How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 203 The Tide of Destruction

Chapter 203 The Tide of Destruction
The sky and the earth were dark, the blood and moonlight reflected the sea, and the sound of ripples was everywhere.

Before Murong Jingyan could reply, a cold and stern voice suddenly sounded from beside her:


"If you dare to attack and kill someone from the Wei Dao Department, please give me your name!"

I saw the internal guard of the Department of Wei Dao put down his twitching and dying companion in his arms, stood up slowly with his sword in hand, and stared at the man in blood-robed not far away with splitting eyes.

"I want you to be buried with Junior Brother Wang!"

After saying that, purple blood transformed from behind the man, condensing into a handsome beast, shaped like a lynx, with a pair of ferocious blue eyes.

However, this is only transformed by Qi and blood, not an image. This person should be still some distance away from the three levels of Tianfeng. Perhaps it was because of the ancestral blood that he could be promoted to the status of a divine beast and was selected by the Wei Dao Secretary to join the Sword Asking Society.

Before Murong Jingyan could raise his hand to stop him, the inner guard held the Wei Daosi Demon-Slaying Sword and shot out violently. In the blink of an eye, it was divided into three shadows. The sword was like thunder and there was nowhere to avoid it.

"Ha ha."

The man in blood robes let out a dull laugh when faced with the inner guard's offensive. He did not dodge or dodge, and even put away the two blood beads spinning on his wrist and took the initiative to face it.

The inner guard was obviously not stupid. When he realized something was wrong, he took the initiative to reveal his true identity, raised his hand and waved a magic weapon to protect him, and sent two other sword shadows to rush forward for him to explore the reality.

What made his pupils shrink slightly was that the blood-robed man's robe suddenly swelled up, suddenly covering the two sword shadows. His sword intention that could break rocks and cliffs did not cause any shock.

It was as if it was swallowed up by something.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Maniacal laughter burst out from the blood robe, and the blood robe that swelled like a sack continued to draw towards the inner guard.

Even though this Junjie of the Wei Daosi was carrying a protective magic weapon, and the demon-slaying sword in his hand emitted brilliant sword light at all times of life and death, there was still no ripples under the blood robe.


The screams and the sound of bones exploding were heard for a moment, but they stopped abruptly after just one breath. The blood robe retracted and turned into a human form again.

A body shaped like a mummy, whose essence and blood had been drained, and only the hair could barely be seen, was thrown into the sea of ​​blood. The man in the blood robe still couldn't see clearly, and he just stretched out his hand to wipe his mouth.


He glanced at the last person not far away, but the movements in his hands slowed down.

Because this slender figure wearing a mask and purple robe was bending down slowly at the moment, searching for something on the body of the inner guard who was attacked by blood beads.

"Fortunately, this thing is still there."

Murong Jingyan shook off the water stains, looked at the compass in her hand, and breathed a sigh of relief.


A cry caused Murong Jingyan to turn around and see the man in blood robe kicking away the mummy at his feet and asking coldly:

"Watching your companions being killed and not taking any action?"

Murong Jingyan held up the corners of her mask, looked at the corpses of the two guards of the Wei Daosi Department out of the corner of her eye, and chuckled: "Who said that walking together means companions?"

"Your grudges have nothing to do with me."

After saying that, Murong Jingyan was about to turn around and leave.

This person from the Wei Daosi Department was just a chance encounter. If he didn't take out the token, it would be best for these two people to ignore him. If not, they might attack him.

In addition, the Wei Daosi is an obstacle to seizing the sky tower, and I really can't think of any reason to help.


"Am I letting you go?"

The man in blood robe suddenly spoke, he raised his palm flat, and the two blood beads gently swirled on it again, his tone was threatening:

“Let’s see how interesting you are. Who is your sect?”

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan stopped and didn't look back:

"Why don't you tell me first, what sect are you from?"

Hearing that there was no movement behind her, Murong Jingyan raised her eyebrows slightly, turned her head and said, "Is that machine-stealing swallow yours?"


"You are from Dayan Academy."

Turning around, Murong Jingyan looked at the blood-robed man and said:
"In other words, you are the person recruited by Yuan Chuang."

Seeing that the man in blood robe remained silent, Murong Jingyan confirmed his suspicion.

According to the people from the Wei Dao Department, this guy should have killed a lot of people. To do this, you need to be able to see clearly, and the imperial court's machine-stealing swallow is naturally an excellent method.

The two internal guards of the Department of Defense did not steal the machine, which means that there is another person, and the possibility that this person is the murderer is extremely high.

