How can a fairy be a villain?

As mentioned in Chapter 205, she is a female cultivator!

As mentioned in Chapter 205, she is a female cultivator!

The tide of destruction passed by, the life of the Endless Sea was cut off, and the edges of the islands were also slaughtered without restraint.

Many heroes were brutally murdered before they could survive the first moment of the Sword-Questing World. They became flesh and blood bait in the hands of others and were put into storage bags as certificates of surrender.

But the Penglai tree in the center looks like it has been peaceful for a long time.

More than a dozen young monks, both male and female, sat in two rows on the left and right sides of the tree. They were all silent, as if waiting for something.

Looking towards the crowded side, Murong Jingyan's heart flashed with something bad.

Just because the clothes of these guys are not the fairy-style Taoist robes in the world of cultivation, but almost all of them are luxurious brocade silks and satins. You don't need to think too much, they must be the nobles of the court.

The first few people in the queue were even dressed in the attire of Dayan Academy without any disguise.

The person sitting at the front of the team, Murong Jingyan, was impressed.

This person has an ordinary appearance. He is wearing a green cloak. He is tall and has long arms. He is a head taller than the others just when he is sitting.

It was precisely because of this stick insect-like figure that Murong Jingyan recognized him at a glance. He was a genius who had come to Qijian Villa during the birthday banquet of Zhenren Miyuan.

If I remember correctly, the senior brother spoke highly of this tall man and even called him the next leader of Dayan Academy. The two of them seemed to have something in common.

The man's name is Kou Ting.

Kouting also noticed this uninvited guest early. His eyes swept over and looked at the purple-clothed weirdo wearing a mask.

Under everyone's gaze, Murong Jingyan walked to the other side.

It is said that there are two groups under the tree, but in fact, there is only one person on the other side of the tree.

Moreover, she is a woman.

The soft sunny light shone slightly, reflecting on her body, creating a glare that made it difficult to look directly.

Just because the woman's clothes, hair, and even the sword at her waist are as white as snow, pure and flawless, and there is a coldness that prevents strangers from entering.

Murong Jingyan walked over and sat directly next to the woman.


"It's you."

Shen Su tilted his head and saw that her tone was different from her appearance, with a sense of intimacy.

Although she couldn't see it, she seemed to be quite sensitive to everything around her, or maybe she smelled the floral fragrance of Murong Jingyan.

"Are you alone?"

Murong Jingyan turned her head and smiled.

When I was inquiring around Jiuge City, I heard someone say that there were two mysterious masters beside Shen Fengchen. They were the first internal guard of the Wei Dao Department and Shang Que, who saw the dragon but never saw its tail.

The other one is a blind girl with white hair, white clothes and a sword.

White hair, white clothes, white sword, and blind. Murong Jingyan naturally thought of the blind girl whose token was stolen from her.


Shen Su nodded, pondered for a moment, then raised his head and took the initiative to talk:

"If you are looking for Shen Fengchen, he is not here, and most of our three heroes are probably not here in the Endless Sea. Those who are, should have been killed."

"Ok, I know."

"Then why do you want to sit here?"

Seeing Shen Su turning around to look, Murong Jingyan looked at the Penglai Immortal Tree in front of her and said unhurriedly:
"I am from the world of cultivation. It seems that the people from the Nine Provinces Alliance are not in the Endless Sea. The people here are the chiefs of various factions who cannot protect themselves. Penglai Island has been occupied by Dayan Academy."

"And your last name is Shen."

"There is certainly a reason why the people in Dayan Academy tolerate you sitting on the opposite side. Thinking about it, it must be because of..."

"You are extraordinary."

Murong Jingyan exhaled and raised the corners of her mouth slightly: "That's it."

"Sitting next to it will naturally make it a bit cleaner."

".Haha, really."

Shen Su shook her head and motioned Murong Jingyan to look in her direction.

As she finished speaking, a figure swept out of the dense forest. This person was covered in a cloak and covered with a blood-stained linen robe. It was the blood-robed man Huang Dizhou.

The blood-robed figure moved forward, strode to Dayan Academy after landing, and sat down next to Kou Ting.

"Just a few of you?"

Huang Dizhou's words were straightforward, causing Kou Ting to frown, spread his hands and said:
"We have already captured Penglai Island, what else do you want?"

"But you haven't landed on the island for so long. Kou thought you died in that world-destroying tide. Where did you go?"

With a contemptuous smile, Huang Dizhou took out a blood-soaked cloth bag from his belt and threw it on the grass.

"Of course I'm going to do something big."

"This place contains the hard work of six people. Tsk, it's a pity that the guy threw the people into the sea and died without any body parts. Otherwise, he could have picked up two more people."

Looking at the cloth bag on the ground, Kouting suddenly showed disgust.

"Could it be that you took advantage of the situation and got these by sneak attacks?"

Huang Dizhou was immediately displeased when he heard this and said coldly: "Don't call me a hypocrite here. Do you still want me to tell you how this Penglai blood tree will bear fruit?"

"Don't tell me you don't have any preparations."


Speaking of this, Huang Dizhou suddenly looked to the other side of the tree, and his eyes were first attracted to Shen Su, who was dressed in white and outshone the snow.

"Kou Ting, what are you doing!"

"Isn't this girl the little girl next to Shen Fengchen? Yuan Chuang asked us to see her and Shang Que and resolve them as soon as possible. Why do you still let her sit opposite us so peacefully??"

