How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 204 The first acquaintance

Chapter 204 The first acquaintance

After saying that, Murong Jingyan stopped talking nonsense and immediately accelerated towards the 'high wall' that blocked the sky and the sun.

The tide rises from the east, and Penglai Island is just to the east of the Endless Sea.

If you fail to arrive before the tide goes down.
Murong Jingyan raised her head and looked in the direction of the blood moon. The dim light of the sun mixed with the cold air of the blood moon, and the majestic and boundless shadow faintly emerged from its original outline.

This isn't a wall, it's clearly a sky-high tsunami!
At this moment, the tsunami was sweeping towards the direction of the city with the force of black clouds. Even though it was far away, the suffocating sense of oppression was carried by the strong wind and was already pressing down on the entire endless sea.

Murong Jingyan's thin figure was swaying left and right in the strong wind. At this moment, her eyes were no longer calm and she did not dare to stop for a moment. She never thought that such a vast wave could emerge from the knee-high sea.

If this immeasurable amount of sea water is allowed to be photographed, I am afraid that the end result will be the destruction of both body and soul.

Looking back, he saw that the blood robe was also following him hurriedly. Looking carefully, it turned out that he was stepping on the two blood beads, flying quickly against the water surface like Nezha making waves in the sea.

"Hey, will you join forces with me or not?"

Huang Dizhou suddenly spoke, and although his tone was urgent, Murong Jingyan could tell that something was wrong.

How long has this been? What else could he be thinking about when he was running away desperately?
Looking at the compass that was swinging around in his hand, Murong Jingyan immediately shouted back: "Of course! Wouldn't it be a perfect match for you and me to join forces?"

"If it was unintentional, why would I stop?"

"it is good!"

After saying this, Huang Dizhou suddenly accelerated and came to Murong Jingyan's side. His cloak turned to the other side and said, "Follow me!"

After saying that, he changed the angle and accelerated towards the side. Murong Jingyan glanced at the direction of the world-destroying tide. The huge blood-colored wave had covered half of the sky, as if a giant beast had opened its bloody mouth and wanted to Swallow this world into it.

Raising her eyebrows, Murong Jingyan also adjusted her direction and chased after Huang Dizhou.

In the face of major issues of right and wrong, principles have always been very flexible.

After a while, several mechanical birds appeared above Huang Dizhou's head. These birds swayed in the wind and fell into his hands with great difficulty.

"Penglai Island."

"It's just ahead."

Murong Jingyan took a deep breath when she heard this, thinking that if she didn't act like this, she would really die here unjustly.

The salty smell in the air is strong, the noise of the waves is like thunder, and the dark night of the endless sea is falling. Death will come to all the wandering monks without using at least half a stick of incense.

Fortunately, at the end of the line of sight, something finally changed.

An arched black mountain shadow emerged on the sea. The silhouette was low, but like a guide in the darkness, it emitted a faint fluorescent light.

The two of them rushed towards the mountain shadow. Murong Jingyan overtook the blood-robed man and reached the foot of the mountain first.

But before Murong Jingyan could reveal her smile, her face suddenly changed slightly, and she hurriedly dodged a hidden arrow.

Murong Jingyan glanced sideways at the fallen hair on her shoulders, and her eyes behind the mask suddenly turned cold, because he was always guarding his back. This arrow was not a secret arrow fired by Huang Dizhou, but came from

The blood-robed Huang Dizhou couldn't avoid it and was forced to catch several hidden arrows. However, the arrows were buried in his robe without even a drop of blood falling.

"Want to go to the island?"

A cold and stern sound came from the island. Murong Jingyan looked up and could barely see about five shadows standing on the cliff, staring at them with guns and bows.

The voice continued to speak, with a teasing tone:

"Either throw all the magic weapons up in exchange for your life, or"

"I'll cut off a few ounces of my heart's blood, but it doesn't mean I can't let you go."

