How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 201 Endless Sea

Chapter 201 Endless Sea

Following the order from the leader of the Nine Provinces Alliance, the entire Jiuge Cloud City suddenly experienced changes.

All kinds of streams of light were seen rising from the city, intertwining and flying into the purple clouds of the magic sword above their heads.

In the courtyard, Murong Jingyan also opened her arms and watched as the crimson holy light flew out of her body, echoing with the red-gold mysterious light rising from Zhu Huanan's body next to her, and turned into an arrow that shot straight into the sky.

When Master Mieyuan saw this, he flicked his fingers, and several magic weapons flew out from the two of them and fell into their hands.

"These sect magic weapons cannot be brought into the Wenjian Realm. In the next few months, you will have to rely on yourselves."

After saying that, without waiting for Murong Jingyan to nod, a huge suction force pulled her off the ground and flew towards the colorful magic cloud.

Master Mieyuan took a step forward and stood with his hands behind his back, a look of worry on his dry cheeks.

"The day has finally come."

"Why am I even more uneasy?"

At the main peak of the Nine Provinces Alliance, a slim figure stood with hands behind his back, looking up at the endlessly surging demonic cloud.

Behind him, there were nine majestic figures.

They are the nine leaders who dominate the world.

"Leader, why don't you suppress the Demon Sword for three days instead of advancing the conference?"

A burly man with red hair and red eyebrows spoke. Cui Dong, the leader of the dragon, took half a step forward and looked at the colorful light that penetrated the clouds.

"What's the benefit of suppressing the demon sword?"

"Opening the sword in advance is only known to me, the Jiuzhou Alliance, and it can be considered as an advantage. Why waste the alliance leader's essence and blood for others."

The person who responded to Cui Dong was not the leader of the Nine Provinces Alliance, but a man on the other side.

This man looks middle-aged, wearing a black robe and a gray beard, and the domineering look on his brows is not half inferior to that of Cui Dong.

"Ha ha."

"What Er Longtou said is true, but it's not entirely true."

When the leader of the Nine Provinces Alliance spoke, she still did not look back, and asked the nine dragon heads to silently lower their heads and listen.

"The demon sword is no longer something I can suppress."

As soon as these words came out, all the leading figures looked solemn.

Since this sword of immortals and demons fell into the hands of the Nine Provinces Alliance, only Lord Li Jiu in front of him can slightly control it. Now even Lord Li Jiu has no way, isn't it?

"It's okay."

"In other words, this sword should have collapsed and disappeared long ago. I don't know what kind of power supports it until now."

"But no matter what, this should be the last Sword Questioning Association."

Li Jiu turned slightly sideways, vaguely revealing a pair of breathtaking eyes, and asked coldly: "Have all the people you sent in been fully accounted for?"

Hearing this, several dragon heads nodded one after another.

Dragon leader Cui Dong came to the side of the Nine Provinces Alliance Leader and asked in a low voice: "Leader, are we really not competing for the Hidden Dragon List this time?"


"The Hidden Dragon List."

Li Jiu raised his head and slowly closed his eyes: "It has been more than a thousand years since I, the Nine Provinces Alliance, held the Sword Society for the Great Evolution. Is it really just for that mere status in the world?"

"What I'm asking for is actually to have thousands of heroes study this sword for us in the past thousand years."

With a chuckle, Li Jiu opened her eyes again. Her eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the void and see the outline of the long sword deep in the magic cloud.

"The Hidden Dragon List is just an opportunity left to future generations."

"And if you can understand the secret of this sword."

"This is the opportunity for us to become immortals."


With the strong wind roaring in his ears, Murong Jingyan could only feel his body shaking, like a leaf of duckweed in the wind and rain, ready to be slaughtered.

Pursing her mouth tightly, Murong Jingyan kneaded the secrets with one hand, holding her Yuan and guarding her heart, forcing her five senses to return to normal.

Looking closely, he saw floating light groups everywhere in the black clouds, like dots of stars. Most of the people among them were as steady as himself, not panicked by this sudden change, and were very calm.

Murong Jingyan straightened her mask.

Sure enough, those who can come to the Sword Asking Club are all the heirs of the strongest bloodlines of Dayan, the proud sons of the cultivation sects, and are invincible young men with great reputations in all states.Not to mention the final ranking, just having this place to participate in the conference is already a supreme honor.

Not to be underestimated.

At this moment, Murong Jingyan suddenly noticed that the continuous light in the distance quickly extinguished, as if there was an invisible wave of light spreading outward from the depths of the clouds.


Before she could react, Murong Jingyan felt her mind was hit hard and her eyes suddenly became distracted.

Before she fainted, Murong Jingyan's eyes suddenly went blank. In the white vision, an inky shadow of a long sword appeared.

The shadow of the sword was extremely far away, with endless black mist, as if to fill the paleness of this floating world.


Closing her eyes, Murong Jingyan fell into a deep sleep.


sand, sand, sand,

The sound of waves lapping behind my ears is like the sound of wind chimes.
The long eyelashes trembled slightly, and Murong Jingyan slowly opened her eyes, a little confused.


"Cough!!! Cough cough!!!"

Spitting out the salty water in her throat, Murong Jingyan sat up straight and gently beat her chest.

"This is."

Looking around, Murong Jingyan's eyes gradually focused, and then quickly became solemn.

Sea water, endless sea water.

The clear sea stretches as far as the eye can see, blending into the blue sky in the distance, indistinguishable from each other. The sea is calm and windless, and you can't tell how high the sky is when you look up.

Standing up on her knees, Murong Jingyan looked at the sea that only reached her knees and couldn't help but pat her head.

"Endless Sea"

"It's such bad luck."

In addition to the Sword Immortal State in the center, the World of Swordsmanship is divided into four major Jedi regions: southeast, southeast, and northwest. All young monks who enter the realm are randomly distributed among these four Jedi regions.

Among them, the southern Jedi are named:
endless sea.

Among the four Jedi, there is no doubt that the Endless Sea is definitely the place with the most deaths.

Murong Jingyan raised her eyes to the west, looked at the red sun, and muttered silently.

"In the world of Wenjian, the red sun rises in the west and sets in the east, forming pairs in one day. This should be the ugly time."

The reason why we need to quickly check the time is because this endless sea seems calm, but countless monks have drowned here.

Just because every other hour, a blood moon will appear in the sky across the eastern end of the world, facing the great sun of the Endless Sea from north to south.

The double shadow of the sun and moon will set off an earth-shattering tide of world destruction.

The tide passed and no one survived.

There is only one way to survive, and that is to find the two boundaries of the Endless Sea as quickly as possible, namely Penglai Island and the Undersea Dragon Palace.

If not, then you can only wait to die.

Murong Jingyan raised her wrist, gently turned the ring in her hand, closed her eyes and felt it carefully.

Murong Jingyan felt something in her heart, let go of her hand, and turned her head to look into the distance.

"Is senior brother in the north?"

Although the immortal magic weapon cannot be used, the Star Moving Ring can. Murong Jingyan and Zhu Huanan also agreed to use this ring to find each other.

At present, the two of them live in two separate places, separated by the Central Sword Immortal State, and it seems that they will not be able to touch each other for a while.

"Find Penglai Island and Dragon Palace first."

After Murong Jingyan finished speaking, her whole body suddenly floated into the air, her feet were on the floating sea, her eyes were sharp, and her purple robe was motionless in the wind.

"Who will be assigned to this place in the South China Sea with me?"


(End of this chapter)

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