How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 202 Penglai Blood Fruit

Chapter 202 Penglai Blood Fruit

The tranquil sea is endless and the sky is the same color.

On the blue water surface, Murong Jingyan stepped on the red horseshoe, as if flying on the waves, and scanned the surroundings.

In the clear air, the monk's sight can be as far as ten miles away, not to mention that the ground here is as flat as a mirror, and the sight is even more unobstructed.

"The Dragon Palace under the sea is mysterious. Only those with great luck can find it."

Murong Jingyan's purple shirt swayed, adjusting its direction according to the trajectory of the sun.

"First find Penglai Island located on the east side of the Endless Sea."


Suddenly, Murong Jingyan looked up and saw several birds suddenly appearing, flying across the sky at extremely fast speeds.

With a pause at his feet, Murong Jingyan's wrist turned upside down, and the spiritual silk ribbon instantly turned into a red cloth, catching one of the flying birds into it with lightning speed.

Taking back the red cloth, Murong Jingyan looked at the 'little bird' that was tightly clenched inside, her eyes slightly focused.

This thing is not a living bird, but a kind of mechanical chaffinch. Its eyes are inlaid with green and transparent gems, as if it has intelligence.

"Is he the imperial court's spy?"

Murong Jingyan stretched out her fingers to pluck out the two gemstone eyes, and then threw the soulless wooden bird into the water aside, looking around.

The Stealing Machine Swallow is a product of the Imperial Moyuan. It is connected to its main hand and eye and can see extremely far away.

"I've only been walking for a quarter of an hour before I encountered other people's tricks."

"It seems that it should be close to Penglai Island."

Following the trajectory of the falling sun, Murong Jingyan set out again.

After half a stick of incense, Murong Jingyan slowed down, because not far away there were two figures lightly treading on the water, approaching her quickly in an angle.

Murong Jingyan did not dodge, nor did she ask questions, but the old god stood there holding the hand.

As they got closer, they saw the two men dressed in gray and white brocade robes, both with long swords hanging from their waists and sharp eyes.

The inner guard of the Ministry of Health?

Murong Jingyan could tell who they were at a glance. Unlike the Dao Wei of Xuancheng Wei Dao Si, the clothes of these two people were obviously too luxurious, and their aura was restrained and bright, which was a manifestation of the strong ancestral blood.

The two men stopped Murong Jingyan from the left and right, and looked at the strange mask on Murong Jingyan's face.

"Tell me your origin."

Murong Jingyan turned her head to look at the speaker and asked, "Is that machine beast just now yours?"


Another person heard Murong Jingyan's voice and spoke again: "Are you from the world of cultivation?"

Upon hearing this, Murong Jingyan lowered her eyes and rubbed the fingertips of her sleeves.

Although these two people are the best among the more than [-] young people in Dayan Wei Daosi, Murong Jingyan has not paid attention to them yet, but at the moment.
There are still some questions to ask.

Putting his hand into his waist, Murong Jingyan took out Shen Fengchen's universal gold medal and said in a deep voice:
"I have a private secret agreement with the Sixth Young Master. Don't ask any more questions."

The expressions of the two people from the Department of Defense changed slightly, and they hurriedly took two steps forward to take a closer look. After confirming that this was indeed the Shen family's token, they immediately smiled, put their hands down from their swords, and said:
"It turned out to be my own."

"This heroine is so offensive, don't blame me."

Murong Jingyan pinned the gold medal back. Although Duotian Tower and Wei Daosi are at odds with each other, what does this have to do with me, Princess Yunli.

"It doesn't matter. In this sword-asking world, you have to be more cautious."

"Are you going to stop me?"

The two guards from the Wei Daosi Department shook their heads and looked at each other with angry expressions in their eyes.

"Xia Xia, do you know what the opportunity is for Penglai Island in the endless sea?"

After hearing the words, Murong Jingyan thought for a moment and frowned:

"I heard that Penglai Island has fairy fruits, and if you take them, they can improve your cultivation. Someone once ate three fairy fruits in a row to sustain the effects of the medicine, and broke through the four levels of Tianfeng in one go. Finally, he won the top three in that sword competition. "

"Could it be that there are other secrets?"

One of the inner guards nodded: "Yes, this Penglai Island does have the Penglai Immortal Number, which can be used to conceive the Immortal Fruit."

"But where does this fruit come from and how much can it bear?"