Behind him, Huang Dizhou took two steps forward, glanced through the shadow under his cloak, and made a jeering voice:

"Tsk tsk."

"I actually met a colleague, and my plan just happened to hit me."

Thinking of something, Huang Dizhou turned his head and looked at Murong Jingyan not far away, and suddenly complained:
"If you hadn't wasted time, we should be the ones waiting here right now."

Murong Jingyan raised her head, and the surrounding area became darker and darker at this moment, to the point where she could not see her fingers.

Even the violent wind just now dissipated without a trace, replaced by dead silence.

Above the head, one could even hear the sound of water waves, but looking around, there was only darkness, darkness, and darkness.

Taking a deep breath, Murong Jingyan said coldly:

"Not yours."

"What are you waiting for?."

After the words fell, I saw two shocking momentums bursting out from the darkness. The blood-robed Huang Dizhou was thickly scarlet all over, and his cloak whirled towards the mountains.

Murong Jingyan, on the other hand, stood on red flowers and held a long qin. At this moment, the five strings were blooming, and the wild red tang bloomed from the void, turning into the ultimate qin sound.

After a few strokes.


As the last person was knocked off the cliff by Murong Jingyan, the cliff suddenly regained its purity.
Murong Jingyan looked at Huang Dizhou squeezing someone's essence and blood out of the corner of the flower shadow, and shook her head in disgust, while Huang Dizhou stretched out his hand and said angrily:

"Why did you beat him out!"

"After the flesh and blood are smashed to pieces, what will happen to the essence and blood?"

Before Huang Dizhou finished speaking, a shocking loud noise suddenly rang in their ears!

This voice was so deafening that it resounded throughout the world. Murong Jingyan was stunned for a moment, and his vision briefly glowed with white light, as if his soul had left the body.

Then the turbulent air waves mixed with the splashing sea water blew Murong Jingyan away and hit a stone pier with a muffled sound.


Holding back a mouthful of blood in her throat, Murong Jingyan shook her head violently to bring back her consciousness and realized something.

The sky has fallen!
The tide of destruction is passing over Penglai Immortal Island.Looking around, the surroundings were still extremely dark, and there was only a violent roaring sound in his ears. Murong Jingyan simply closed her eyes and sat cross-legged.

There must be something special about Penglai Immortal Island, which can block the waves of the world-destroying tide without being affected.

Just wait with peace of mind at this moment.

It didn't take long. A quarter of an hour after the sound, Murong Jingyan felt that the sound of the overlapping waves gradually subsided, and her ears finally regained clarity.

Slowly opening her eyes, Murong Jingyan fluttered her eyelashes and stood up slowly, holding on to the stone beside her.

At this moment, the darkness has faded away, and there is no dim and different appearance of the blood moon across the sky. The endless sea has once again restored the beautiful scenery of broad clouds, clear wind, and quiet time.

If there were still ripples on the sea surface, the huge waves just now seemed like just a dream.

Murong Jingyan was standing on a low hill with lush green grass at her feet. Looking far into the distance, she could have a panoramic view of Penglai Island.

Penglai Island is in the shape of a long strip, covered with dense forest vegetation. Under the soft sunlight, it really has the air of a steaming fairy mist.

After exhaling, Murong Jingyan did not notice Huang Dizhou's figure. This guy must have been knocked away by the impact of the endless tide.

"It's a pity that we can't collect the treasures from those blocking the way."

Murong Jingyan shook her head and had no intention of looking for Huang Dizhou.

She was just counting on this guy to lead the way. Even though this guy looked like a fairy or demon, if he really joined forces with him, I'm afraid that his original allies, whether it was the Kyushu Alliance or Shen Fengchen, including his senior brother, would all have objections to him.

Not to mention, this guy has a cruel nature and is by no means a person who can live or die. If you want to seek skin from a tiger, you have to always be on guard against being tricked.

Thinking of Murong Jingyan taking out Wei Daosi's compass, confusion appeared in his eyes.