He has a background in the imperial court, possesses a stolen machine, and can kill the people of the Wei Daosi without any scruples, so he is naturally the opposite of the three divisions.
However, Dayan Academy, headed by the old-school nobles, had never heard of such a bloody-robed prodigy who could kill the top heroes of the Wei Dao Department in a single encounter. Even Murong Jingyan was on guard.

Then there is only one answer.

Although this person belongs to Yuan Chuang's sect, he does not come from Dayan Academy. He is a hidden master who is not known to everyone like himself. He may have the appearance of an immortal or a demon.

"Oh, it's kind of interesting."

The man in blood robe suddenly opened his hand, and the two blood beads shot out at lightning speed. One was close to the water and the other came in an arc, breaking through the wind and waves but making no sound.

Upon seeing this, Murong Jingyan put away the compass, raised her right hand casually, and flicked her fingers at the blood droplets flying from one side.

Thin purple lines swept out from the onion-like fingertips. The lines were like flowing light, drawing a purple phantom in the dark, chasing the blood droplets in the air.

The next moment, the sea surface shook violently, and the blood beads carrying the power of thousands of stones were hit and stopped in mid-air.

Then Murong Jingyan stepped lightly, and the red silk under her feet suddenly spread out, turning into a red snake and grabbing another blood bead that came from the water. No matter how the bead squirmed and struggled, it was Yan Yan who was wrapped in the red silk. Strictly.

After blocking the move lightly, Murong Jingyan looked at the man in blood-robed flying towards him, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Just now, with the help of Wei Daosi, I was able to see clearly some of the features of this blood-robed man. If he were covered by that blood-robed man, there might be unpredictable changes.
Murong Jingyan took half a step back, then bent one leg, and a guqin was slapped on her leg.

The hair on the back of her head danced lightly in the wind, and her slender jade hands rested on both sides of the strings.

As the strings of the piano twitched, the sound of the piano filled the air like rain. Murong Jingyan raised her head to look at the swirling blood robe above her head, raised her chin slightly, and loosened the last string of the piano.

As the strings of the piano loosened, a wave of purple light split the void and arrived in an instant.

The blood robe tore a hole and quickly swallowed up the purple light. It still came without any scruples and was about to cover Murong Jingyan.

Murong Jingyan was not flustered when he saw this. This blood robe seemed to be able to absorb attacks, and he was dismissive of the sword shadow of the previous Taoist guard. However, when he swallowed the sound of the piano, he knew that it was not invulnerable.

Loosening the two strings again, Murong Jingyan let out a breath of cold air and whispered:
"The ancient sound." A soft cry came from the blood robe in mid-air, and then a pair of red eyes emerged from the cloak.

I saw several scarlet begonia flowers suddenly appearing around him. The begonias were so delicate and delicate that they took root in the void and were blooming vividly at this moment, with breathtaking beauty.

However, the man in blood robe did not dare to neglect. The huge linen robe shrank in an instant, and the next moment all the begonia flowers bloomed, and a huge sea of ​​energy light enveloped him.

call out!
The linen robe with thick smoke suddenly fell down and fell into the sea.

"Cough cough!"

Coughing out two mouthfuls of blood, the man in blood-robed clothes had no time to speak, and saw begonia flowers emerging one after another on the water around him, like a red carpet of flowers, surrounding him and drowning him.


He spoke quickly, because the masked man not far away was about to leave the strings, and under the moonlit night, it sounded like a reminder.


Begonia flowers were floating on the sea, but Murong Jingyan's fingers really stopped and did not really let go of the last two strings.

Looking up at the man in blood robe, Murong Jingyan said calmly, "Say it."

"Who the hell are you?"

The man in blood robe was looking at the begonia flowers around him with vigilance. With his ability, even the most inferior moves would not work in front of him. Only the damage that exceeded his ability could cause some blows.

Even so, he was not afraid. For example, the first move of Purple Light Determination was a skin injury. However, this person's subsequent skills were strange. This Begonia Flower emerged out of thin air, and its power was also
After just a few blows, he activated his energy, blood and Taoist skills, but still felt his internal organs being shaken. This was almost equivalent to a full blow from Yuan Chuang's normal state.

This is the current amount.
After thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice:

"Huang Dizhou."

"The son of King Donglinghong."

Murong Jingyan's fingers were still clasped on the strings, her eyes showing contemplation.

It was him
Huang Dizhou was mentioned in the information given to him by Duotian Tower. It was rumored that King Dong Linghong had a young son who had strange features when he was born. This was followed by ten years of famine in Lingzhou, which caused a heated discussion.

