this should be a famous restaurant in Jiuge City."

With a smile, Murong Jingyan was not polite and immediately sat down and started to get started.

Although the Huadiao Chicken is not as hot as when it comes out of the oven, it is still juicy and has a faint aroma of wine, which is really satisfying.

Zhu Huan'an also sat at the table, casually placing the long knife on his lap, and just watched Murong Jingyan devouring Huadiao Chicken.


After tearing into a bite of chicken wings, Murong Jingyan looked up at Zhu Huanan and asked:
"I heard from others that you had a conflict with Yuan Chuang from Dayan Academy?"

At this moment, Zhu Huan'an was a little distracted. Even though Murong Jingyan was feasting and the corners of his mouth were oily, he didn't look like a fairy at all. But maybe that face was too beautiful, but it made him look more smart.


After coming back to his senses, Zhu Huan'an chuckled lightly and did not take it seriously.

"Is there a conflict?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm afraid Yuan Chuang doesn't have the intention to target me. He and I just don't like each other."

Murong Jingyan thought of something and asked again:
"Speaking of which, I happened to meet my senior brother chatting with a bald man. Who is that person?"

Hearing Murong Jingyan's question, Zhu Huanan raised his hand and touched the stubble on his chin: "Hey, it turns out you saw it all."

"This person's name is Mu Qing, he is the genius of Duanhe Sect."

Broken Crane Gate?
Murong Jingyan suddenly remembered that the master of Duotian Tower had revealed to him the appearance of immortals and demons known to this Sword Asking Society, and one of them was from Duanhe Clan.

However, this person is not on the list that Duitianlou wants to win over.It turns out his name is Mu Qing.
"Senior brother, what did you talk about?"

Zhu Huanan let out a breath after hearing this, shook his head and said: "It's not like we talked about anything."

"This bald donkey only wants to be pure. If you want to join forces with me, you can avoid the fight between the court and the world of cultivation and stay alone in the world."

Murong Jingyan nodded when she heard this and took another bite of chicken drumsticks.

"But, Ayan."

Zhu Huanan suddenly looked up and asked doubtfully:
"Since you have seen me, why don't you let me know?"

After wiping his hands, Murong Jingyan pushed the remaining half of the roast chicken in front of Zhu Huanan and said casually: "I think so."

"Naihe was stopped before he even got close."

"Senior brother, you won't dislike what I've eaten, right?"

Zhu Huan'an shook his head naturally, and immediately picked up a chicken drumstick, hanging it in front of him without eating it.

At this moment, he looked thoughtful and looked away.

Just when Zhu Huan'an was deep in thought, his eyes suddenly changed and he suddenly looked up at the sky.

Murong Jingyan also felt something was wrong and raised her head to look at the sky.

Jiuge City hangs above the cumulus clouds, bathed in thousands of miles of sunshine, and can see the boundless sea of ​​stars at night. However, it is clearly daytime at this moment, and the sky in Jiuge City actually dims.

In the sky above Jiuge City, a group of dark clouds came from nowhere and were pressing into the distance at an alarming speed. In the blink of an eye, the sunlight was completely covered, and the entire Jiuge moment fell into darkness.

Along with the dark clouds came a cold wind.

The wind started from the southeast. It was not strong enough to blow only the hem of people's clothes, but it was so cold and bone-chilling that even the Heavenly Feng cultivators couldn't help but tremble.

Zhu Huan'an had already stood up at this moment, his red shirt was rustling, and his golden eyes were dancing with flames, making them even more dazzling in the dark night.

Murong Jingyan also stood up and came to Zhu Huan'an's side. She raised her head to look at this strange change in the sky with cautious eyes.

Before he could ask any questions, a ray of red light pierced the clouds like lightning and arrived in the courtyard in the blink of an eye.

It was none other than Master Mieyuan with a solemn look on his face.

"Huan'an, cleanse your face!"

Master Mieyuan stepped forward to the two of them, his tone was urgent and uncharacteristically serious.

"This Sword Questioning Meeting will start early. The weather is strange and may not be like before."

"Remember what I said before, find each other as soon as possible, and never get separated!"

Just after Master Mieyuan finished his instructions, the dark wind surrounding Jiuge City suddenly became fierce, sweeping the leaves of the courtyard straight into the sky.

The dark clouds covering the sky and sun above the head evolved into a huge cyclone that stretched for hundreds of miles.

Purple thunder and lightning like a blue dragon wandered in the vortex, stirring up the wind and clouds in the sky, and a world-destroying aura suddenly emerged, radiating to all the heavens and worlds.

If Master Mianyuan hadn't appeared in time and offered the Great Sage's energy and blood to protect his body, Murong Jingyan would probably have difficulty breathing.

Suddenly, there was a crisp sound of the sword trembling in Murong Jingyan's ears!
The sound was distinct and subtle, but it was like exploding in the ears. It made people feel far away and very close at the same time.

Along with the sound of the sword, the entire Jiuge City shook, and a soaring black light rose from the highest mountain range in Jiuge City, and in the blink of an eye it flew into the dark clouds of destruction!

At this moment, not only Zhongzhou, the entire Dayan, and even the countries further away in the world, anyone with eyes can see the fleeting peerless sword light flashing across the sky.

All over the mortal world, all the monks' weapons screamed in unison, trembling and unsheathing like pilgrims.


Just when Jiuge City was in panic because of this sudden strange appearance, a voice resounded in the minds of every monk.

This voice was cold and charming, coming from a woman, but it carried an unquestionable domineering tone.

"I am the leader of the Nine Provinces Alliance, Li Jiu."

At this moment, all the powerful forces are rising into the sky together, like the stars pointing the way in the dark night.

The voice of the leader of the Nine Provinces Alliance was calm, but it made the geniuses of various sects get their blood pumping, and they all geared up and showed anticipation. .

"Devil Jianze is born today. I use the order of the leader of the Nine Provinces Alliance to announce it."

"Asking the Sword Society, Qi!"

 It’s a rare opportunity during the National Day, so I have to meet a lot of elders. I’m very sorry for the lack of support for everyone these days!
  However, the most exciting sword-asking meeting has finally officially begun!

(End of this chapter)

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