"However, the compass of the Wei Daosi is really unreliable."

"I've already arrived at Penglai Island. Is this compass still pointing outside?"

Murong Jingyan turned her head and looked at the blue endless sea. At this moment, the blue waves were rippling on the sea. The so-called bones and flesh and blood had long been washed away by the big waves and no longer existed.

"Could it be that the Senior Brother Shang he mentioned died in the tide of destruction?"

"Fortunately, I didn't believe in the compass and followed the cloaked monster in time to change the route."

Putting the compass away casually, Murong Jingyan looked into the depths of Penglai Island. She then raised her hand and patted the goose's neck, saying softly:
"That's all, we still have to go to the Penglai Immortal Tree first."

"After all, after the first wave of world destruction has passed, all the monks still alive in the endless sea should be on this island at this time."

"Who will be in the same place as me?"

Murong Jingyan didn't have any fear for the rest of her life. Instead, she became curious, but then she thought of something and frowned.

"It would be a bit troublesome if we meet Yuan Chuang here."

"After all, they are both immortals and demons, so I have fallen into a passive position."

Murong Jingyan did not shy away from walking on the forest path. Along the way, he could occasionally see monks walking in twos and threes from a distance. They were far apart from each other and no one had any intention of approaching rashly.

"Huh? Where are you?"

The little yellow duck's voice suddenly came to mind, and a small yellow head suddenly popped out. Murong Jingyan looked down and was immediately rewarded with a brain collapse.

"Were you woken up by the sound of the waves?"

The little yellow duck was in pain and immediately shouted: "I'm afraid that you don't know whether to live or die, and you won't know how to wake me up even if you enter the Sword Questioning Club?"

"Boy, everyone on this island is hiding."

Murong Jingyan groaned when she heard the sound, and her eyes swept toward the dense forest beside her without leaving any trace.

Except for those monks who could be seen, there would be sights peeking out of the forest from time to time, but no one could be seen clearly.

"They are just some lone cultivators who either haven't found any accomplices or have met enemies. They don't dare to show their faces for fear of being used as bait for the fairy tree. It makes sense."

"Then you are still walking in the middle of the forest so openly?" the little yellow duck asked, pecking its own wings.

Shaking her head, Murong Jingyan yawned.

"The more you are afraid of something, the more likely it will come."

"I dare to walk here without fear of anyone making trouble for me. The Sword Asking Club is not a competition. No matter how strong the guy is, he wants to find a soft persimmon. Who is crazy enough to try to trick me?"

Just as Murong Jingyan said, everyone he met along the way consciously avoided him. Occasionally, a few people would stop and watch, but in the end they would choose to stay in the well rather than the river.

Penglai Island is not big, and soon Murong Jingyan came to the center of the island and to the edge of the woods.

Going further, there is a lush grassland, with a small half-mile-square lake embedded in the fragrant green grass, like a gem, the lake water is crystal clear and glows with a light green light.

On the bank of the lake, there is a lonely ancient tree.

Penglai Immortal Tree.

This tree is not as tall as the outside world, with lush branches and leaves. It is just a low, forked tree growing along a small lake, so it can be seen at a glance.

It's because there are already more than ten people sitting under the tree at this moment.

On a branch at the edge of the forest, the breeze blew through the black hair. Behind the cold mask, there was a pair of red and phoenix eyes deep in thought.

Murong Jingyan was not in a hurry to leave. As one of the Four Jedi Lands, the Endless Sea should have nearly a hundred people assigned here. Even if the Endless Tide took away a large number of people, there would not be only a dozen left.

Most of them naturally did not dare to step forward and could only watch the situation in the forest.

Murong Jingyan finally jumped off the branch and strode towards the grassland. Her slim purple shirt swayed in the wind as she walked towards the Penglai Immortal Tree step by step.

The reason for this was that Murong Jingyan did see two familiar figures under the tree.

"I didn't expect that the first one I met would be them."

(End of this chapter)

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