Duotianlou's evaluation of this person is that although he has never been famous in the world, as far as his talent is concerned, he is probably very secretive, or he may be another unrecorded immortal and demonic figure.

Now it seems that it is probably the case.

Not pulling the strings was not because Murong Jingyan was showing mercy on purpose. This guy must have something to do with Yuan Chuang, so why not do it if he could wipe it out as soon as possible.

But the bad thing is, this guy is not easy to kill.

The ancient legacy is the most powerful piano score of the Qin Saint Shang Rong, and it was created with the help of such precious pianos. Now it combines the image of one's own immortals and demons with the divine light of the Five Emperors' secret techniques.

It actually failed to kill him and broke his defense, but only made the guy cough a few mouthfuls of blood?

Although the third type of Qinyin is even more powerful and can be regarded as one of Murong Jingyan's trump cards, if he fails to kill this guy, I'm afraid he will be in a hard fight.
But now is not the time for a fierce battle.

If you can scare him, it will be a good idea.

"Oh it's you."

"Why, is it because Yuan Chuang gave you the confidence that Prince Hong's son is killing Wei Daosi now?"

Huang Dizhou frowned slightly. He still couldn't guess the origin of the person in front of him, but no matter the tone and appearance, especially the strength, he had to put away the arrogance in his heart.

"Ha ha.."

With a wave of his hand, he picked up another corpse that happened to be floating in front of him. A red light appeared in the palm of his hand, and he immediately drew out the remaining blood.

This energy and blood was sucked into it by the two blood beads, making it look even scarier.

"Yuan Chuang, he and I are just doing what we need. As for this murder?"

Huang Dizhou looked at Murong Jingyan. His face was hidden under his cloak, only his dry lips were exposed, and he was grinning:

"Of course it's for the Penglai Immortal Fate."

Throwing the two blood beads in the palm of his hand, Huang Dizhou suddenly asked:
"Since you have such strength, why not join us."

"You and I join forces. I think there is no opponent in this endless sea. I am not afraid to tell you that Penglai Island will have an unprecedented opportunity this time. If there is enough blood,"

Speaking of this, Huang Dizhou nodded cryptically, while Murong Jingyan fell into thinking.

This guy is really cunning enough to take the opportunity to win over me.

If it were anyone else, Murong Jingyan really wouldn't care, as long as it was beneficial to herself.

But looking at the Sword Asking Club, there is only one enemy that can be said to be life-and-death, and that is Yuan Chuang, although he doesn't know it yet.

Regardless of Yuan Chuang for the moment, the supporters behind him are the biggest stumbling block. In a life and death battle, he can't fight Yuan Chuang at the same time, and he has to clean up the soldiers at the same time.

The key is that there is a magic seal, and the two people's hearts are connected, so it is impossible to get into it.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Murong Jingyan to be in the same boat as Yuan Chuang's people, let alone Huang Dizhou's [-]% Immortal Demon, who can be called Yuan Chuang's right-hand man.

Thinking of this, Murong Jingyan's last two strings loosened slightly, and a murderous intention emerged in her heart.

At this moment, the two of them suddenly noticed something moving and turned their heads to look east at the same time.

"what is that?"

Huang Dizhou was the first to speak. After all, everyone knew more than the other. To put it bluntly, it was actually the first time for them to come to this world of swordsmanship, and they all felt very strange.

At the end of the sky, an outline towering over the sky emerged from nowhere. Under the blood moon, it was obviously solemn, solemn, and boundless.


"When did it appear?"

Just when Huang Dizhou was confused, Murong Jingyan was the first to react.


It was too late to start a wild affair with this guy, so Murong Jingyan immediately took back the piano, summoned the spiritual silk ribbon as a magic carpet under her feet, and looked at the majestic 'high wall' that blocked the sky and the sun.

"This is the tide of destruction."

 The National Day is coming to an end, how was everyone’s fun~
  Are there a lot of people everywhere?

  The author had a great time, but I was a little anxious thinking about the update, so I didn’t dare to mention it. After all, it has been unstable for a while.
  But the National Day is coming to an end and normal days are coming back. The next section will actually start to get interesting. Haha, this is also my area of ​​expertise.
  I hope everyone can pack their minds and get ready for work and life, but don’t forget to read novels in your spare time~
  Thanks to [Su Su’s online dating partner] [Ming Yu Jing] [credibility] [Brotheque Wu Ge] [Liuxu] [Liang Xia Xiang] [A handsome guy who has changed many names] [Block Diary], etc. reward

  And more recommendation votes, monthly votes, thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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