Another inner guard answered and said in a deep voice:
"This fruit needs to be watered by the blood of the monk's heart. The more essence and blood watered, the more amazing the effect of the fruit will be."

"Just now, we have discovered the remains of several monks nearby, including my brothers from the Department of Defense."

Murong Jingyan folded her hands and chanted softly:
"So someone plundered the blood of others before landing on the island, so that the Penglai Immortal Number could bear more fruit?"

"Are you looking for the murderer?"

The two inner guards said in unison:

Curling her lips, Murong Jingyan coughed lightly.I thought that Wenjian would be the most cruel at the end, when they competed for the seat on the sword stage. Unexpectedly, someone started killing people just at the beginning. It seems that I still underestimated the desire of people.

"In my opinion."

Murong Jingyan looked at the sky and said softly:

"It's better to find Penglai Island first. The murderer will definitely land on the island, and it won't be too late to liquidate him then."

The two inner guards had no choice but to nod in agreement.


"Now the three of us are not afraid of being alone."

One of them took out a compass, which made Murong Jingyan look sideways: "What is this?"

The man turned the compass pointer and nodded when he heard the words:
"This object is the communication tool between our Defense Department and Senior Brother Shang. According to the guidance, Senior Brother Shang is probably also in this endless sea."

"Senior Brother Shang's ancestral blood image can fly into the sky. At this moment, it may have landed on the Penglai Immortal Island. All we have to do is follow the direction to find Senior Brother Shang."

Murong Jingyan stared at the compass and saw that the people secretly guarding the Daosi had indeed retained some tricks.

Since the Wei Daosi is also considered to be under Shen Fengchen's command, it would be better to follow them to Penglai Immortal Island first.


After half an hour.

Murong Jingyan stepped on the red cloth and glided above the tranquil sea. The other two internal guards of the Wei Dao Department also controlled a wooden fish-shaped magic weapon, but the speed was slightly slower and they were left behind.

Suddenly, Murong Jingyan let out a light sigh, stopped, and moved her eyes to her shoulders.

Even though it had stopped, a strand of loose hair was still swaying gently at this moment.

got windy.

Withdrawing his gaze, Murong Jingyan exhaled from the tip of his nose and asked the two Wei Daosi who followed closely:

"How long?"

"It's just ahead, it should be soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw ripples on the sea beneath his feet, and the clear blue sky was instantly covered by the bloody glow.

The entire Endless Sea suddenly entered a dark bloody night.

Together with the originally clear water under the feet, it now turned into ink color, and only the reflection could be seen faintly.

The three of them looked up to the east and saw at the end of their field of vision, a crescent moon hanging across the sky at some point, covering half of the red sun.

"It's the blood moon across the sky."

"No, I'm going to hurry up."

One of the internal guards looked a little nervous and reminded:
"The tide of destruction will follow, let's hurry."

Before he could finish his words, he suddenly felt a chill on his neck, and Murong Jingyan quickly raised her wrist, using the spiritual silk ribbon to block something that was passing by. She took half a step back and narrowed her eyes.

Looking again, I saw a large hole like a pigeon egg appearing somewhere in the neck of the inner guard in front of me, and a large amount of blood spurted out, immediately dyeing the sea water under my feet red.

He subconsciously tried to block it with his hands, but was unable to do so. He would fall over if his feet weakened.

"Junior Brother Wang!"

"Hold on!"

Another inner guard pulled out his long sword and immediately supported the attacked inner guard. He quickly raised his fingers and pointed at several acupuncture points in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

"never mind."

Murong Jingyan looked at a piece of bone floating on the water, shook her head and said:
"His vertebrae have been knocked out, at most ten breaths, and it is difficult for gods to save him."

After finishing her words, Murong Jingyan turned sideways and looked at the endless sea under the dim light of the blood moon.

"Who are you."

"Even if there are three of us, you still have to take action when the blood moon changes. Is it because of the Penglai Fairy Fruit?"

call out!call out!
Deep in the darkness, the sound of treading water gradually began to sound.

Then, a figure slowly emerged under the moonlight.

This man was wearing a heavy linen robe, and the cloak covered his face and eyes. He raised a hand, and in the palm of his hand were two red beads that were constantly rotating.

One of the beads still had blood stains left on it, dripping from time to time.


"If you weren't here, I would have killed these two people long ago."

 The next chapter will probably turn around

(End of this chapter)

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