Before he finished speaking, Kou Ting raised his hand to signal him not to say anything more, and said with a solemn expression:

"Shut up!"

"We monks are keeping a low profile and there is no reason to attack a woman. Besides, she is blind and has never provoked her. How can Kou have the right to attack her?"

"." Although he hid his face, he could still feel Huang Dizhou's speechlessness at this moment. He nodded a few times to himself and sneered:

"Okay, okay, damn, you, Kuoting, are a noble person, but it seems that I am murderous."

"Forget it, it's none of my business when Yuan Chuang asks. Anyway, I'm not from your Dayan Academy, so I pretend I didn't see it."

At this moment, Huang Dizhou looked at the person next to Shen Su and was stunned.

"is her!?"

Murong Jingyan obviously noticed this and raised her hand to signal.

"who is she?"

Seeing that Huang Dizhou seemed to know the details of the masked man, Kou Ting immediately asked.

Taking a deep breath, Huang Dizhou seemed to understand something, and he said in a deep voice:

"This person is very strong, he must be like a fairy or a devil."

"But I haven't figured out how to get there yet. Taoist magic appears like a begonia flower. It's so powerful that it can actually hurt me."

Kou Ting raised his eyebrows when he heard this, looking like a fairy or a devil.
Everyone knows that Dayan Academy has Yuan Chuang, a Kunpengzi. Although Kuoting is also extremely talented, his ancestral blood is like an immortal demon, but its richness is slightly inferior. He has never been able to compete with Shen Fengchen. Yuan Comparable to this kind of people.

This is also the reason why he came to ask the Sword Society this time to assist Yuan Chuang.

Huang Dizhou was willing to be recruited by Yuan Chuang, naturally for reasons he didn't know.

With a chuckle, Kou Ting touched his chin and said:

"In other words, the so-called mysterious fairy and demon you call is the companion of Miss Shen, and he is also Shen Fengchen's person?"

"It's not that Shen Fengchen walks alone. I thought that Senior Brother Yuan came to find you. The three immortals and demons in our Dayan Academy should be running rampant. Why does Shen Fengchen seem to have more masters than us? .”

Huang Dizhou nodded in agreement.

"If this white-haired girl is also a fairy and demon, it will be really difficult for Yuan Chuang to deal with Shen Fengchen."

"What are you waiting for."

At this moment, Kouting suddenly stood up with one hand on his knees.

His body was thin and tall, like a green flagpole. He spit out a walnut he was chewing in his mouth, his face was extremely calm.

"Kill him."

Although he has always been kind to others, Kou Ting also knows the truth of success and defeat. If there is an unknown fairy or demon, there will be more variables, especially if it is related to the Shen family.

Seeing Kuoting stand up, more than a dozen monks behind him also stood up. Most of them were in the form of divine beasts, and any one of them was the direct heir of a family with thousands or even ten thousand years.

Huang Dizhou raised his head in confusion and asked:
"Why did you suddenly want to kill this guy if you didn't deal with that white-haired girl? Didn't you hear what I just said?"

"This man is quite strong."

Kou Ting licked his ears, raised his eyebrows and said:

"so what."

"We are two immortals and demons, and there are so many colleagues behind us. If we are really determined to kill one person, who can escape?"

"Don't let tigers cause trouble. Let's go."

Standing up to follow, Huang Dizhou suddenly asked suspiciously: "What about the white-haired girl?"

"Kill him if you don't want to?"

"Shut up!" Kou Ting turned around and scolded, sternly reminding:
"Kou has already said that Miss Shen is a female cultivator. She is well-educated and sensible. She is not impatient. Why should I provoke her?"

"Just kill this guy."

Hearing this, Huang Dizhou spat thick phlegm on the ground. After thinking about it, he didn't say much. He just followed Kou Ting towards Murong Jingyan and Murong Jingyan with his hands behind his back.


On the other side of the tree, Shen Su suddenly spoke, and then slowly put his hand on the hilt of the sword as white as snow.

There were also countless glances in the woods nearby. Anyone with eyes could tell that the people from Dayan Academy were coming with bad intentions and that they wanted to clear the place.

"Fortunately we didn't go to that tree"

"Yes, otherwise no matter how strong you are, you will become bait."

"What is the origin of this purple-robed man? I seem to have never heard of this person."

Murong Jingyan looked at the group of people from Dayan Academy who were getting closer, and naturally she felt something was wrong.

But he didn't hide or run away. Instead, he stood up unhurriedly and even took two steps towards the other party.

Kouting finally stopped ten steps away. He narrowed his eyes and looked condescendingly at the short, thin masked man in front of him.

"Looking at your attire, you don't belong to the Third Division."

"Report to the sect."

"What does it have to do with the Shen family?"

Upon hearing this, Murong Jingyan immediately cupped her hands and said:

"Your Excellency, you must be the leader of Kou."

These seven words are like the spring breeze blowing on the face, and like the drizzle falling on the heart, washing away the impurities. When Kouting heard it, his tense cheeks relaxed.

Kou leader.
Is it a woman?

At that moment, Kou Ting turned his cheek and asked tentatively: "Do you and I know each other?"

"Of course I do."

Murong Jingyan smiled, put her hand on the edge of the mask, and waved to Kou Ting:

"Chief Kou, if you forget me."

"It might as well."

"Take a closer look?"

(End of this chapter)

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